[ADMN] WarnFreeze v1.0.1 - Freeze players on your server [617-733]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Queepo, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. Offline


    WarnFreeze v1.0
    Freeze players on your server.
    Builds: [617-733]
    Requires Permissions Plugin

    WarnFreeze allows admins to freeze a target player when they are doing something wrong. Using either /freeze or /warn will prevent the player from moving however warning them will allow them to acknowledge the warning and move again using the /acknowledge command. In both cases an admin can free them using either /unfreeze or /unwarn. Admins can also use /freeze all and /warn all to affect all players on the server. If the admin who uses the command has the correct permissions it will override all current warns or freezes but will not affect any admins with warning or freezing permissions.

    This plugin relies on Permissions and gives more power to admins who possess freezing capabilities. An admin with only warning abilites will not be able to affect a player who has been frozen with either the /warn or /unwarn commands while a player with /freeze capabilities has free reign (still needs warn permissions to warn someone)
    The commands /unfreeze and /unwarn are interchangeable however follow the the same rules as above when it comes to affecting frozen players.

    Commands and Permissions
    /warn (playername | all) [message] | Warns the specified player or all non admins.
    /warn list | Get a list of warned and frozen players.
    /warn clean | Unwarn and unfreeze all players offline or online.
    /freeze (playername) [message] | Freeze's a player until they are unfrozen by an admin. |
    /warn all [message] | Warns all players on the server.
    /freeze all [message] | Freezes all players on the server.
    /unwarn all | Unwarns all players on the server.
    /unwarn (playername) | Frees a player from a warning.
    /unfreeze all | Unwarns all players on the server.
    /unfreeze (playername) | Frees a player from a warning.
    /acknowledge | Allows the users to free themselves if warned.

    warnfreeze.warn Allows warning and unwarning of individual players.
    warnfreeze.warnall Allows warning unwarning of everyone on the server.
    warnfreeze.freeze Allows freezing and unfreezing of individual players.
    warnfreeze.freezeall Allows freezing and unfreezing of everyone on the server.
    warnfreeze.clean Allows use of cleaning warned players.

    Any permission node will give players access to /warn list.

    Planned Features / Fixes
    -None Taking suggestions

    Still an early build, please post any errors you get below.
    Download Latest Release, and enjoy.

    v 1.0.1
    • Fixed Not checking warn/freeze all permissions.
    v 1.0
    • Updated to 617
    • Added list and clear.
    • Completely redid entire code.
    • Updated for recommended Craftbukkit build #9
    • Added all warning and freezing capabilities
    • Added messages to warnings.
    • Fixed chat spam on warned players.
    • Added message to admins when a player acknowledges a warning.
    • Added names when giving feedback to admins.
    • Fixed teleporting while frozen
    • Inital release
  2. Offline


    Sweet thanks for this, ill try it out and let you know!
  3. Offline


    I think there's a typo on the /freeze line, right after the pipe. Assuming "WarnFreeze is a plugin that allows admins and mods to either warn or freeze a player. Both function similarly and freeze the target although freeze is a lot more powerful, as the frozen user is unable to free him/herself." Is the correct way.
  4. Offline


    Thanks I wrote this fairly quickly and thought I must have made a few typo's.
  5. Offline


  6. Offline


    Can you please add, If a player can use /Spawn + /Home etc.?
  7. Offline


    Yes I'll add that for the next release.
  8. Offline


    Ah This is exactly what I need!

    Just one suggestion.

    Could you add a "freeze all" option?

    If someone is griefing my server it would be very helpful if I could just freeze everyone at once.

    Then I can take my time and preform a thorough investigation! :)
  9. Offline


    Great Hey0 plugin port, my friend was about to code this. :)
  10. Offline


    Huge update, check changelog.
  11. Offline

    Lunar Delta

    This plugin is exceptionally buggy. When I tested it on my server, from the moment it finished loading, nobody could warp, go to their home, or even move, and people were constantly dying from being stuck inside blocks or falling into the void. Dozens of people lost their inventories. I tried it on a different server I use specifically for testing and got the same result. Lots of frozen people and crashing out of the game. I was never able to test the actual plugin. :I
  12. Offline


    When did you download this? I'm using it on my server right now with 10+ people and no major bugs whatsoever. Did you install any plugins at the same time as this one?

    I have tested this on builds 241 and 289 please post your build so I can test it out.
  13. Offline

    Lunar Delta

    I downloaded it for the first time today. I tested it on CB 289 with these plugins running:

    Big Brother
    Block Drops
    Magic Carpet

    Removing WarnFreeze and restarting instantly returned everything to normal.
  14. Offline


    I have tested it on 289 and had no issues. Do you know if there were any errors when this happened? Simply installing the plugin has no effect on anyone and shouldn't cause any problems. Make sure to re download the file as I fixed some minor bugs with a small update.
  15. Offline


    Our staff is coding a warn plugin - we'll have to compare them.
  16. Offline


    Works great for me, using 289. Thanks!
  17. Offline

    Cosmic Break

    can you make /ack an alias for /acknowledge.
    some ppl are to lazy to type the full word.
  18. Offline


    I could do that but it would defeat the purpose of the player typing it out. Forcing them to type out the whole word emphasizes the warning.
  19. Offline


    I completely agree with this, if you do happen to add a smaller alias to use, please make it toggable so we can disable the shorter command.
  20. Offline


    Might have found a glitch - if you warn someone and they log out before they have acknowledged, they can't join again - they join but instantly disconnect.
  21. Offline


    Doesn't seem to be working since 300+ came out. No errors to console, just does nothing.
  22. Offline


    plug says it doesnt work, is this true?
  23. Offline


    Plugin has been updated for the Jenkins recommended build #9 (aka jenkins build 53), see this thread for recommended builds info.
  24. Offline


    long constructer fix ? Nag Nag !

    And maybe fix spamming, when people try to move, since that just overrides warn right away.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2016
  25. Offline


    Long Constructor NAG NAG NAG NAG NAG NAG
  26. Offline


    Hi Queepo, just want to let you know that this is one of the best admin utils ever. So much more effective than kicking. It stops time wasting noobs in their tracks.

    Im running the CB440 stable release, and I can confirm the plugin still functions as intended. Not after any new features, just don't want to lose this plugin on the next round of upgrades.

    Keep up the good work,
  27. Offline


    Thanks a lot :). The commands system has changed recently and i'm still figuring it all out but after I do I have a major update coming out.
  28. Offline


    Please fix for 473+.
  29. Offline


    None of the commands work. /warn gives you /warnall /unwarnall, but no command does anything ( b440 recommended build )

    No error code. Just "Unknown console command"
  30. Offline


    Thanks a lot if you're able to get that major update out soon!

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