Advanced Explosion & tnt control

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by OrtwinS, May 23, 2011.


Other server admins: Would you be interested in a plugin like this?

Poll closed Jun 6, 2011.
  1. Yes

  2. No

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  3. Maybe

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  1. Offline


    @toadmess @happo2000
    I tagged you because you both provide the most advanced explosion plugins availeble, and one of you two might pick this up.

    I request a plugin that:
    a) Disables TNT terrain damage for TNT ignited by everyone
    b) Enable terrain damage for TNT ignited by trusted users (ie having permission)
    c) Redstone ignited TNT should do no terrain damage
    d) All entity damage (players & mobs) should stay enabled
    e) Option to disable Creeper terrain damage while keeping player/mob damage
    d) (low priority) Multiworld support so my nether stays free-roam-disaster for everyone

    My case:
    Currently I use HigherExplosives to disable terrain damage while keeping entity damage intact (mobs & players). Good for traps and warfare.

    I would like to be able to give trusted users the permission to have their TNT DO terrain damage for mining/terraforming.

    BlastControl has the user-ignition permissions, if the permission thing could be hooked up to HigherExplosives advanced configuration... I would say we will have some gold in our hands :D.

    Got buried within an hour.... bump

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  2. Offline


    Hi OrtwinS,

    Nice idea.

    I'm currently writing support into HigherExplosives to allow different configs for different methods of triggering TNT (e.g. by fire, by redstone, by explosion, by player, by op). With luck, that will be ready in the next few days in version 1.7.

    Following that, it's a natural step to then support different TNT configurations for players with certain permissions.

    I've added it to my TODO list, and should get it out with version 1.8 of HigherExplosives. I'll drop a message in here when it's done.
  3. Offline


    YES, you just qualified for a donation. Glad you pick this up.
    Also happy that you consider it possible, the only thing I know of java is what I picked up on this forum when devs are discussing how to do something... I wasn't sure if it was possible to do this.
  4. Offline


    Sorry it took so long, it turned out to be quite challenging! Here's the example configuration I promised, which should work in HigherExplosives version 2.0:

                preventTerrainDamage: true
                - withPermission: 'user.trusted'
                      preventTerrainDamage: false
                preventTerrainDamage: true
            tntPrimeByFire:      # These explosions will be untouched unless configured here
            tntPrimeByExplosion: # These explosions will be untouched unless configured here
            preventTerrainDamage: true
                    preventTerrainDamage: false # Needs at least one property otherwise will use the default world configuration above
                    preventTerrainDamage: false # Needs at least one property otherwise will use the default world configuration above
    version: '2.0'
    debugConfig: true
    I think that covers a) through f), where the trusted user's permission is "user.trusted"
  5. Offline


    The TNT prime by fire & explosion... will damage the terrain with this cofig right? I'll add 'preventterraindamage: true' to be sure anyway.
  6. Offline


    That's right. You could also just specify it once at the top TNT level, then it will be inherited by all of the nested configurations (unless explicitly set to false in one of them).

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