[ADMN/SEC/WEB] HawkEye [BukkitDev]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by oliverw92, Aug 15, 2011.

  1. Offline


    sethgandy, phimt, matan7890 and 7 others like this.
  2. Offline


    Consider making an alias for 'hawk' like Bigbrothers' is /bb and logblocks is /lb
    Try maybe /hk or /ha

  3. Offline


    There is /he already build in. I'll add /hk and /ha
  4. Offline


    You are REALLY on the ball with this. :) I'm not going to test it out until 1.8, but thanks for carryone on where BigBrother stopped. (Not literally, I found this after reading he's stopping BigBrother)
  5. Offline


    :p Cool thanks!
  6. Offline


    Do it.
  7. Offline


    It will require some serious work if I try and make it edit offline inventories too. I'll see how it goes
  8. Offline


    I'm no programmer, but couldnt you find out a way to load playernamehere.dat from the world?
  9. Offline


    You can't just load a player.dat when the player isn't online. That is handled by something deep within the Minecraft server. I have a way to do it though
  10. Offline


    i've looked in alot of places for the my sql create tables?> where, point me to there =)

    would it be cause of my database name???
  11. Offline


    The plugin creates the tables itself. Please show me your config.php and config.yml
  12. Offline


  13. Offline


    small bug- NPE error

    Show Spoiler

    2011-08-17 23:23:02 [SEVERE] java.lang.NullPointerException
    2011-08-17 23:23:02 [SEVERE] at uk.co.oliwali.HawkEye.util.BlockUtil.getBlockStringName(BlockUtil.java:61)
    2011-08-17 23:23:02 [SEVERE] at uk.co.oliwali.HawkEye.entry.BlockChangeEntry.getStringData(BlockChangeEntry.java:36)
    2011-08-17 23:23:02 [SEVERE] at uk.co.oliwali.HawkEye.DisplayManager.displayPage(DisplayManager.java:47)
    2011-08-17 23:23:02 [SEVERE] at uk.co.oliwali.HawkEye.callbacks.SearchCallback.execute(SearchCallback.java:27)
    2011-08-17 23:23:02 [SEVERE] at uk.co.oliwali.HawkEye.database.SearchQuery.run(SearchQuery.java:184)
  14. Offline


    Does this log worldedit commands as well? That's the main feature I keep looking for in a logging program, the ability to log and rollback worldedit builds/removals.

    Secondarily, I'm looking for the ability to give my mods rollback, but limit how much "damage" they can do at once if they screw up. Basically limits on how much they can rollback at once, and if possible, the ability to redo (partially or whole) their rollback.

    By the way, I can't find ingame commands listed anywhere...
  15. Offline


    Why would you wait? BB is flamed out and buggy. This works PERFECTLY and has a spiffy web interface I cant stop playing with. The codebase seems solid here, it is half the size of BB and if the dev keeps it up this will be the #1 rollback/anti-grief plugin out there.
  16. Offline


    Im running a temp server right now on my server. no reason to log greifing when the point is to build something then blow it up.
  17. Offline


    Are there any errors in your console when you start the server? Is HawkEye actually launching ok?

    What did you do to trigger this? Thanks for the report

    Currently it doesn't log WorldEdit commands. This is no fault of my plugin - WorldEdit uses a very odd command system. It is something I am planning to work out, however. I want this functionality too! At this point in time it seems impossible without WorldEdit using my API - something that would be very hard to get them to implement I think.

    You can limit the maximum database search results and maximum radius through the config file. You can redo rollbacks if you make a mistake using /hawk undo.

    Commands list is on the wiki, as is masses of information.
  18. Offline


    I don't think that's really what I mean, like give my mods a max rollback time of 24 or 48 hours, with a max radius of 100 blocks, while my admins have full unadulterated rollback capability.

    Also, I kinda meant save rollback operations so that a separate admin can redo them or part of them. The problem with BB was that if you lost connection (disconnect, crash, or otherwise) after doing a rollback, you couldn't undo when you rejoined the server; You also couldn't "jump" rollbacks, and redo the rollback *before* the last one you did.

