So uh, about every three minutes, my console is producing this message: Code: [Server] INFO Unknown command. Type "help" for help. I've localized the problem to the Ancient Gates plugin, but I don't exactly know what's wrong.. It's not really a problem, just reeeaally annoying to me. If anyone knows an easy fix for this, let me know, if not, oh well. Thanks!
Oh uhm, I removed all the plugins, and it still does it every three minutes... I just assumed it was Ancient Gates because it was the last one left. I'm using MCProHosting hosting service if that means anything to you. Minecraft 1.7.10.
Gamecube762 My friend used worldpainter to create it.. and only he and I have been on, neither of us have placed a command block.
Im not familiar with with Ancient Gates but is it possible that a command sign or there is a command that is configured to run automatically every 3 minutes or so?
saiismad823 Nothing like that, but with no plugins, it still has the issue. I have no clue what's wrong haha.
Bavestry I'll work up a quick 2 min plugin and have it print to console who/what ran a command at what location. This should help you find what is causing it.
Bavestry Is there anything in the console just before the error occurs? could you attach a screen shot?
saiismad823 The problem is that I've removed all the plugins now, even Ancient Gates (reloaded), and the problem continues to occur.
Here's the plugin to test it. All you do is drop it into the server and it will show who/what ran a command in console. If it says that the CONSOLE is running the command, then its a plugin causing it to run.
Bavestry Oh, Im sorry I miss understood. Do you have any custom commands / allies set up in the commands.yml file? What bukkit release are you using? Whats your server address So I can connect?
Gamecube762 Thanks I'll try that and see if it can help. saiismad823 Nothing like that in the commands.yml, also no scheduled tasks through the server host to run a command. is the ip, no port.