[ADMN/WEB] CommunityBridge v1.10 BETA - Integrates Players with MySQL + Stat Tracking [1.6.4]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by NoRC, Apr 6, 2012.

  1. Offline


    MYSQL base is setup, but nothing is working... do i nead to add some PHP files with sometihng in it ? plz help me.......
  2. Offline


    Your going to need to be more specific... whats not working? Are you seeing errors in your server log. There is no need for additional PHP files or anything.

    I showed Eballer48 today how to set it all up with Invision today via some remote desktop app so hopefully he will post up a better guide than I have or a how-to video :)
  3. Offline


    Can you add support for Vault (and therefore all permissions plugins)?
  4. Offline


    Okey, everything is working fine... it is conected but it isent connected to the forum... do i nead to add some PHP files ?
  5. Offline


    The /cbrank command works kinda weird for XenForo, as it works against the way you usually use XenForo.

    Look at the following screenshot, here I used "/cb <PLAYER> staff":

    Normally you would never change the User Group but leave it default to 'Registered' and set Staff under Secondary User Groups. Otherwise you'll have a lot of permissions problems where players cannot use your website at all.

    Maybe you could add an additional command which instead of setting the main group, sets a secondary group?
  6. Offline


    Ok, so i have a minecraft server with PermissionsEX and a MySQL server. I have a different webhost that hosts my Invasion Power Board forum. How do i set this up and or link the two?
  7. Reading the group isn't the problem. It reads my index just fine (I don't use secondary groups), and it says what group I'm "in" on the console, but ingame it doesn't update. Is this because I use MySQL for PEX? Using /cbrank also causes an internal error
    org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'cbra
    nk' in plugin CommunityBridge v1.06
            at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(PluginCommand.java:42)
            at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(SimpleCommandMap.java:16
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(CraftServer.java:4
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.handleCommand(NetServerHandler.
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.chat(NetServerHandler.java:781)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:764)
            at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.handle(Packet3Chat.java:34)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(NetworkManager.java:229)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:113)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(NetworkListenThread.java:7
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(MinecraftServer.java:567)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:459)
            at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:492)
    Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
            at net.netmanagers.community.Main.getGroup(Main.java:520)
            at net.netmanagers.community.Cmds.onCommand(Cmds.java:76)
            at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(PluginCommand.java:40)
            ... 12 more
  8. Offline


    Can some one help me and set it up ????? i do not under stand .... CommunityBridge] Enabling CommunityBridge v1.07
    2012-06-14 23:34:58 [INFO] [CommunityBridge] Auto Sync : true
    2012-06-14 23:34:58 [INFO] [CommunityBridge] Auto Remind : false
    2012-06-14 23:34:58 [INFO] [CommunityBridge] Kick Unregistered : true
    2012-06-14 23:34:58 [INFO] [CommunityBridge] Multi Tables : true
    2012-06-14 23:34:58 [INFO] [CommunityBridge] Basic Tracking : true
    2012-06-14 23:34:58 [INFO] [CommunityBridge] Require Avatar : true
    2012-06-14 23:34:58 [INFO] [CommunityBridge] Min Posts : true
    2012-06-14 23:34:58 [INFO] [CommunityBridge] Tracking Online Status : true
    2012-06-14 23:34:58 [INFO] [CommunityBridge] Tracking Last Online : true
    2012-06-14 23:34:58 [INFO] [CommunityBridge] Tracking Game Time : true
    2012-06-14 23:34:58 [INFO] [CommunityBridge] Tracking Total XP : true
    2012-06-14 23:34:58 [INFO] [CommunityBridge] Tracking Current XP : true
    2012-06-14 23:34:58 [INFO] [CommunityBridge] Tracking Level : true
    2012-06-14 23:34:58 [INFO] [CommunityBridge] Tracking Health : true
    2012-06-14 23:34:58 [INFO] [CommunityBridge] Tracking Life Ticks : true
    2012-06-14 23:34:58 [INFO] [CommunityBridge] Tracking Wallet : false
    2012-06-14 23:34:58 [WARNING] [CommunityBridge] Error at SQL UPDATE Query: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Table 'fuxicraf_phpb158.ipbog3pfields_content' doesn't exist
    2012-06-14 23:34:58 [INFO] [CommunityBridge] Running Auto Sync
    2012-06-14 23:34:58 [INFO] [CommunityBridge] Auto Sync Every: 1200000
    2012-06-14 23:34:58 [INFO] [CommunityBridge] Enabled

    How can i fix that ? so are marked with red ?

