Inactive [ADMN/SEC] AuthDB v2.3.6 - Database authentication and protection [1.1-1.4.5]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by CraftFire, Mar 13, 2011.

  1. Offline


    In order to centralize support of our legacy projects, we will no longer be providing support on Bukkit. Please use for support with our projects going forward.
  2. Offline


    What does your config look like?
  3. Offline


    We're working on the first login error and languages issue. Glad you aren't losing inventory anymore though!

    I'll check in a bit.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2016
  4. Offline


      language: English                                # Language you want to use that matches a directory under translations.
      debugmode: true                                 # Enable/disable debugging mode and additional console output.
      usagestats: true                                 # Enable/disable usage stats reporting to CraftFire devs.
      logging: true                                   # Enable/disable logging to files.
      logformat: yyyy-MM-dd                            # Filename format of the AuthDB debug and error log files.
      type: mysql                                      # Database type/driver to use. Current options are MySQL and eBean (Bukkit persistence).
      host:                                  # MySQL server hostname, domain, IP, or localhost for local connections. MySQL only.
      port: 3306                                       # Port used for connecting to your MySQL server. This is usually 3306. MySQL only.
      username: login                                   # Username used to connect to your database. Only valid for MySQL.
      password: password                                   # Password used to connect to your database. MySQL only.
      name: lenivets_site                                     # Name of the database you are connecting to. MySQL only.
      keepalive: false                                  # Enable/disable keeping database connection alive. MySQL only.
      name: Joomla                                      # Name of the script you are using.
      version: 1.5.1                                 # Version of the script you are using.
      tableprefix: jos_                               # Database table prefix for the script, if you use one.
    #  passwordsalt:                                    # NOT IMPLEMENTED YET! Unique/custom password salt, if needed by the script.
      enabled: false                                   # Enable/disable custom database support. Leave this disabled if using a script such as phpBB.
      autocreate: false                                 # Enable/disable automatic creation of the database tables and columns for a custom database.
      table: authdb_users                              # Table name to use for your custom database.
      userfield: username                              # Field/column name to use for storing user names.
      passfield: password                              # Field/column name to use for storing user passwords.
      emailfield: email                                # Field/column name to use for storing user email addresses. Leave blank to disable email requirement.
      emailrequired: false                             # Enable/disable registration email requirement.
      encryption: md5                                  # Encription type to use for password hashing. Options are MD5, SHA1, and SHA512.
    #  saltfield: salt                                  # NOT IMPLEMENTED YET! Field/column name to use for storing the passwordsalt.
    #  hashformat: "{PASSWORD}{SALT}{NAME}"             # NOT IMPLEMENTED YET! Format/layout to use for the password hash.
      enabled: false                                    # Enable/disable allowing users to register.
      force: false                                      # Enable/disable forcing users to register.
      delay: 4 seconds                                 # Amount of time before register message is shown to player.
      timeout: 3 minutes                               # Amount of time a playerh as to register before the configured action is taken.
      enabled: true                                    # NOT IMPLEMENTED YET! Enable/disable players being able to login.
      method: prompt                                   # Login method to use. Options are normal and prompt.
      delay: 2 seconds                                 # Amount of time before login messaage is shown to player.
      timeout: 2 minutes                               # Amount of time a player has to login before the configured action is taken.
      tries: 3                                         # Number of allowed incorrect password tries.
      action: kick                                     # Action to perform when a maximum number of password tries is reached. Currently only option is kick.
      enabled: true                                    # Enable/disable username linking.
      rename: true                                     # Enable/disable renaming users to linked name on link.
      enabled: true                                    # Enable/disable username unlinking.
      rename: true                                     # Enable/disable renaming users to original name on unlink.
      minimum: 3                                       # Minumum number of characters a username can be.
      maximum: 16                                      # Maximum number of characters a username can be.
      minimum: 6                                       # Minumum number of characters a password can be.
      maximum: 16                                      # Maximum number of characters a password can be.
      enabled: true                                    # Enable/disable player sessions.
      start: login                                     # When to start the player's session. Options are login and logoff.
      length: 1 hour                                   # Length of the player's session. Can be any number of seconds, minutes, hours, or days.
      protect: true                                    # Enable/disable protecting player from being logged out from another location.
      commands: false                                  # Enable/disable guest commands.
      chat: true                                     # Enable/disable guest chat.
      building: false                                  # Enable/disable guest building.
      destruction: false                               # Enable/disable guest destruction.
      movement: true                                  # Enable/disable guest movement.
      interactions: false                              # Enable/disable guest interactions with objects.
      inventory: false                                 # Enable/disable guest inventory usage.
      drop: false                                      # Enable/disable guest being able to drop items.
      pickup: false                                    # Enable/disable guest being able to pickup items.
      health: false                                    # Enable/disable guest getting hurt.
      pvp: false                                       # Enable/disable guest hurting players.
      mobtargeting: false                              # Enable/disable mobs targeting guest.
      mobdamage: false                                 # Enable/disable mob damage from guest.
        enabled: false                                  # Enable/disable freezing players on join to prevent movement.
        delay: 2 seconds                               # Amount of time before players are frozen and unable to move.
        enabled: true                                  # Enable/disable protection message being sent to player.
        delay: 3 seconds                               # Amount of time before protection message can be sent to player again.
      action: kick                                     # Action to perform when a username matches the filter. Options are kick and rename.
      username: "`~!@#$%^&*()-=+{[]}|\\:;\"<,>.?/ "    # Characters and symbols to check for in usernames. We recommend leaving this as is.
      password: "$&\\\""                               # Characters and symbols to check for in passwords. We recommend leaving this as is.
      whitelist: Contex,Wulfspider                     # Usernames to exclude from username and password filtering.
    Can give you TeamViewer code + pass play with server..
    But many players left..from this laggs..

