[ADMN/WEB] [BukkitDev] Buycraft -The most advanced Donation Plugin.

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by lmc, Aug 16, 2011.

  1. [​IMG]
    Over 100,000 servers have used Buycraft over the last 2 years.
    What is Buycraft, and why does my Minecraft server need it?
    Buycraft enables you to sell in game items/memberships to your community, allowing yourself to fund your server bills to keep your Minecraft server alive. Buycraft is basically an online shopping cart system for your own server!​
    How will my players use Buycraft?
    After you have created a Buycraft account, you are given an online webstore which you can use to promote your items for sale. Your players will visit this website and be able to purchase the items that they want, be it a collection of armour, or a monthly VIP membership.​
    What can I sell to my users, and how?
    Buycraft enables you to sell ANYTHING to your users, from a collection of armour upgrades, to monthly VIP memberships. When a player purchases a product, it is automatically processed on your Minecraft server, and removes all hassle of managing payments by yourself. All these different options will take the worry out of funding your Minecraft server.​
    Some of the awesome features available:
    • Create donation packages which can reward your players with anything you imagine.
    • Setup advanced packages for memberships ranks, with support for automatic Paypal subscriptions.
    • Many Payment gateways supported! (Paypal, Stripe, Google Wallet, Paymentwall, 2Checkout, Onebip, Paygol, Payza, and Coinbase.)
    • Coupon codes to offer discounts to your players.
    • Run promotional sales to gain attention to certain donation packages.
    • Cumulative ranking to enable your players to upgrade their ranks.
    • Custom variables to offer advanced customisation of your packages.
    • Detailed donation statistics to see how well your server is performing.
    • Multiple webstores per account, with the ability to create sub accounts for your other moderators/administrators on your server.
    • Advanced fraud protection to prevent chargebacks.
    • Webstores available in over 8 languages.
    • You can change your webstore theme and even integrate it into your own website.
    • Everything is hosted by us, resulting in a hassle free and inexpensive way to run your own webstore! The Buycraft platform is updated regularly with many new features added each month.
    Have a feature suggestion? Post it below!

  2. Offline


    Thank you, if you need help just ask me. I'm italian..

    EDIT: Sorry, is there a payment method by phone that won't impose any taxes? Paygol is destroying me! It's pretty annoying to see that you would earn much much more than you earn now....
  3. Offline

