[ADMN/WEB] OKB3 - Bulletin Board Bridge - Now on BukkitDev! [1337]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Kalman Olah, Jun 2, 2011.

  1. Offline

    Kalman Olah

  2. Offline


    It's cool. I went ahead and lifted the whitelisting and just put non-registered users into a guest group. This way they spawn in the right place and we can just tell them in-game to join the forum. It's working great this way.
  3. Offline


    Working great for me! Thanks a lot!
  4. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    Glad you found a way to have it work for you :).
    Great. You're welcome!
  5. Offline


    I'm getting that at each login. Running #1000:

    011-08-08 15:16:35 [INFO] MCBans: Sent From: Console .::. Potential Login
    2011-08-08 15:16:35 [INFO] MCBans: Sent From: Console .::. Player triggered prelogin event!
    2011-08-08 15:16:35 [INFO] MCBans: Sent From: Console .::. Online Mode.
    2011-08-08 15:16:35 [INFO] MCBans: Sent From: Console .::. Player check with mcbans.com started.
    2011-08-08 15:16:35 [INFO] MCBans: Sent From: Console .::. Recieved reply.
    2011-08-08 15:16:35 [INFO] MCBans: Sent From: Console .::. Check completed!
    2011-08-08 15:16:36 [INFO] LeoPhone [/] logged in with entity id 26858 at ([pvp] -359.15625, 6.0, -421.3125)
    2011-08-08 15:16:36 [SEVERE] Exception in thread "Thread-1335"
    2011-08-08 15:16:36 [SEVERE] at me.kalmanolah.okb3.OKRunnable.run(OKRunnable.java:31)
    2011-08-08 15:16:36 [SEVERE] java.lang.NullPointerException
    2011-08-08 15:16:36 [SEVERE] at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:662)
    My plugins:
  6. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    Post your config.yml :).
  7. Offline


    mode: normal
        mysql-host: mahsqlserver
        mysql-user: mahuser
        mysql-password: mahpass
        mysql-database-name: zenforo
        usertable: user_table
        minecraftname-field: mine_user
        rank-field: rank_field
        enable-multiple-tables: 'false'
            secondtable: mine_table
            useridfield-in-secondtable: user_id_field
            useridfield-in-usertable: user_id_field
        forum: xenforo
            usertable: user_table
            username-field: username_field
            userpassword-field: user_pass_field
            rank-field: rank_field
            usertable: user_table
            username-field: username_field
            userpassword-field: user_pass_field
            rank-field: rank_field
            location-of-passgenphp: http://yoursite.com/passgen.php
            password-set-in-config-inc-php: 12345pass
            usertable: xf_user
            rank-field: user_group_id
            username-field: username
            password-field: data
            secondtable: xf_user_authenticate
            useridfield-in-usertable: user_id
            useridfield-in-secondtable: user_id
            usertable: user_table
            username-field: username
            password-field: mine_user
            rank-field: rank_field
            location-of-passgenphp: http://yoursite.com/passgen.php
            password-set-in-config-inc-php: 12345pass
        enable-multiworld-groups: 'false'
                '8': Member
                '3': Admin
                '4': Moderator
                '6': Trusted
                '7': Donator
                '2': Guest
                '10': KnightModerator
                '11': Donatorplus
                '12': Donatorplusplus
                '1': ExampleGroup1
                '2': ExampleGroup2
                '1': ExampleGroup1
                '2': ExampleGroup2
        enable-whitelist: 'false'
            use-as-blacklist: 'false'
            kick-message: This is the message a user will see if their group isn't whitelisted.
                '1': 'true'
                '2': 'false'
        '1': '8'
        '2': '6'
        '3': '7'
        '4': '11'
        '5': '12'
        '6': '4'
        '7': '10'
        '3': '3'
        'Member': '8'
        'Admin': '3'
        'Moderator': '4'
        'KnightModerator': '10'
        'Donator': '7'
        'Donatorplusplus': '12'
        'Donatorplus': '11'
        'Trusted': '6'
        'Guest': '2'
        enable-nickname-syncing: 'false'
        nickname-field-in-usertable: ''
        banned-forum-user-rank-id: '0'
        unbanned-forum-user-rank-id: '10'
        ban-message: This is the message a player will see if they get banned.
        mysql-ping-interval: '15'
  8. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    Change this part:
        banned-forum-user-rank-id: '0'
        unbanned-forum-user-rank-id: '10'
        ban-message: This is the message a player will see if they get banned.
    To this:
        is-server-ban-too: 'true'
        banned-forum-user-rank-id: '0'
        unbanned-forum-user-rank-id: '10'
        ban-message: This is the message a player will see if they get banned.
  9. Offline