    Somethere you have cicle..

    More log..
    2011/09/02 21:18:18 - [AuthDB] Connecting to MySQL....
    2011/09/02 21:18:18 - [AuthDB] Lauching function: connect()
    2011/09/02 21:18:18 - [AuthDB] MySQL: jdbc:mysql://
    2011/09/02 21:18:18 - [AuthDB] MySQL driver: mysql
    2011/09/02 21:18:18 - [AuthDB] MySQL username: login
    2011/09/02 21:18:18 - [AuthDB] MySQL password: password
    2011/09/02 21:18:18 - [AuthDB] MySQL host:
    2011/09/02 21:18:18 - [AuthDB] MySQL port: 3306
    2011/09/02 21:18:18 - [AuthDB] MySQL database: BLABLA_site
    2011/09/02 21:18:18 - [AuthDB] MySQL prefix: jos_
    2011/09/02 21:18:18 - [AuthDB] MySQL: jdbc:mysql://
    2011/09/02 21:18:19 - [AuthDB] Database type in config: mysql
    2011/09/02 21:18:19 - [AuthDB] Database type set to MySQL
    2011/09/02 21:18:19 - [AuthDB] Executing MySQL query: SELECT * FROM `jos_users` WHERE `username` = 'adresator' LIMIT 1
    2011/09/02 21:18:19 - [AuthDB] Database type in config: mysql
    2011/09/02 21:18:19 - [AuthDB] Database type set to MySQL
    2011/09/02 21:18:19 - [AuthDB] Closing MySQL connection....
    2011/09/02 21:18:19 - [AuthDB] Sucessfully stored adresator's inventory: 0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,0:0:0:0,
    2011/09/02 21:18:19 - [AuthDB] Sucessfully stored adresator's armor inventory: 0:0:0:-1,0:0:0:-1,0:0:0:-1,0:0:0:-1,
    2011/09/02 21:18:19 - [AuthDB] Took 0 seconds (0ms) to send a message.
    2011/09/02 21:18:20 - [AuthDB] Launching function: replaceStrings(String string, Player player, String additional)
    2011/09/02 21:18:20 - [AuthDB] Took 0 seconds (11ms) to replace tags.
    2011/09/02 21:18:28 - [AuthDB] Database type in config: mysql
    2011/09/02 21:18:28 - [AuthDB] Database type set to MySQL
    2011/09/02 21:18:28 - [AuthDB] Connecting to MySQL....
    2011/09/02 21:18:28 - [AuthDB] Lauching function: connect()
    2011/09/02 21:18:28 - [AuthDB] MySQL: jdbc:mysql://
    2011/09/02 21:18:28 - [AuthDB] MySQL driver: mysql
    2011/09/02 21:18:28 - [AuthDB] MySQL username: login
    2011/09/02 21:18:28 - [AuthDB] MySQL password: password
    2011/09/02 21:18:28 - [AuthDB] MySQL host:
    2011/09/02 21:18:28 - [AuthDB] MySQL port: 3306
    2011/09/02 21:18:28 - [AuthDB] MySQL database: BLABLA_site
    2011/09/02 21:18:28 - [AuthDB] MySQL prefix: jos_
    2011/09/02 21:18:28 - [AuthDB] MySQL: jdbc:mysql://
    2011/09/02 21:18:29 - [AuthDB] Database type in config: mysql
    2011/09/02 21:18:29 - [AuthDB] Database type set to MySQL
    2011/09/02 21:18:29 - [AuthDB] Executing MySQL query: SELECT * FROM `jos_users` WHERE `username` = 'adresator' LIMIT 1
    2011/09/02 21:18:29 - [AuthDB] Database type in config: mysql
    2011/09/02 21:18:29 - [AuthDB] Database type set to MySQL
    2011/09/02 21:18:29 - [AuthDB] Closing MySQL connection....
    2011/09/02 21:18:29 - [AuthDB] Database type in config: mysql
    2011/09/02 21:18:29 - [AuthDB] Database type set to MySQL
    2011/09/02 21:18:29 - [AuthDB] Connecting to MySQL....
    2011/09/02 21:18:29 - [AuthDB] Lauching function: connect()
    2011/09/02 21:18:29 - [AuthDB] MySQL: jdbc:mysql://
    2011/09/02 21:18:29 - [AuthDB] MySQL driver: mysql
    2011/09/02 21:18:29 - [AuthDB] MySQL username: login
