Inactive [ADMN/MECH/RPG] PvP-Area 1.2 - Deactivate/activate PvP for areas on your server! [1.2.5-R5.0]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Luloak2, Jun 24, 2012.

  1. Offline


    PvP - Area Version 1.2
    With this Plugin, you can deactivate/activate PvP for areas!

    • You can deactivate/activate PvP for areas
    • You cannot attack a player in the area
    • The player who is attacking could get a message like "Don't attack anybody in this area!"
    • The player who is attacking could get damage for that
    • A Police Officer could be spawned
    • The Police Officer is running to the damager with a Stick in his hand
    • He can say a message like "Do you need help?" if you right-click him
    • Set the Area/damage/messages and much more in the config.yml file
    • The plugin will create a config file with many more configurations
    • no permissions
    • no commands
    Version 1.2:
    minor bug fixes

    Other Changelog

    Version 1.1:
    Police Officer added
    more config options​
    live adding improved​
    minor bug fixes​
    Version 1.0:
    Initial Release
    ~~ Feel free to make a small donation for my work ~~
  2. Offline


    JOPHESTUS likes this.
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  4. Offline


    Is this the thing that has Wilderness, Warzone and Safezone?
  5. Offline


    Well, it activates/deactivates PvP for Areas, but it has a lot of more options: You can Spawn a police officer (without Spout!), he can say messages, he can hit the attacker and much more ;)
    So try it, it is also very good on RPG servers!
  6. Offline


    um, this is a dumb question but, i got this plugin and it has no commands so i don't know how to turn pvp on for certain worlds
  7. Offline


    h0w can i do things with no commands!?

    i have a plugin so pvp is on in day and off in night, and i would like a permanent pvp area where pvp is possible all day.

    i see no commands, it says commands: none!

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 26, 2016
  8. Offline


    Take a friendly look on the config.yml file, there you must set the coordinates of two points (no, it does not support worldedit yet, but I am working on it). Between thoose two points no pvp is possible, in the rest of the world it is.
    I am planning to restructure my plugin with commands, worldedit and a better config.yml file, but that takes a bit of time.
  9. Offline


    the link seems to be v1.1 where can I download the 1.2?
  10. Offline


    no thats the faction plugin
  11. Offline


  12. Offline


    When will it be world edit compatible? I'm sure you would get at least THRICE as many downloads if you did that. Just make sure to put it in the title if you take up the challenge. Also, if you do that you'll be my best friend. :D Here, free cake for your troubles: [cake]
  13. Offline


    When will it be world edit compatible? I'm sure you would get at least THRICE as many downloads if you did that. Just make sure to put it in the title if you take up the challenge. Also, if you do that you'll be my best friend. :D Here, free cake for your troubles: [cake]
  14. Offline


    um i got this plugin and there is nothing to do with it please help me out
  15. Offline


    Does this work for 1.3 ? I need a simple no pvp just in my spawn, and i am running world guard , only for that reason. Trying to clear up some lag with bigger plugins, that i am not really using all the features on. Thanks

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