[ADMN] GroupBasedPVP v2.0.3 - Disable PVP for groups [1.4.5-1.4.7]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by homerbond005, Jun 16, 2011.

  1. Maybe this page is outdated. Please see Bukkit Dev.

    Hello together!

    This is already my 4th plugin. This idea is from poiuyt580.
    This is a plugin that disables PVP with groups. If you are in group1 and it is configured, you can't attack people form group2, for example. Players with with special permission nodes can't be attacked (are protected), can't attack other players (are disabled) or can attack everyone, ignoring the other cofigurations. A complex PvP structure can be set and nearly :p everything is configurable. Have fun!

    All Groups are set in PermissionsBukkit or PermissionsEx or bPermissions or GroupManager.

    Uses Metrics for sending completly anonomous data to http://mcstats.org for usage tracking. See http://mcstats.org and GitHub for more info.


    PermissionsBukkit v1.2k

    1. Copy Group Based PVP.jar in your /plugins/ folder.
    2. Restart or reload your server.
    1. Open penalties.yml in /plugins/GroupBasedPVP/
    2. "HealthAttackingPlayer" has to be a number. It adds live to the attacked player if the attacking player is not allowed. A minus in front of the number means damage. (Could be a gift)
    3. "HealthAttackedPlayer": Like 2. for the attacking player. (Could be a penalty)
    4. "CannotBeAttacked": Message for a protected player
      • %p for the player that is attacked
    5. "NoPermAttackAnyone": Message for a player that can't attack anyone
    6. "GroupNoPermAttackAnyone": Message for a player in a group that can't attack anyone
      • %g is the group that can't attack anyone
    7. "Group1NoPermAttackGroup2": Message for player in group1 that can't attack group2
      • %g1 will be replaced with group 1
      • %g2 will be replaced with group 2
    8. Open config.yml in /plugins/GroupBasedPVP/
    9. Add/edit lines like the following:
    User: Admin #The group User cannot attack the group Admin
    Visitor: User, Admin #The group Visitor can't attack the groups User and Admin


    -> Users with this node can't be attacked by anyone
    -> Users with this node can't attack anyone
    -> Users with this node can attack everyone even if they have GroupBasedPVP.pvp.protect


    • v2.0.2:
      • Fixed bug that showed errors in console when someone get shot by an arrow
      • Added class for permission checking
    Show Spoiler

    • v2.0.1:
      • Fixed bug that prevented configs of worlds generated by Multiverse being created/loaded
      • Fixed auto updater, added timeouts
      • All Multiverse users should update! - Now working with Multiverse!
    • v2.0:
      • PvP can be disabled in the settings.yml
      • Renamed GBPPL class to GBPListener class
      • Changed updater
    • v2.0-Beta-Build1:
      • Added multiworld support
      • See /plugins/GroupBasedPVP/ for more informations
      • Added WorldGuard region support
      • See /plugins/GroupBasedPVP/ for more informations
      • Renamed penalties.yml to settings.yml
      • Added new permission nodes
      • GroupBasedPVP.pvpgroup.<groupname>: Allows someone to attack another group, even if his group is not allowed to
      • Added Vault support
      • Renamed GBPPL class to GBPListener class
      • Changed way how YAMLs are loaded
      • Resource-conserving
      • Removed useless code
      • Now documented API on Github
      • Fixed some bugs
    • v1.9.3:
      • Added update reminder
      • Fixed several bugs
      • Updated configuration handling
      • Performance optimization
    • v1.9.2:
      • Added GroupManager support
      • Now sending anonymous usage data via Metrics to http://mcstats.org
    • v1.9.1:
      • Less code
      • Fixed bug with non registered user in PermissionsBukkit
    • v1.9:
      • Ready for Minecraft 1.2 and Bukkit 1.1-R5
      • Added bPermissions support
      • Fixed console messages
      • Fixed some potion bugs
    • v1.8.6:
      • Not sending empty messages
      • Now supporting other PVP mangers and Citizens.
    • v1.8.5:
      • FIXED a serious bug: Please update!
    • v1.8.4:
      • Arrow monitoring added: Players can't attack protected players with arrows
    • v1.8.3:
      • Added customizable messages
    • v1.8.2:
      • Fixed logical (stupid:)) bugs
      • PEX permissions fixed
    • v1.8.1:
      • Permissions added
    • v1.8:
      • PermissionsEx support
    • v1.7:
      • Puuh. It's a long time ago, that I've submitted the last update. That meant incompatibility :(
      • But now!!!! It is compatible to #1240 :)
    • v1.6:
      • "Wildcard"-Update
      • Added Wildcards for groups:
        AttackingGroup: '*';
      • Removed more senseless things from console
    • v1.5:
      • Updated for #1060
      • Removed more unused stuff from console
      • Bug fixes at penalty-/gift-system
    • v1.1:
      • Bug fix: It doen't spam your console now. :)
    • v1.0:
      • Added penalties and gifts.
    • v0.9.1:
      • Released important bug fix! Please update.
    • v0.9:
      • First release

  2. I do not know if this works, but try it without the #Users ... If you've done it and it doesn't work, just wait. I'll test it in one or two hours.

    Is the ATTACKING player operator? If this is true, he has ALL permissions. Also those ones:
    Permissions: *NEW*

    -> Users with this node can't be attacked by anyone
    -> Users with this node can't attack anyone
    -> Users with this node can attack everyone even if they have GroupBasedPVP.pvp.protect

    You have to delete these permissions from your operator.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  3. Offline


    I've already tried that like 10 times, and it doesn't work. :(
    I just tried it again, just to be sure.
    More ideas?
  4. Please try it with other players/groups. But first try deopping the attacking player.
  5. Offline


    I have tried it with 3 different groups, and ensured that no one is op or have ANY rights at all...

