Inactive [ADMN/INFO] GroupManager v1.0 alpha-3 - A Permissions replacement [440-531]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by AnjoCaido, Feb 17, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    GroupManager - The Permissions 2.x plugin sucessor.
    Version: v1.0 alpha-5

    Yes, it has multiworld and multigroup users support now. When 1.0 final release, next step is database (SQLite/MySQL).


    If you use Essentials:
    - Don't use both EssentialsGroupManager.jar and GroupManager.jar! Just choose one, because they are the same!
    - Don't use both EssentialsGroupBridge.jar and FakePermissions.jar! Just choose one, because they are the same!


    As the growth of this plugin is getting faster and faster, I needed to put multiword support the soon as I could.
    Now it's here. And GroupManager is keeping all of it's good stuff! Did I say it is going to bring a lot more of new stuff too?

    Purpose of the plugin:
    The purpose has changed. Permissions got better. But it still not enough. Why I did, and keep doing this?
    I started it thinking that it would make me happy. Now it's because it will make YOU happy.

    Advantages against Permissions:
    • User multigroup support.
    • Full command list to change anything during game or thru the console.
    • Good API to change things. You to change a player group you can do getPlayer(name).setGroup(getGroup(name))
    • Exception nodes.
    • It separates groups files from users files.

    New Features:
    • User multigroup support(yay!)
    • Multiworld support(meh).
    • It has world permission mirroring(you can make a world nether having the same permissions of world2 instead of default world1).
    • It saves only the files that will have contents changed.
    • It separates groups files from users files.
    • It cleans old backup files older than 24h.

    Previous Features(included):
    • It has the same file format as Permissions, no need to get used with anything new.
    • It comes with a fake Permissions plugin, that attaches GroupManager to all your permissions dependent plugins. No need to make any changes, nor update other plugins. Just adjust your permissions files and GO!
    • Commands to change users permissions are REALLY on-the-fly(no touching files).
    • It saves the permissions data periodically.
    • It backups every file before overwrites.
    • Tons of commands for complete user/group/permission management during game/console.
    • It has a fantastic temporary permissions system, that let's you to make changes in users, with the possibility to go back at any time(and it never is saved on files).
    • Negative nodes(aka '-'): You can take off specific permissions from users that have a full set.
    • Exception node(aka '+'): Used when a user/group has a set of negative nodes, and you want to allow a specific one.

    User's subgroups: a brief explanation
    You can see on the file structure(down here on same post), that users have an optional node called subgroups. That node is a list, just like "permissions" node. There you can list a user subgroup, it can be as many as you want.
    What a user inherits from subgroups? Only permissions. It means nothing on a subgroup's info node(prefix, suffix, build and other variables) will be considered.
    The user will still be considered as a member of that group, but will only inherits it's permissions, like some commands, kits, etc.

    This reduces the needs of a nest of groups inheriting each other.
    You can have one user in Peasant group, which has only some basics, and them let him join in Miner as a subgroup, where he can get Miner kits, or other related to miner group.
    Later, when your town needs a railer, you can just add the group Railer to him as subgroup, and he will have both things at same time. When the job is done, you just remove the subgroup.
    This gets even more interesting when you have groups related to towns, factions, teams… etc.

    World mirroring: a brief explanation
    Let's say you have a config file like this:
          minutes: 10
        level: INFO
              - world2
              - world3
              - world5
    It means that all your permissions of world2, and world3 will be the same of world1. And it means all permissions of world5 will be the same of world4.
    It won't copy any file. In fact, it won't matter if there is files for world2… when the permissions get load, every request for world2 will be redirected for world3. Simple as that.

    If no mirroring is specified, any world not loaded will automatically mirror the default world of the server.

