AFK Plugin Help. Help me understand a simple afk plugin :)

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Jace_oio, Mar 25, 2013.

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    I have been trying to understand the way a afk plugin works but failed.
    All the code ive been trying to study is just too complicated, so I was wondering if any one could show me a very very simple example.
    When I say afk plugin I mean when player stands still in X amount of time it will say (Player) is now afk and if he moves it will say (Player) is no longer afk.

    Please help me with this all you skilled plugin developers out there :)

    - Best wishes JACE_OiO

    PS: Im not new at making plugins, and I know my way around in Java :)
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    I'm not completely sure about the standing still part. But, for un-afking a player just use on step, first checking if that player was afk, if he wasn't then nothing happens, if he was he is no longer AFK.
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    meny thanks for your quik answer but I still need to know how to do the standing still part :)
    - best wishes JACE_OiO

    Please anybody any kind of help is appreciated :)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 31, 2016
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    do on playermoveEvent and if Player is Standing still in 5 min then a message will come up
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    Store a map of the last time each player moved.
    You can check if they move by listening to a PlayerMoveEvent and checking if one of their to/from block coordinates does not match.

    Make a task which checks every player (Which isn't already afk) in the servers last movement, if its more than the AFK time. Set them as afk (Store that in a map too?) And broadcast a message saying so.

    Then when they move again, update their lastMoved timestamp, and set AFK = false.

    You could run the task in async using ConcurrentHashMaps. Take the load of checking afk status of all players off your main thread. Shouldn't be a problem unless you have a massive server though.
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    Meney thanks ShadowDog007 and TheUpdater :) I really appreciate the replies, but I need some simple code examples to fully understand it :)

    from block coordinates does not match - Great idea :)
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    Relying on being spoonfed code is a terrible way to understand, just sayin'.
    ShadowDog007 likes this.
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    ZeusAllMighty11 You might be right, but everything is worth a try :)

    Sometimes its just better to see the code and the explanation at the same time :)
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    Jace_oio Do NOT get into the habit of using example code in your plugins. You will never learn anything if you don't try yourself.
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    - It is very rare I come here and ask things, so when I finaly end up here I normaly have absolutely no idea on how to do the things I need help with :)

    Since I started Developing plugins ive tried, worked hard to understand bukkits API, this is my first post ever in the plugin development section.
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