    And is this the forum ranks or the Permissions ranks ?
    '1': Guest
    '2': Member
    '3': VIP
    '6': Admin
    '4': EpicDonator
    '5': EliteVip
    '7': server moderator
    '8': banned

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2016
  9. Offline


    Check your config, the table ipbog3pfields_content doesnt exist... the ipbog3 part is just a prefix for the pfields_content table.

    That is forum rank ids (check your forum DB) to Permission rank names in your permission plugin.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2016
  10. Offline


    Ok, so i have a minecraft server with PermissionsEX and a MySQL server. I have a different webhost that hosts my Invasion Power Board forum. How do i set this up and or link the two?
  11. Offline


    Hey NoRC does this have the Choice to sync permissions?
  12. Offline


    Nevermind i was fix it but is a error in game "internal error.... how can i fix that
    show-config: true
    show-primary-group: true
    registered-message: Registered Account, Linked to Server Forums
    unregistered-message: Unregistered Account - Please Register at forum.fuxicraft.co.uk for full access
    unregistered-messagereminder: Just a reminder to visit forum.fuxicraft.co.uk and register today!
    kick-unregistered: true
    multi-tables: true
    multi-tables-use-key: false
    use-banned-field: true
    enabled: true
    table: phpbb_banlist
    user-id-field: ban_userid
    reason-field: ban_reason
    enabled: true
    table: phpbb_users_groups
    user-id-field: ban_userid
    group-id-field: ban_reason
    secondary-groups: true
    permissions-system: PEX
    auto-sync: true
    auto-sync-every: 1200000
    enable-basic-tracking: true
    table: ipbog3members
    user-name-field: username
    user-id-field: member_id
    groups-id-field: member_group_id
    secondary-groups-id-field: sub_group_ids
    banned-field: member_banned
    banned-users-group: 5
    default-group: 2
    table: ipbog3pfields_content
    field-user-id-field: member_id
    field-key-field: key_str
    field-key-value: mcusername
    field-value-field: field_11
    require-avatar: true
    require-avatar-message: This server requires players to upload an avatar to their profile.
    require-avatar-table: ipbog3profile_portal
    require-avatar-user-id-field: member_id
    require-avatar-field: pp_main_photo
    require-minposts: true
    require-minposts-message: This server requires players to have a minimum of 3 forum posts.
    require-minposts-count: 3
    require-minposts-table: ipbog3members
    require-minposts-user-id-field: member_id
    require-minposts-field: posts
    table: ipbog3pfields_content
    field-onlinestatus-enabled: false
    field-onlinestatus-valueonline: 1
    field-onlinestatus-valueoffline: 0
    field-onlinestatus-key-value: mconlinestatus
    field-onlinestatus-field: field_14
    field-lastonline-enabled: true
    field-lastonline-key-value: mclastonline
    field-lastonline-field: field_15
    field-gametime-enabled: true
    field-gametime-key-value: mcgametime
    field-gametime-field: field_16
    field-totalxp-enabled: true
    field-totalxp-key-value: mctotalxp
    field-totalxp-field: field_18
    field-currentxp-enabled: true
    field-currentxp-key-value: mccurrentxp
    field-currentxp-field: field_17
    field-level-enabled: true
    field-level-key-value: mclevel
    field-level-field: field_19
    field-health-enabled: true
    field-health-key-value: mchealth
    field-health-field: field_20
    field-lifeticks-enabled: true
    field-lifeticks-key-value: mclifeticks
    field-lifeticks-field: field_21
    field-wallet-enabled: false
    field-wallet-key-value: mcwallet
    field-wallet-field: field_23
    '1': NewBie
    '7': Builder
    '13': VIP
    '10': Moderator
    '5': Admin
    '12': EpicDonator
    '14': EliteVip
    '8': Donator
    '11': banned
    That is my config file with out Sql info...
  13. thanks a lot for this plugin but i have 2 request :

    - can you add economy support to reward member post

    - i've set up my xenforo with the template modification, and adding custom user field for stats, thats work ( but still a problem to convert playing time value), the real problem is i don't know about html/php script and i want to add this stats on my forum first page so anybody have a pre-made html code i can use ?
  14. Offline


    Can you post a Xenforo example config?
  15. so there is my xenforo config :

