Plugin Request Age

Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by coolwolf9999, Apr 7, 2015.

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    Hello! So I have been looking everywhere for a plugin like this, but with no luck. So I am going to try my luck here.

    So, I'm looking for a age plugin. When people join a server, they will start off 1h old, but then as the game goes they age. I want it to be configurable, like when you do /age it will say "you are 19 years old" or "you are 5 hours old".

    /age - Tells you your age
    /age set <name> <age> <seconds,minutes,hours,months,years> - Allows admins to set your age.

    age.age - /age
    age.set - /age set <name> <age> <seconds,minutes,hours,months,years>

    When you do /age in chat I want it to show up like this
    You are <age>

    Please let me know if I need to go into more detail. ​
  2. @coolwolf9999 Do you want them to age in real life time (eg every second they gain a second) or Minecraft time (every tick they age)
  3. Offline


    Minecraft time . Sorry, I forgot to say that

    If it was real time, they would never get to 19 xD
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