    File structure: a brief explanation
    The files read for GroupManager 1.0+ for data management are two files per world. The users file are users.yml. The groups file are groups.yml.
    The thing is that those files are located in:

    So the file structure for the world called anjoCaidoWorld and netherWorld will be:

    The files might look like this:
            default: false
                build: false
                prefix: ''
                suffix: ''
            - SemiAdmin
            - '*'
            default: true
                build: false
                prefix: ''
                suffix: ''
            inheritance: []
            - essentials.spawn
            - essentials.motd
            - essentials.home
            - essentials.sethome
            default: false
                build: false
                prefix: '&c'
                suffix: 'Mod'
            - Default
            - essentials.tphere
            - essentials.item
            - essentials.give
            default: false
                build: false
                prefix: '&c'
                suffix: 'SemiAdmin'
            - Moderator
            - +groupmanager.mandemote
            - +groupmanager.manpromote
            - -groupmanager.*
            - '*'
            default: true
                build: false
                prefix: '&e'
                suffix: 'Peasant'
            - Default
            permissions: []
            default: false
                build: false
                prefix: ''
                suffix: ''
            - essentials.kit
            - essentials.kit.miner
            - flashlight.regular
            default: false
                build: false
                prefix: ''
                suffix: ''
            - essentials.kit
            - essentials.kit.healer
            - essentials.heal
            default: false
                build: false
                prefix: ''
                suffix: ''
            - essentials.kit
            - essentials.kit.farmer
            - essentials.spawnmob
            default: false
                build: false
                prefix: ''
                suffix: ''
            - essentials.kit
            - essentials.kit.railer
            group: Admins
                prefix: '&c'
                suffix: King
            permissions: []
            group: SemiAdmin
            permissions: []
            group: Moderator
            - essentials.god
            group: Peasant
                prefix: '&d'
                suffix: Miner
            permissions: []
              - Miner
            group: Peasant
                prefix: '&d'
                suffix: Healer
            permissions: []
              - Healer
            group: Peasant
                prefix: '&d'
                suffix: Farmer
            permissions: []
              - Farmer
            group: Peasant
                prefix: '&d'
                suffix: Miner
            permissions: []
              - Miner
              - Railer
    You can see that the node structure are exactly the same used for GroupManager 0.99d(-) and Permissions, it means you can use the same files here.
    Note: Every node that doesn't make part of the respective file is ignored. So if you are migrating from older GroupManager or Permissions you can just duplicate your files as groups.yml and users.yml. When comes the time where is needed to save the file, all unused data for each file will be discarded. So you don't need to split files, just duplicate them with correct names, it will work.

    Negative and Exception nodes: a brief explanation
    Let's say you have a group SemiAdmin like this.
        default: false
        permissions: [+groupmanager.manpromote, -groupmanager.*,
        inheritance: [Moderator]
        info: {prefix: '', build: false, suffix: ''}
    You should read this way:
    '*' -> means this group will have access to all commands.
    '-groupmanager.*' -> Where all his commands of groupmanager where removed.
    '+groupmanager.manpromote' -> Except manpromote.

    It means he can do everything that is not of GroupManager, AND manpromote.

    It's like listing essentials.*, worldedit.*, worldprotect.*, everyotherthing.* and groupmanager.manpromote.

    It gives a very big flexibility on permissions.

    For every level of inheritance,
    Every permission starting with '+' is tested first. Then comes permissions starting with '-'. Then comes normal permissions(including '*').

