Inactive [ADMN/SEC] AuthDB v2.3.6 - Database authentication and protection [1.1-1.4.5]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by CraftFire, Mar 13, 2011.

  1. Offline


    In order to centralize support of our legacy projects, we will no longer be providing support on Bukkit. Please use for support with our projects going forward.
  2. Offline


    I have no way of testing to recreate the issue. I'll look into it more when I get home mid-week.
    Also, which craftbukkit build are you using?
  3. Offline


    #766, but that issue appeared on early builds too.

    Thank you for tenderness.
  4. Offline


    Can I use the plug without the "CMS, Joombla, Forum's, etc.?...
  5. Offline

    Jan Tojnar

    Yes, just set customdb.enabled to true and edit column names.
  6. Offline


    Please show a little piece of the config, but I can not understand. :(
  7. Offline


    What are you wanting to do exactly?

    The whole customdb section of config.yml is for making your own script or database to store player login information when a player registers and is what AuthDB checks when they use /login.

    If you use the customdb settings, you will have to create your own MySQL database and fields. You could also make a script where players could register on a website if you wanted to give them the option to do that instead of just in-game. customdb = custom database.
  8. Offline


    I need to be only 3 column, id player, player's nickname, a password in md5. Everything else is not needed.
  9. Offline


    For your MySQL table:
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `authdb_users` (
      `id` int(4) NOT NULL auto_increment,
      `username` varchar(40) NOT NULL,
      `password` varchar(40) NOT NULL,
      `email` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
      PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
      UNIQUE KEY `username` (`username`)
    For your AuthDB config.yml, change the part shown below to these values:
        enabled: true
        table: authdb_users
        userfield: username
        passfield: password
        emailfield: email
        encryption: md5
    Currently there is no way to disable the email field. We will add that in the next version.
    You can customize the above values and MySQL as you would like.
    pomo4ka likes this.
  10. Offline


    Thanks, I'll be very grateful. :)
  11. Offline


    I changed my forum to XenForo 1.0.1, and use the bridge for WordPress.
    How can I use your plugin? I write in config:
    name: xf
    version: 1.0.1
    But it not works.
    I think, it appears because all new registrations on forum add in db table named "wp_users".
    I try change config:
        enabled: true
        table: wp_users
        userfield: user_login
        passfield: user_pass
        emailfield: user_email
        encryption: md5
    But plugin does not recognize passwords. I think the problem in salt. What can I do?
  12. Offline


    If you use the WordPress user database, then you set the script: section to WordPress information, and if you use the XenForo user database then you set the script: section to XenForo information. You do not use the customdb: section at all.
  13. Offline


    Wordpress is supported?
  14. Offline


    Oops, sorry... was thinking we added it, but it hasn't been yet. It might work if you set the script to bbPress, but I haven't tried that. It uses the same database scheme and password hashing I believe.
  15. Offline


    pomo4ka likes this.
  16. Offline


    Hmmm, will look into it and see what can be done.
  17. found an issue while trying Vanilla Forums : AuthDB is looking for GDN_user but the table is named GDN_User, (Caps problem). tried on my test server running on windows, i will try on my prod serv on linux.
  18. Offline


    Make sure you have set the script version to the correct version. What version are you using?

    Edit: It's a difference between MySQL lowercase settings. Will see if we can fix it instead of the current method we were using.
  19. Offline


    Any ideas about globalsalt use, and this bridge plugin?
    I can look alorithm of password hashing in plugin code.
    It would be nice, to add a string in config, where user can define the algorithm and define the globalsalt. Ex:
    globalsalt: 73629efc74f941c550ab0992bd806076
    encryption: md5($pass+md5($salt))
  20. Offline


    Yes, something similar has been planned, but just haven't been added yet.
  21. the latest, Vanilla

    my cfg :

        driver: mysql
        host: mysql_host
        port: 3306
        username: mysql_user
        password: mysql_pass
        name: mysql_db_name
        prefix: GDN_
        name: Vanilla
        enabled: false
        table: authdb_users
        userfield: username
        passfield: password
        emailfield: email
        encryption: md5
    without changing any code in AuthDB or Vanilla, it's maybe possible the ask mysql to ignore the case. i'll check that.

