Inactive [ADMN/SEC] AuthDB v2.3.6 - Database authentication and protection [1.1-1.4.5]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by CraftFire, Mar 13, 2011.

  1. Offline


    In order to centralize support of our legacy projects, we will no longer be providing support on Bukkit. Please use for support with our projects going forward.
  2. Offline


    Support for IPB 3.2.6?
    I'm goin to upgrade, but scared of crashing my server. Well, I suppose, there is no big changes in tables from 3.2.1
  3. Offline


    I haven't looked. You can compare the table structure if you want, but it's most likely the same. Backup if you are unsure.
  4. Offline


    Em, Doesnt the plugin jsut block the connection, because of public static String VersionRange = "3.1.3-3.2.1";
  5. Offline


    No, it warns you and tries to use the latest version we support. Most of the time you are fine unless they renamed the fields we use or they changed the password hashing method.
  6. Offline


    Going to use this plugin instead of xauth. Because of the feature to integrate it with phpBB3. Great! :)
    Is there any releasedate of the 'Groups' Addon?
  7. Offline


    We were planning for 2.3.0, but we didn't get it finished because of bugs in AuthDB, it's been moved to 2.4.0. We'll see though!
  8. Offline


    server down
    21.09 10:20:36 [Server] INFO     ... 20 more
    21.09 10:20:36 [Server] INFO     at com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.query.CQueryEngine.findMany(
    21.09 10:20:36 [Server] INFO     at com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.query.CQuery.prepareBindExecuteQuery(
    21.09 10:20:36 [Server] INFO     at com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.lib.sql.PooledConnection.prepareStatement(
    21.09 10:20:36 [Server] INFO     at com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.lib.sql.PooledConnection.prepareStatement(
    21.09 10:20:36 [Server] INFO     at org.sqlite.Conn.prepareStatement(
    21.09 10:20:36 [Server] INFO     at org.sqlite.Conn.prepareStatement(
    21.09 10:20:36 [Server] INFO     at org.sqlite.Conn.prepareStatement(
    21.09 10:20:36 [Server] INFO     at org.sqlite.PrepStmt.<init>(
    21.09 10:20:36 [Server] INFO     at org.sqlite.DB.prepare(
    21.09 10:20:36 [Server] INFO     at org.sqlite.NestedDB.prepare(
    21.09 10:20:36 [Server] INFO     at org.sqlite.DB.throwex(
    21.09 10:20:36 [Server] INFO     at org.sqlite.DB.newSQLException(
    21.09 10:20:36 [Server] INFO     at org.sqlite.DB.newSQLException(
    21.09 10:20:36 [Server] INFO Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: [SQLITE_BUSY]  The database file is locked (database is locked)
    21.09 10:20:36 [Server] INFO     at
    21.09 10:20:36 [Server] INFO     at
    21.09 10:20:36 [Server] INFO     at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(
    21.09 10:20:36 [Server] INFO     at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:105)
