Inactive [ADMN/MISC] God Powers - Harness the power of the Minecraft Gods [1.2.5-R2]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Taco, Jan 18, 2011.

  1. Offline


    God Powers

    Gives god-like abilities to players.

    Current commandless features:
    • God tools - Golden tools break respective blocks instantly! I.e. Golden pick breaks stone and ores instantly, but not dirt. (Requires either being an op, or the permissions node)​
    • /godmode - Makes you invincible.
    • /godmode [player] - Makes the specified player invincible.
      • Temporary fix for conflict with Essentials' "/godmode" command:
      • /godmodeon or /godmodeon [player] - Turns on godmode if possible.
      • /godmodeoff or /godmodeoff [player] - Turns off godmode if possible.
    • /heal - Heals you.
    • /heal [player] - Heals the specified player.
    • /maim [player] - Beats the specified player within an inch of their life.
    • /slay [player] - Kills the specified player by no special means. They just drop dead.
      • /smite [player] - Works the exact same as /slay, used as a workaround for conflict with worldguard.
      • /slay [player] arrows or /slay [player] a - Kills the specified player by shooting them with flaming arrows!
      • /slay [player] fire or /slay [player] f -Light the player on fire until they die.
      • /slay [player] drop or /slay [player] d -Drop the player from an immense altitude where they will plummet to their death!
      • /slay [player] lightning or /slay [player] l - Strike lighting down on the heads of those mortals!
      • /slay [player] void or /slay [player] v -Drop the player into the void!
      • /slay [player] curse or /slay [player] c - Cast a deadly curse upon the player's head!
    • /die - Kills you.
    • /jesus - Allows you to walk on water like Jesus. Also allows walking on lava. Not so Jesus-like, but it looks cool.
    • /inferno - Use your godly rage to burn the ground behind you! (!!!Warning, this will place fire ANYWHERE you walk, so be careful of flammable materials!!!)
    • /superjump - If there's nothing in your way, you will jump to obscene heights!
    • /zeus - With this activated, lightning will strike where you're looking when you swing your arm!
    • /gaia - Turns dirt to grass beneath your feet and plants tall grass and flowers around you as you walk.
    • /vulcan - Fling fireballs at those pesky mortals!
    • /demigod - Decreases damage taken by a configurable amount. Reduced to 20% by default.
    • /FusRoDAH - Enchants knockback lvl 10 onto the held item.
    • /plutus - Enchants fortune level 25 onto tools only.
    Download (.jar version)


    Permissions nodes (open)
    Add the appropriate node for the corresponding command. Using the godmodeOnLogin will activate godmode upon logging in for those with permission to said node.


    Known bugs:
    - None.

    Future content:

    - Overhauled /godpowers, fixed some permissions issues, and added chat colors!
    - PermissionBukkit support.
    Changelog (open)

    - Added /hades.
    - Added god tools.
    - Added /slay workaround "/smite"
    - Added /demigod command.
    - Added /vulcan
    - Removed annoying blue font.
    - Optimized command registering, no more crashes if there's a conflict.
    - Added /godpowers command. Uses node godPowers.commands
    - Permissions now should be checked upon world swapping and remove godmode if sufficient permission is not present.
    - Added /gaia
    - Fixed problems with /slay and /die
    - Changed directory for
    - Added the /zeus command.
    - Quick fix for conflict with Essentials.
    - Fixed /slay and addressed the issue with /superjump.
    - Made godmode on login toggle-able.
    - Changed the way /slay [player] arrows and /slay [player] fire works. Much more efficient.
    - Godmode now puts you out if you're on fire. (though I thought I had this before)
    - Brought back the godmode title
    - Updated for 612
    - Perfected /superjump.
    - Updated for latest recommended build.
    - Permissions support
    - No more need for
    - Updated for latest recommended build.
    - Updated to beta 1.3
    - Updated the hook changes
    - Added confirmations to ALL commands
    - Fixed drowning 100%
    - Added the ability to walk on lava to /jesus.
    - I fixed a bug with /jesus. Not a huge problem, it just updates more frequently now so you don't fall in.
    - Applied a fix to drowning damage until bukkit provides support for this.
    - Overhauled and fixed /jesus (again)
    - Added /godmode [player]
    - Added [maim]
    - Fixed /heal [player]


    Polish version (open)

    Portuguese version (open)

    I realized I forgot to add the "maim" command, I shall add that with the configuration file when I get home today.

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2016
    Ltstingray, DoomLord, Jakky89 and 8 others like this.
  2. Offline



    Update: Added the /gaia command.

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2016
  3. Offline

    The PC Tech Guy

    CraftbukkitUpToDate can't find the source link.
  4. Offline


    I've never used that, if you can direct it, try the .jar link that's posted.
  5. Offline

    The PC Tech Guy

    Okay, someone else might have done it instead, because so far, all of your plugins are on the list.
  6. Offline


    it can suck with floods yeah, but it's actually a super useful way of repairing jacked-up oceans
  7. Offline

    The PC Tech Guy

    Or then again, you can use /fixwater or /fixlava if you have WorldEdit.
  8. Offline


    I have an error, and it only seems to be on my box. Due to losing our hosting, I've had to shift our Minecraft hosting to a new box in my home server rack. This is a direct copy of our online Minecraft server (with things like MySQL passwords changed), otherwise no configuration changes. I now get this error when starting up:

    God mode doesn't work, either does maim, but heal and slay do. When we try to enable God mode, it heals us but we can still take damage.
  9. Offline


    That error would mean that some commands are missing from the plugin.yml file in godPowers.jar. What version of CraftBukkit are you using and what version of my plugin is this?

    Update: Permissions now should be checked upon world swapping and remove godmode if sufficient permission is not present.