    XenForo example Config (open)

    db-host: localhost
    db-port: 3306
    db-database: database_forum_name
    db-username: root
    db-password: xxxx
    show-config: true
    show-primary-group: false
    registered-message: compte synchronise avec le forum
    unregistered-message: merci de vous enregistrer sur http://www.xx.xx/
    unregistered-messagereminder: n'oubliez pas de vous enregistrer sur http://www.xx.xx/ !
    kick-unregistered: false
    multi-tables: true
    multi-tables-use-key: true
    use-banned-field: true
    enabled: true
    table: xf_user
    user-id-field: is_banned
    reason-field: ban_reason
    enabled: true
    table: xf_user_group_relation
    user-id-field: user_id
    group-id-field: user_group_id
    secondary-groups: true
    permissions-system: PEX
    auto-sync: true
    auto-remind: true
    auto-sync-every: 1200000
    auto-remind-every: 600000
    enable-basic-tracking: true
    table: xf_user
    user-name-field: username
    user-id-field: user_id
    groups-id-field: user_group_id
    secondary-groups-id-field: secondary_group_ids
    banned-field: is_banned
    banned-users-group: 1
    default-group: 1

    # An important setup on my forum the minecraft ID is not the username so the plugin shearch in the custom field #"IDminecraft" ( you have to add this custom field value in admin CP/user/custom field)

    table: xf_user_field_value
    field-user-id-field: user_id
    field-key-field: field_id
    field-key-value: IDminecraft
    field-value-field: field_value
    require-avatar: false
    require-avatar-message: This server requires players to upload an avatar to their profile.
    require-avatar-table: ipbog3profile_portal
    require-avatar-user-id-field: member_id
    require-avatar-field: pp_main_photo
    require-minposts: false
    require-minposts-message: This server requires players to have a minimum of 3 forum posts.
    require-minposts-count: 3
    require-minposts-table: ipbog3members
    require-minposts-user-id-field: member_id
    require-minposts-field: posts

    #like the IDminecraft custom field each type ok tracking need a Custom field

    table: xf_user_field_value
    field-onlinestatus-enabled: true
    field-onlinestatus-valueonline: Online
    field-onlinestatus-valueoffline: Offline
    field-onlinestatus-key-value: online_server
    field-onlinestatus-field: field_value
    field-lastonline-enabled: true
    field-lastonline-key-value: mclastonline
    field-lastonline-field: field_value
    field-gametime-enabled: true
    field-gametime-key-value: mcgametime
    field-gametime-field: field_value
    field-totalxp-enabled: true
    field-totalxp-key-value: mctotalxp
    field-totalxp-field: field_value
    field-currentxp-enabled: true
    field-currentxp-key-value: mccurrentxp
    field-currentxp-field: field_value
    field-level-enabled: false
    field-level-key-value: mclevel
    field-level-field: field_value
    field-health-enabled: true
    field-health-key-value: mchealth
    field-health-field: field_value
    field-lifeticks-enabled: false
    field-lifeticks-key-value: mclifeticks
    field-lifeticks-field: field_value
    field-wallet-enabled: false
    field-wallet-key-value: mcwallet
    field-wallet-field: field_value
    '1': touriste
    '2': Aventurier
    '3': admin
    '6': aventurier
    '7': modo
    '5': patriae

    for custom user fields use the "field-key-value" for the field ID of the custom field, in your profile /personnal setting write something in this news fields,save it (its for creating the new mysql table), return in the CP and set the users fields to user cannot edit them.
  16. Offline


