Inactive [ADMN/GEN/INFO/TP/RPG] MyWorlds v1.48 - Multi-world plugin with a touch [2320]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by bergerkiller, Aug 15, 2011.

  1. Offline



    You may wonder, why so many tags? Well, that is because this plugin simply contains a lot of features that fall under those tags! I originally made (parts of) this plugin for our server, but it proofed to be a 'publishable' plugin as well. :)


    This plugin features everything related to worlds. Features:
    • Load, unload, copy, delete, save and create worlds
    • Show information of worlds and list available chunk generators and worlds
    • Set world game mode, difficulty, time, weather, autosaving, PvP
    • Set world mob spawn restrictions
    • Evacuate worlds to clear them from players
    • Repair broken worlds to some extend
    • Make portals cross-world, one-way, simple, no commands needed
    • World-specific chat rooms using permissions
    • Automatically load worlds when the server starts and persistent settings
    • Extensive permission system, you can even set who can enter what world
    • Can act as a tool for other plugins to teleport players from one world to the other
    • Simple teleportation commands
    • Set OP lists for specific worlds to make players operator on certain worlds
    • Easy-to-remember commands: with aliases and chat-message help
    A nice tutorial by FrozdY

    BukkitDev page

    For configuration, commands, etc, look on the BukkitDev page under Links.
    All documentation pages are now on Bukkit Dev.

    Known bugs:
    - None
    Disclaimer (because things CAN go wrong)

    I am not responsible for world damages done by this plugin or by certain commands this plugin performs. If you, for example, loaded 20 worlds and hosted it on a buggy computer with 30 players, odds are the server (and your computer) will crash and worlds become corrupted. Repair can fix worlds, but this does not recover damaged chunks, so don't think you are always covered. Also, never forget to make backups of your worlds, but I guess this is common sense...

    - Different inventories per world? No, you can use World Inventories for that.
    - Or try MultiInv while it is still maintained.
    - Repair ruined your world? Backup of region files can be found in the region folder, simply restore.

    Important links:

    Download the MyWorlds.jar from GitHub
    Look at the source at GitHub
    BukkitDev page


    Show your appreciation for my plugins by donating
  2. Offline


    /world listgenerators just creates a big error.

    Also have you added support to create flat type worlds added in 1.1?
  3. Offline

    DJ. Clazzi

    This is a very useful plugin, the gameplay of my server is based in the features of this plugin.
    Today my players cant use any portal :(

    Show the text "You don't have permission to this area."

    But OP's can use, only players have this issue.

    Any clues?

    best regards.
  4. Offline


    Now every multiworld plugin i try, everyone who trys to get into the second world their minecraft crashes any explanation to this? I can get a screenshot and a plugin list if you wish
  5. Offline


    I do not know what have I done wrong but my worlds.yml has nothing written in it. Even though i have started the sever a lot of times already?? May you please help
  6. Offline



    Is there a way to generate an empty world with this? Or a world that only has one block, from which i can build?
  7. Offline


    McGarnicle you can try this:
    I can't be sure though. Only works on later CB builds.

    AeRoknown first of all, check the server log for possible (IO) errors. Then, check if Java has sufficient file access permissions in the plugins folder.
  8. Offline


    i was looking for a world with no flat land either, like outer space!
  9. Offline


    McGarnicle I don't know what world generators are out there, but you can look in the plugins list for world chunk generators. There are several I know, like BananaSpace and FlatAreaGenerator (or something)

    If it doesn't exist, you can try adding a request on the bukkit forums.
  10. bergerkiller

    Anything to do for my issue? Or it's a long known bug hardly to be solved?
  11. Offline


    Psychokiller1888 it's a bug known to me for a very long time. I've tried fixing it in the past, but it wasn't possible. CraftBukkit simply has some issues with time changing and the timed tick lists.
  12. Yeah, what I thought, that's why I asked actually, if there's anything to await for me :)
  13. Offline

    DJ. Clazzi

    Anything to do for my issue? :(
  14. Offline


    DJ. Clazzi must be an issue in the permission settings then, check the configuration if the right nodes are disabled/enabled, and check the permissions generally.
  15. Offline


    Environment 'skylands' does not work! It generates the overworld (normal world) in my skylands world! It really messed up my world :c. And add superflat (1.1) and maybe you can add void/empty. And I have more problems! Sow, please update! Maybe you can add 'seed:' to the config.
    Greetz Roy
  16. Offline


    Royalgamer06 ye Skylands got stripped from the internal environments :(
    You can use the Skylandsgenerator as an alternative; it's a chunk generator plugin.
  17. Offline


    Can I use this for my existing world? And can I get the link please?


