[ADMN/SEC] VanishNoPacket 3.14.2 - Invisibility made easy! [BukkitDev]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by mbaxter, Aug 16, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Very nice plugin, recommend if you are running a server that you dedicate your time to. Great mix with FoundDiamond because when they find ores, you can vanish and tp to them to see if they x-rayed. Like I said, this plugin is very useful so you should download it.
  2. Offline


    This. In GM or other perms plugins. Remove certain perms (Effects of lightning are a perm) by doing:

    - -permission.node1.node2

    Doing so removes the perm, even if you have given yourself * I honestly suggest that if you give your owners * you also give them:

    - -bukkit.commands.gamemode or whatever the perm for it is. This will only allow the server console to issue gamemode command then. Gamemode can be extremely dangerous. (Similarly, worldedit.) With GroupManager, you can add/remove perms on the fly as it is.

    Also, a suggestion to the developer. Can you add a feature where we can't even see ourselves (to make sure we know we're vanished) while in F5?
  3. Offline

    mbaxter ʇıʞʞnq ɐ sɐɥ ı

    That one's impossible, sadly.

    Ways to check if you're vanished:

    /vanish check

    /vanish list

    Going to the inventory page while in survival mode (creative mode doesn't show it sadly) will show 'invisible'
  4. Offline


    yes :p
  5. Offline

    mbaxter ʇıʞʞnq ɐ sɐɥ ı

    So, you enabled it then :p

    Next time read a plugin's documentation first and negate nodes that you don't want! :D
  6. Offline


    Is there a way to remove - 'vanish.see' from a server.. I am trying to make a game with ops and I want ops to not see me.. I use groupmamager.
    I put - -'vanish.see' on every player that I dont want them to see, but the ops can still see me.. Is there a way
    to make it so ops that I select will never see. Yes, I am putting - -'vanish.see' in the right folder and place. and that Groupmanager is still working.. Make a command to see if your ops can still see you.
  7. Offline

    mbaxter ʇıʞʞnq ɐ sɐɥ ı

    You seem to be misunderstanding what op means. :p

    Either way, ask the GM folks for how to properly negate that node
  8. Offline


    I know how to negate the node.. Its to - -'vanish.see'
    it worked for me using - -'vanish.nochat' so i could chat.. I just cant make ops not have vanish.see
    I want ops to not see vanished people atm.. The game was over but the next game. I want ops to not see a thing of me being vanished! Please..
  9. Offline

    mbaxter ʇıʞʞnq ɐ sɐɥ ı

    Well, let's find out how things are going.

    In the VanishNoPacket config, enable permtest.
    Say 'vanish reload' in console.

    Now, have one of your ops join the game with you, and you should type this: /permtest NAME-OF-OP vanish.see

    Let me know what it says :)
  10. Offline


    I cant find anyone to help me find out to see if I`m visible atm.. Would you like to help me?
  11. Offline

    mbaxter ʇıʞʞnq ɐ sɐɥ ı

    Sorry, I can't currently.

    Version 3.10 released

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 14, 2016
  12. Offline


  13. Offline


    [diamond]ребят а что надо прописать чтобы не подбирать вещи[diamond]:confused::confused::confused:
  14. Offline

