Allow Spawners to spawn mobs in daylight

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Jombi, Mar 1, 2014.

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    Hello folks,

    I have disabled hostile mob spawning unless it is from a spawner, but I cannot figure out how to force it to spawn at any light level. I also disabled hostile mob igniting, so that's not so much of an issue.

    (1) Is it practical to create a runnable for each spawner that is placed (very limited number, only place by admins, total about 50 in whole world) and spawn the hostile mobs that way? I am not too concerned about memory or CPU usage, but efficiency is important in the long run.
    (2) Is it practical to have a main runnable and a main list of spawners (loaded onEnable from config); and at the specified interval, it loops through each spawner and grabs the spawner type and spawns the hostile mobs that way?
    (3) Is there a way to change how hostile mobs spawn in Minecraft so that they are allowed to spawn in daylight?
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