    21.09 10:20:36 [Server] INFO     at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    21.09 10:20:36 [Server] INFO     at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
    21.09 10:20:36 [Server] INFO     at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    21.09 10:20:36 [Server] INFO     at net.minecraft.server.ServerConfigurationManager.disconnect(
    21.09 10:20:36 [Server] INFO     at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
    21.09 10:20:36 [Server] INFO     at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
    21.09 10:20:36 [Server] INFO     at$2.execute(
    21.09 10:20:36 [Server] INFO     at com.authdb.listeners.AuthDBPlayerListener.onPlayerQuit(
    21.09 10:20:36 [Server] INFO     at com.authdb.AuthDB.isRegistered(
    21.09 10:20:36 [Server] INFO     at com.authdb.util.databases.EBean.checkPlayer(
    21.09 10:20:36 [Server] INFO     at com.avaje.ebeaninternal.util.DefaultExpressionList.findUnique(
    21.09 10:20:36 [Server] INFO     at com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.querydefn.DefaultOrmQuery.findUnique(
    21.09 10:20:36 [Server] INFO     at com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.core.DefaultServer.findUnique(
    21.09 10:20:36 [Server] INFO     at com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.core.DefaultServer.findList(
    21.09 10:20:36 [Server] INFO     at com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.core.OrmQueryRequest.findList(
    21.09 10:20:36 [Server] INFO     at com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.query.DefaultOrmQueryEngine.findMany(
    21.09 10:20:36 [Server] INFO     at com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.query.CQueryEngine.findMany(
    21.09 10:20:36 [Server] INFO     at com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.query.CQuery.createPersistenceException(
    21.09 10:20:36 [Server] INFO     at com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.query.CQuery.createPersistenceException(
    21.09 10:20:36 [Server] INFO where lower(t0.playername) =?
    21.09 10:20:36 [Server] INFO from authdb_users t0
    21.09 10:20:36 [Server] INFO select c0, t0.playername c1, t0.linkedname c2, t0.password c3, t0.salt c4, t0.ip c5, c6, t0.inventory c7, c8, t0.activated c9, t0.registered c10, t0.authorized c11, t0.timeoutid c12, t0.reloadtime c13, t0.sessiontime c14
    21.09 10:20:36 [Server] INFO Query was:
    21.09 10:20:36 [Server] INFO Bind values:[null]
    21.09 10:20:36 [Server] INFO javax.persistence.PersistenceException: Query threw SQLException:[SQLITE_BUSY]  The database file is locked (database is locked)
    21.09 10:20:35 [Server] SEVERE Could not pass event PLAYER_QUIT to AuthDB
    21.09 10:20:35 [Server] INFO DataSourcePool [AuthDB] grow; id[AuthDB.5] busy[6] max[20]
    21.09 10:20:35 [Server] INFO Closing Connection[AuthDB.4] psReuse[0] psCreate[1] psSize[0]
    21.09 10:20:35 [Server] INFO Can not test connection as heartbeatsql is not set
    21.09 10:20:32 [Disconnect] User vitamit has disconnected, reason: disconnect.endOfStream
  9. Offline