    2011/09/02 21:18:29 - [AuthDB] MySQL password: password
    2011/09/02 21:18:29 - [AuthDB] MySQL host:
    2011/09/02 21:18:29 - [AuthDB] MySQL port: 3306
    2011/09/02 21:18:29 - [AuthDB] MySQL database: BLABLA_site
    2011/09/02 21:18:29 - [AuthDB] MySQL prefix: jos_
    2011/09/02 21:18:29 - [AuthDB] MySQL: jdbc:mysql://
    2011/09/02 21:18:29 - [AuthDB] Database type in config: mysql
    2011/09/02 21:18:29 - [AuthDB] Database type set to MySQL
    2011/09/02 21:18:29 - [AuthDB] Executing MySQL query: SELECT * FROM `jos_users` WHERE `username` = 'adresator' LIMIT 1
    2011/09/02 21:18:29 - [AuthDB] Database type in config: mysql
    2011/09/02 21:18:30 - [AuthDB] Database type set to MySQL
    2011/09/02 21:18:30 - [AuthDB] Closing MySQL connection....
    2011/09/02 21:18:30 - [AuthDB] Database type in config: mysql
    2011/09/02 21:18:30 - [AuthDB] Database type set to MySQL
    2011/09/02 21:18:30 - [AuthDB] Connecting to MySQL....
    2011/09/02 21:18:30 - [AuthDB] Lauching function: connect()
    2011/09/02 21:18:30 - [AuthDB] MySQL: jdbc:mysql://
    2011/09/02 21:18:30 - [AuthDB] MySQL driver: mysql
    2011/09/02 21:18:30 - [AuthDB] MySQL username: login
    2011/09/02 21:18:30 - [AuthDB] MySQL password: password
    2011/09/02 21:18:30 - [AuthDB] MySQL host:
    2011/09/02 21:18:30 - [AuthDB] MySQL port: 3306
    2011/09/02 21:18:30 - [AuthDB] MySQL database: BLABLA_site
    2011/09/02 21:18:30 - [AuthDB] MySQL prefix: jos_
    2011/09/02 21:18:30 - [AuthDB] MySQL: jdbc:mysql://
    2011/09/02 21:18:30 - [AuthDB] Database type in config: mysql
    2011/09/02 21:18:30 - [AuthDB] Database type set to MySQL
    2011/09/02 21:18:30 - [AuthDB] Took 0 seconds (795ms) to check the password.
    2011/09/02 21:18:30 - [AuthDB] Session started for adresator
    2011/09/02 21:18:31 - [AuthDB] Sucessfully restored adresator's inventory: [Lorg.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;@57452f6d
    2011/09/02 21:18:31 - [AuthDB] Sucessfully restored adresator's armor inventory: [Lorg.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;@7f2cc9dd
    2011/09/02 21:18:31 - [AuthDB] Launching function: replaceStrings(String string, Player player, String additional)
    2011/09/02 21:18:31 - [AuthDB] Took 0 seconds (9ms) to replace tags.
    2011/09/02 21:18:31 - [AuthDB] Took 0 seconds (19ms) to send a message.
    2011/09/02 21:18:31 - [AuthDB] adresator login ********
    2011/09/02 21:18:31 - [AuthDB] Took 3 seconds (3014ms) to process a command.
    2011/09/02 21:20:18 - [AuthDB] Launching function: checkTimeout(Player player))
    2011/09/02 21:26:25 - [AuthDB] Database type in config: mysql
    2011/09/02 21:26:25 - [AuthDB] Database type set to MySQL
    2011/09/02 21:26:25 - [AuthDB] Connecting to MySQL....
    2011/09/02 21:26:25 - [AuthDB] Lauching function: connect()
    2011/09/02 21:26:25 - [AuthDB] MySQL: jdbc:mysql://
    2011/09/02 21:26:25 - [AuthDB] MySQL driver: mysql
    2011/09/02 21:26:25 - [AuthDB] MySQL username: login
    2011/09/02 21:26:25 - [AuthDB] MySQL password: password
    2011/09/02 21:26:25 - [AuthDB] MySQL host:
    2011/09/02 21:26:25 - [AuthDB] MySQL port: 3306
    2011/09/02 21:26:25 - [AuthDB] MySQL database: BLABLA_site
