[ADMN/WEB] OKB3 - Bulletin Board Bridge - Now on BukkitDev! [1337]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Kalman Olah, Jun 2, 2011.

  1. Offline

    Kalman Olah

  2. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    I agree. We wouldn't want this Permissions-based plugin to throw errors without Permissions, now would we? ...

    Version 2.5.10
    • Fixed errors being throw when a permissions plugin wasn't present.
  3. Offline


    Do you now if it's work with SimplePress of WordPress ?
  4. Offline


    If it has a user database, It will work, genrally though, there is no support for Social Networks other than forums.
  5. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    It works with bbPress. I only add support for forum software, but I suppose you could use it with old-school mode, yeah.
  6. Offline


    Yeaaahhh !!
    Great !! Thank's for the realy quik answer !! :D
  7. Offline

    Boon Pek

    Anyways, would you not mind posting an example config for XenForo based forums? The configuration is just too confusing ://
  8. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    This is only the top of the config.yml:
    mode: normal
        mysql-host: localhost
        mysql-user: root
        mysql-password: password
        mysql-database-name: tempdb4
        usertable: mybb_users
        minecraftname-field: username
        rank-field: usergroup
        enable-multiple-tables: 'false'
            secondtable: mine_table
            useridfield-in-secondtable: user_id_field
            useridfield-in-usertable: user_id_field
        forum: xenforo
            usertable: mybb_users
            username-field: username
            userpassword-field: password
            rank-field: usergroup
            usertable: phpbb_users
            username-field: username
            userpassword-field: user_password
            rank-field: group_id
            usertable: xf_user
            rank-field: user_group_id
            username-field: username
            password-field: data
            secondtable: xf_user_authenticate
            useridfield-in-usertable: user_id
            useridfield-in-secondtable: user_id
            usertable: user_table
            username-field: username
            password-field: mine_user
            rank-field: rank_field
    Note the type3
  9. Offline

    Boon Pek

    Alright, I'll test it when I get home. Thanks!
  10. Offline


    Ok I figured out what was wrong with the connection part. My host moved our server address and didnt open the remote SQL for that user. However now I face a new problem, I rencently have switched over to joomla as our website component, I have installed a bridge for PHPBB and joomla so you only have to register 1 time. The problem is that the minecraft username gets stored in jos_usermeta as the minecraft field and the user id info gets stored in the phpbb_users table as user_id. I'm not sure if im being thick headed or not but is it possible to set it to check for the minecraft name in a separate table than the username?
  11. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    It is, that's why there's a "multitable" part in old-school mode :).
  12. I have some questions, because the main post confuses me.

    1. How does the plugin know which forum member is what user? my forum uses facebook login, so a lot of people there are using their facebook names.
    2. Wouldn't this require all members on the server to register on the forum?
    3. What about users that are 1 rank ingame, but a different one on the forum?
  13. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    This is a "bridge" plugin. Your points 2 and 3 are just silly. The entire purpose of this plugin is to match forum ranks to ingame ranks, and to link forum users to server users. Server players that aren't registered CAN be blacklisted from the server, or can be given the default Permissions group, as usual.
    As for point 1: My plugin either checks a specific MySQL field for a player's minecraft name, and fetches the rank ID associated with that username. This ID is then mapped to a Permissions group in the configuration file, and that group is set as the player's server group. This is known as OKB3 "old-school" mode.
    Normal mode is a bit different. In this mode, users are required to actually perfomr a /sync <username> <password> command once. My plugin then proceeds to check the forum's MYSQL database for the rank ID of a user matching that username/password. Once again, the rank ID is matched to a Permissions group, and that group is set as the player's server group.

    Hope I answered your questions.
  14. I agree that #2 and #3 are silly, as we want all our members to use our forum anyway, they were just questions i had after reading the main post.

    Also, that the normal mode has the sync functionality is awesome, this is just what i wanted :D thanks
  15. Offline


    I'm sorry if I made a stupidly idiotic mistake But I need help!

    mode: old-school
        mysql-user: *Confirmed Correct*
        mysql-password: *Confirmed Correct*
        mysql-database-name: *Confirmed Correct*
        usertable: ledo_members
        minecraftname-field: field_11
        rank-field: member_group_id
        enable-multiple-tables: 'true'
            secondtable: ledo_pfields_content
            useridfield-in-secondtable: member_id
            useridfield-in-usertable: member_id
        forum: ipb
            usertable: ledo_members
            username-field: username_field
            userpassword-field: members_pass_hash
            rank-field: member_group_id
            usertable: user_table
            username-field: username_field
            userpassword-field: user_pass_field
            rank-field: rank_field
            location-of-passgenphp: http://yoursite.com/passgen.php
            password-set-in-config-inc-php: 12345pass
            usertable: user_table
            rank-field: rank_field
            username-field: username_field
            password-field: pass_field
            secondtable: second_table
            useridfield-in-usertable: user_id_field
            useridfield-in-secondtable: user_id_field
            usertable: user_table
            username-field: username
            password-field: mine_user
            rank-field: rank_field
            location-of-passgenphp: http://yoursite.com/passgen.php
            password-set-in-config-inc-php: 12345pass
        enable-multiworld-groups: 'false'
                '8': Resident
        enable-whitelist: 'true'
            use-as-blacklist: 'true'
            kick-message: You have been banned on the forum.
                '5': 'false'
        enable-nickname-syncing: 'false'
        nickname-field-in-usertable: ''
        is-server-ban-too: 'false'
        banned-forum-user-rank-id: '5'
        unbanned-forum-user-rank-id: '8'
        ban-message: You have been banned via the Forums.
        '1': '3'
        Resident: '8'
        mysql-ping-interval: '30'
    Pretty much we only need 1 group managed automatically as all other ranks are going to be manually controlled.