    Did permissions change on the database file for some reason? eBeans is such a pain... we'll have to learn more about it. Do you normally have a lot of players on your server at one time? Is your bukkit.yml original and unmodified?
  10. It's locked when a process holds a lock on it, stop the minecraft server and do this if its linux: fuser databasefile . That'll tell you the process number to kill. If the server crashed before it might still have a lock on the database, try copying it to a different name and then copying it back (the database file that is) and see if it works
  11. Offline


    bukkit yml is original, early normally have 20 players at one time, i didnt change any permission (maybe problem in authdb.sqlite ?)
  12. Offline


    AuthDB 2.3.2 with SMF 2.0. RC 5
    2011-09-22 20:41:00 [INFO] Mattie112 [/xx.xx.xx.57:54112] logged in with entity id 227 at ([world] -332.9375, 70.0, 309.1875)
    2011-09-22 20:41:00 [INFO] [AuthDB] Login timeout time is: 3600 ticks.
    2011-09-22 20:41:00 [INFO] [AuthDB] Adding schedule ID to hashmap and persitence: 19
    2011-09-22 20:41:00 [INFO] [AuthDB] Mattie112 added to the CheckTimeoutTaskList
    2011-09-22 20:41:00 [INFO] [AuthDB] Database type in config: mysql
    2011-09-22 20:41:00 [INFO] [AuthDB] Database type set to MySQL
    2011-09-22 20:41:00 [INFO] [AuthDB] Connecting to MySQL....
    2011-09-22 20:41:00 [INFO] [AuthDB] Lauching function: connect()
    2011-09-22 20:41:00 [INFO] [AuthDB] MySQL: jdbc:mysql://91.xx.xx.xx:3306/xxx_xxxx
    2011-09-22 20:41:00 [INFO] [AuthDB] MySQL driver: mysql
    2011-09-22 20:41:00 [INFO] [AuthDB] MySQL username: xxx_xxx
    2011-09-22 20:41:00 [INFO] [AuthDB] MySQL password: xxxx
    2011-09-22 20:41:00 [INFO] [AuthDB] MySQL host: xxxxx
    2011-09-22 20:41:00 [INFO] [AuthDB] MySQL port: 3306
    2011-09-22 20:41:00 [INFO] [AuthDB] MySQL database: xxxxxx
    2011-09-22 20:41:00 [INFO] [AuthDB] MySQL prefix: smf_
    2011-09-22 20:41:00 [INFO] [AuthDB] MySQL: jdbc:mysql://xxxxxx:3306/xxxxx?user=xxxxx&password=xxxxxx
    2011-09-22 20:41:00 [INFO] [AuthDB] Database type in config: mysql
    2011-09-22 20:41:00 [INFO] [AuthDB] Database type set to MySQL
    2011-09-22 20:41:00 [INFO] [AuthDB] Config version:
    2011-09-22 20:41:00 [INFO] [AuthDB] Version range: 1.1.1-1.1.13
    2011-09-22 20:41:00 [INFO] [AuthDB] Version range 1: 1.1.1
    2011-09-22 20:41:00 [INFO] [AuthDB] Version range 2: 1.1.13
    2011-09-22 20:41:00 [INFO] [AuthDB] Version checking DID NOT PASS.
    2011-09-22 20:41:00 [INFO] [AuthDB] Config version:
    2011-09-22 20:41:00 [INFO] [AuthDB] Version range:
    2011-09-22 20:41:00 [INFO] [AuthDB] Version range 1:
    2011-09-22 20:41:00 [INFO] [AuthDB] Version range 2:
    2011-09-22 20:41:00 [INFO] [AuthDB] Version checking PASSED at first check.
    2011-09-22 20:41:00 [INFO] [AuthDB] Executing MySQL query: SELECT * FROM `smf_members` WHERE `member_name` = 'Mattie112' LIMIT 1
    2011-09-22 20:41:00 [INFO] [AuthDB] Database type in config: mysql
    2011-09-22 20:41:00 [INFO] [AuthDB] Database type set to MySQL
    2011-09-22 20:41:00 [INFO] [AuthDB] Closing MySQL connection....
    2011-09-22 20:41:00 [INFO] [AuthDB] Sucessfully stored Mattie112's inventory: 3:1:0:0,12:1:0:0,293:1:0:0,295:1:0:0,271:1:0:0,17:1:0:0,50:1:0:0,0:0:0:0,259:1:0:0,0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,
    2011-09-22 20:41:00 [INFO] [AuthDB] Sucessfully stored Mattie112's armor inventory: 0:0:0:-1,0:0:0:-1,0:0:0:-1,0:0:0:-1,
    2011-09-22 20:41:00 [INFO] [AuthDB] Launching function: replaceStrings(String string, Player player, String additional)
    2011-09-22 20:41:00 [INFO] [AuthDB] Took 0 seconds (1ms) to replace tags.