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2016
  10. Offline

    The PC Tech Guy

    Appears that I can now suffocate with god mode on with this update...
  11. Offline


    That's odd. Are you sure you have godmode on? I didn't mess with damage events this update. Maybe bukkit changed things again...
  12. Offline

    The PC Tech Guy

    Well, in fact I can get hurt. It only heals me when activating godmode. WorldGuard's /god command works, though.

    In fact, nothing is working, just the messages. Seems like your update broke permissions or something? I use 3.1 with global permissions.
    [This is why] You should really have at least the last few versions...

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2016
  13. Offline


    I don't see why it broke. The permission system is the same. I'll look into that though. Sorry about not having earleir versions >.<

    Just tested godmode using permissions 3.1.5b. I couldn't kill myself no matter what I did. Perhaps you simply need an update?

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2016
  14. Offline


    i says i cant use this, im op, does this require perrmission?
  15. Offline

    The PC Tech Guy

    I'm using CB 860 if that helps. Or maybe Dropbox didn't update properly?
  16. Offline


    Using CraftBukkit 860 and the latest godPowers as of my original post. Host is Fedora 15. Original host (worked on this one) was Ubuntu 10.10.

    "java -version" output:
    /godmode command exists in plugin.yml. Both /godmode and /godmodeon have the same effect; they heal us but don't protect us from damage.

    Just tested with the latest godMode plugin and still the same effect. Same exception upon startup (same line numbers as well). Also, "/gaia" doesn't work, it just prints out the usage "/gaia" and does nothing.

    Hope this helps :) I don't know if you've got the source code on GitHub or anything, otherwise I'd do some debugging myself.
  17. Offline


    I've been testing this on Win7 64-bit if that has any effect on it. I've run both with and without permissions with the version of godPowers in my dropbox folder on CB 860 with no problems here. I'll look more into it today

    @MadManMarkAu The source code should be packed in the .jar file if you'd like to help. I'm lost beyond reason here.

    I just finished uploading godPowers.jar after recompiling with a more recent version of bukkit. (not craftbukkit) I have no idea why this would fix it, but it's worth a shot.

    Edit: I may continue testing later on my Ubuntu partition to make sure the OS isn't the issue.

    Tested on Ubuntu 10.10 64-bit with permissions 1.3.5b and cb 680, no issues.

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2016
  18. Offline


    I'm using CB 860 with MC 1.6.6 and running the latest version of GodPowers as of this post. /heal doesn't work properly. Whenever I type /heal with or without a username, "/heal" is returned to my screen and nothing happens. As far as I can tell all other commands work fine.
  19. Offline

    The PC Tech Guy

    I found an error upon startup, but I'll update first. But just in case, I'll post it here:
    Show Spoiler

    2011-06-14 07:37:22 [SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling godPowers v2.0 (Is it up to date?): null
    at com.FriedTaco.taco.godPowers.godPowers.onEnable(
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins(
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(

    Still allowing damage. Not sure why, but it has to do with that error. Maybe it conflicts, somehow?
    Update: Just noticed it was the exact same as the user who moved hosts. I check my plugin.yml and it has all the commands as well.

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2016
  20. Offline


    /heal is currently broken, it seems to cause errors when I try to register that command.

    This is the line that error is occurring on:

    getCommand("slay").setExecutor(new SlayCommand(this));
    That registers the command "/Slay" with the server and sets the file SlayCommand.class in that package to be where to look when executing that command. The only thing I can see being a problem there since it's throwing a nullPointerException is that you somehow don't have SlayCommand.class. It also seems when it throws that exception, it stops the damage event listeners from registering, meaning this plugin doesn't get to know if you take damage or not.

    Also, if you want to PM me about issues, that's fine. Please just don't do this:

    The name of the sender is not included. I'm not trying to call anyone out; rather I want to make a point.

    I got this PM this morning, and it's far too vague for me to help. Please provide as much detail as possible when sending me a PM about plugin issues.

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2016
  21. Offline

    The PC Tech Guy

    So, is it working, or have you just identified the issues...
  22. Offline


    I'm confused about the issues. I'm trying something now to hopefully to fix the issue. I'll post here when it's uploaded since I can't seem to replicate the issue.

    The info I left up there was more for any devs reading this who may have an idea. I'm somewhat lost, because that error makes no sense.

    Uploaded revised version of godPowers that shouldn't freak out if slay doesn't register.

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2016
  23. Offline

    The PC Tech Guy

    Looks like it's working now!
  24. Offline


    - Optimized command registering, no more crashes if there's a conflict.
    - Added /godpowers command. Uses node godPowers.commands
  25. Offline


    I can´t get your Plugin correctly run with Permissions 3.x
    Does you Plugin Support Permissions 3.x ?

    Thanks _Martinius_
  26. Offline


    It should. Can you link me to the thread you got permissions from? There seem to be difference branches of it.
  27. Offline


  28. Offline


    I have no problems with that version of permissions. Are you running craftbukkit 860?
  29. Offline


    Yes I have 860

    ok Thank you i installed the plugin again an have no problems any more

    Now if i´m my ask you i have to wishes:

    -could you fix superjump so that you only jump when you press space and not
    when you go over stairs

    - could you ad an invisible mode to check new players without anning them
    so that even can`t read the name above the invisible Player

    Thank you and excuse my badd english i´m from gremany

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2016
  30. Offline


    1. I will fix superjump, I didn't know about that issue.

    2. There are already plugins for that, so I won't add it. Try out Spyer or Vanish for invisibility.
  31. Offline


    Craftbukkit 903 addit this;
    "Added the abitility to spawn fireballs"

    Perhaps a feature for this plugin when the next RB is out? Shoot or launch fireballs at players?

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