    2011/09/02 21:26:25 - [AuthDB] MySQL prefix: jos_
    2011/09/02 21:26:25 - [AuthDB] MySQL: jdbc:mysql://
    2011/09/02 21:26:26 - [AuthDB] Database type in config: mysql
    2011/09/02 21:26:26 - [AuthDB] Database type set to MySQL
    2011/09/02 21:26:26 - [AuthDB] Connecting to MySQL....
    2011/09/02 21:26:26 - [AuthDB] Lauching function: connect()
    2011/09/02 21:26:26 - [AuthDB] MySQL: jdbc:mysql://
    2011/09/02 21:26:26 - [AuthDB] MySQL driver: mysql
    2011/09/02 21:26:26 - [AuthDB] MySQL username: login
    2011/09/02 21:26:26 - [AuthDB] MySQL password: password
    2011/09/02 21:26:26 - [AuthDB] MySQL host:
    2011/09/02 21:26:26 - [AuthDB] MySQL port: 3306
    2011/09/02 21:26:26 - [AuthDB] MySQL database: BLABLA_site
    2011/09/02 21:26:26 - [AuthDB] MySQL prefix: jos_
    2011/09/02 21:26:26 - [AuthDB] MySQL: jdbc:mysql://
    2011/09/02 21:26:26 - [AuthDB] Database type in config: mysql
    2011/09/02 21:26:26 - [AuthDB] Database type set to MySQL
    2011/09/02 21:26:27 - [AuthDB] Executing MySQL query: SELECT * FROM `jos_users` WHERE `username` = 'PROUEBA' LIMIT 1
    2011/09/02 21:26:27 - [AuthDB] Database type in config: mysql
    2011/09/02 21:26:27 - [AuthDB] Database type set to MySQL
    2011/09/02 21:26:27 - [AuthDB] Closing MySQL connection....
    2011/09/02 21:26:27 - [AuthDB] Database type in config: mysql
    2011/09/02 21:26:27 - [AuthDB] Database type set to MySQL
    2011/09/02 21:26:27 - [AuthDB] Executing MySQL query: SELECT * FROM `jos_users` WHERE `username` = 'PROUEBA' LIMIT 1
    2011/09/02 21:26:27 - [AuthDB] Launching function: checkFilter(String what, String string) - `~!@#$%^&*()-=+{[]}|\:;"<,>.?/
    2011/09/02 21:26:27 - [AuthDB] IP in persistence is different than the player's IP, syncing IP's.
    2011/09/02 21:26:27 - [AuthDB] Register timeout time is: 3600 ticks.
    2011/09/02 21:26:27 - [AuthDB] Adding schedule ID to hashmap and persitence: 16862
    2011/09/02 21:26:34 - [AuthDB] Launching function: replaceStrings(String string, Player player, String additional)
    2011/09/02 21:26:34 - [AuthDB] Took 0 seconds (10ms) to replace tags.
    2011/09/02 21:26:34 - [AuthDB] Took 0 seconds (20ms) to send a message.
    2011/09/02 21:26:43 - [AuthDB] Launching function: replaceStrings(String string, Player player, String additional)
    2011/09/02 21:26:43 - [AuthDB] Took 0 seconds (11ms) to replace tags.
    2011/09/02 21:26:43 - [AuthDB] Took 0 seconds (21ms) to send a message.
    2011/09/02 21:26:43 - [AuthDB] Database type in config: mysql
    2011/09/02 21:26:43 - [AuthDB] Database type set to MySQL
    2011/09/02 21:26:43 - [AuthDB] Connecting to MySQL....
    2011/09/02 21:26:43 - [AuthDB] Lauching function: connect()
    2011/09/02 21:26:43 - [AuthDB] MySQL: jdbc:mysql://
    2011/09/02 21:26:43 - [AuthDB] MySQL driver: mysql
    2011/09/02 21:26:43 - [AuthDB] MySQL username: login
    2011/09/02 21:26:43 - [AuthDB] MySQL password: password
    2011/09/02 21:26:43 - [AuthDB] MySQL host:
    2011/09/02 21:26:43 - [AuthDB] MySQL port: 3306
    2011/09/02 21:26:43 - [AuthDB] MySQL database: BLABLA_site
    2011/09/02 21:26:43 - [AuthDB] MySQL prefix: jos_
    2011/09/02 21:26:43 - [AuthDB] MySQL: jdbc:mysql://
