Inactive [ADMN/SEC] AuthDB v2.3.6 - Database authentication and protection [1.1-1.4.5]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by CraftFire, Mar 13, 2011.

  1. Offline


    In order to centralize support of our legacy projects, we will no longer be providing support on Bukkit. Please use for support with our projects going forward.
  2. Offline


    So you are using vBulletin? You need to set your database prefix if you set up vBulletin with one.
  3. Offline

    afmiller - error - current Auth config
    The Forums for vbulletin are set up as well, if that matters

    ah, I get it, you need to connect to the vbulletin forum

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  4. Offline


    That's what AuthDB was made for. ;)

    Read the known issues and previous posts. ;)
    We have not updated it for the 7xx builds. It works, but it will kick players who don't login quick enough when allow-flying=false in

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 10, 2018
  5. Offline


    do the users always have to login, in game to play, or can you have them only enter forum password 1 time and never do it again?
  6. Offline


    That way wouldn't be very secure unless there was a good, permanent solution to user verification. IP addresses are not a good solution as there can be multiple users per IP and IP addresses change. I guess you could store the user's IP address at time of login, and if their IP changes, they would have to login again. The only issue with that is what I mentioned, that there could be multiple user's per IP so someone could login as that user.

    For online-mode servers, there will be name verification against; and if a user passes, they will not be required to login with AuthDB. This will be implemented in a future version.
  7. Offline


    Think you can add support for authentication? Basically I set up my registration so that you need to authenticate yourself. Then I have a row in my table called active that is 0 for not authenticated and 1 for authenticated. Think you can make it so if its 0 it says you must authenticate your account?
  8. Offline


    It's on the to-do list. :)
  9. Offline


    only 684? or its compatible with 7XX?
  10. Offline


    Any ETA for the new version ? (will try it with #740 anyway to see how it works ^^)
    About :
    Something we can do about it before the new version ?
  11. Offline


    Is there a way or option I am missing for when someone trys to login into the server without signing up on the site it doesn't allow them to connect and gives them a link to the site?
  12. Offline


    I am not sure what you are saying... but users cannot play unless they login or register. They can register in-game if you allow it (enabled by default) or on the site connected with the database you are using.

    AuthDB does not reject users from joining the server if that is what you mean when you say login. Users can still login and do whatever you allow them to do before they are registered.
  13. Offline


    Ya what i meant was I had another auth plugin that when someone tried to join the minecraft server, if their name wasn't in the database, it would d/c them right away and give them the link to visit the site and register there before being able to connect to the minecraft server.
  14. Offline


    There is no need for that because they can register in-game.
  15. Offline


    Alright Thanks for clarifying my issue.
  16. Offline


    Just put quotes around the MySQL password if you need to for now.

    No ETA on the new version. Contex is having some time away right now.
    We are hoping to find someone willing to work with us on this and other future plugins so that we can update and add features quicker.
  17. Offline


    Will 2.2.1 possibly have support for having a active account thing for custom tables. For my website you must verify your email before being able to login. Im hoping you can have it so I can do that for in game so people with unverified accounts cant. I dont think it would be too hard... Basically if Verified = 0 dont let them login. if Verified = 1 Let them login :D hahah thats the only thing holding me back from using this :D
  18. Offline


    The only problem with that, is that if they register in game, there would be no way for them to verify as emails are not sent. So either in-game registration would have to be disabled or the user would have to request a new email from the website after signing up... which the 2nd idea would be silly.
  19. Offline


    No, I had in game registration planned to be disabled from the begining xD
  20. Offline