    Works great :)
  17. Offline


    Any chance at an SMF2 config example?
  18. Offline


    Thanks :D

    Ok im getting this error now
    2012-06-15 23:37:44 [INFO] [CommunityBridge] Enabling CommunityBridge v1.07
    2012-06-15 23:37:44 [INFO] [CommunityBridge] Auto Sync : true
    2012-06-15 23:37:44 [INFO] [CommunityBridge] Auto Remind : true
    2012-06-15 23:37:44 [INFO] [CommunityBridge] Kick Unregistered : false
    2012-06-15 23:37:44 [INFO] [CommunityBridge] Multi Tables : true
    2012-06-15 23:37:44 [INFO] [CommunityBridge] Basic Tracking : true
    2012-06-15 23:37:44 [INFO] [CommunityBridge] Require Avatar : false
    2012-06-15 23:37:44 [INFO] [CommunityBridge] Min Posts : false
    2012-06-15 23:37:44 [INFO] [CommunityBridge] Tracking Online Status : false
    2012-06-15 23:37:44 [INFO] [CommunityBridge] Tracking Last Online  : false
    2012-06-15 23:37:44 [INFO] [CommunityBridge] Tracking Game Time    : false
    2012-06-15 23:37:44 [INFO] [CommunityBridge] Tracking Total XP      : false
    2012-06-15 23:37:44 [INFO] [CommunityBridge] Tracking Current XP    : false
    2012-06-15 23:37:44 [INFO] [CommunityBridge] Tracking Level        : false
    2012-06-15 23:37:44 [INFO] [CommunityBridge] Tracking Health        : false
    2012-06-15 23:37:44 [INFO] [CommunityBridge] Tracking Life Ticks    : false
    2012-06-15 23:37:44 [INFO] [CommunityBridge] Tracking Wallet        : false
    2012-06-15 23:37:44 [INFO] [CommunityBridge] Running Auto Sync
    2012-06-15 23:37:44 [WARNING] [CommunityBridge] Error at SQL Query: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'null WHERE null = 'null' AND null = 'gaz492' order by null desc' at line 1
    2012-06-15 23:37:44 [SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling CommunityBridge v1.07 (Is it up to date?)
        at net.netmanagers.community.Main.getUserId(Main.java:389)
        at net.netmanagers.community.Main.SyncPlayer(Main.java:561)
        at net.netmanagers.community.Main.syncAll(Main.java:547)
        at net.netmanagers.community.Main.onEnable(Main.java:288)
        at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin.setEnabled(JavaPlugin.java:215)
        at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.enablePlugin(JavaPluginLoader.java:337)
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManager.java:381)
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(CraftServer.java:256)
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins(CraftServer.java:238)
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.reload(CraftServer.java:552)
        at org.bukkit.Bukkit.reload(Bukkit.java:182)
        at org.bukkit.command.defaults.ReloadCommand.execute(ReloadCommand.java:22)
        at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(SimpleCommandMap.java:166)
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(CraftServer.java:479)
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchServerCommand(CraftServer.java:475)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.d(MinecraftServer.java:756)
        at net.minecraft.server.RemoteControlSession.run(RemoteControlSession.java:64)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:679)
    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2016
  19. a probleme with your version of mysql ?
  20. Offline


    I like the idea of economy support...

    Will work on that.
  21. Offline


    Im using mysql version
    • Server: Localhost via UNIX socket
    • Software: MySQL
    • Software version: 5.1.61-0+squeeze1 - (Debian)
    So yes can some one help?
    @NoRC what version of mysql is needed?
  22. Offline


    Does anyone knoe how to set it up with mybb ? I was trying but no effects ;/ ASAP
  23. Offline


    Hi, I'm Colombian, I speak Spanish so excuse my English, well, I add this plugin to my phpbb3 forum but I have very clear how to do it no chance of a tutorial?, Really interests me very much a greeting.
  24. Offline


    Doesn't anyone have the same problem? Am I doing something from?
  25. Offline


    My one cant connect to MySQL. I don't have the logs here but it roughly says you connect connect to MySQL and it disables itself. I remembered I didn't see any java errors, but it took a while after the plugin checked itself.
  26. Offline


    I really want to try this plugin. But since my forums are hosted from another location, I am having some trouble. My forums are hosted by my Internet Service Provider, Cablevision. I have been researching on how to connect to their (my) MySQL server besides using their browser-phpmyadmin module. Then I came across their SQL FAQ:
    How do I connect to my database?
    When you request your database, you will specify the database name and password. You will then be given your database server name and the user name you should use to connect to the database. To access your MySQL database, you can use Perl DBI or the Mysql.pm module. In the near future, we will also provide phpMyAdmin to manage your MySQL database. To access your MS SQL database, please use Microsoft Enterprise Manager.
    It appears that those are the only methods that will allow me to use my own MySQL database?
    If so, is it still possible to implement a Mysql module inside the plugin itself? I'm not much of a programmer but I always hear the possibilities are endless.
  27. Offline


    I'm having bit of weird problem using xenforo, it seems to pick up the rank but then sets them to just member?

    [INFO] PlayerName [/***.***.**.*:******] logged in with entity id 849 at [world]
    [INFO] [CommunityBridge] Added PlayerName to group Obsidian
    [INFO] [CommunityBridge] PlayerName linked to Community User #5, Group: Member