    2011-09-22 20:41:00 [INFO] [AuthDB] Took 0 seconds (1ms) to send a message.
    2011-09-22 20:41:04 [INFO] [AuthDB] Launching function: replaceStrings(String string, Player player, String additional)
    2011-09-22 20:41:04 [INFO] [AuthDB] Took 0 seconds (1ms) to replace tags.
    2011-09-22 20:41:04 [INFO] [AuthDB] Took 0 seconds (5ms) to send a message.
    2011-09-22 20:41:04 [INFO] [AuthDB] Database type in config: mysql
    2011-09-22 20:41:04 [INFO] [AuthDB] Database type set to MySQL
    2011-09-22 20:41:04 [INFO] [AuthDB] Connecting to MySQL....
    2011-09-22 20:41:04 [INFO] [AuthDB] Lauching function: connect()
    2011-09-22 20:41:04 [INFO] [AuthDB] MySQL: jdbc:mysql://91.xxxxxx:3306/xxxxxx
    2011-09-22 20:41:04 [INFO] [AuthDB] MySQL driver: mysql
    2011-09-22 20:41:04 [INFO] [AuthDB] MySQL username: xxxxxxx
    2011-09-22 20:41:04 [INFO] [AuthDB] MySQL password: xxxxxxx
    2011-09-22 20:41:04 [INFO] [AuthDB] MySQL host: 91.xxxxxxxxxxx
    2011-09-22 20:41:04 [INFO] [AuthDB] MySQL port: 3306
    2011-09-22 20:41:04 [INFO] [AuthDB] MySQL database: xxxxxxx
    2011-09-22 20:41:04 [INFO] [AuthDB] MySQL prefix: smf_
    2011-09-22 20:41:04 [INFO] [AuthDB] MySQL: jdbc:mysql://xxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxx?user=xxxxxxxx&password=xxxxxxxxx
    2011-09-22 20:41:04 [INFO] [AuthDB] Database type in config: mysql
    2011-09-22 20:41:04 [INFO] [AuthDB] Database type set to MySQL
    2011-09-22 20:41:04 [INFO] [AuthDB] Config version:
    2011-09-22 20:41:04 [INFO] [AuthDB] Version range: 1.1.1-1.1.13
    2011-09-22 20:41:04 [INFO] [AuthDB] Version range 1: 1.1.1
    2011-09-22 20:41:04 [INFO] [AuthDB] Version range 2: 1.1.13
    2011-09-22 20:41:04 [INFO] [AuthDB] Version checking DID NOT PASS.
    2011-09-22 20:41:04 [INFO] [AuthDB] Config version:
    2011-09-22 20:41:04 [INFO] [AuthDB] Version range:
    2011-09-22 20:41:04 [INFO] [AuthDB] Version range 1:
    2011-09-22 20:41:04 [INFO] [AuthDB] Version range 2:
    2011-09-22 20:41:04 [INFO] [AuthDB] Version checking PASSED at first check.
    2011-09-22 20:41:04 [INFO] [AuthDB] Executing MySQL query: SELECT `passwd` FROM `smf_members` WHERE `member_name` = 'Mattie112' LIMIT 1
    2011-09-22 20:41:04 [INFO] [AuthDB] Database type in config: mysql
    2011-09-22 20:41:04 [INFO] [AuthDB] Database type set to MySQL
    2011-09-22 20:41:04 [INFO] [AuthDB] Closing MySQL connection....
    2011-09-22 20:41:04 [INFO] [AuthDB] Took 0 seconds (61ms) to check the password.
    2011-09-22 20:41:04 [INFO] [AuthDB] Launching function: replaceStrings(String string, Player player, String additional)
    2011-09-22 20:41:04 [INFO] [AuthDB] Took 0 seconds (0ms) to replace tags.
    2011-09-22 20:41:04 [INFO] [AuthDB] Took 0 seconds (1ms) to send a message.
    2011-09-22 20:41:04 [INFO] [AuthDB] Mattie112 login ********
    2011-09-22 20:41:05 [INFO] Connection reset
    2011-09-22 20:41:05 [INFO] Mattie112 lost connection: disconnect.quitting
    2011-09-22 20:41:05 [INFO] [AuthDB] Launching function: replaceStrings(String string, Player player, String additional)
    2011-09-22 20:41:05 [INFO] [AuthDB] Took 0 seconds (1ms) to replace tags.
    2011-09-22 20:41:05 [INFO] [AuthDB] Took 0 seconds (2ms) to send a message.
    2011-09-22 20:41:06 [INFO] [AuthDB] Sucessfully restored Mattie112's inventory: [Lorg.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;@15997e4
    2011-09-22 20:41:06 [INFO] [AuthDB] Sucessfully restored Mattie112's armor inventory: [Lorg.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;@1030dea
    Why can't i login?
    and yes: the password is OK
  13. Offline