    2011/09/02 21:26:44 - [AuthDB] Database type in config: mysql
    2011/09/02 21:26:44 - [AuthDB] Database type set to MySQL
    2011/09/02 21:26:44 - [AuthDB] Connecting to MySQL....
    2011/09/02 21:26:44 - [AuthDB] Lauching function: connect()
    2011/09/02 21:26:44 - [AuthDB] MySQL: jdbc:mysql://
    2011/09/02 21:26:44 - [AuthDB] MySQL driver: mysql
    2011/09/02 21:26:44 - [AuthDB] MySQL username: login
    2011/09/02 21:26:44 - [AuthDB] MySQL password: password
    2011/09/02 21:26:44 - [AuthDB] MySQL host:
    2011/09/02 21:26:44 - [AuthDB] MySQL port: 3306
    2011/09/02 21:26:44 - [AuthDB] MySQL database: BLABLA_site
    2011/09/02 21:26:44 - [AuthDB] MySQL prefix: jos_
    2011/09/02 21:26:44 - [AuthDB] MySQL: jdbc:mysql://
    2011/09/02 21:26:45 - [AuthDB] Database type in config: mysql
    2011/09/02 21:26:45 - [AuthDB] Database type set to MySQL
    2011/09/02 21:26:45 - [AuthDB] Connecting to MySQL....
    2011/09/02 21:26:45 - [AuthDB] Lauching function: connect()
    2011/09/02 21:26:45 - [AuthDB] MySQL: jdbc:mysql://
    2011/09/02 21:26:45 - [AuthDB] MySQL driver: mysql
    2011/09/02 21:26:45 - [AuthDB] MySQL username: login
    2011/09/02 21:26:45 - [AuthDB] MySQL password: password
    2011/09/02 21:26:45 - [AuthDB] MySQL host:
    2011/09/02 21:26:45 - [AuthDB] MySQL port: 3306
    2011/09/02 21:26:45 - [AuthDB] MySQL database: BLABLA_site
    2011/09/02 21:26:45 - [AuthDB] MySQL prefix: jos_
    2011/09/02 21:26:45 - [AuthDB] MySQL: jdbc:mysql://
    2011/09/02 21:26:45 - [AuthDB] Database type in config: mysql
    2011/09/02 21:26:46 - [AuthDB] Database type set to MySQL
    2011/09/02 21:26:46 - [AuthDB] Connecting to MySQL....
    2011/09/02 21:26:46 - [AuthDB] Lauching function: connect()
    2011/09/02 21:26:46 - [AuthDB] MySQL: jdbc:mysql://
    2011/09/02 21:26:46 - [AuthDB] MySQL driver: mysql
    2011/09/02 21:26:46 - [AuthDB] MySQL username: login
    2011/09/02 21:26:46 - [AuthDB] MySQL password: password
    2011/09/02 21:26:46 - [AuthDB] MySQL host:
    2011/09/02 21:26:46 - [AuthDB] MySQL port: 3306
    2011/09/02 21:26:46 - [AuthDB] MySQL database: BLABLA_site
    2011/09/02 21:26:46 - [AuthDB] MySQL prefix: jos_
    2011/09/02 21:26:46 - [AuthDB] MySQL: jdbc:mysql://
    2011/09/02 21:26:46 - [AuthDB] Database type in config: mysql
    2011/09/02 21:26:46 - [AuthDB] Database type set to MySQL
    2011/09/02 21:26:46 - [AuthDB] Connecting to MySQL....
    2011/09/02 21:26:46 - [AuthDB] Lauching function: connect()
    2011/09/02 21:26:46 - [AuthDB] MySQL: jdbc:mysql://
    2011/09/02 21:26:46 - [AuthDB] MySQL driver: mysql
    2011/09/02 21:26:46 - [AuthDB] MySQL username: login
    2011/09/02 21:26:46 - [AuthDB] MySQL password: password
    2011/09/02 21:26:46 - [AuthDB] MySQL host:
    2011/09/02 21:26:46 - [AuthDB] MySQL port: 3306
    2011/09/02 21:26:46 - [AuthDB] MySQL database: BLABLA_site
    2011/09/02 21:26:46 - [AuthDB] MySQL prefix: jos_
    2011/09/02 21:26:47 - [AuthDB] MySQL: jdbc:mysql://
    2011/09/02 21:26:47 - [AuthDB] Database type in config: mysql
    2011/09/02 21:26:47 - [AuthDB] Database type set to MySQL
    2011/09/02 21:26:47 - [AuthDB] Connecting to MySQL....
    Its looping connection to MySQL after..dont know what..