    My Config for xenforo:
    db-host: ***.***.**.****
    db-port: 3306
    db-database: db_name
    db-username: username
    db-password: password
    show-config: true
    show-primary-group: true
    registered-message: Registered Account, Linked!
    unregistered-message: Just a reminder to visit our website and register today!
    unregistered-messagereminder: Just a reminder to  visit our website and register today!
    kick-unregistered: false
    multi-tables: true
    multi-tables-use-key: true
    use-banned-field: true
    secondary-groups: true
    permissions-system: PEX
    auto-sync: true
    auto-sync-every: 1200000
    enable-basic-tracking: true
      table: xf_user
      user-name-field: user_id
      user-id-field: user_id
      groups-id-field: user_group_id
      secondary-groups-id-field: secondary_group_ids
      banned-field: is_banned
      banned-users-group: 0
      default-group: 0
      table: xf_user_field_value
      field-user-id-field: user_id
      field-key-field: field_id
      field-key-value: mcusername
      field-value-field: field_value
      require-avatar: false
      require-avatar-message: This server requires players to upload an avatar to their profile.
      require-minposts: false
      require-minposts-message: This server requires players to have a minimum of 3 forum posts.
      require-minposts-count: 3
      require-minposts-table: xf_user
      require-minposts-user-id-field: user_id
      require-minposts-field: message_count
      table: xf_user_field_value
      field-onlinestatus-enabled: true
      field-onlinestatus-valueonline: Online
      field-onlinestatus-valueoffline: Offline
      field-onlinestatus-key-value: online_server
      field-onlinestatus-field: field_value
      field-lastonline-enabled: true
      field-lastonline-key-value: mclastonline
      field-lastonline-field: field_value
      field-gametime-enabled: true
      field-gametime-key-value: mcgametime
      field-gametime-field: field_value
      field-totalxp-enabled: false
      field-totalxp-key-value: mctotalxp
      field-totalxp-field: field_value
      field-currentxp-enabled: false
      field-currentxp-key-value: mccurrentxp
      field-currentxp-field: field_value
      field-level-enabled: false
      field-level-key-value: mclevel
      field-level-field: field_value
      field-health-enabled: true
      field-health-key-value: mchealth
      field-health-field: field_value
      field-lifeticks-enabled: false
      field-lifeticks-key-value: mclifeticks
      field-lifeticks-field: field_value
      field-wallet-enabled: false
      field-wallet-key-value: mcwallet
      field-wallet-field: field_value
      '0': default
      '1': default
      '2': Member
      '3': Owner
      '6': Iron
      '7': Gold
      '8': Diamond
      '9': Obsidian
      '4': Admin
      '5': Dev
  28. Offline


    Okay I got the logs for my problem
    2012-06-19 19:33:07 [INFO] [CommunityBridge] Enabling CommunityBridge v1.07
    2012-06-19 19:33:07 [INFO] [CommunityBridge] Auto Sync : true
    2012-06-19 19:33:07 [INFO] [CommunityBridge] Auto Remind : true
    2012-06-19 19:33:07 [INFO] [CommunityBridge] Kick Unregistered : true
    2012-06-19 19:33:07 [INFO] [CommunityBridge] Multi Tables : true
    2012-06-19 19:33:07 [INFO] [CommunityBridge] Basic Tracking : true
    2012-06-19 19:33:07 [INFO] [CommunityBridge] Require Avatar : false
    2012-06-19 19:33:07 [INFO] [CommunityBridge] Min Posts : false
    2012-06-19 19:33:07 [INFO] [CommunityBridge] Tracking Online Status : true
    2012-06-19 19:33:07 [INFO] [CommunityBridge] Tracking Last Online  : true
    2012-06-19 19:33:07 [INFO] [CommunityBridge] Tracking Game Time    : true
    2012-06-19 19:33:07 [INFO] [CommunityBridge] Tracking Total XP      : true
    2012-06-19 19:33:07 [INFO] [CommunityBridge] Tracking Current XP    : true
    2012-06-19 19:33:07 [INFO] [CommunityBridge] Tracking Level        : true
    2012-06-19 19:33:07 [INFO] [CommunityBridge] Tracking Health        : true
    2012-06-19 19:33:07 [INFO] [CommunityBridge] Tracking Life Ticks    : true
    2012-06-19 19:33:07 [INFO] [CommunityBridge] Tracking Wallet        : false
    2012-06-19 19:33:28 [SEVERE] [CommunityBridge] Could not connect to MySQL Server.
    2012-06-19 19:33:28 [INFO] [CommunityBridge] Disabling CommunityBridge v1.07
    2012-06-19 19:33:28 [INFO] [CommunityBridge] Disabled...
  29. Offline


    Have you put the correct MySQL information in the Config file? and If its on a different server does your server with the MySQL allow you to use remote IP's?
  30. Offline


    So your saying the MySQL server might be on use from another server? and now somehow it started working but now I'm getting some other error, I'm going to try fix this! But I put in my website's IP and the Xenforo user and pass of the db.

    EDIT: I fixed it but now my basic tracking isnt working, I put in the field_id of the names, and then I show it on the message info. But it doesnt show up

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