    Kyle FYI

    I keep getting this error, I contacted support and they didn't respond.
    2013-07-08 12:02:51 [SEVERE] javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.$
    2013-07-08 12:02:51 [SEVERE]    at sun.security.ssl.Alerts.getSSLException(Alerts.java:192)
    2013-07-08 12:02:51 [SEVERE]    at sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.fatal(SSLSocketImpl.java:1886)
    2013-07-08 12:02:51 [SEVERE]    at sun.security.ssl.Handshaker.fatalSE(Handshaker.java:276)
    2013-07-08 12:02:51 [SEVERE]    at sun.security.ssl.Handshaker.fatalSE(Handshaker.java:270)
    2013-07-08 12:02:51 [SEVERE]    at sun.security.ssl.ClientHandshaker.serverCertificate(ClientHandshaker.java:1341)
    2013-07-08 12:02:51 [SEVERE]    at sun.security.ssl.ClientHandshaker.processMessage(ClientHandshaker.java:153)
    2013-07-08 12:02:51 [SEVERE]    at sun.security.ssl.Handshaker.processLoop(Handshaker.java:868)
    2013-07-08 12:02:51 [SEVERE]    at sun.security.ssl.Handshaker.process_record(Handshaker.java:804)
    2013-07-08 12:02:51 [SEVERE]    at sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.readRecord(SSLSocketImpl.java:1016)
    2013-07-08 12:02:51 [SEVERE]    at sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.performInitialHandshake(SSLSocketImpl.java:1312)
    2013-07-08 12:02:51 [SEVERE]    at sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.startHandshake(SSLSocketImpl.java:1339)
    2013-07-08 12:02:51 [SEVERE]    at sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.startHandshake(SSLSocketImpl.java:1323)
    2013-07-08 12:02:51 [SEVERE]    at sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsClient.afterConnect(HttpsClient.java:515)
    2013-07-08 12:02:51 [SEVERE]    at sun.net.www.protocol.https.AbstractDelegateHttpsURLConnection.connect(AbstractDelegateHttpsURLConnection.java:185)
    2013-07-08 12:02:51 [SEVERE]    at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(HttpURLConnection.java:1299)
    2013-07-08 12:02:51 [SEVERE]    at sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:254)
    2013-07-08 12:02:51 [SEVERE]    at net.buycraft.api.Api.HttpRequest(Api.java:119)
    2013-07-08 12:02:51 [SEVERE]    at net.buycraft.api.Api.call(Api.java:91)
    2013-07-08 12:02:51 [SEVERE]    at net.buycraft.api.Api.authenticateAction(Api.java:36)
    2013-07-08 12:02:51 [SEVERE]    at net.buycraft.tasks.AuthenticateTask.run(AuthenticateTask.java:21)
    2013-07-08 12:02:51 [SEVERE]    at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:471)
    2013-07-08 12:02:51 [SEVERE]    at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(FutureTask.java:334)
    2013-07-08 12:02:51 [SEVERE]    at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:166)
    2013-07-08 12:02:51 [SEVERE]    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1145)
    2013-07-08 12:02:51 [SEVERE]    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:615)
    2013-07-08 12:02:51 [SEVERE]    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:722)
    2013-07-08 12:02:51 [SEVERE] Caused by: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
    2013-07-08 12:02:51 [SEVERE]    at sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilder.engineBuild(SunCertPathBuilder.java:196)
    2013-07-08 12:02:51 [SEVERE]    at java.security.cert.CertPathBuilder.build(CertPathBuilder.java:268)
    2013-07-08 12:02:51 [SEVERE]    at sun.security.validator.PKIXValidator.doBuild(PKIXValidator.java:380)
    2013-07-08 12:02:51 [SEVERE]    ... 27 more
    I'm unsure how to fix this... Can anyone help?
  4. Offline


    Starting yesterday, this error has appeared:
    The sale was set to expire on the 7th and I couldn't see if editing the sale fixed it as it wouldn't let me save the changes when the expiration date had already passed.
  5. Offline


    I got this too on the same day. What happened in my case was the starting/ending dates were swapped, giving the error. Just swap them back and it will be fixed.
  6. Offline



    still didn't work since it's now monday. i don't want to delete it if sale statistics are saved and just not shown yet.
  7. Offline


    how is paymentwall.com working? can u send the money to paypal? or my credit card?

  8. Aware of this bug. Shall fix asap.

    EDIT: This has now been fixed. Sorry about that.
  9. Offline


    Example: http://mclava.com/donate
    lmc likes this.
  10. New website updates

    • You can now specify package commands to either execute on all selected servers, or a specific server of your choice. A great feature for communities that run hub servers/multiple server setups.
    Willbbz likes this.
  11. Offline


    I am having a fair few issues report this issue:
    The player goes to donate, they type their name in, and click the rank they want, but after they click the rank they want, it asks them to put their name in again, and this process just continues to repeat, making it impossible for them to purchase the rank

  12. If you are using an Iframe, and they are using Internet explorer, this is the problem. This isnt because of us, its because of internet explorers policies on cookies in Iframes unfortunately.
  13. Offline


  14. Offline


  15. Offline


    Correct, on my account all I get is the payment received from PayPal. I do not get anything from Buycraft. I have tried to set up a new account and adding premium. I have invested a lot of time and money buying premium membership on multiple accounts and I never get any confirmation message from Buycraft nor do the payments show up inside the payment category. I do not see any errors in the console. I am starting to think that this is a problem that is not even fixable.
  16. Offline


    Exporting payments seems to be broke, I've tried many date combinations.
    Setting up BuySigns seems to be broke also, I have the sign with the head above it and the permission nodes. When I type /buysign start and /buysign end it just feeds back with the command syntax.
  17. Offline


    Feature suggestion:
    Please make it possible to view monthly reports. The only thing i need is the possibility to see what you've earned every month. I really need this simple feature in order to send everything in to the tax-department in my country.