    I use IPB, As you would know the darn custom profile fields are in a different table, as such I wasnt 100% sure how the settings should be laid out.

    I have allowed remote MySQL Hosts not only through the cPanel but the root WHM of the web server.

    If it is obvious, please let me know what to change, the error is as follows;

    Thanks for your help buddy! Appreciate your help.
  16. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    Looks like you haven't allowed remote MySQL connections after all. Either that, or a firewall is blocking it. You should know that, sometimes, a server's IP address, is not the IP used to connect to a MYSQL server, depending on your host. IF I were you, I'd try to find out what exactly the IP is I need to add to the allowed remote connection list =/.
    Tarquin likes this.
  17. Offline


    Yes I thought that, I added all possible IP's, the control panel IP for TCAdmin, the IP for the server and I did a traceroute on both to see where they led back to and added the domain/IP for the main server and still nothing.

    I added a firewall exception for them all at root level as well.

    P.S. Is the rest of the file configured correctly? Thanks.
  18. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    Yeah, as far as I can tell, the rest of the config file looks alright...But that won't help one bit if you can't connect in the first place. Are you sure the SQL host is correct? Did you flush the MySQL priveleges after adding remote access? If you have access to PHPMyAdmin, try creating a new user and giving it access from all hosts for all databases(There should be a checkbox when you make a new user).
  19. Offline


    All the permissions are correct, I may need to figure out an IP address of some sort :S This is pissin me off >.<
  20. Offline


    Just an FYI, some hosts are douches and enable configuration but actually block remote sql, so unless your using localhost, chances are its blocked, I would recommend hosting the database on your server computer with a software like wamp, lamp, or mamp.
  21. Offline


    Dedicated Server. I have control over it all and remote is not blocked. I have tested this with another website and it connected and displayed data from the database perfectly fine.
  22. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    You know, I'm not a wizard. That'd be pretty cool though. My plugin has over five hundred active users. It seems the plugin can connect to their MySQL server just fine.

    I'd suggest that you double check the mysql host you filled in in your config.yml. You should also flush MySQL user priveleges.

    "MySQL Communications Link Failure" is pretty self-explanatory. The plugin is failing to communicate to your MySQL server.

    What @bocaj812 is saying is that the forum's host may have remote MySQL blocked, not your minecraft server.
  23. Offline


    Since your using an ip address instead of a domain, try adding a ':3306' at the end, to specify the port on which to query the sql. Or whichever port you might be using, 3306 is the default, then again if your not hosting using the default port, that may be your problem right there, try specifying the port like '' and see if that does it...
  24. Offline


    Just letting you know I love you. BEST plugin ever!!!
  25. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    I'm glad you're satisfied with my work :).

    Version 2.5.11

    • Auto-updater bugfix.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2016
  26. Offline


    What I meant by dedicated server is that the website is hosted on MY dedicated web server, the minecraft server is run by a friend through a different company.

    I appreciate your work, I think its fantastic! But there is no need for the sarcastic replies buddy. I'm trying to get it working so I can send you a damn donation, cause that's what I do for people who work on such good plugins. I didn't realize that your patience was so low.
  27. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    I'm actually very patient. It's just that I literally have nothing else to tell you. Your error states that my plugin can't connect to your MySQL server. As I've said before, this can be caused by incorrectly filling in the SQL host in the config.yml, a firewall, incorrect MySQL user privelege configuration, or just plain not getting the IP right.

    The firewall doesn't have to be your firewall. For all I know, the minecraft server host could have a firewall blocking the outgoing SQL connection. You should try to double check this.

    Also, if you could PM me a config.yml with only the password left out, and another server log, I could check if I missed anything.
    Tarquin likes this.
  28. Offline


    Latest version keep saying : Usage: /thecommand. it does that with every OKB commands. Bukkit #1000
  29. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    Works for me. An error log could help.
  30. Offline


    Works now. I maybe uploaded a corrupted version.
  31. Offline


    Hey Kalman, I've been noticing that when users aren't whitelisted, and are blocked, it pops up in chat that 'soandsouser left the game.' Anyway we can make it not do that? It appears as though... The user logs in first and is then kicked and kicked for the reason being, not whitelisted. But we never get a User joined game notification...

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