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2016
  5. Offline


    For now you can don't do that. I found the way how to upgrade phpbb db tables and update my forum correctly.
    And now all works fine on build 182 and phpbb 3.0.9 !

    now i have some lag, but i'm restarting my server now... then i'll see how it all works :)
  6. Offline


    This is the first time we've ever seen this happen so we really have no idea why it's doing that. We're trying to figure it out. It's most likely something weird with your setup, because we haven't been able to recreate it.

    Are you using an external mysql lib or just what is included in CraftBukkit?

    Thanks, we'll look into fixing support for older versions of phpBB.

    Can you turn on debug mode and see what is going on?

    It already exists. /authdb reload

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 26, 2019
  7. Offline


    mysql-connector-java-bin.jar - /SERVER/lib

    I can give you TeamViewer to look to my setting or whot you need.. i see that i am alone with this problem (
  8. Offline


    Delete that jar and try it without it. CraftBukkit has it built-in so you shouldn't need that.
  9. Offline


    2011-09-02 22:18:47 [SEVERE] not found
    This is normal ?

    Deleted mysqllib - testing...
  10. Offline


    Looks like you deleted your file from the root of your server. It doesn't really have much in it though.

    # General logging level: (none, explicit, all)
    lenivets likes this.
  11. Offline


    Another bug report. 184&185 builds doesn't see registration of any user. It connects without any error.