    Edit: now tested on both windows and linux, same shit.
    i found the lower_case_table_names setting for mysql (my.cnf file) but it's doesn't change anything.
    i'll try to change vanilla password hash method in sha1 or something, and i will connect authDB to Vanilla as a custom script.
    Hope you'll find a solution or release a fix, thanks for your quick support ;)
  22. Offline


    What can I do with my problem now?
    I was forced to stop my server :(
    When can I expect for fix, or patch?
    Can you tell me at least an approximate date?
    And thank you for quick responces.
  23. Offline


    If you started with a version before, then the named the tables with capital letters. Set the version to for now instead of Also, there is more than just entering the username and password into the database for forum scripts so you should stick to using the scripts we support.

    Please send me the zip of the plugin as it won't let me download it.

    I'm sorry you can't use it because you using an unsupported script. The ETA is whenever Contex gets back and when it gets added. We'll try to get it added to 2.2.1 or 2.3.0. Just depends how smoothly things get added.

    I may be able to find a fix though if I can look at the bridge plugin.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  24. Offline


    Here it is.

    Attached Files:

  25. Offline


    So why do you even want to connect this way? You should be able to connect with XenForo's database in AuthDB normally. This WordPress plugin just logs the user in if they are logged in with your XenForo forums.
  26. i started with the latest, installed yesterday.
    changing the version value to the previous one ( solved the problem (for now), thanks.
  27. Offline


    With this plugin installed, XenForo stores usernames and password hashes in wp_users table.
  28. Offline


    The dev of the plugin says it just creates the same user in the wp_users table. XenForo still maintains it's own database. So you should be able to use the XenForo database still.
  29. Offline


    Hm.. But I can't find XenForo users table in database..

    First what I do - tried to set config to:
        driver: mysql
        host: localhost
        port: 3306
        username: mydbusername
        password: mypass
        name: Mybasename
        name: xf
        version: 1.0.1
        enabled: false
    And it doesn't works. I tried change prefix to xf and xf_ or leave it blank.
    When i use /link username pass it's write "Username linking failed!"
  30. Offline


    The default prefix is xf_ but I don't know what you may have changed or what you database setup is. The user table should be xf_user and should be in there still unless you deleted it or something. That table is still needed by XenForo, so should be there somewhere. Check your database and config.
  31. Offline


    Structure of my xf_user table:

    Structure of my xf_user table:
        user_id     int(10)
        username     varchar(50)
        email         varchar(120)
        gender     enum('', 'male', 'female')
        custom_title     varchar(50)
        language_id     int(10)
        style_id     int(10)
        timezone     varchar(50)
        visible     tinyint(3)
        user_group_id     int(10)
        secondary_group_ids     varbinary(255)
        display_style_group_id     int(10)
        permission_combination_id     int(10)
        message_count     int(10)
        conversations_unread     smallint(5)
        register_date     int(10)
        last_activity     int(10)
        trophy_points     int(10)
        alerts_unread     smallint(5)
        avatar_date     int(10)
        avatar_width     smallint(5)
        avatar_height     smallint(5)
        gravatar     varchar(120)
        user_state     enum('valid', 'email_confirm', 'email_confirm_edit', 'moderated')
        is_moderator     tinyint(3)
        is_admin     tinyint(3)
        is_banned     tinyint(3)
        like_count     int(10)     
    I didn't change anything in XenForo tables.

    And structure of wp_users:
        ID     bigint(20)
        user_login     varchar(60)
        user_pass     varchar(64)
        user_nicename     varchar(50)
        user_email     varchar(100)
        user_url     varchar(100)
        user_registered     datetime
        user_activation_key     varchar(60)
        user_status     int(11)
        display_name     varchar(250)
    wp_users table contains all users, who registered on forum.

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