LalothCMDVersion 1.3 MOVED TO DEV.BUKKIT.ORG - Hello everyone and my name is Lane/Laloth and a couple days ago i was looking into java and i decided to start a plugin now the plugin that i started is called LalothCMD and it a highly inspired by the old plugin BenCMD witch has been stopped but i am taking the idea and running with it. Now this is my first plugin and i am fairly new to Java codding but i think i did well on this plugin! In now way is the code from BenCMD used in the plugin. Developers: Laloth - Main Coder Yocairo - Main Coder Description: This plugin does one of many things it is pretty much a Basic Commands plugin for now. I hope to bring to do bigger and better things. Features: Fly- Allowe's you to use creative mode flight. Freeze- Can freeze a player in their spot. Mute- Can prevent a player from talking. Tp- Can allow you to Teleport. Heal- Can heal your hearts. Ping- Pong. Pong- Ping. Feed- Fills your hunger bar. Ci- Clears Your Inventory. Time- Changes The Time Of Day. Fire- Set's The Person On Fire For 1000 Ticks. Smite- Lightnings someone with a little surprise. LalothCMD- Tells you that you are running LalothCMD. Weather- Changes The Weather. Ban- Bans A Player From Your Server. Kick- Kick's A Player From Your Server. UnBan- Unban's A Player From Your Server Commands and Permissions: /ping - No Permission /pong - No Permission /Heal - LalothCMD.heal /Feed- LalothCMD.feed /fly - /ci - /weapon - LalothCMD.weapon /mute - LalothCMD.mute /tp - /config - LalothCMD.config - Still working on it /time - LalothCMD.time /Fire - /Smite - LalothCMD.smite /LalothCMD - No Permission /weather - /ban - LalothCMD.ban /kick - LalothCMD.kick /unban - LalothCMD.unban Download: V-1.3-DropBox V-1.2-DropBox V-1.1-DropBox V-1.0-DropBox Source: Main- PlayerListener- Metrics- plugin.yml- config.yml- Coming Soon: - Grief Protect (Can be toggled) - God Mod- /god - Creative- /gm -Coming in v1.4 - Hats- /hat - Config File - BanIP and UnBanIP ChangeLog: V-1.3 - Got /heal and /feed To Work - Added Messages If You Type A Command In Wrong - Fixed Up errors In The Code V-1.2 - Added Ban - Added Unban - Added Kick - Added Pong - Made /fire Last Longer - Fixed Messages - Cleaned The Code Up V-1.1 - Added Weather - Added LalothCMD - Added Smite - Added Fire - Added Time - Added More Messages - Fixed Alot Of The Commands - Added More Messages - Hired A Co-Developer Yocairo V-1.0 - First Relase
I wouldn't really mark it as 'Smaller Essentials' since its not Essentials. Please read the submission guidelines and format your thread accordingly.
Updated the plugin to version 1.1 Changelog V 1.1 - Added Weather - Added LalothCMD - Added Smite - Added Fire - Added Time - Added More Messages - Fixed Alot Of The Commands - Added More Messages - Hired A Co-Developer Yocairo Updated the plugin to version 1.2 Changelog V 1.2 -Added Ban -Added Unban - Added Kick - Added Pong - Made /fire Last Longer - Fixed Messages - Cleaned The Code Up Updated the plugin to version 1.3 ChangeLog: V-1.3 - Got /heal and /feed To Work - Added Messages If You Type A Command In Wrong - Fixed Up errors In The Code EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
thank you for the feedback and i am looking into gifthub but it is kinda confusing so i may use pastbin as a temp source and i have changed the title
updated the topic with the source code now Thanks also do u have any clue when i will get approved and ow that process works EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Note that they have a long list of people to approve and a lot of things to moderate. And btw can you PM your server to me, it said you were a server owner and that's awesome!
Add [1.2.5-R5.0] or [1.2.5-R4.0] to your title at the end please! The PlayerListener is giving me trouble, I opened the source code on eclipse and it keeps saying that is has errors at: pm.registerEvents(this.PlayerListener, this); and private PlayerListener PlayerListener = new PlayerListener(this); Code: public class Main extends JavaPlugin { private PlayerListener PlayerListener = new PlayerListener(this); public ArrayList<String> freeze = new ArrayList<String>(); public ArrayList<String> mute = new ArrayList<String>(); public boolean fly = false; public static Main plugin; public final ArrayList<Player> playerList = new ArrayList<Player>(); public final HashMap<Player, ArrayList<Block>> hasmap = new HashMap<Player, ArrayList<Block>>(); public void onEnable() { System.out.println("SimpleCommands has been Enabled!"); PluginManager pm = getServer().getPluginManager(); pm.registerEvents(this.PlayerListener, this); getConfig().options().copyDefaults(true); } public void onDisable() { System.out.println("SimpleCommands has been Disabled!"); } EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Yes the class was called "PlayerListener" and I put it in the right code from the source and it gives me errors on the Main file, I even added the metrics.