    • Now on multiword support, every command will act only on the selected world.
    • If none/invalid world is selected, it will run on the default world.
    • If the world selected is a mirrored world, it will work on the mirror world.
    (on next version, when a command involves a player, there will be a toggle that will automatically act on the victim(player) world is in)
        description: Move a player to desired group.(Adds to the file if not exists)
        usage: /<command> <player> <group>
        permission: groupmanager.manuadd
        description: Remove any user specific configuration. Make him default group.
        usage: /<command> <player>
        permission: groupmanager.manudel
        description: Add a group to a player's subgroup list.
        usage: /<command> <player> <group>
        permission: groupmanager.manuaddsub
        description: Remove a group to a player's subgroup list.
        usage: /<command> <player> <group>
        permission: groupmanager.manudelsub
        description: Add group to the system.
        usage: /<command> <group>
        permission: groupmanager.mangadd
        description: Removes group from the system(all it's users become default)
        usage: /<command> <group>
        permission: groupmanager.mangdel
        description: Add permission diretly to the player.
        usage: /<command> <player> <permission>
        permission: groupmanager.manuaddp
        description: Removes permission diretly from the player.
        usage: /<command> <player> <permission>
        permission: groupmanager.manudelp
        description: List all permissions from a player.
        usage: /<command> <player>
        permission: groupmanager.manulistp
        description: Verify if user has a permission, and where it comes from.
        usage: /<command> <player> <permission>
        permission: groupmanager.manucheckp
        description: Add permission to a group.
        usage: /<command> <group> <permission>
        permission: groupmanager.mangaddp
        description: Removes permission from a group.
        usage: /<command> <group> <permission>
        permission: groupmanager.mangdelp
        description: Lists all permissions from a group.
        usage: /<command> <group>
        permission: groupmanager.manglistp
        description: Check if group has a permission, and where it comes from.
        usage: /<command> <group> <permission>
        permission: groupmanager.mangcheckp
        description: Add a group to another group inheritance list.
        usage: /<command> <group1> <group2>
        permission: groupmanager.mangaddi
        description: Remove a group from another group inheritance list.
        usage: /<command> <group1> <group2>
        permission: groupmanager.mangdeli
        description: Add, or replaces, a variable to a user (like prefix or suffix).
        usage: /<command> <user> <variable> <value>
        permission: groupmanager.manuaddv
        description: Remove a variable from a user.
        usage: /<command> <user> <variable>
        permission: groupmanager.manudelv
        description: List variables a user has (like prefix or suffix).
        usage: /<command> <user>
        permission: groupmanager.manulistv
        description: Verify a value of a variable of user, and where it comes from.
        usage: /<command> <user> <variable>
        permission: groupmanager.manucheckv
        description: Add, or replaces, a variable to a group (like prefix or suffix).
        usage: /<command> <group> <variable> <value>
        permission: groupmanager.mangaddv
        description: Remove a variable from a group.
        usage: /<command> <group> <variable>
        permission: groupmanager.mangdelv
        description: List variables a group has (like prefix or suffix).
        usage: /<command> <group>
        permission: groupmanager.manglistv
        description: Verify a value of a variable of group, and where it comes from.
        usage: /<command> <group> <variable>
        permission: groupmanager.mangckeckv
        description: Tell the group that user belongs.
        usage: /<command> <player>
        permission: groupmanager.manwhois
        description: Creates a temporary permission copy for that user.
        usage: /<command> <player>
        permission: groupmanager.tempadd
        description: Remove the temporary permission copy for player.
        usage: /<command> <player>
        permission: groupmanager.tempdel
        description: List players in overload-permissions mode made by /tempadd.
        usage: /<command>
        permission: groupmanager.templist
        description: Remove all overrides made by command /tempadd.
        usage: /<command>
        permission: groupmanager.tempdelall
        description: Save all permissions on file.
        usage: /<command>
        permission: groupmanager.mansave
        description: Reload current world and config.yml. Or load given world.
        usage: /<command> [world]
        permission: groupmanager.manload
        description: List the groups available.
        usage: /<command>
        permission: groupmanager.listgroups
        description: Promote a player in the same heritage line to a higher rank.
        usage: /<command> <player> <group>
        permission: groupmanager.manpromote
        description: Demote a player in the same heritage line to a lower rank.
        usage: /<command> <player> <group>
        permission: groupmanager.mandemote
        description: Toggle on/off the validating if player is online.
        usage: /<command>
        permission: groupmanager.mantogglevalidate
        description: Toggle on/ff the autosave.
        usage: /<command>
        permission: groupmanager.mantogglesave
        description: Prints the selected world name
        usage: /<command>
        permission: groupmanager.manworld
        description: Select a world to work with next commands.
        usage: /<command> <world>
        permission: groupmanager.manselect
        description: Clear world selection. Next commands will work on your world.
        usage: /<command>
        permission: groupmanager.manclear
    All commands that changes permissions only allow you to change users below in a inheritance level(eg. Admins can't mod other Admins, but can modify Moderators).
    Except for Console, he can modify anyone.

