[ADMN] iBlock 3.1.1 - Item and Block prevention [1.5.2-R0.1]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by Unscrewed, Apr 26, 2011.

  1. Offline


    iBlock - Don't let users place/break banned blocks.
    Version: 3.1.1
    CraftBukkit: 1.5.2-R0.1

    Go to the BukkitDev page of this plugin ->

    Parts of the image by SpongeCake!

    This plugin stops people from placing/destroying blacklisted blocks, using water/lava buckets if they do not have the correct permissions. The plugin is easy to configure (you get a bunch of nice options) and you are even able to add/remove block ID's to/from the configuration file using commands in-game.

    • Configuration file (change in-game).
    • Stop the placing of specific blocks.
    • Stop the breaking of specific blocks.
    • Stop the use of buckets (lava|water).
    • Option to kick someone when placing X.
    • Stop TNT, Creepers, etc from destroying banned blocks (can be disabled).
    • Auto-updating (can be disabled).
    • Permission support (ALL).
    • Custom messages.
    • Drag, drop & use!
    Direct Download

    iBlock.place - Users with this node are able to place banned blocks.
    iBlock.break - Users with this node are able to break banned blocks.
    iBlock.bucket.lava - Users with this node are able to use lava buckets.
    iBlock.bucket.water - Users with this node are able to use water buckets.
    iBlock.command.info - Users with this node can use "/iBlock" to see basic information about the configuration and plugin.
    iBlock.command.help - Users with this node can use "/iBlock help" to see commands they are able to use.
    iBlock.command.reload - Users with this node can use: "/iBlock reload" to reload the config.
    iBlock.command.add - Users with this node can use: "/iBlock add (place/break) [id]" to add block ID's to one of the 2 ban lists.
    iBlock.command.remove - Users with this node can use: "/iBlock remove (place/break) [id]" to add block ID's to one of the 2 ban lists.
    Op's have all permissions by default.
    NOTE: Permission nodes are CaSe SeNsItIvE!

    Features to add:
    1. None
    Reported bugs:
    1. None
    Most recent changes:

    Version 3.1.1
    • Made it 1.5.2 compatible.
    • Fixed a minor issue.
    Older versions (open)

    Version 3.1.0
    • Made it 1.4.6/1.4.7 compatible.
    • Added/re-invented a few permissions, please check this page for the list.
    • Added/re-invented "/iBlock reload", "/iBlock help" and "/iBlock" commands.
    • Added command to remove blocks from the list of banned blocks (place|break).
    • Added command to add new blocks to the list of banned blocks (place|break).
    • Added option to allow/disallow explosives to destroy blocks.
    • Added option to change the iBlock prefix in the configuration file.
    • Added disable auto-updating option.
    Version 3.0.0
    • Made it 1.4.2 compatible.
    • Changed configuration file layout.
    • Added entities not able to blow up banned blocks. (TNT, Creepers, etc).
    • Added message customization in the configuration file.
    • Added kick option in the configuration file.
    • Added auto-updating.
    • Fixed configuration file reloading.
    • Posted source on GitHub.
    Version 2.3.1
    • Updated to craftbukkit 1.3.1-R1.0.
    Version 2.3.0
    • Added a new permission to allow/disallow the use of water buckets.
    • Added a new permission to allow/disallow the use of lava buckets.
    • Added auto-config creation.
    • Fixed plugin saying the wrong version number on startup.
    Version 2.2.0
    • Fixed blocks you put in: "bannedBlocksPlace" won't be unbreakable too.
    • Fixed blocks you put in: "bannedBlocksBreak" won't be unplacable too.
    • Changed the permissions, 1 to allow breaking of banned blocks, 1 to allow placing of banned blocks. ( iBlock.place & iBlock.break ).
    • Changed the configuration file, so be sure to replace the old one with the new one!
    Version 2.1.1
    • Fixed permission bug with reloading.
    • Fixed the block break part of the code.
    Version 2.1.0
    • Added the new ability to block the breaking of configured blocks.
    • Added new permission: "iBlock.reload" to reload the configuration.
    Version 2.0.1
    • Updated to craftbukkit 1.2.4-R1.0
    Version 2.0.0
    • Removed the toggle command.
    • Added a configuration file (uses block Id's).
    • Added a command to reload the configuration file: "/iBlock".
    • Fixed the way commands are handled.
    • Fixed the old: "BLOCK_PLACE" to the new, updated way: "BlockPlaceEvent".
    • Fixed the old: "blockListener" import to the new, updated import: "Listener".
    • Updated to the new built-in permission system by Bukkit.
    • Fixed the chat colors.
    • Cleaned up the code.
    Version 1.3.0
    • Fixed a bug where the toggling wasn't working properly. (Thanks Craftee!)
    • Fixed a bug where you couldn't use a hoe on grass.
    Version 1.2.0
    • Fixed a bug where the command wasn't working as intended.
    Version 1.1.0
    • Fixed a bug where the plugin was disabled on server start.
    Version 1.0.0
    • Fixed permission node.
    Version 0.3.0
    • Added permission support.
    • Added a command to toggle iBlock.
    Version 0.2.0
    • Fixed a few bugs and cleaned up the code.
    Version 0.1.0