    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  18. Offline


  19. Offline


    I found this one already and more. But please answer my question: Can I use this for my existing world?
  20. Offline


    Royalgamer06 I posted in the Skylandsplus thread on Bdev.
  21. Offline


    I really need help. 4 of my 8 worlds are now unreachable and in the server log it says:
    16:59:04 [WARNING] [MyWorlds] World: fredworld no longer exists!
    16:59:04 [WARNING] [MyWorlds] World: Mooworld no longer exists!
    16:59:04 [WARNING] [MyWorlds] World: creative no longer exists!
    16:59:04 [WARNING] [MyWorlds] World: guest no longer exists!

    even though the files are in the server root with the others
    the config says:
    loaded: false
    keepSpawnLoaded: true
    environment: NORMAL
    gamemode: SURVIVAL
    pvp: true
    - liam12107
    - mitty
    - liam
    - david
    - moomoomity
    - davidhanley1998
    - russellfamily
    - moomoomitty
    - fredferd
    - kiwitree13
    - kevininheaven36
    deniedCreatures: []
    holdWeather: false
    formIce: true
    formSnow: true
    showRain: true
    showSnow: true
    difficulty: EASY
    reloadWhenEmpty: false
    world: creative
    x: 0.0
    y: 64.0
    z: 0.0
    yaw: 0.0
    pitch: 0.0
    loaded: true
    keepSpawnLoaded: true
    environment: NORMAL
    gamemode: SURVIVAL
    pvp: true
    - liam12107
    - ccrama
    - davidhanley1998
    - russellfamily
    - moomoomitty
    - fredferd
    - kevininheaven36
    - jko11
    deniedCreatures: []
    holdWeather: false
    formIce: true
    formSnow: true
    showRain: true
    showSnow: true
    difficulty: EASY
    reloadWhenEmpty: false
    world: homiecraft
    x: 0.0
    y: 64.0
    z: 0.0
    yaw: 0.0
    pitch: 0.0
    loaded: false
    keepSpawnLoaded: true
    environment: NORMAL
    gamemode: SURVIVAL
    pvp: true
    - liam12107
    - ccrama
    - mitty
    - liam
    - david
    - moomoomity
    - davidhanley1998
    - russellfamily
    - moomoomitty
    - fredferd
    - kiwitree13
    - kevininheaven36
    - ZOMBIE
    - SPIDER
    - SLIME
    - COW
    - PIG
    - SHEEP
    holdWeather: false
    formIce: true
    formSnow: true
    showRain: true
    showSnow: true
    difficulty: EASY
    reloadWhenEmpty: false
    world: fredworld
    x: 759.28125
    y: 49.5
    z: -3688.21875
    yaw: -2.401641845703125
    pitch: 0.5999972820281982
    loaded: true
    keepSpawnLoaded: true
    environment: THE_END
    gamemode: SURVIVAL
    pvp: true
    operators: []
    deniedCreatures: []
    holdWeather: false
    formIce: true
    formSnow: true
    showRain: true
    showSnow: true
    difficulty: EASY
    reloadWhenEmpty: false
    world: world_the_end
    x: 0.0
    y: 64.0
    z: 0.0
    yaw: 0.0
    pitch: 0.0
    loaded: false
    keepSpawnLoaded: true
    environment: NORMAL
    gamemode: SURVIVAL
    pvp: true
    - liam12107
    - ccrama
    - ashangg2000
    - davidhanley1998
    - russellfamily
    - moomoomitty
    - fredferd
    deniedCreatures: []
    holdWeather: false
    formIce: true
    formSnow: true
    showRain: true
    showSnow: true
    difficulty: EASY
    reloadWhenEmpty: false
    world: mooworld
    x: 0.0
    y: 64.0
    z: 0.0
    yaw: 0.0
    pitch: 0.0
    loaded: true
    keepSpawnLoaded: true
    environment: NORMAL
    gamemode: SURVIVAL
    pvp: true
    - liam12107
    - ccrama
    - bob3o3
    - mitty
    - liam
    - david
    - moomoomity
    - davidhanley1998
    - russellfamily
    - fredferd
    - kiwitree13
    - kevininheaven36
    deniedCreatures: []
    holdWeather: false
    formIce: true
    formSnow: true
    showRain: true
    showSnow: true
    difficulty: EASY
    reloadWhenEmpty: false
    world: adminonly
    x: 0.0
    y: 64.0
    z: 0.0
    yaw: 0.0
    pitch: 0.0
    loaded: true
    keepSpawnLoaded: true
    environment: NETHER
    gamemode: SURVIVAL
    pvp: true
    - liam12107
    - theltmajor
    - ccrama
    - cannibalrabbit11
