[ADMN/WEB] OKB3 - Bulletin Board Bridge - Now on BukkitDev! [1337]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Kalman Olah, Jun 2, 2011.

  1. Offline

    Kalman Olah

  2. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    Yup, just like the ones where you map the IDs to Permissions groups.
  3. Offline


    don't know if youve ever seen this, http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/mech-commandsigns-v0-9-issue-commands-using-signs-953.16173/ , I think it would be nice if you revamped the sync command, ability to use /sync, then (if in normal mode) you will be asked for your username, then password, instead of saying something about 'wrong syntax: /sync username password' Effectively allowing you to start the sync process, simply by typing (or in this case clicking) '/sync'
  4. Offline


    Every time I try to change the rank of a player, i get the error: "Error: This user's login details aren't saved yet" and this is of a player who I set up their account for, just for testing purposes so i know im using the correct Username which is also obviously thier minecraft name. The player IS offline when I use this, so I don;t know whether that could be a problem.
    In the meantime, I shall triple check my config :)
  5. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    OKB3, in normal mode, matches a player to a forum rank using their username/password. Since the user hasn't used /sync <username> <password> yet, those login details are not saved, and as such OKB3 cannot set the user's rank.
  6. I have a problem when running it with only 1 set of groups for all my worlds, i have 5 worlds in total, but they all share the same permissions from the main world (via permissions storageconfig), yet when i sync it add this to the users.yml:

            - new_flatland,admin
    And this is the config i use:
        enable-multiworld-groups: 'false'
                '2': default
                '5': guest
                '6': winner
                '7': builder
                '8': sponsor
                '9': vip
                '11': vip
                '10': trusted
                '4': moderator
                '12': moderator
                '3': admin
    So, if someone can please help, as the way it writes permissions right now does not work in all worlds, it should just set the group, not include the world name
  7. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    Are you sure it doesn't change it when you change worlds?
    Try putting a groups.yml with all groups in all world folders instead :)
  8. I dont need it on all world folders, when using the storageconfig like this:
            type: YAML
                world_nether: world
                world_skyland: world
                flatland: world
                rpg: world
    I only need to define it in the main world, all other worlds inherit.
    The problem is that in the users.yml it ass the worldname,group under "groups" where it should only list the group, not the worldname at all.

    It also seems that everyone keeps getting de-synced almost constantly
  9. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    This looks like it's a Permissions issue. I'd seriously suggest you clear your storageconfig.yml and just use multiple groups.yml files, as I can confirm that this works.
  10. ok, but how does OKB3 know all the worlds if they are not defined in the config?

    And wouldn't that still require members to sync once per world, which is how it seems to be atm
  11. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    OKB3 automatically syncs when you teleports to another world :)
  12. awesome, it did the trick with not using storageconfig, like you said, thou i dont like the redudancy of all the files, which is why i used the storageconfig :p
  13. Offline


    I haven't actually tested this but from a quick glance...

    if($_POST['t'] == "custom"){

    seems like it should be written

    if($_GET['t'] == "custom"){

    (From the URL)

    Forgive me if I am mistaken.

    Also, I'm trying to set this up right now. I'll update with my results!
  14. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    Yeah, my bad. The post wasn't correct :)
  15. Offline


    lol :)

    I tried to set up your bridge but I eventually failed lol... I'm not sure exactly how it works. Does Permissions need to be stored in a database too? I was confused and just gave up. I'm still using flatfile Permissions now because I couldn't get PermissionsSQL to work. I mainly wanted your forum bridge not for the forum linking but for the minecraft linking LOL. (with a custom cms) so i can auto upgrade donators, auto rank people who vote, etc.
  16. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    OKB3 pretty much only works using flatfile Permissions as far as I know. I don't know anyone who's gotten it to work with PermissionsSQL. :)

    You'll basically want to make a PHP file that uses this input:
    http://<passgen location>/passgen.php?t=custom&u=<forum username>&p=<forum password>&s=<phppass value from config.inc.php and config.yml>
    and echoes out the encrypted pass for that user from the mysql table. Everything else is config.yml setup.
  17. Offline


    Well it works with flatfile... That's a great help lol. I kept trying to configure it with PermissionsSQL and was wondering what the heck was going on... If I get it to work, I might just modify your passgen.php if it's fine with you. The GET method really isn't the thing to do this kind of processing... You should really stick with POST.

    edit: I decided I'm going to integrate with MyBB and write some php scripts that modify the MyBB database. So I'm just gonna set up your plugin for MyBB. Nvm about the custom stuff ^.^
  18. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    MyBB is probably the easiest to configure OKB3 for. Good luck! :D
  19. Offline


    Thanks! And one more question, for the forum rank ids, do they refer to the user group field? P
  20. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    'user_group_id' I think, for MyBB, yeah :).
  21. Offline


    Yea but how do I know the group ID? ._.