    So, what happens with all of these plugins that already use Permissions?
    They will still work. I made a fake Permissions plugin, that will replace your old Permissions plugin. And the new fake one will attach directly on GroupManager system. So all plugins will think they are working with Permissions, but they will work with GroupManager.
    The most incredible thing is that all those plugins will receive the benefit of instant changes.

    I'm a server Administrator, what should I do to use it?
    If you already have Permissions, do this:
    1. Remove Permissions.jar from you plugins folder. (leave the Permissions folder there, if it is named diferently than this, the automatic import will not work)
    2. Paste GroupManager.jar with FakePermissions.jar on your plugins folder.
    3. Run.
    4. With all file structure done, you create your worlds folder and copy your files there.

    All your old plugins will still work like a charm.

    I'm a plugin developer, how should I use this plugin?
    You can read the java-doc, linked below. It's not complete yet, but it has the essential.
    Here is some code examples...

    Loading in your plugin:
    import org.anjocaido.groupmanager.GroupManager;
    import org.anjocaido.groupmanager.dataholder.worlds.WorldsHolder;
    import org.anjocaido.groupmanager.dataholder.WorldDataHolder;
    public void onEnable() {
            Plugin p = this.getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("GroupManager");
            if (p != null) {
                if (!this.getServer().getPluginManager().isPluginEnabled(p)) {
                GroupManager gm = (GroupManager) p;
                WorldsHolder wd = gm.getWorldsHolder();
            } else {
    WorldsHolder contains everything you need. You can easily do anything with it.

    Here is a example of a plugin that in a special circumstance, needed to put the player in a special group, with no permissions at all.
    public void markAsNotLoggedIn(Player player) {
                OverloadedWorldHolder perm = gm.getWorldsHolder().getWorldData(player);
                Group lockDown = perm.getGroup("NotLoggedIn");
                if(lockDown == null){
                    lockDown = perm.createGroup("NotLoggedIn");
    From now on the user is in this special group. And every change on him is temporary. Until the code below is executed.
    public void restorePermissions(Player player){
                OverloadedWorldHolder perm = gm.getWorldsHolder().getWorldData(player);
    And, finally, how to check a user permission:
    public boolean canChangeGroup(Player player){
                return gm.getWorldsHolder().getWorldPermissions(player).has(player,"groupmanager.mangroup");
    Q: It is compatible with permissions... but where it get it's data from?
    - A: It gets from users.yml and groups.yml in the world folder, located properly inside GroupManager worlds folder.
    Q: Can I use commands from other plugins to change permissions?
    - A: No. I made the decision to store data in GroupManager folder because I don't think it is right my plugin mess around with other ones files. Unfortunately, other plugins of group modification tries to access other files than mine.

    Version 1.0 alpha-5:
    • Fixed a bug in method String[] groups(groupName)
    • Added some functionality to Tasks class
    • Fixed some errors in JavaDoc
    • Changed templates to make use of Roles plugin
    Show Spoiler