    (they do have attack rights)

    Edit: SORRY! Did not see you personal message! I will try it out before anything else! THX!

    To get closer to why this ain't working, heres a list of all my installed plugins:

    PermissionsEx + extra (ChatManager & Modifyworld & Permissions)

    I really hope to get this solved, because that your plugin is just what i need!

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  6. Offline


    Hi heres the error log.

    12:12:28 [SEVERE] Could not pass event ENTITY_DAMAGE to GroupBasedPVP

    simply put, nothing works at all! using bukkit 1597. If you need I can put the entire log up. I even tried simply setting up and using ur default groups.
  7. Offline


    Sorry for asking, but i'm not that good at debugging minecraft servers. ;)
    How to i set it do debug, so that i can watch the log, and wheres the log then placed? :)
    Thank you very much!
  8. Offline


    Not working at all for me, here is my config files :

    Orc: Elfe, Humain
    Nain: Elfe, Humain
    Elfe: Nain, Orc, Humain
    Humain: Nain, Orc, Elfe
    Elfe and Humain group have the nodes

    • GroupBasedPVP.pvp.protect
    • GroupBasedPVP.pvp.disallow

    In their permissions.

    Please HELP ME ! :)
  9. Yeah thank you very much, but I need more. Please copy the whole error.
  10. I have admins, moderators and default.
    Wanna have PVP enabled at the server.properties and using this plugin to disable pvp on all those groups.
    Just cant find out how to put it in the config..
    - GroupBasedPVP.pvp.protect <The node every group has.
    I have some plugins that needs PVP enabled in server.properties so thats why im asking :)
  11. At the moment there are some problems with GroupBasedPVP. I'll alert you when I have fixed the failure.
  12. Offline


    So, it says fixed verison out tommorow should i wait for that :D I dont need it that fast :)
  13. So yeah I think that's it. :D I found the bugs and now it should work. If there are any failures please post them or send me a private message. Thanks at all!
  14. Offline


    I am using Group manager, Essentials could you make it work with Groupmanager? :D
  15. A bit less caps and I'll do that ;)

    Sorry but at the moment, there are no.. yeah well I think I call it doors ...in GroupManager that can be used by other plugin developers. The consequence is no Multiworld support. I suggest you using PEX because it is liked by more other plugins ;).

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  16. Offline


    Custom messages please
    Madsens likes this.
  17. Offline


    I'm using Essentials Groupmanager and this mod doesn't seem to be compatible. Could you make it support GroupManager? Thanks!
  18. Please read the last posts before writing a new one. GroupManager doesn't provide any "doors" that can be used by other plugin developers. I'm sorry but without those doors it isn't possible to control the groups. Why don't you switch to PEX? It works exactly like GroupManager and you can copy your configs (with small edits).
  19. Done. Use v1.8.3 :)
  20. Hi, I don't understand why, but this plugin won't work on my minecraft 1.0.1 server, it acts like if the plugin was not updated for 1.0.1 , help ? x)
  21. Offline


    Does GroupBasedPVP.pvp.everyone override GroupBasedPVP.pvp.disallow ?

  22. Yes, it does.
  23. Offline


    Thanks! Great, because using the * node for admins would make them unable to attack if otherwise.
  24. Offline


    hi, I got a real problem ;(
    I am using your Plugin and I really like it,
    but I also got the plugin war (pvp arena plugin).
    That´s why I need to disable yours during the fight.
    I thought I could use GroupBasedPVP.pvp.everyone
    I am using permissionsex, and I don´t know how to perform this command.
    I already how I add the playername to the command.
    I just dont know what plugin could perform it.
  25. Offline


    download link is broken..
  26. Nope. It works.
  27. Offline


    Link say "Sorry, access forbidden, error 403". there is only AD. Why this happen to me? plz help me ...
  28. Offline


    How do i put me so i am owner??
  29. I don't know what you mean, but maybe this will help you:
    -> Users with this node can't be attacked by anyone​
    -> Users with this node can attack everyone even if they have GroupBasedPVP.pvp.protect
  30. Offline


    21:39:57 [SEVERE] Could not pass event ENTITY_DAMAGE to GroupBasedPVP
            at com.bukkit.HomerBond005.GBP.GBP.getGroups(GBP.java:122)
            at com.bukkit.HomerBond005.GBP.GBPPL.onEntityDamage(GBPPL.java:134)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader$64.execute(JavaPluginLoader.java:711)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(RegisteredListener.java:58)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(SimplePluginManager.java:339)
            at net.minecraft.server.EntityHuman.damageEntity(EntityHuman.java:595)
            at net.minecraft.server.EntityPlayer.damageEntity(EntityPlayer.java:210)
            at net.minecraft.server.EntityHuman.f(EntityHuman.java:794)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:916)
            at net.minecraft.server.Packet7UseEntity.a(SourceFile:33)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(NetworkManager.java:226)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:93)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:108)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(MinecraftServer.java:527)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:425)
            at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:457)
    I have that error...
  31. Okay, thanks for the error, but I need the following information:

    1. bukkit version?
    2. which permissions plugin?
    3. When do you get the error? (example: not allowed player attacks or allowed player attacks)


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