    Thx for the reply ;)
  21. Offline


    look i really need help because i already tried every single possible configuration for the config.yml but it still gives me that:
    2011-05-03 21:26:47 [INFO] [AuthDB] Launching function: ToTicks(String time, String length) - minutes:30
    2011-05-03 21:26:47 [INFO] [AuthDB] Launching function: ToTicks(String time, String length) - seconds:30
    2011-05-03 21:26:47 [INFO] [AuthDB] Lauching function: connect()
    2011-05-03 21:26:47 [INFO] [AuthDB] MySQL: jdbc:mysql://
    2011-05-03 21:26:47 [INFO] [AuthDB] MySQL driver: mysql
    2011-05-03 21:26:47 [INFO] [AuthDB] MySQL username: ********
    2011-05-03 21:26:47 [INFO] [AuthDB] MySQL password: ****-****
    2011-05-03 21:26:47 [INFO] [AuthDB] MySQL host:
    2011-05-03 21:26:47 [INFO] [AuthDB] MySQL port: 3306
    2011-05-03 21:26:47 [INFO] [AuthDB] MySQL database: kairoscr_wordpress
    2011-05-03 21:26:47 [INFO] [AuthDB] MySQL prefix: kairoscr_wordpress_
    2011-05-03 21:26:48 [WARNING] [AuthDB] MYSQL CANNOT CONNECT!!!
    2011-05-03 21:26:48 [INFO] [AuthDB] Launching function: replaceStrings(String string, Player player, String additional)
    2011-05-03 21:26:48 [SEVERE] java.sql.SQLException: Must specify port after ':' in connection string
    2011-05-03 21:26:48 [SEVERE] at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(
    2011-05-03 21:26:48 [SEVERE] at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(
    2011-05-03 21:26:48 [SEVERE] at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(
    2011-05-03 21:26:48 [SEVERE] at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(

    please i need some help,i can do anything,can even say my password to you in private message,i just really need this working wih my bbpress .-.
  22. Offline


    Remove http:// and / at the end so it's instead of

    You also need to change name: kairoscr_wordpress and prefix: kairoscr_wordpress_ to name: wordpress and prefix: kairoscr_ or just name: kairoscr_wordpress and prefix:
    That's what it looks like at least. I can't imagine your prefix being the same as your database name. :p

    Also check that your MySQL host allows remote connections if you CraftBukkit server is not on the same server as your database host.
  23. Offline


    same problem .-.
    i can send you some printscreens of my mysql database and etc?
  24. Offline


    Is your MySQL server on the same machine? Did you check that you can even connect to the database remotely?
  25. Offline


    the mysql is in the site host,the server is a dedicated machine running mineos on my house,it has all libs,and i have acess to the database through the cpanel off the site .-.
  26. Offline


    Yes, your MySQL hosting does not allow you to connect from outside your site. They need to enable remote access to it so you can connect to it from your Minecraft server at home.
  27. Offline


    theres a program there in the cpanel
    exactly for that mysql remoto(remote in portuguese) and i put my ip there
    VocĂȘ pode permitir servidores externos de acessar seus bases de dados MySQL
    In english: You can permit extenal server to acess you mysql database

    i can put my dns ip there?

    ehh,like the only port of the server that really word is the server,ftp,80 and 8080,these ones are the ones that everyone can acess through my ip,but ports like the minequery do not seen to really work .-.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 9, 2018
  28. Offline


    Hmmmm, could you post your updated config and tell me what your full database name is?

    Make sure you remove your password and username completely this time. ;) I had a mod remove a spot you missed in the error log your posted.
  29. Offline


    debugmode: true
    usagestats: true
    driver: mysql
    port: 3306
    username: ********
    password: ****-****
    name: wordpress
    prefix: kairoscr_
    name: bbp
    version: 1.0.3
    enabled: false
    table: authdb_users
    userfield: username
    passfield: password
    emailfield: email
    encryption: md5
    enabled: true
    force: true
    method: prompt
    tries: 3
    kick: true
    enabled: true
    enabled: true
    minimum: 3
    maximum: 20
    minimum: 6
    maximum: 20
    start: login
    time: minutes
    length: 30
    time: seconds
    length: 30
    kick: true
    whitelist: Contex,Wulfspider
    commands: false
    chat: false
    building: false
    destruction: false
    movement: false
    interactions: false
    inventory: false
    drop: false
    pickup: false
    health: false
    pvp: false
    mobtargeting: false
    mobdamage: false
    kick: true
    username: "`~!@#$%^&*()-=+{[]}|\\:;\"<,>.?/ "
    password: "&"
    whitelist: Contex,Wulfspider

    enabled: false
    tag: admin
    prefix: "%b%%green%[{PLUGIN}]%k%%b%"
  30. Offline


    Your settings look fine unless your database is actually named something else other than kairoscr_wordpress.

    It's either the above or you aren't actually able to connect to the MySQL server for some reason. Could be you aren't allowing your firewall to connect to it or the allowed IP didn't stick.
  31. Offline


    eh,the mineos has some basic firewall,do you think the mineos can be the reason?

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