Inactive [ADMN/SEC] AuthDB v2.3.6 - Database authentication and protection [1.1-1.4.5]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by CraftFire, Mar 13, 2011.

  1. Offline


    In order to centralize support of our legacy projects, we will no longer be providing support on Bukkit. Please use for support with our projects going forward.
  2. Offline


    ok, thanks for all your help, if i can made a suggestion : allow to unlogued (but registred) players to send the bukkitcontrib identification command.
    i tried (for stable build (i cant test with dev build its don't lets me log in)) that ticks setting in bukkitcontrib, but unfortually that dont work, maybe because bukkitcontrib are sending the command Once time only.
  3. Offline


    We thought it was fixed in v2.3.0, but I'm trying to figure out what changed for it to not work anymore. I've been testing and trying to get it fixed. I'll probably leave it to Contex to work on in the morning. It was supposed to be working for everyone and should be working, but even after login it still kicks in the dev builds.
  4. Offline


    Is there any way I can get this to work with my PHP Fusion installation?

    For the record PHP Fusion uses SHA256 to encrypt passwords etc. I have been unsuccessful so far, and so have to go an alternative way by having a seperate table, then checking that table against a user as they register. This is a pain though, and being able to go directly into my users table would be much better.
  5. Offline


    We will hopefully have this supported soon. Perhaps in v2.3.0. I'll let you know when we add it.
    Stewartiee likes this.
  6. Offline


    Thanks for that. Also another question.

    I was looking at the source and noticed a string for ipAddress in the addUser statement:
    adduser(String player, String email, String password, String ipAddress)
    I was just wondering why it's not being sent in the MySQL query though? Would be mighty fine if it did ;)
  7. Offline


    It depends on the script, not every script has a ip address field in the mySQL table.
  8. Offline


    hello, switched from punbb to fluxbb (wich is a fork) and now authdb(1.2.0) don't let me log in.
    as i can see in phpmyadmin structure of mysql database are same salt are set to NULL and password hash are changed (but still same lenght)

    first i tried to use the punbb plugin for authdb and

    Edit sorry it work with :

        enabled: true
        table: users
        userfield: username
        passfield: password
        emailfield: email
        encryption: sha1
  9. Offline


    Thanks for the info. It's been on our list to integrate as well. ;)
  10. Offline

    Terry Tibbs

    Not working with Vanilla 2.0.18 (beta 2).
  11. Offline


    What does the console say and how is it not working?
    Also, are your tables in your database prefixed with gdn_ or GDN_ ?
  12. Offline

    Terry Tibbs

    Will be able to reproduce and copy the console spit-out later. And yes, my tables are prefixed with GDN_. The "users" table, for example, is GDN_User.
  13. Offline


    I believe it's because of the case of the table name. We noticed this before that when some users don't have the to lowercase option set on their MySQL server. I haven't checked for actual database changes, but if you set the version to, then it may work. We should have a better method for v2.3.0 as we didn't realize this when we made v2.2.0.
  14. Alright.. Here goes..
    I am using Wordpress (noobsite? Maybe..), but I would like to be able to make a form on my site where people can pay for certain abilities on the server. This would be best if its automated, and that was where I was thinking that I needed to put the permissions into a database instead of a config file, THATS where you come into the picture..
    Am I able to do that with this plugin? I am sorry if I am asking about the obvious to some, but its not obvious to me.. :)

    There is a wordpress plugin that allows me to get the data from payments into a DB, and then I just wanted to join the two databases somehow..

    The Forum plugin I am using on my site is called: Mingle Forum, and is a WP forum I think.

    I hope its possible :)

    EDIT: If you need to see the site =

  15. Offline


    What you are looking for sounds a little bit beyond what AuthDB is for. We will be adding WordPress support and I can take a look at Mingle Forum as well to see how it works.

    There will be a permissions addon for AuthDB coming soon that syncs forum/CMS groups with Permissions groups.
    Are you wanting to set individual permissions per node or just setting them in a new group after they have paid?
  16. Offline


    You are probably best doing what I do by using this and OKB3 in conjunction. This will then allow you to post to your database the new group on their user when they've paid and that users group will update in game too.
  17. Thank you for the answer ! Well I am lookin

    g forward to be able to use AuthDB for that.. :) That would make it alot easier.. For me it would be fine to be able to add people to a user group once the payment has gone through.

    If the permission addon can sync the info to a DB along with the forum, I think I would be able to join the two databases together.. So that would be perfect ! :)

    Well, i must say that I am looking forward to seeing the permissions support in the future. But real good job on this plugin! :)

    Hmm this sounds a little tricky, but do you have a link or anything to where I could get more information about this?

    Thanks for the answer :)

  18. Offline


    This plugin is a bit Buggy with BukkitContrib because it is not loading BukkitContrib and it only does if u leave, and come in again; in case that u are still logged in...

    Is there a way to load BukkitContrib everytime?
  19. Offline


    Fixes have already been implemented in the upcoming version of AuthDB, v2.3.0.
  20. Offline


    When coming? Dont understand me wrong, i luv your plugin.. but thats kinda not nice on my server right now, having the users to rejoin another time to get maximum user experiences xD

    Edit: Sorry for asking.. but got to tell ya that the link in the description is wrong.. :p must be !
  21. Offline


    As soon as possible.
  22. Offline


    Is it Posssible that you can add an config that i (or other ;D) can set /login to false so that people only must Register and not login?
  23. Offline


    What's the point of even having them register then? Anyone could get in under that username and wreak havoc if you have online-mode set to false.

    We will be adding a feature for online mode servers in the future that allows a player who logged in through or the official launcher automatically logged into their account once they have linked it once.

    I don't really see a point in having login as an option otherwise.
  24. Offline


    I need your plugin for ein CMS, but on my server can only join Premium users and i need that because all users the play on the server are registerd and have an Account on the Homepage
  25. Offline


    I'll talk to Contex about adding it. We should be able to do something at least as a temporary solution until we add a better solution for paid/premium users.
  26. Offline


    Okay, thank you it would be very nice if you can send me he Modfied source of it, because I can Download the source ,but if i want to Import it in Eclipse i become 1.200 Errors :(
  27. Offline


    Hey there, I am an IPB 3.1 user here and looking forward to the new integration. Props for doing it, out of experience I can tell it's probably one of the hardest integration. Furthermore I would like to warn you, they are, soonly, releasing a new version. Might want to check it out a bit. I am not sure if anything changed and if it changed, it probably isn't a lot, but it's still worth the check I think.
  28. Offline


    Will do :)
    Thank you for requesting!
  29. Offline

    tha d0ctor

    I run a legit server and I would also like to set login to false. I just need to for people to register and add themselves to a whitelist. I don't need to worry about people trying to log in with my username since I run an online server.

    Some of my user get confused about having to login and if you mistype anything you run the risk of showing everyone your password

    it would be an easy patch, very easy, please add this ;)
  30. Offline


    I have access to the latest versions and will be comparing them soon. I will be working on updating all the version ranges for all scripts we support in the near future.
    It will be in v2.3.0.
  31. Offline

    tha d0ctor

    excellent, keep up the good work!

    also, are you aware that xenforo won't work unless you put the version as 1.0.0 as the version in the config even if you are running a later version (ex 1.0.3)

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