    Thanks. It did the trick.
  10. Offline


    Just curious as to whether or not there is a way to get this working with multiple groups? Like if I wanted a member's rank to be MOD but have a subgroup such as Donator?
  11. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    My plugin only supports one group at a time.
  12. Offline


    Would it be possible to code a new feature that ignores anything but the first group defined in users.yml so that multiple groups could be defined manually without interfering with OKB3?
  13. Offline


    03:52:42 [INFO] [OKB3] Attempting to enable OKB3 v2.5.16 by Kalman Olah...
    03:52:42 [INFO] [OKB3] Initiating auto-update...
    03:52:42 [INFO] [OKB3] You already have the latest version of OKB3.
    03:52:42 [INFO] [OKB3] Successfully hooked into Permissions plugin.
    03:52:42 [INFO] [OKB3] Attempting to load configuration file...
    03:52:43 [INFO] [OKB3] Configuration file successfully loaded.
    03:52:43 [INFO] [OKB3] [DB] Initializing MySQL connection...
    03:52:43 [INFO] [OKB3] [DB] MySQL connection successful.
    03:52:43 [INFO] [OKB3] [DB] Loading database...
    03:52:44 [SEVERE] [OKB3] Failed to check if table "players" exists: [SQLITE_CORRUPT] The database disk image is malformed (database disk image is malformed)
    03:52:44 [INFO] [OKB3] [DB] Creating table 'players'...
    03:52:44 [SEVERE] [OKB3] [SQLITE_CORRUPT] The database disk image is malformed (database disk image is malformed)
    03:52:44 [SEVERE] [OKB3] Failed to check if table "bans" exists: [SQLITE_CORRUPT] The database disk image is malformed (database disk image is malformed)
    03:52:44 [INFO] [OKB3] [DB] Creating table 'bans'...
    03:52:44 [SEVERE] [OKB3] [SQLITE_CORRUPT] The database disk image is malformed (database disk image is malformed)
    03:52:44 [INFO] [OKB3] OKB3 v2.5.16 enabled successfully.

    Though it says the plugin started, I don't think it did it right.
  14. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    Try redownloading 2.5.16? If that doesn't work, try deleting the database file. Warning: This will clear any /fbans you had.
  15. Offline


    Eh, so I just got a new server and i'm putting all of my plugins onto it, but for some reason this new server is having issues with Permissions and OKB3. Here is my server.log error from your plugin.

    2011-08-10 03:33:15 [INFO] [OKB3] You already have the latest version of OKB3.
    2011-08-10 03:33:15 [INFO] [OKB3] Successfully hooked into Permissions plugin.
    2011-08-10 03:33:15 [INFO] [OKB3] Hooked into EssentialsChat.
    2011-08-10 03:33:15 [INFO] [OKB3] Attempting to load configuration file...
    2011-08-10 03:33:15 [INFO] [OKB3] Configuration file successfully loaded.
    2011-08-10 03:33:15 [INFO] [OKB3] [DB] Initializing MySQL connection...
    2011-08-10 03:33:15 [SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling OKB3 v2.5.16 (Is it up to date?): null
    java.lang.NumberFormatException: null
    	at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Integer.java:443)
    	at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Integer.java:514)
    	at me.kalmanolah.okb3.OKDatabase.initialize(OKDatabase.java:34)
    	at me.kalmanolah.okb3.OKmain.onEnable(OKmain.java:196)
    	at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin.setEnabled(JavaPlugin.java:126)
    	at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.enablePlugin(JavaPluginLoader.java:878)
    	at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManager.java:272)
    	at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(CraftServer.java:162)
    	at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins(CraftServer.java:146)
    	at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(MinecraftServer.java:284)
    	at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(MinecraftServer.java:271)
    	at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(MinecraftServer.java:148)
    	at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:335)
    	at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:422)
    Permissions says it loaded fine in my server.log...
    2011-08-10 03:33:15 [INFO] [Permissions] version [2.7.4] (Phoenix)  loaded
    ... but in game when I login my rank suffix doesn't show up. Yet I am in the users.yml file for the world I am in, I tried connecting another test player also in the user file but the same issue, no permissions at all.
    Maybe you could help with that problem too? Just curious.