    Did you gave the users the right permissions?
    There are permissions nodes for "/login"
  14. Offline


    Yeah, the permissions nodes default to true for SuperPerms plugins, but Permissions 3.x you may have to manually add the nodes.
  15. Offline


    can this pluign support 1185 ?
  16. Offline


    Yes i DO have the correct permissions ('*') everything works, however it seems the plugin doesn't 'get' the correct password from the databse. The old plugin works (with errors) but at least it let me login!
  17. Offline


    I reported this bug some page ago, but no solution was gived to me

    I use the method to use authentification from database (smf forum) and that's work for some users, but not for other.

    That's conclude always "password error" including when we use the correct one.

    I'm checking if there is an other plugin working with that, so if anyone have a solution or a plugin for that authentification linked to database I will be happy.
  18. Offline


    I didn't check the code but i don't know if something changed? It works fine in some old-version i have (well that gives me errors but the log-in still works)
    Mabey it doesn't get the correct "salt" from the DB before checking the password?
  19. Offline


    I think I founded why this is buged ! ><'

    @Wulfspider if you can check, I found that's in relation with the Upercase of player name

    I use smf, that's was ok before (in 1.6) but since some revision, I was unable to login with my user "WolwX" ...
    Getting this "incorrect password" result.
    I found, some of players, can login !
    I checked, and the result is they don't use Upercase in their player name !
    So I tried by changing my name into the forum, putting "wolwx" and that's work !

    So if you need some informations for debug that, I'm here :)

    I wish there is a simple and quick fix, since I can't keep my serveur up without a correct auth plugin.
  20. Offline


    Have you opened AuthDB.db with a tool such as Lita or another SQLite browser to compare the password hashes? I would do that and then compare what it has in there with what MySQL has.

    I thought we fixed that for all of the scripts, but we may have missed SMF when going through all the plugins do that.

    It should, but I haven't tested it thoroughly with it.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2016
  21. Offline


    When trying to register in 1185 with #222 there is an error:
    2011/09/24 08:30:46 - --------------------------- STACKTRACE ERROR ---------------------------
    2011/09/24 08:30:46 - Class name: com.authdb.listeners.AuthDBPlayerListener
    2011/09/24 08:30:46 - File name:
    2011/09/24 08:30:46 - Function name: onPlayerCommandPreprocess
    2011/09/24 08:30:46 - Error line: 418
    2011/09/24 08:30:46 - AuthDB version:
    2011/09/24 08:30:46 - Keep alive: false
    2011/09/24 08:30:46 - MySQL connection: true
    2011/09/24 08:30:46 - Latest query: com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC4PreparedStatement@5796de29: INSERT INTO `reg` (`username`,`password`)  VALUES ('Lolier','a619d974658f3e749b2d88b215baea46')
    2011/09/24 08:30:46 - Script: Custom
    2011/09/24 08:30:46 - Custom table: reg
    2011/09/24 08:30:46 - Custom passfield: password
    2011/09/24 08:30:46 - Custom userfield: username
    2011/09/24 08:30:46 - Custom encryption: md5
    2011/09/24 08:30:46 - Custom table schema:
    2011/09/24 08:30:46 - Table Name : reg
    2011/09/24 08:30:46 - Column    Type(size)
    2011/09/24 08:30:46 - num    BIGINT(20)
    2011/09/24 08:30:46 - username    VARCHAR(255)
    2011/09/24 08:30:46 - password    VARCHAR(255)
    2011/09/24 08:30:46 - email    VARCHAR(255)
    2011/09/24 08:30:46 - timestamp    TIMESTAMP(19)
    2011/09/24 08:30:46 - Plugins: AuthDB,
    2011/09/24 08:30:46 - --------------------------- STACKTRACE START ---------------------------
    2011/09/24 08:30:46 - com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(
    2011/09/24 08:30:46 - com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.checkErrorPacket(
    2011/09/24 08:30:46 - com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.checkErrorPacket(
    2011/09/24 08:30:46 - com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.sendCommand(
    2011/09/24 08:30:46 - com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.sqlQueryDirect(
    2011/09/24 08:30:46 - com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.execSQL(
    2011/09/24 08:30:46 - com.mysql.jdbc.PreparedStatement.executeInternal(
    2011/09/24 08:30:46 - com.mysql.jdbc.PreparedStatement.executeUpdate(
    2011/09/24 08:30:46 - com.mysql.jdbc.PreparedStatement.executeUpdate(
    2011/09/24 08:30:46 - com.mysql.jdbc.PreparedStatement.executeUpdate(
    2011/09/24 08:30:46 - com.authdb.scripts.Custom.adduser(
    2011/09/24 08:30:46 - com.authdb.util.Util.checkScript(
    2011/09/24 08:30:46 - com.authdb.AuthDB.register(
    2011/09/24 08:30:46 - com.authdb.listeners.AuthDBPlayerListener.onPlayerCommandPreprocess(
    2011/09/24 08:30:46 -$5.execute(
    2011/09/24 08:30:46 - org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
    2011/09/24 08:30:46 - org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
    2011/09/24 08:30:46 - net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.handleCommand(
    2011/09/24 08:30:46 -
    2011/09/24 08:30:46 - net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    2011/09/24 08:30:46 - net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.a(
    2011/09/24 08:30:46 - net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
    2011/09/24 08:30:46 - net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    2011/09/24 08:30:46 - net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:108)
    2011/09/24 08:30:46 - net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(
    2011/09/24 08:30:46 -
    2011/09/24 08:30:46 -
    2011/09/24 08:30:46 - ---------------------------- STACKTRACE END ----------------------------
    Login procedure for oldfags is working just fine. But! I had to insert the authdb.* permission into Essentials' GroupManager file with players' rights. Looks like not very safe, but simple authdb.login, authdb.register et cetera permissions doesn't makes any sense (and prevents players from login in).

