Inactive [ADMN/SEC] Regios v5.0.01 - Advanced Region Management! + Multi-World, Protection + More![1.0.1-R1]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Adamki11s, May 3, 2011.

  1. Regio's - Advanced Region Management! + Multiworld support, protection, entry control, health control, movement control, custom messages and more!
    Version : 5.0.01

    Changelog :​
    Version 5.0.01 : Fixed NPE's regarding ChunkGrids & Regions​
    Version 5.0.0 : Updated for 1.0.0 and fixed glaring protection issues.​
    Version 4.0.80 : Mobs Fixed and Economy Support for iConomy6 (Thanks to Pianosaurus)​
    Version 4.0.71 : Complete Recode.​
  2. Offline


    Thanks, now the creepers and tnt explote again!
  3. Good ;) The reason it wasn't working was because I still had the checks in place when you could configure that stuff globally but I took that out temporarily to improve on it.
  4. Offline


    Okay. I dont know if regios v3.1_01 fixed my problem of config dont saving after server reload or downloading MySQL server 5.1 fixed it. How do you think ?
  5. Don't know, the only issue with saving that I know of was with modifying health settings and the upgraded version fixed that. Besides Regios uses SQLite not MySQL so I doubt that would've made a difference.
  6. Offline


    your all good buddy I know 900 people demanding you fix things you need to get the big things first LOL just take you time people will understand :)

    good to hear that it will be awsome for you to have a site people can go to Nice work

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2016
    Adamki11s likes this.
  7. I'm still making it but it'll much easier for people to find information about commands, bugs, download etc in a more...friendly format. You can check it out so far but it's incomplete. Regios Website
  8. Offline


    Very nice
    Adamki11s likes this.
  9. Offline


    Bug- I have just downloaded your most resent build and when i reload the server the expandmax, welcome message, health and protect seem to stop working. If I re-enter the commands once restarting the server it they all enable again. It remembers the regions but not the toggle settings.

    Great plugin keep up the good work :)
  10. Offline


    How to disable healthregen ?
  11. Thanks, I have had some issues with reloads and I'm trying hard to fix all of these. Thanks I'll take a look at these straight away.
    /regios healthregen <region> + 0
  12. Offline


    I keep having an issue with this on my desktop, on my laptop it works fine but on my desktop whenever anyone logs in it does this:[​IMG]
    If anyone could help me it would be much appreciated.
  13. Was this a one off thing because when I was modifying the regios version on the update server you may have gotten this error?
  14. Offline


    A very strange error happened lastnight on my server. Suddenly all Regios commands just stopped working. /regios doesn't even return an error, nothing appears at all when using any of the commands.

    Also, welcome/exit messages aren't working aswell as area protection. As far as I can tell, nothing with the Regios plugin is working. I came here and saw there was an updated version so I tried that and it still doesn't work at all.

    Any insight/help would be greatly appreciated. :)
  15. Offline


    I have tried several times on different days, re-installing Java and starting with a clean version of Regios then I will try again and tell you what happens.


    If I have
    CheckForUpdatesOnStartup: true
    then this happens when I start the server: [​IMG]
    If I have
    CheckForUpdatesOnStartup: false
    then this happens when someone logs in:

    I am using a clean download of Regios and I just re-installed JDK and JRE incase Java was having an error for some reason, also I checked my environment variables and am sure the Path and ClassPath variables are correct. I can't figure out what is happening...
  16. Offline


    Oh god... After server restart, protect settings are saved but message settings (showleave,showwelcome) keep getting set to default. WHAT IS THE PROBLEM ?!!?!
  17. Offline


    Make sure you type: "stop" in the CMD window or "/stop" in-game, this will properly stop the server and save the plugin data, pushing the X is not the way to go ;D
    Adamki11s likes this.
  18. Sorry there was a little problem with database saving, download 3.2 it's fixed in that release ;) 3.2/Regios.jar

    Sorry there was a little problem with database saving, download 3.2 it's fixed in that release ;) 3.2/Regios.jar

    Hmm ok I think this is because I'm not disabling version checks on login aswell as startup, I'll do this quickly for you ;)

    Ok this should fix it, just download v3.2 3.2/Regios.jar

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2016
  19. Offline


    Thank you, my new favorite developer! Such great customer service!
  20. Offline


  21. You'll love this, take a look :D

    Just finished it today.

    Yes, just download the new 3.2 jar and it should work. Put the new jar inplace of the old Regios one.

    EDIT: You will need to set the messages again.

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2016
  22. Offline


    Adamki11s likes this.
  23. Offline


    Oh, well no idea why it's not working then. :/ Haven't installed any new plugins or anything either.

    What I do have installed though:
    - Regios
    - Big Brother
    - Private Warp
    - World Edit
    - Essentials
    - iChat
    - Citizens
    - LWC
  24. So you're telling me you downloaded the new version, set your messages and properties again and it still doesn't work? I tested on my localhost and it worked perfectly. Are you using the latest #803 cb build?

    All of the information has been moved to the new website I created for Regios. It makes everything more organised for you and me, easier for me to manage and update.

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2016
  25. Offline


    installed new version, the version message is telling me I'm still using 3.1.
  26. Sorry, put the wrong download link up. Just re-download, I've changed the link.
  27. Offline


    I can't reset anything again because none of the /regios commands work. :/
    And the area data is still in the texts files, they just don't show up in-game. And yeah I downloaded the new version you linked to and did everything you said.
  28. Same as comment above, sorry.
  29. Offline


    Okay thankyou.
    What has actually changed from V3.1 - V3.2?

    Thanks - Great plugin! :D
  30. There must be a problem with your server, maybe a plugin which is blocking commands or have you tried to modify the config file? Also make sure your running Craft bukkit #803 because because everything works fine on my test server.

    I fixed some issues with things not saving properly. Also if you want vote for the next update, it helps me to decide what to work on ;) Vote here

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2016
  31. Offline


    Awesome! Great Work :)
    Adamki11s likes this.

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