    EDIT: nvm fixed my permissions plugin I was using the middle version of permissions
    EDIT2: Even with permissions fixed I still have your plugins java error though
  16. Offline

    Kalman Olah

        mysql-ping-interval: '30'
    Try adding that to your config.yml :)

    Also, use Permissions 3.1.x
  17. Offline


    Alright that fixed my problem now i'm getting a mysql error. I have the correct user/pass for my mysql server, my old server is still running btw, and I am using a different user with full permissions. The user/pass is correct, but I am still getting this error:
    2011-08-10 04:02:45 [INFO] [OKB3] Attempting to enable OKB3 v2.5.16 by Kalman Olah...
    2011-08-10 04:02:45 [INFO] [OKB3] Initiating auto-update...
    2011-08-10 04:02:45 [INFO] [OKB3] You already have the latest version of OKB3.
    2011-08-10 04:02:45 [INFO] [OKB3] Successfully hooked into Permissions plugin.
    2011-08-10 04:02:45 [INFO] [OKB3] Hooked into EssentialsChat.
    2011-08-10 04:02:45 [INFO] [OKB3] Attempting to load configuration file...
    2011-08-10 04:02:45 [INFO] [OKB3] Configuration file successfully loaded.
    2011-08-10 04:02:45 [INFO] [OKB3] [DB] Initializing MySQL connection...
    2011-08-10 04:02:46 [SEVERE] [OKB3] SQLException! Access denied for user 'rubikscr_admin2'@'' (using password: YES)
    2011-08-10 04:02:46 [INFO] [OKB3] [DB] MySQL connection failed!
    2011-08-10 04:02:46 [INFO] [OKB3] [DB] Loading database...
    2011-08-10 04:02:46 [INFO] [OKB3] Error connecting to MySQL DB, OKB3 is being disabled...
    2011-08-10 04:02:46 [INFO] [OKB3] Attempting to disable OKB3...
    2011-08-10 04:02:46 [INFO] [OKB3] [DB] SQLite connection closed.
    2011-08-10 04:02:46 [INFO] [OKB3] Terminating worker threads...
    2011-08-10 04:02:46 [INFO] [OKB3] OKB3 disabled successfully.
    Any suggestions?

    EDIT: Fixed. Forgot to add my new host's IP on my allowed ip's list in phpadmin.

    I love you as usual no homo haha
  18. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    Glad you got it to work, bro :).
  19. Offline


    I have quite a unique setup. It is the default in SMF 2.0 with a custom field for the IGN. I found the data for the IGN stored in a table called 'smf_themes'. Here are some screen shots of my database:

    Here is a custom query with a WHERE clause:

    As you can see, you need a more complicated WHERE clause to get the IGN that the user filled out. The WHERE clause should read something like this:
    WHERE variable = 'cust_ign' AND value = '<Minecraft IGN>'
    Then, you get the id_member which is looked up easily from the users table.
    Can OKB3 do this? If so, how?
  20. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    Oh, seems like I didn't quite understand your issue the first time. I'll PM you the source so you can edit it :).