    My current phpBB forum version is 3.0.9

    Edit: It's hard to say, but now my server have huge lags with only 6 players. :(

    Ok, i'll try. But... please, add command to reload AuthDB. It's not so fast to /reload all server.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 10, 2018
  12. Offline


    What contain usagestat reports that can be send to CraftFire devs ?

    Oh, thanks.

    AuthDB also have no script for phpBB 3.0.9 so it changing using script to 3.0.8
    build 182.
    I'm sorry, if this problem already fixed in later build and i am boring you..

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 10, 2018
  13. Offline


    It's in the original post on this thread. We are going to be trimming them down at lot though.

    That error has nothing to do with AuthDB.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2016
  14. Offline


    Here is my debug.log with some users logins

    Edit: I forgot about another problem. Plugin doesn't want to use another language. My basic.yml uses Russian, but plugin doesn't.
    Edit2: with 182 build
  15. Offline


    184 for me since all problems are resolved by the translation.
    I replaced the files directly in the directory English and it is ok.
    Thank you
  16. Offline


    Before 184 build you have problems to switch to another language?
  17. Offline


    Ok.. looking like my LOOP error fixed..
    Deleted MySQLlib from /SERVER/lib
    And added to Server Root.

    Now only some lag when someone enter game.
    Thx. For hellping !

    *Ups..sorry for bed log))
  18. Offline


    Before 182 there was not the problem of language
  19. Offline



    Hey man idk what the problem is Build:181 Works For Some Reason Tried Build 184&185 all its giving me is /link Username Password....... i also checked the spacings on my config and stuff and nothing works.. no errors in console nothing at alll..... HELP!!

    Plugins Using
    ichat for 3.1.6 Permission
    Permission 3.1.6
    And AuthDB <No Work>

    Running on Localhost Via Mysql Hosted by my Provider....
  20. Offline


    Is this set in advanced.yml?
      enabled: true
    Have you tried it without iChat?
  21. Offline


    no it is not but why would i want it that if i dont want people registering ingame but only in the forums...?
    that defeats my purpose ... and how could build 181 work but not build 185 with the same configs build 185 loaded?
    thats what i'm puzzled... it doesnt matter if i have ichat or not was there a big diffrence within does builds?
  22. Offline


    If it's giving you that message, then it must not recognized you are being registered still. The part of the message it is giving you is for the linking that is still enabled.
      enabled: true 
    I may have to think of a better solution for that.

    I'll have to look into it, but I do not have the time right now. The latest builds should fix any issues with recognizing usernames, but I need to test all the scripts to make sure.

    Well, usually when it says that, it can't connect to MySQL. ;)
    Script information may be useful though.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 28, 2018
  23. Offline


    How do I install the latest build? I've deleted AuthDB.db but I don't know where I need to put the snapshot jar.


    Wait, do I just replace the current AuthDB jar with that? Have I been a complete idiot? :3

    The name threw me..

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2016
  24. Offline


    Just put it in the plugins folder and delete the old, or rename the snapshot to AuthDB.jar.
  25. Offline


    Shit.. thanks. Dunno why I was trying to over-complicate things. Thanks. I'll let you know if it fixes the lost inventory problem.
  26. Offline


    Hello it's me again
    This happened over nigh, this morning I wanted to join server and I saw only this message
    You cannot join when the server has no database connection.
    error log from authdb logs


    thank you
  27. Offline


    list your plugins currently running with authdb
    also it would be nice to post either the forum script you are using...
    or your basic.yml config file and advanced...
  28. Offline


    I posted it almost in all my post, I hoped that you remembered it but nvm :)
    here you are
    name: Joomla # Name of the script you are using.
    version: 1.5.22 (I had .23 .. but it didn't work so you suggested me to change it to .22)
  29. Offline


    I reply to a lot of people every day and forgot, sorry. :p

    Is it still having the issue right now with the MySQL connection down thing? Did you check that you could access your database remotely still?
  30. Offline


    I just reloaded or restarted server (idk now) but database had to work bcz I was able to login into my website

    I don't know if this error is related to authDB
    (I read it was caused by some bad respawn, I'll contact dev of home plugin)
  31. Offline


    Well, if you can figure out the steps to reproduce it, that would be great. I'll add it to the list of things to test myself.

    Yes, it's on the list todo.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 2, 2019

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