    Version 1.0 alpha-4:
    • Fixed subgroups listing when using /manulistp
    Version 1.0 alpha-3:
    • Basic user multigroup support using subgroups concept.
    • Added tracking for minor bugs.
    Version 1.0 alpha-2:
    • Now /manload reloads config.yml(which means mirror configuration receives updates too).
    Version 1.0 alpha:
    • Fixed some issues with /manpromote and /mandemote for multiples inheritances
    • Added permission node for commands in plugin.yml. So the newer EssentialsHelp feature I created will filter commands that people don't have(dev #688).
    Version 1.0 pre-alpha-3:
    • Now /manucheckp and /mangcheckp tells you if the permission was negated by a negation node.
    • Now using Breadth-first search for inheritance harvest. It guarantees that closer groups in inheritance are checked first.
    • Fixed some bugs, where a negation node directly in a user could be ignored.
    • Now it reads old data.yml and auto-install it to default world if none is found.
    • Created a system where plugins can get detailed answers from a permission check.
    • Deprecated some inefficient methods(all of them redirects to the new efficient method), but they still works.
    Version 1.0 pre-alpha-2:
    • World selection is optional, except for console.
    • Not selecting a world makes it run on same world of the command sender.
    • Fixed "temporary permissions" system.
    • Fixed most of commands bugs(I fixed all errors I could see)
    • Fake Permissions says it's 2.5 now, so plugins like HeroChat works now(yay).
    • Fixed some unnecessary file saves.
    • Added /manclear to clear selection
    • /manselect now lists physical worlds if no parameters are given.
    • /manload can load a world not loaded before, if given a parameter.
    Version 1.0 pre-alpha:
    • Refactored a lot of things. Please check the java-docs.
    • Added multiworld support.
    • Split files in users.yml and data.yml
    • Saves only files that needs changes
    • Fixed some bugs
    • World mirroring
    • Basic commands for world selection, to keep old commands working.
    Version 0.99d:
    • Fixed more small bugs.
    • Saves in human readable format
    • Deletes backups older than 24 hours
    Version 0.99c:
    • Fixed small bugs. Like /mangaddi
    • Changed some classes package
    Version 0.99b:
    • Fixed Group Variables, that I broke last version.(restore your backups, yay)
    Version 0.99a:
    • User specific variables. Prefixes, Suffixes and more.
    • Negative permission node(prevails normal nodes). Like '-groupmanager.*'
    • Exception permission node(prevails negative nodes). Like '+groupmanager.manpromote'
    Version 0.9e:
    • It writes a template it self if doesn't find any data.yml file on the folder.
    Version 0.9d:
    • FakePermissions adapted to new CB builds.
    Version 0.9c:
    • Multiple inheritance fixed.
    • Added a command to toggle auto-saving, so you can edit the file while it is disabled.
    • Tested with server 1.3
    Version 0.9b:
    • Now variables work with spaced strings.(you can add prefix with spaces)
    • Fixed some errors while loading files in later 400+ builds.
    • FakePermissions got small update.
    Version 0.9:
    • Added variables manipulation command(things in info node, such as prefix, suffix, build, and custom ones)
    • Improved FakePermissions support for the Nijikokun's original one.
    • FakePermissions force loading of GroupManager before itself.
    Version 0.8:
    • Added tons of commands. Resulting in a complete control, inside the game.
    • Renamed some commands in the same format Wulfspider sugested.
    • FakePermissions.jar updated to take care oc Misc field, which some Permissions plugins need.
    Version 0.7:
    • Added commands /manpromote and /mandemote
    • Fixed a bug where a file with an empty permissions node in a group could fail the plugin to load.
    • now /addpermissions can only add permissions that the player have access.
    Version 0.6c:
    • Removed the debugging messages that occurs while other plugins check permissions.
    • Removed the debugging messages on FakePermissions
    Version 0.6b:
    • Fixed inheritance system I broke in 0.6. Sorry.
    Version 0.6:
    • Fixed some bugs
    • User/Group class modelled in tiny different way(check JavaDocs)
    • Commands work on Console
    Version 0.5:
    • First fully working release.

    Future plans (they are closer than you think):
    • Make commands for cloning files, and world mirroring.
    • Implements Nijiko's interface for permission changing.
    • Make it work, optionally, with SQLite/MySQL(thinking of Persistence plugin, anyone with ideas?).

    Latest Build Download:

    Other Downloads:
    Java Doc:

    Plugins I love to use with GroupManager:
    Roles, Essentials, AntiGrief, iChat, MultiVerse, WorldEdit and WorldProtect.

