Advance Blocks version: 1.8.8 i plugin that use the config file when i break the listed blocks it drops random item etc.. with custom sound i want to use different blocks not only one "its just a simple config you can fix it and make it better" Config file Code: # FORMAT 'Item:Durability : Amount : name:<name> : lore:<lore> : enchant:<enchantment>:level' NORMAL: PREFIX: "LUCKY | " DIAMOND_BLOCK: chance: 20 number-of-drops: 2 #number of luck that will be drops sounds: NBA: "drop.nbs" #IF I USE THIS PLAY THE SOUNDS FROM NoteBlockAPI PLUGIN (sounds located in plugin folder) ORIGINAL: "ORB_PICKUP" #IF I USE THIS MINECRAFT SOUND EFFECT DROPS: luck: item: - 'IRON_SWORD : 1 : name:&6LUCKY Sword : enchant:DAMAGE_ALL:1' luck2: chance: 5 entity: - CREEPER, Msg: "<Prefix>OPS" luck2: chance: 2 effects: #TYPE,(seconds)DURATION,(int)AMPLIFIER - ABSORPTION,10,1 - BLINDNESS,5,1 Msg: "<Prefix> you got ABSORPTION and BLINDNESS effect." BOOST: #use these luck only if the player use " /luckboost " command PREFIX: "LUCKY | " DIAMOND_BLOCK: chance: 20 number-of-drops: 2 #number of luck that will be drops sounds: NBA: "drop.nbs" #IF I USE THIS PLAY THE SOUNDS FROM NoteBlockAPI PLUGIN (sounds located in plugin folder) ORIGINAL: "ORB_PICKUP" #IF I USE THIS MINECRAFT SOUND EFFECT DROPS: luck: item: - 'IRON_SWORD : 1 : name:&6LUCKY Sword :lore:lucky sword : enchant:DAMAGE_ALL:3' luck2: chance: 2 effects: #TYPE,(seconds)DURATION,(int)AMPLIFIER - ABSORPTION,40,1 Msg: "<Prefix> you got ABSORPTION"