Plugin category: [ADMN] Suggested name: Vote Broadcast What I want: I want a plugin (Maybe a votifier listener, I don't know how it would have to be made) that checks if certain criteria is met, an if it is met, gives a player reward. Example: I have three sites I want my users to vote on. I want the plugin to check if each site has been voted on, by that user, and if so, give a reward. And I also want it to broadcast when a user has voted. Example: [Vote] %player% just voted and got DIAMONDS! I would also like the broadcast to allow for color formatting. By this plugin, server owners would be able to know if their servers are actually being voted for, instead of cheating. (Example: Using a vote for diamonds script on a website can be cheated, because it only checks if people click the link, not actually hit the vote button) Ideas for commands: No commands needed for this plugin/listener Ideas for permissions: No permissions needed for this plugin/listener When I'd like it by: Whenever it can be completed. Try this. If it doesn't work tag me and I'll write it up for ya .
Get a listener. Let me be more specific. Get a listener in the Votifier Listener forums. Maybe get a listener that announces. Or gives items. But you're not asking for a plugin, and this has already been made. EDIT: javoris767 ninja'd me.
Ah yes I already have this listener installed. But what it doesn't do: It doesn't check if all the sites have been voted for, it only checks if a user votes on ONE of te sites, then rewards them based apon that. I want this to reward the players when ALL sites have been voted for. Also the broadcasting listeners aren't color formatted.
No no, you dont get it. He has all that working, he wants ihs users to get the rewards if they voted on all three sites. This is completely possible and easy, if noone does this, ill do it.
That could work! Should not be that hard to do. So if I get it, you want players to get the <Reward> only if they vote on the three websites?
welley34 -_Husky_- Well whoever is going to make it I would like for it to give a reward. But also a an broadcast feature. I don't mean /broadcast, I actually mean that it broadcasts [Vote] %Player% just voted for diamonds! But I want the broadcast to be color formatted. Do you understand what I mean?
Ok, then will it only broadcast when an user votes on ALL the websites? Instead of broadcast when an user just votes on one?
Oh. Ok. You will need to edit some listeners. But you won't need any plugins. Only some listeners could do the job!
You could use the plugin FakeMessage and make it run the command /fm [&bVOTE&f] &a%name &bhas voted for diamonds!
That's extremely easy...... I got that for my server too...... Use the whatever name it called listener (Something like JCVaultListener). Just change the amount of money given to 0, and modify some mesages from "Player voted and got <amount>" to "Player voted and got some DIAMONDS!!!" Colour codes work too....... No need another plugin..... EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
this is what you are looking for im using it its awesome you can test it on my server IP: type /warp vote and vote to see how it works thanks
they can not use script all voting websites have been made cleverly enough to put a captcha on votings
No... You cant cheat every voting script ever made because..... It only checks if you click the LINK, not actually complete the Captcha and click vote..
He's talking about the website captcha that users need to type in to vote (using Votifier to confirm votes).