    Fake Permissions Source:
    TNC, Kohle, pat8u and 17 others like this.
  2. Offline


    I am having some questions. I have the server working on a dedicated internet server so I can't have a gui for commands. I don't know why it's not starting or if it's starting I can't be an admin, even if I edited users.yml. Can anyone help me, if has some time, with step by step guide? Because I am a very noob :>
  3. Offline


    Groupmanager just keeps erroring for me this is what i get:
    2011-03-02 18:50:01 [INFO] Starting minecraft server version Beta 1.3
    2011-03-02 18:50:01 [INFO] Loading properties
    2011-03-02 18:50:01 [INFO] Starting Minecraft server on *:50500
    2011-03-02 18:50:01 [WARNING] The server will make no attempt to authenticate usernames. Beware.
    2011-03-02 18:50:01 [WARNING] While this makes the game possible to play without internet access, it also opens up the ability for hackers to connect with any username they choose.
    2011-03-02 18:50:01 [WARNING] To change this, set "online-mode" to "true" in the server.settings file.
    2011-03-02 18:50:01 [INFO] This server is running Craftbukkit version git-Bukkit-0.0.0-458-g557f3d2-b440jnks (MC: 1.3)
    2011-03-02 18:50:01 [INFO] Preparing level "world"
    2011-03-02 18:50:01 [INFO] Preparing start region
    2011-03-02 18:50:02 [INFO] CraftBookCommon 3.0-alpha1 enabled.
    2011-03-02 18:50:02 [INFO] CraftBookCircuits 3.0-alpha1 enabled.
    2011-03-02 18:50:02 [INFO] CraftBookMechanisms 3.0-alpha1 enabled.
    2011-03-02 18:50:02 [INFO] CraftBookVehicles 3.0-alpha1 enabled.
    2011-03-02 18:50:02 [INFO] §eLoaded Essentials build 245 maintained by Zenexer, ementalo, Aelux, and Brettflan
    2011-03-02 18:50:02 [INFO] Loaded EssentialsBan build 245 by Zenexer, ementalo, Eris, and EggRoll
    2011-03-02 18:50:02 [INFO] Loaded EssentialsChat build 245 by Zenexer, ementalo, Aelux, and Brettflan
    2011-03-02 18:50:02 [INFO] Loaded EssentialsEco build 245 by Zenexer, ementalo, Aelux, and Brettflan
    2011-03-02 18:50:02 [INFO] Loaded EssentialsGod build 245 by Zenexer, ementalo, Eris, and EggRoll
    2011-03-02 18:50:02 [SEVERE] null
    java.lang.Exception: The following file couldn't pass on Parser.
        at org.anjocaido.groupmanager.dataholder.DataHolder.load(
        at org.anjocaido.groupmanager.GroupManager.prepareData(
        at org.anjocaido.groupmanager.GroupManager.onEnable(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(
        at com.nijikokun.bukkit.Permissions.Permissions.onEnable(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.d(
    Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
        at org.anjocaido.groupmanager.dataholder.DataHolder.load(
        ... 16 more
    2011-03-02 18:50:02 [SEVERE] Permissions file is in wrong format (Is it up to date?)
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Permissions file is in wrong format
        at org.anjocaido.groupmanager.GroupManager.prepareData(
        at org.anjocaido.groupmanager.GroupManager.onEnable(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(
        at com.nijikokun.bukkit.Permissions.Permissions.onEnable(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.d(
    2011-03-02 18:50:02 [INFO] Done (710944696ns)! For help, type "help" or "?"
    What can i do about this?
    I noticed that data.yml stays empty when i run server.
  4. Offline


    When I save the group.yml and users.yml they don't stay in the:
    Group: Admin
    Layout, they go into 1 long line which makes it much harder for me to work with, any idea why??
  5. Offline


    Don't use notepad. Use notepad++ or wordpad.
    --- merged: Mar 2, 2011 6:20 PM ---
    The problem is that your data.yml is empty. Delete it, and let the template be pasted there.
  6. Offline


    Does the latest groupmanager break ichat for anyone else?
    my prefix/suffix and colors no longer work

    --- merged: Mar 2, 2011 6:25 PM ---
    Actually its useless now, mods no longer have any of their commands... /cry

    Why are bukkit updates always 4 hours ordeals ;)
  7. Offline


    Use this one:
    --- merged: Mar 2, 2011 6:28 PM ---
    You should use only the recomended builds. DO NOT use the latest, as plugins wont suport it.
  8. Offline


    Doesnt fix the problem :(
    --- merged: Mar 2, 2011 6:32 PM ---
    Im on 487. Ill try 485. Of course that breaks 2 other plugins.

