Suggestion Anchor BBCode

Discussion in 'Forum Feedback' started by Mrs. bwfctower, Nov 11, 2015.

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    Mrs. bwfctower

    In HTML you can create an anchor, and have a goto to link to it.
    HTML anchor and goto (open)
    <a name="anchor"></a>
    <a href="#anchor"></a>

    I think it would be nice to have a similar feature using BBCode on Xenforo, perhaps using something along the lines of
    [goto="anchor"]Goto anchor![/goto]
    It'd be useful when making large posts in the resource section to be able to link to somewhere below, to go into more detail about it.
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    @Mrs. bwfctower I like the idea however I think the Spoilers will spoil it :p
    Mrs. bwfctower likes this.
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    Mrs. bwfctower

    Spoilers still work, but I feel like anchors and gotos would work better in many cases.
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