    Version 2.5.17

    • OKB3 does not alter the join message anymore. This is to make sure users of both OKChat and OKB3 have no issues, since I'm adding custom join/leave/kick messages to OKChat.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2016
  21. Offline


    So wait, does that mean that there are no messages at all now? or is it that now there are messages?
  22. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    It just doesn't change it back to the default "player has joined the game". It changes it to whatever was there before, so it works with custom join messages, like those in the new version of OKChat.
  23. For some reason my config doesn't get the rank correctly, I'm using xenforo and it does get the nickname correctly, and i've triplechecked the db info and it is correct, so im guessing my config is wrong:

    mode: normal
        mysql-host: -------------
        mysql-user: ----------------
        mysql-password: -------------------
        mysql-database-name: -----------------
        usertable: user_table
        minecraftname-field: mine_user
        rank-field: rank_field
        enable-multiple-tables: 'false'
            secondtable: mine_table
            useridfield-in-secondtable: user_id_field
            useridfield-in-usertable: user_id_field
        forum: xenforo
            usertable: user_table
            username-field: username_field
            userpassword-field: user_pass_field
            rank-field: rank_field
            usertable: user_table
            username-field: username_field
            userpassword-field: user_pass_field
            rank-field: rank_field
            location-of-passgenphp: http://yoursite.com/passgen.php
            password-set-in-config-inc-php: 12345pass
            usertable: xf_user
            rank-field: user_group_id
            username-field: username
            password-field: data
            secondtable: xf_user_authenticate
            useridfield-in-usertable: user_id
            useridfield-in-secondtable: user_id
            usertable: user_table
            username-field: username
            password-field: mine_user
            rank-field: rank_field
            location-of-passgenphp: http://yoursite.com/passgen.php
            password-set-in-config-inc-php: 12345pass
        enable-multiworld-groups: 'false'
                '2': default
                '5': guest
                '6': winner
                '7': builder
                '8': sponsor
                '9': vip
                '10': trusted
                '4': moderator
                '3': admin
        enable-whitelist: 'false'
            use-as-blacklist: 'false'
            kick-message: You are not whitelisted, check FyreUK.com for info.
                '1': 'true'
                '2': 'false'
        enable-nickname-syncing: 'true'
        nickname-field-in-usertable: 'username'
        is-server-ban-too: 'false'
        banned-forum-user-rank-id: '0'
        unbanned-forum-user-rank-id: '10'
        ban-message: This is the message a player will see if they get banned.
        '1': '2'
        '2': '5'
        '3': '6'
        '4': '7'
        '5': '8'
        '6': '9'
        '7': '10'
        '8': '4'
        '9': '3'
        Registered: '2'
        Guest: '5'
        Winner: '6'
        Builder: '7'
        Sponsor: '8'
        VIP: '9'
        Trusted: '10'
        Moderator: '4'
        Admin: '3'
        mysql-ping-interval: '30'
    any idea?
  24. Offline

    tha d0ctor

    could you please ad a configuration feature that allows you to choose whether or not you want to sync forum ranks? All I really would like to use this for is the forum whitelist feature.

    great plugin btw! keep up the good work!
  25. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    Can you PM me an entry from the field "data" in "xf_user_authenticate" ? It should look like
  26. I cannot do that for some reason, i think my mysql program that i use to look into the database, can't view [BLOB]s
  27. Offline


    I hate to be a pain, but I cannot find the ZIP file that is said about in the phpBB set-up, Both downloads give me the jar file, and I've even tried extracting that file... Needless to say, it did not help me.

  28. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    The download should give you a .zip now :)
  29. Offline


    Thank you very much :D and thank you for the quick reply too! :D Shame my reply couldn't be as quick ;)

    @Kalman Olah , I now have a few questions... :( With the Forum-ranks: part in the config.yml, do the ones you have as "admin" have to match up to a rank already on the forum? And what does the ID after this have to match up to, or is it it's own thing?

    With phpbb, is it a "rank" or a "group" that your plugin changes/detects/uses?

    Thanks for your help :)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2016
  30. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    If your rank-field is set to "group_id" it detects groups (see phpbb_groups). If it's set to "user_rank" it detects ranks(see phpbb_ranks).
    The forum-ranks:
    The names are just there so you don't have to type /frank 3 TestPlayer. Instead you can type /frank admin TestPlayer. the ID after those names are the rank/group IDs that are set. So if you have 'Admin': '3', /frank Admin TestPlayer will set that player's rank/group to '3', after which that player is synced again.
  31. Offline


    Okay cool, thanks, I'm nearly there :D Just for clarification, the ID's in the config for the groups have to be corresponding to the ID in the table, true?

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