    I really, really miss hMod :(
  9. Offline


    IT works for me, and Im using the latest recomended build CB 440. Downgrade you craftbukkit then.
  10. Offline


    All iChat plugins I tested work(2.06 and 1.06).

    In fact, 1.06 is more solid. But both worh here on #484jnkns and probably work on newer builds.

    I think you have a different problem here.
  11. Offline


    Went back to 440, no help.
    Downgraded Groupmanager to .99D, commands work.. but now Im spammed w/ ichat.
    Ill downgrade ichat.

    Latest groupmanager has something wrong I guess...
  12. Offline


    Did you set up the files for 1.0? It has changed the file structure.

    I tested from 440 to 485, with tons of chat plugins(since old iChat to HeroChat). None I had problems.
  13. Offline


    went back to ichat 1.05, and now all works again.
    --- merged: Mar 2, 2011 6:45 PM ---
    Ah no!
    The OP has so much text in it that I didnt realize anything like that needed to be done
    thanks :)
  14. Offline


    Remember to always update FakePermissions together with GroupManager.
  15. Offline


    I did.
    I tried 485 again with the new files and file structure, same problems again. I'll wait for more plugins to get updated and if it persists just switch to Permissions since groupmanager isnt working for me.
  16. Offline


    Have we found out if this error is caused by anything inparticular? I just haven't seen any info on it, so sorry if it has been answered already.
    This error comes up every time someone joins the server, and when I asked in a help section, they said it was the permissions plugin I use.
  17. Offline


    Have you tested this with worlds in a sub directory yet?

    If my world is run from the sub folder backup like so:


    the server returns my world name as "backup/world"

    if I setup the yml files like this:


    Will everything still work? (I'm forced to do this with my world folder by the hosting company I use.)
  18. Offline


    I did a fresh download of minecraft_server.
    A fresh download of CB #490
    A fresh download of iChat 1.06
    A fresh download of GM 1.0 pre-alpha-2 from this thread.

    Everything works.


    Try removing your GroupManager folder. Run the server once, then change files created by GM.
    --- merged: Mar 2, 2011 7:18 PM ---
    That seems your WorldGuard receiving an unexpected response. The error doesn't occur exactly inside GM domains. But yes, it can be caused inside WorldGuard by a response GM generated before.

    As it is not exactly inside GM, I would need to reproduce the problem to trace it.
    And I couldn't reproduce the problem here. It seems to work fine here.

    No, it won't work. Sorry

    I found a workaround for that. GM can't possibly know that worlds are on subfolders...
    But you can tell it. You can use /manload folder/sub to load those files:

    The world will be called 'folder/sub' inside the game. Everything seems to work fine.
    The problem is that you have to do at every server start. But hey, there is a way to do this :)
  19. Offline


    Is there any possibility that you can support this in the future? It's supported by craftbukkit, but right now both this and the new version of Permissions 2.x are incompatible with my server.

    Thanks for all the hard work.
  20. Offline


    Hmmm. Interesting. Okie dokie. I will take a look at reinstalling WorldGuard and GM, see if I can get the error fixed since it doesn't reproduce for you.

    Thanks very much for the response.
    --- merged: Mar 2, 2011 8:52 PM ---
    Okies. After a complete reinstall of both GM and WorldGuard, it was able to login without error. It seems like after upgrading from one version to another of either plugin it just didn't want to work. But it's currently working now, so I'm good. Thanks for looking into it for me.
  21. Offline


    I just can't get it working...
  22. Offline


    Hey, the prefix and sufix dont work anymore with the EssentialChat.
    Could you fix that, dont want you to force or so!
    Many many...many thanks for this just awsome plugin. :)!
    --- merged: Mar 2, 2011 9:16 PM ---
    AH and Anti-Grief doesnt work anymore... just for confirming
  23. Offline


    Soooo, testing on my testserver with #493.
    Runs very well (With all Plugins, herochat etc), except AntiGrief, but I think it's an Antigrief-problem?!