    - david
    - davidhanley1998
    - russellfamily
    - moomoomitty
    - noswer
    - frankiegar
    deniedCreatures: []
    holdWeather: false
    formIce: true
    formSnow: true
    showRain: true
    showSnow: true
    difficulty: EASY
    reloadWhenEmpty: false
    world: world_nether
    x: -43.0
    y: 64.0
    z: 17.0
    yaw: 0.0
    pitch: 0.0
    loaded: false
    keepSpawnLoaded: true
    environment: NORMAL
    gamemode: SURVIVAL
    pvp: true
    operators: []
    deniedCreatures: []
    holdWeather: false
    formIce: true
    formSnow: true
    showRain: true
    showSnow: true
    difficulty: EASY
    reloadWhenEmpty: false
    world: guest
    x: 0.0
    y: 64.0
    z: 0.0
    yaw: 0.0
    pitch: 0.0
    loaded: true
    keepSpawnLoaded: true
    environment: NORMAL
    gamemode: SURVIVAL
    pvp: true
    - liam12107
    - theltmajor
    - ccrama
    - cannibalrabbit11
    - david
    - davidhanley1998
    - russellfamily
    - moomoomitty
    - noswer
    - frankiegar
    holdWeather: false
    formIce: true
    formSnow: true
    showRain: true
    showSnow: true
    difficulty: EASY
    reloadWhenEmpty: false
    world: world
    x: -61.0
    y: 64.0
    z: -82.0
    yaw: 0.0
    pitch: 0.0
    loaded: false
    keepSpawnLoaded: true
    environment: NORMAL
    gamemode: SURVIVAL
    pvp: true
    - liam12107
    - ccrama
    - cannibalrabbit11
    - ahsangg
    - cannibalrabbit
    - davidhanley1998
    - moomoo
    - ashangg2000
    - canni
    - moo
    - davidhanley199
    - russell
    - fredferd
    - moomoomitty
    - russellfamily
    holdWeather: false
    formIce: true
    formSnow: true
    showRain: true
    showSnow: true
    difficulty: EASY
    reloadWhenEmpty: false
    loaded: false
    keepSpawnLoaded: true
    environment: NORMAL
    gamemode: SURVIVAL
    pvp: true
    - liam12107
    - ccrama
    - davidhanley1998
    - russellfamily
    - moomoomitty
    - fredferd
    - kevininheaven36
    deniedCreatures: []
    holdWeather: false
    formIce: true
    formSnow: true
    showRain: true
    showSnow: true
    difficulty: EASY
    reloadWhenEmpty: false
    world: restart
    x: 0.0
    y: 64.0
    z: 0.0
    yaw: 0.0
    pitch: 0.0
    loaded: false
    keepSpawnLoaded: true
    environment: NORMAL
    gamemode: SURVIVAL
    pvp: true
    - liam12107
    - mitty
    - liam
    - david
    - moomoomity
    - davidhanley1998
    - russellfamily
    - moomoomitty
    - fredferd
    - kiwitree13
    - kevininheaven36
    deniedCreatures: []
    holdWeather: false
    formIce: true
    formSnow: true
    showRain: true
    showSnow: true
    difficulty: EASY
    reloadWhenEmpty: false
    world: creative
    x: 0.0
    y: 64.0
    z: 0.0
    yaw: 0.0
    pitch: 0.0
    loaded: true
    keepSpawnLoaded: true
    environment: NORMAL
    gamemode: SURVIVAL
    pvp: true
    - liam12107
    - ccrama
    - davidhanley1998
    - russellfamily
    - moomoomitty
    - fredferd
    - kevininheaven36
    - jko11
    deniedCreatures: []
    holdWeather: false
    formIce: true
    formSnow: true
    showRain: true
    showSnow: true
    difficulty: EASY
    reloadWhenEmpty: false
    world: homiecraft
    x: 0.0
    y: 64.0
    z: 0.0
    yaw: 0.0
    pitch: 0.0
    loaded: false
    keepSpawnLoaded: true
    environment: NORMAL
    gamemode: SURVIVAL
    pvp: true
    - liam12107
    - ccrama
    - mitty
    - liam
    - david
    - moomoomity
    - davidhanley1998
    - russellfamily
    - moomoomitty
    - fredferd
    - kiwitree13
    - kevininheaven36
    - ZOMBIE
    - SPIDER
    - SLIME
    - COW
    - PIG
    - SHEEP
    holdWeather: false
    formIce: true
    formSnow: true
    showRain: true
    showSnow: true
    difficulty: EASY
    reloadWhenEmpty: false
    world: fredworld
    x: 759.28125
    y: 49.5
    z: -3688.21875
    yaw: -2.401641845703125
    pitch: 0.5999972820281982[code/]
    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  22. Offline