    Now it is sort of possible but you don't have the option to see just clear number.

    SO; I'd like the exact same interface as the "Total earnings this month" but for every month.
  18. Offline


    Little issue with the Plugin.

    /Buy disables chat if i am correct, but if using the plugin PEX Chat Manager (Comes in the PEX Plugin as a pack), then it only disabled Global Chat (I am using ranged chat), and local chat still shows =L
    I presume this is a bug, if not please correct me =)
  19. Explain more on exporting, it works fine for me and others. You also need to enable buysigns in the config file as instructed in the tutorial.

    We'll be adding this in the future.

    This is because of PEX, and we have no way of altering this.
  20. Offline


    Figured out the exporting, I was using the dates as they are displayed in the payments with slashes rather then dashes.
    I enabled BuySigns and reloaded BuyCraft and didn't get it to work, I'll reboot the server later today.
  21. Offline


    I'm having some issues with payments processing since the last few days. I was on plugin version 5.5 - updating to 5.6 but if that doesnt fix it, there's another issue going on - I sent a support ticket as well.
  22. Could you let me know if 5.6 fixes the problem? Also take a look at the console to see if buycraft is executing them, however your server has some issues with them specific commands.
  23. Offline


    How so? the specific commands work when I run them manually ... taking a look at the logs now.

    http://pastie.org/private/kcf1md9jqqduihm6fs5ja << saw this but it I still saw an update / purchase afterwards.
    some more logs... says the key is invalid?

    Restart looks like this...
    2013-07-11 04:28:41 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Oh my lord... looks like that update didnt take properly ... it's saying Buycraft 5.3
    Pushing to latest now.

    Updating to latest its still failing to process.
    Line 134: 2013-07-11 08:46:36 [INFO] [Buycraft] Enabling Buycraft v5.6
    Line 134: 2013-07-11 08:46:36 [INFO] [Buycraft] Enabling Buycraft v5.6
    Line 135: 2013-07-11 08:46:36 [INFO] [Buycraft] Buycraft signs not enabled.
    Line 135: 2013-07-11 08:46:36 [INFO] [Buycraft] Buycraft signs not enabled.
    Line 290: 2013-07-11 08:46:46 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.

    Just to ensure I've grabbed just the HTTP request failed - i've made no changes to my server/net.
    Line 11760: 2013-06-17 22:05:34 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 21956: 2013-06-19 22:07:04 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 21961: 2013-06-19 22:12:05 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 21969: 2013-06-19 22:17:06 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 21995: 2013-06-19 22:22:07 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 22004: 2013-06-19 22:27:07 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 22024: 2013-06-19 22:32:08 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 22041: 2013-06-19 22:37:09 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 22064: 2013-06-19 22:42:10 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 22073: 2013-06-19 22:47:13 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 22087: 2013-06-19 22:52:16 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 22097: 2013-06-19 22:57:16 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 22121: 2013-06-19 23:02:17 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 22125: 2013-06-19 23:07:18 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 22130: 2013-06-19 23:12:18 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 22135: 2013-06-19 23:17:19 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 22141: 2013-06-19 23:22:20 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 22150: 2013-06-19 23:27:20 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 22154: 2013-06-19 23:32:20 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 22156: 2013-06-19 23:37:20 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 22175: 2013-06-19 23:42:21 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 22192: 2013-06-19 23:47:21 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 22214: 2013-06-19 23:52:22 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 22240: 2013-06-19 23:57:23 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 22259: 2013-06-20 00:02:23 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 22272: 2013-06-20 00:07:24 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 22281: 2013-06-20 00:12:25 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 22296: 2013-06-20 00:17:26 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 22305: 2013-06-20 00:22:27 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 22319: 2013-06-20 00:27:27 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 22334: 2013-06-20 00:32:28 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 22347: 2013-06-20 00:37:29 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 22363: 2013-06-20 00:42:30 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 22373: 2013-06-20 00:47:31 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 22391: 2013-06-20 00:52:32 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 22428: 2013-06-20 00:57:33 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 22459: 2013-06-20 01:02:34 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 22499: 2013-06-20 01:07:35 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 22604: 2013-06-20 01:12:41 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 22648: 2013-06-20 01:17:44 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 22689: 2013-06-20 01:22:45 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 22743: 2013-06-20 01:27:48 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 22764: 2013-06-20 01:32:59 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 22832: 2013-06-20 01:38:30 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 22876: 2013-06-20 01:43:34 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 22937: 2013-06-20 01:48:40 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 23009: 2013-06-20 01:53:41 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 23068: 2013-06-20 01:58:46 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 23116: 2013-06-20 02:03:50 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 23147: 2013-06-20 02:08:50 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 23173: 2013-06-20 02:13:51 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 23185: 2013-06-20 02:18:53 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 23216: 2013-06-20 02:23:53 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 23249: 2013-06-20 02:29:01 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 23282: 2013-06-20 02:34:02 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 23312: 2013-06-20 02:39:04 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 24009: 2013-06-20 02:42:10 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 28782: 2013-06-21 02:50:40 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 38084: 2013-06-23 14:32:27 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 44079: 2013-06-25 22:06:03 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 45417: 2013-06-27 11:31:45 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 49059: 2013-06-30 22:04:03 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 55148: 2013-07-08 23:23:47 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 56068: 2013-07-09 23:23:57 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.
    Line 56977: 2013-07-10 12:43:52 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error.