    What's AH?
  24. Offline


    Someone in the MiniAdmin rank cannot use any of the commands that it inherits from operator which it inherits from moderator. Here is my config:
    I know everything is mostly done right because iChat works with the prefixes I have set
  25. Offline


    Horray this seems to be working well for me now! CraftBukkit 493!
  26. Offline


    There is a type in your API description:

    WorldsHolder wd = gm.getWorldsData();
    should be

    WorldsHolder wd = gm.getWorldsHolder();

    --- merged: Mar 3, 2011 12:40 AM ---
    PS: so to emulate the old API, I would need to do something like this?

    public boolean hasPermission(Player player, String permission) {
            return worldHolder.getWorldPermissions(player).permission(player, permission);
  27. Offline


    Okay, well I'm on craftbukkit build 440 and I'm using groupmanager 0.99d. When I add players using the /manudd command it doesn't add them to the data file. In fact all it did was change the format of the file. I had previous, my set up worked when I used permissions. The inheritance is set up normal I think, but I'm very puzzled. If anything I can post my current config for my groups. Also I'm using the essentials group manager thing.
  28. Offline


    Ooops. My mistake.

    Youa, you are totally right.

    The interface of getWorldPermissions is the same of the old Permissions 2.0 days, which works very fine, and seems rock solid.
    If you need to change the Player group, use the worldsHolder.getWorldData(player).getUser(player.getName).setGroup(groupName)

    Some of WorldsHolder commands useful to get there.

    OverloadedWorldHolder - getDefaultWorld()
    Returns the default world data.
    OverloadedWorldHolder - getWorldData(org.bukkit.entity.Player p)
    Returns a world where the player is in now.
    OverloadedWorldHolder - getWorldData(java.lang.String worldName)
    Returns the data of the world with given name. If found a mirror, it will return the mirrored world. If found none, it will return the default world.
    OverloadedWorldHolder - getWorldDataByPlayerName(java.lang.String playerName)
    Do a player name matching. If it matches only one, return the world data.(if not, return null)
    AnjoPermissionsHandler - getWorldPermissions(org.bukkit.entity.Player p)
    Return the permissions insterface for the world the player is in now.
    AnjoPermissionsHandler - getWorldPermissions(java.lang.String worldName)
    Return the permission interface for the given world. I does the same of getWorldData(worldName), then calling getPermissionsHandler().
    AnjoPermissionsHandler - getWorldPermissionsByPlayerName(java.lang.String playerName)
    Return the permission interface for the matching playerName. Do the same of getWorldDataByPlayerName, but retrieves the permissions inside the worldData, calling getPermissionsHandler()
    --- merged: Mar 3, 2011 3:45 AM ---
    It seems you have two GroupManager installed then. You need to have only one installed.
  29. Offline


    installed newest version and have a problem all commands i want to use say i dont have permissions to use them i cant even use manuaddp as the owner server and i configured the permissions correct
  30. Offline


    Guys. Help me out with something. Got the latest build for Bukkit. And same with group admins. This is the only plugin I have on. This is not the problem. The problem is that I don't know how to use it. I don't have a console for the server because it's on a dedicated server. I can only start it or kill it. I added myself to the users.yml via WinSCP and I think there's the problem. Because I am not getting any prefix or suffix or no commands.
  31. Offline


    Version 1.0 pre-alpha-3:
    • Now /manucheckp and /mangcheckp tells you if the permission was negated by a negation node.
    • Now using Breadth-first search for inheritance harvest. It guarantees that closer groups in inheritance are checked first.
    • Fixed some bugs, where a negation node directly in a user could be ignored.
    • Now it reads old data.yml and auto-install it to default world if none is found.
    • Created a system where plugins can get detailed answers from a permission check.
    • Deprecated some inefficient methods(all of them redirects to the new efficient method), but they still works.
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