Again, group manager help

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Andrew Park, Feb 15, 2014.

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    Andrew Park

    Again, my group manager won't work. I tried /manload and it gave and error saying that the commands are locked due to an error. I recently edited the group manager file that can with essentials and this started it. I added permissions to some groups and it all get screwed up. Thank you for your time.

    error log

    Andrew Park (game_jacker)
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    Andrew Park So on line 63, there's something invisible after that needs deleted. I'm not sure what it is, since I can't actually see it, but if you put your cursor at the end of that line and backspace just once, it removes something before it gets to the k and the "unacceptable character" error goes away.
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    @Andrew Park
    Line 63 had an interesting special character in there, I removed it for you.
    Also on line 115, you put mod's prefix in without defining that it was a prefix, even though you defined it earlier. So, basically you had two prefixes for mod lol.

    Oh and in Admin's inheritance, you're trying to inherit "moderator", but that group doesn't exist. I think you meant to put "mod". :)
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