    ccrama ow PLEASE put that huge comment in a code box!
    Ignoring the spaces after [. We do want this place to look tidy, do we?

    Now to the real question. I removed the 'no longer exists' message in my local version (which will get uploaded & improved soon enough), but what you have right now the following problem:

    The 4 mentioned worlds (fredworld Mooworld creative guest) can not be detected. This can mean two things:
    1. The worlds are really not there
    2. The level.dat of the world is missing
    Check the world folders manually. If it doesn't have a level.dat, copy the 'level.dat_old' and rename it to 'level.dat'. If the old level dat is not in the folder, you will have to create the world manually. Do use the same seed as it had previously, or chunks will look odd.
    /world create Mooworld <seed you used for it here>
  23. Offline


    Oh sorry. and it was level.dat Thank you :D
  24. Is there any way I can remove the seed and other stuff in the /world info?

    I want it just to give players the world name and the amount of players in it..
  25. Offline



    I have a couple things I wish to discuss as far as plugin priority goes.

    Shouldn't this world manager load before any thing else or at least load after spout does ?, I noticed that some plugins do not like it when they load before the world manger does, esp ones that depend on a non default world to initialize .

    The issue I have is that this plugin will cease to recognize a world name and fail to start correctly if I have too many plugins installed, the link I linked to is the plugin but aimed at my comment regarding my findings of this issue. As it appears this would be a priority clash as the plugin cannot find the loaded world and fails to start, yet when I remove a couple plugins and it does not matter what ones it will start fine.

    This made me think that there is a probity issue between either when that plugin try's to detect a world as existing on the server and when a world manger actually has initialized the world.

    I was wondering if you could possibly find a work around for that issue I know its not your usual thing but if it has something to do with the not detecting a world then I would think you may be interested enough to look into it.
  26. Offline


    Abdulaziz Zaatut Not possible right now, but not possible to do. Note that any player can view the world seed by pressing F3, so it can not be made a secret.

    ledhead900 You are right about that, I should make my worlds load up before other plugins load up. Though, the other plugins should properly handle world_init/load and world_unload. Not doing so is a bad design flaw.
  27. Offline


    Hmm can anyone tell what plugin he uses to set portals in that movie ?
  28. Offline


    I agree they should but to avoid conflicts its would be better to load all the worlds as right after spout loads, It may even clear up some potential nolagg stuff ?, Buffers ? not going to touch them again I know but I do recall it loaded prior to myworlds as well.

    Can we get a little more info, What movie, and who made a portal, If your talking about my world portals you need the plugin sign link, I think, you can find that in bergerkillers signature or by a quick search.
  29. Offline


    the tutorial by FrozdY. where he explain this plugin..
  30. Offline


    ledhead900 NoLagg properly handles world loads and unloads to load/cleanup the needed information.

    najama the portals are in MyWorlds as well. (or do you mean other portals?)
  31. Offline


    Yeh i mean when u build the portal. when i use this plugnin i have to make a "nether" portal with obsidian and then fire.. but in the movie u just set the portal.

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