    Version, which is shipping with Essentials is good and working, so I cannot say it is actually dead.
    Thanks for the link.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 10, 2018
  22. Offline


    Are you sure your user has the correct permissions and you set it up right? That error is generally caused by something incorrect with your MySQL table or user or your settings don't match it.
  23. Offline


    Look, I have got a MySQL table with some registration records in there and players already registered can to log in. I suppose that is means that I have no problems with connection to database.
    Currently, I have switched back to 2.2.0, it is pretty good working with 1185. But have some security issues, though.
  24. Offline


    Since you edited your post, I didn't get any notification. The nodes you listed are not valid nodes aside from the authdb.*. We also do not support GroupManager, so I can't say how it will perform.

    The error you are getting though is actually due to you disabling the email requirement and your database table not allowing the email field to be null/empty. You can edit the field using phpMyAdmin or something to make it default to null and allow it.

    I haven't had time to look yet, but that is most likely the case. We fixed it for a bunch, but that may have been skipped by mistake. We'll try to get it fixed as soon as we can if that is the case.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 15, 2019
  25. Offline


    You should. At least you need to understand which nodes AuthDB generates and how it may be used in different permission managers.
    Yes, that's right! Working now. I think you should add an automatic database modifying in upcoming release, to make people which upgrading from legacy versions less hurt while they figuring out what is going wrong with registrations.
  26. Offline


    We have no intention of ever supporting GroupManager as it's pretty much a dead plugin. SuperPerms will be our focus and we may eventually drop Permissions 3.x support.

    I haven't really seen many people actually using it anymore and it has never really been requested to be added.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 10, 2018
  27. Offline


    It will not be needed to be supported. All I wanted to know is which nodes AuthDB uses.
  28. Offline


    Ahh, well, the Permissions link in the OP has had the link I gave you earlier for since 2.3.0 was released. ;)
    Hrdkr likes this.
  29. Offline


    Fine if you confirm that's a bug :)
    Can you tell me how to avoid that ? if there is a dev version with a fix ? or if I must wait after a new release of your plugin ?


    @Wulfspider any news about my precedent post ? ^^
    Your plugin is an important point for my server, so your help will be really appreciated :)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2016
  30. Offline


    add ipboard 3.2
  31. Offline


    Already is.

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