    When they disable the tool, will the block be removed?
  19. Offline


    I see what you mean now. That isn't something that is currently supported, but it wouldn't be a bad system to have. I will have to think of how the config system would work for that, so don't expect it soon.

    The next bug release of HawkEye persists your player session over quit and join so if you do a rollback, you can quit and rejoin and still undo the rollback.
    I have a concept idea of a 'Rollback History' manager. This would allow for people to have more than one query in their history and would also easily allow you to rollback other people etc. This would not persist over server reboots however.
  20. Offline


    That's a start atleast. As for the history manager, could you not store these in the database like you do normal block events? That's the easiest way I could think of for them to persist across server reboots (I have a scheduled restart at 6am every morning for mine)
  21. Offline


    No because I would have to store every single block change again in the database. It would just eat memory and disk space. Plus it would interfere with normal data.

    Also I just worked out how to log WorldEdit commands.
  22. Offline


    When can we expect 1.0.2 etc?
  23. Offline


    17:12:16 [INFO] [HawkEye] Starting HawkEye initiation process...
    17:12:16 [INFO] [HawkEye] Using Permissions for user permissions
    17:12:16 [INFO] [HawkEye] Performing update check...
    17:12:19 [INFO] [HawkEye] No updates available for HawkEye
    17:12:19 [SEVERE] [HawkEye] Error whilst attempting to get connection: com.mysql
    .jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure
    The last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago. The driv
    er has not received any packets from the server.
    17:12:19 [SEVERE] [HawkEye] Error initiating HawkEye database connection, disabl
    ing plugin
    Getting this error wich disables your plugin, help :D
  24. Offline




    When that hits 100% and I test it

    Communications link failure - indicates that you haven't put in the right MySQL details. Show me your config.yml

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  25. Offline


    Either you put in the wrong information, @oliverw92 needs to add autoreconnection to the DB (if it isn't already in there), or you need to increase the wait_timeout of your MySQL server.

    Edit: lol ninja'd.
  26. Offline


    I use connection pooling - autoreconnection is void in this situation, since each query gets a connection from the pool, and the pool manager makes sure the connections are valid constantly. His error is because it can't connect to the database at all. His timeout would have to be 0 for him to get that error because of a dodgy timeout value
  27. Offline


    Ah, darn, it would be of no use to me then >_<

    Really :O Mind if I ask how?

    Ah, I see.
  28. Offline


    @Incendia For some reason WorldEdit is setting all command events involving its commands to be cancelled. I simply just ignored the cancelled state no matter what. At the end of the day there is rarely a need to cancel events, and in a logging situation it does no harm to see every attempted command.
  29. Offline


    @oliverw92 I see. So if my understanding is correct, that will let you log the commands themselves, but not the block changes associated with them?
  30. Offline


    @Incendia No - is that what you were actually wanting? Because I'm not even sure that is possible without editing WorldEdit itself
  31. Offline


        lava-bucket: true
        painting-place: true
        other: true
        pvp-death: true
        block-fade: true
        chat: true
        quit: true
        sign-place: true
        painting-break: true
        lava-flow: true
        flint-steel: true
        button: true
        command: true
        block-form: true
        teleport: true
        lever: true
        item-drop: true
        water-bucket: true
        block-burn: true
        sign-break: true
        block-break: true
        leaf-decay: true
        water-flow: true
        join: true
        door-interact: true
        block-place: true
        open-container: true
        item-pickup: true
        explosion: true
        container-transaction: true
        mob-death: true
        other-death: true
        max-lines: 0
        tool-block: '17'
        log-item-drops-on-death: false
        cleanse-age: '0'
        delete-data-on-rollback: false
        log-ip-addresses: true
        debug: false
        max-radius: 0
        hawkeye-table: hawkeye
        port: 3306
        player-table: hawk_players
        username: root
        world-table: hawk_worlds
        hostname: localhost
        max-connections: 10
        password: ''
        database: minecraft
    version: 1.0.1
    Haven't configured anything in there

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