    Oh, yeah! Almost forgot! If someone is using it/trying it, could you please post a feedback on it? ;-)
    I'm going to work on Permission Support now! :D

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2016
    Habbo4Life likes this.
  2. Offline


    make it world edit compatable so u can allow/deny zones
  3. Offline


    i have a question, how do i unban something?
  4. Offline


    Remove the ID in the configuration. :)

    bannedBlocksPlace: [7,9,11,19,30,52,78,79,97,120]
    bannedBlocksBreak: [7]
    bannedBlocksPlace: [9,11,19,30,52,78,79,97,120]
    bannedBlocksBreak: [7]

    This change will allow people to place bedrock (id: 7) again for example! :)
    For a list with block ID's, go to this website: http://sup.im/blockids124

    PS: Banning fire (id: 51) in the 'place' part will ban people from using flint and steel. :)
  5. Offline


    what configuration, is it a file that comes whit the iblock file?
  6. Offline


    Yes, when you download the .zip, you will get iBlock.jar and a folder called: "iBlock". In the folder is a file called: "config.yml". :)
  7. Offline


    how do i open it correctly?
  8. Offline


    You can open the config file with Wordpad, Notepad or any other text editor! :)
  9. Offline


    ok, thnx, really needed that info to my server, love this plugin, i willl use this plugin on my server without Hamachi if i ever finish it, need help with portforward any tips?
  10. Offline


    That's great to hear! :)
    Check out this website: http://portforward.com/.
    You will need your Router brand and Model, these are usually on the bottom of your router.
    Select your game and they'll show you how to do it exactly.

    Let's continue this conversation with PM's if you need any further assistance. :)
  11. Offline


    Dont work for Buckets.
    Havent tried anything else though
  12. Offline


    iBlock - Don't let users place/break banned blocks.
    Haha, but I will add bucket support soon! :)
    Should I notify you when it's done? Going to add it to my to-do list now.
  13. Offline


    No need now. Just decided to use WorldGuard
  14. Offline


    A new update! Make sure to download from here, not approved on DevBukkit yet.

    Version 2.3
    • New feature: Added a new permission to allow/disallow the use of water buckets.
    • New feature: Added a new permission to allow/disallow the use of lava buckets.
    • Change: Added auto-config creation.
    • Fixed bug: plugin saying the wrong version number on startup.
  15. Offline


    cool! is there a way to ban all block from being broken without typing each block ID in?

    and when i try to enter in a bunch of values to ban from breaking, an error appears when I open the server, it says something like, "can't enter string of values" and the blocks I entered in are deleted

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2016
  16. Offline


    Could you give me your config file?
    And no, I should add an option for that, great suggestion!
  17. Offline


    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2016
  18. Offline


    You need to have it like this:
    - '1'
    - '2'
    - '3'
    - '4'
    - '5'
    - '6'
    - '7'
    Not like this:
    bannedBlocksBreak: -'1'-'2'-'3'-'4'-'5'-'6'-'7'
  19. Offline


    Add a whitlist so only block listed in the whitlist can be break- and/or placed
  20. Offline


    That's pretty easy, I guess I could do that. ;-)

    Thanks SpongeCake @ IRC for my new Logo! =)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2016
  21. Offline


    Its all very good and dandy... Need to have the sub-value of items too!!!
  22. Offline


    awesome plugin but do you have the source code? wanna translate :D
  23. Offline


    Thanks! Hmm I could try to add custom messages to the config? :)
  24. Offline


    Well, I tried, and I would have to re-write my complete plugin for that and it would need a config change once again, soo....
  25. Offline


    any update on the whitelist function. it would make mass banning blocks ALOT easier. say i wanted to ban everything being broken except long grass, leaves, mushrooms,vines. it takes AGES lol
  26. Offline


    Hey, well I'm not sure how to do it in the config.
    - '1''
    would work, but it's going to interfere with bannedBlocks because of the permissions, but if people with the 'whitelist' permission aren't able to place (or break) blocks, then every group with the: "*" permission wouldn't be really.. functional anymore.

    I could make a seperate part like: "enableWhitelist: true", but I'll have to look into that later today, it's 3:44AM in the night for me at the moment, so, goodnight. :)
  27. Offline


    Thank you soooo much!!! I'm making a Hunger Games themed server and I needed a way to protect the big glass sphere without protecting everything! Really helpful!!! THANKS!
  28. Offline


    No problem! I am really glad I could help you out! :)
  29. Offline


    How did you also protect the enviroment (e.g. dirt, stone)? did you just have to list every item on the map?
  30. Offline


    He made a sphere of glass with the actual world in it, he only needed the sphere protected so they wouldn't be able to escape, I think.
  31. Offline


    The problem I have is just that I can't really trust my friends, so I don't think they'll follow the rule of "no breaking blocks". Also, while I really don't have a very good idea of what I'm doing, I took quite a bit of time to type in the item ID's in the .yml of the plugin, but when I booted up my server ALL that information was brought back to the default configuration. Thanks for helping though!

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