    Mr. X

    Bukkit: Build #02203
    Vanisch: 3.10
    when i type "/v" i see "An internal error...." and i'm not unvisible
    [VanishNoPacket] Crafter6432 reappeared.
    2012-05-31 16:30:29 [SEVERE] java.lang.RuntimeException: Permissions manager is not accessable. Is the PermissionsEx plugin enabled?
    2012-05-31 16:30:29 [SEVERE]    at ru.tehkode.permissions.bukkit.PermissionsEx.getPermissionManager(PermissionsEx.java:148)
    2012-05-31 16:30:29 [SEVERE]    at ru.tehkode.permissions.bukkit.PermissionsEx.getUser(PermissionsEx.java:155)
    2012-05-31 16:30:29 [SEVERE]    at ru.tehkode.permissions.bukkit.superperms.PermissiblePEX.performCheck(PermissiblePEX.java:124)
    2012-05-31 16:30:29 [SEVERE]    at ru.tehkode.permissions.bukkit.superperms.PermissiblePEX.checkPermission(PermissiblePEX.java:110)
    2012-05-31 16:30:29 [SEVERE]    at ru.tehkode.permissions.bukkit.superperms.PermissiblePEX.hasPermission(PermissiblePEX.java:102)
    2012-05-31 16:30:29 [SEVERE]    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.entity.CraftHumanEntity.hasPermission(CraftHumanEntity.java:102)
    2012-05-31 16:30:29 [SEVERE]    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.broadcast(CraftServer.java:971)
    2012-05-31 16:30:29 [SEVERE]    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.broadcastMessage(CraftServer.java:328)
    2012-05-31 16:30:29 [SEVERE]    at org.kitteh.vanish.VanishAnnounceManipulator.fakeJoin(VanishAnnounceManipulator.java:63)
    2012-05-31 16:30:29 [SEVERE]    at org.kitteh.vanish.VanishAnnounceManipulator.vanishToggled(VanishAnnounceManipulator.java:97)
    2012-05-31 16:30:29 [SEVERE]    at org.kitteh.vanish.VanishManager.toggleVanish(VanishManager.java:205)
    2012-05-31 16:30:29 [SEVERE]    at org.kitteh.vanish.VanishCommand.onCommand(VanishCommand.java:46)
    2012-05-31 16:30:29 [SEVERE]    at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(PluginCommand.java:40)
    2012-05-31 16:30:29 [SEVERE]    at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(SimpleCommandMap.java:166)
    2012-05-31 16:30:29 [SEVERE]    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(CraftServer.java:479)
    2012-05-31 16:30:29 [SEVERE]    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.handleCommand(NetServerHandler.java:821)
    2012-05-31 16:30:29 [SEVERE]    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.chat(NetServerHandler.java:781)
    2012-05-31 16:30:29 [SEVERE]    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:764)
    2012-05-31 16:30:29 [SEVERE]    at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.handle(Packet3Chat.java:34)
    2012-05-31 16:30:29 [SEVERE]    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(NetworkManager.java:229)
    2012-05-31 16:30:29 [SEVERE]    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:113)
    2012-05-31 16:30:29 [SEVERE]    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(NetworkListenThread.java:78)
    2012-05-31 16:30:29 [SEVERE]    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(MinecraftServer.java:567)
    2012-05-31 16:30:29 [SEVERE]    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:459)
    2012-05-31 16:30:29 [SEVERE]    at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:492)
    2012-05-31 16:30:29 [SEVERE] null
    Yes, PermissionsEx is enabled and works.
  15. Offline

    mbaxter ʇıʞʞnq ɐ sɐɥ ı


    That is a PermissionsEx crash that has existed for months. I suggest upgrading to a better permissions management plugin.
    Mr. X likes this.
  16. Offline

    Mr. X

    I don't know a better plugin than pex.Any other solutions?
  17. Offline

    mbaxter ʇıʞʞnq ɐ sɐɥ ı

  18. Offline


    i have before btw i love this plugin its so handy :)
  19. Offline


    can u add a config option to vanish on login? thank u :D or is there already a option? if there is can u tell me how? thanks again :)
  20. Offline

    mbaxter ʇıʞʞnq ɐ sɐɥ ı

    There already is an option. Check out the documentation ;)
  21. Offline


    ok thanks for ur help :D
  22. Offline


    this plugin is freaking AWESOME
  23. Offline


    I used to like that plugin... But now there is that supermassive megaexplosion when vanishing... And even if I try to remove it with permission nodes (Using PEx), it still has that megasuper effect...
  24. Offline

    mbaxter ʇıʞʞnq ɐ sɐɥ ı

  25. Offline


    Is it alright with you if I make a plugin showcase for VanishNoPacket?
    Yes, I know you already have a video up^^.
  26. Offline

    mbaxter ʇıʞʞnq ɐ sɐɥ ı

    Sure thing! :)
  27. Offline


    Thanks! Will have it up either later today or tomorrow depending on how the editing goes.
  28. Offline

    mbaxter ʇıʞʞnq ɐ sɐɥ ı

    Sounds great! I look forward to seeing it.

    The big challenge with this plugin is that it's entirely based on the idea of not being seen, making a visual demonstration pretty difficult!
  29. Offline


    Having some problems with the plugin so video will probably go up tomorrow.
  30. Offline

    mbaxter ʇıʞʞnq ɐ sɐɥ ı

    Feel free to ask me for help on IRC :)

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