  24. Your server cant ping api.buycraft.net.

    Try pinging it manually from SSH using the ping command.

    Also, change your server key, you just posted it.
  25. Offline


    I changed my key, thanks for pointing that out.

    The pings were all successful, I don't know what could be causing this.

    This was done with server ssh access.
    PING api.buycraft.net ( 56(84) bytes of data.
    64 bytes from api.buycraft.net ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=55 time=41.8 ms
    64 bytes from api.buycraft.net ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=55 time=41.4 ms
    64 bytes from api.buycraft.net ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=55 time=41.4 ms
    64 bytes from api.buycraft.net ( icmp_seq=4 ttl=55 time=41.6 ms
    64 bytes from api.buycraft.net ( icmp_seq=5 ttl=55 time=41.8 ms
    64 bytes from api.buycraft.net ( icmp_seq=6 ttl=55 time=41.3 ms
    64 bytes from api.buycraft.net ( icmp_seq=7 ttl=55 time=41.8 ms
    64 bytes from api.buycraft.net ( icmp_seq=8 ttl=55 time=41.5 ms
    64 bytes from api.buycraft.net ( icmp_seq=9 ttl=55 time=41.4 ms
    64 bytes from api.buycraft.net ( icmp_seq=10 ttl=55 time=41.9 ms
    64 bytes from api.buycraft.net ( icmp_seq=11 ttl=55 time=41.4 ms
    64 bytes from api.buycraft.net ( icmp_seq=12 ttl=55 time=41.5 ms
    64 bytes from api.buycraft.net ( icmp_seq=13 ttl=55 time=41.4 ms
    --- api.buycraft.net ping statistics ---
    13 packets transmitted, 13 received, 0% packet loss, time 12018ms
  26. Offline


    I love Buycraft :D I was wondering if you could make it so that in variables, there was a choice other than alphabetic, alphanumeric, and numbers, where you could use letters, numbers, AND spaces. This would be really helpful if someone was, for example buying something that would announce a message to the server, or a message on a sign at the spawn. Thanks! And keep up on the great work!
  27. Offline


    Any status on having shipping information added?
  28. Offline


    Anything else I can try? unsettling why it just stopped working =/

    Time:08/07/13 11:01
    Was working
    Time:09/07/13 01:55
    stopped working
  29. Offline


    Our Dev just said it'll be something to do with your own server not being able to access the buycraft api.
    Try setting HTTPS to false in the config, though the issue may be relavent to Java.
  30. Offline


    It is already set to false. I can ping api.buycraft.net - is was working fine a few days ago and I have made no changes to the server/network. I'd love to pin point this but I need more assistance, I'm fine with enabling debugging.


  31. Send me a PM and we can exchange contact details.

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