All MySQL plugins are trying to connect to localhost...

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by shadrxninga, Oct 16, 2011.

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    This is happening with all plugins on my server that use mysql, this is an example with HawkEye
    No matter how many times I tell the config to connect to a different ip (The Webserver) , it always tries to connect to the ip of the machine it's on(Game Server)
    mysql: hawkeye-table: hawkeye port: 3306 player-table: hawk_players username: novacraf_root world-table: hawk_worlds hostname: <-- IP of Mysql Webhost. max-connections: 10 password: ********* database: novacraf_minecraft
    This is what happens on start up:

    [HawkEye] Error whilst attempting to get connection: java.sql.SQLException: Access denied for user 'root'@' (WAIT, what?? That's the game server ip, not the webserver one...) (using password: YES)

    This is happening with ALL of the plugins that I am trying to use databases with (iConomy, Dynamic Effect Whitelist and Hawkeye). Yes, the webserver allows connections to it's databases from the game server ip.
    Is there something i'm doing wrong? Why is this happening...?
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