    Edit: I'm having trouble setting this up still...

    This is my config:
    mode: normal
        mysql-host: localhost
        mysql-user: root
        mysql-password: ***********
        mysql-database-name: jagcraft
        usertable: user_table
        minecraftname-field: mine_user
        rank-field: rank_field
        enable-multiple-tables: 'false'
            secondtable: mine_table
            useridfield-in-secondtable: user_id_field
            useridfield-in-usertable: user_id_field
        forum: mybb
            usertable: mybb_users
            username-field: username
            userpassword-field: password
            rank-field: usergroup
            usertable: user_table
            username-field: username_field
            userpassword-field: user_pass_field
            rank-field: rank_field
            location-of-passgenphp: http://yoursite.com/passgen.php
            password-set-in-config-inc-php: 12345pass
            usertable: user_table
            rank-field: rank_field
            username-field: username_field
            password-field: pass_field
            secondtable: second_table
            useridfield-in-usertable: user_id_field
            useridfield-in-secondtable: user_id_field
            usertable: user_table
            username-field: username
            password-field: mine_user
            rank-field: rank_field
            location-of-passgenphp: http://yoursite.com/passgen.php
            password-set-in-config-inc-php: 12345pass
        enable-multiworld-groups: 'false'
                '2': Newbie
                '4': Admin
                '1': ExampleGroup1
                '2': ExampleGroup2
                '1': ExampleGroup1
                '2': ExampleGroup2
        enable-whitelist: 'false'
            use-as-blacklist: 'false'
            kick-message: You need to register on our forums first! forum.jagcraft.tk!
                '1': 'true'
                '2': 'false'
        enable-nickname-syncing: 'false'
        nickname-field-in-usertable: ''
        is-server-ban-too: 'true'
        banned-forum-user-rank-id: '0'
        unbanned-forum-user-rank-id: '10'
        ban-message: This is the message a player will see if they get banned.
        '1': '3'
        '2': '5'
        '3': '16'
        Admin: '4'
        Registered: '2'
        Moderator: '3'
        mysql-ping-interval: '30'
  22. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    That looks alright. The group ID is just what's in the field. You can check out what ID matches what group by checking out mybb_usergroups
  23. Offline


    Yea. So how exactly should it work? If a member logs in, should his rank automatically be updated to the forum rank?
  24. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    His permissions group is set to the group mapped to his forum rank ID

    Look at:
        enable-multiworld-groups: 'false'
                '2': Newbie
                '4': Admin
    Forum rank ID '2' = "Newbie" Permissions group.
  25. Offline


    Yea so if I have a user called "FlippingNinja" who is a forum rank "2", when he logs in he should automatically become a Newbie right?
  26. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    Edit: Only if your groups.yml contains a group called Newbie. Case sensitive. SQL-based doesn't work.
  27. Offline

    Cosmic Break

    i want to use

    usertable: already set
    rank-field: already set

    where minecraft field name = custom profile field 4

    what would i put?
  28. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    The name of the custom profile field. If you can give me your exact table structure, I can assist you further.
  29. Offline

    Cosmic Break

    im kinda new to this, how would i do that?
  30. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    What are the names of the tables in which the rank IDs are contained, the MC names are contained. What are the names of the fields where user IDs are contained in the first table and in the second, the names of the minecraft name field, and the field the ranks are in. You need these to set up your config.yml
  31. Offline


    Hey man, can I get some help?
    None of the commands are working for me, I have no way of testing this, when I type /plugins OKB3 is the ONLY plugin that comes up red.


    Another QUICK question, does it matter if the forums and the server are on different servers?

    P.S. I'm using mybb.

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