[ADMN/GEN]AdminCmd 7.3.5-time, give, tp, repair,kill, warp,weather,afk,OpenInv [1.5.1]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by Dark_Balor, Apr 1, 2011.

  1. Offline


    AdminCmd - Fork of PlgEssentials:
    [​IMG] Website : www.admincmd.com
    [​IMG] Wiki : http://wiki.admincmd.com
    [​IMG] BugTracker : http://bug.admincmd.com
    [​IMG] Downloads : HERE
    [​IMG] GitHub : http://github.com/Belphemur/AdminCmd

    AdminCMD is a powerful plug-in that brings you commands that can give you total management over your server. Featuring the most widely used commands in Bukkit server management such as: inventory management, banishment of bad players, limitation to teleporting, setting spawn and home way points, and much, much more! Blockface approved and rated as one of the best plug-in by server owners.
    Unleash the power of Bukkit!

    For the blog : www.admincmd.com
  2. Offline


    Dark_Balor could you tell me what this is about in my server log please? I couldn't find any mention of a need to convert worlds and I'm a little worried as it failed to convert two of my worlds as AdminCmd loads before MultiVerse has loaded my other worlds.
    [AdminCmd] Begin Worlds Conversion
    2012-09-03 23:18:20 [INFO] [AdminCmd] Converting World : world
    2012-09-03 23:18:20 [INFO] [AdminCmd] Converting World : world_nether
    2012-09-03 23:18:21 [INFO] [AdminCmd] Converting World : world_the_end
    2012-09-03 23:18:23 [INFO] [AdminCmd] 3 World(s) have been converted.
    2012-09-03 23:18:23 [INFO] [AdminCmd] Converting player to the new type.
  3. Offline


    Well nothing to worry you can find on the wiki : http://wiki.admincmd.com/doku.php/features:sql how to get back to YML and then avoid any conversion.

    Since the 6.5 I decided to switch to SQLite for Worlds and Users data, by default AdminCmd is converting to SQLite.
    But ... I forgot that MultiVerse have changed the name of the plugin to MultiVerse-Core, meaning AdminCmd is no longer loaded after it ...

    You have 2 choices :
    1. return to YML as explained in the wiki, and everything will be as normal
    2. Open the AdminCmd.jar, edit the plugin.yml, look in softdepend for MultiVerse and rename it to MultiVerse-Core.
      Then delete the file admincmd.db in the AdminCmd folder.
      Open the configuration file and put :
      dataWrapper: yml
      convertTo: sqlite

    And everything will be fine :)
  4. Offline


    Ah awesome, thank you for the great information. I will try option 2 on my local server and see how I get on. :)

    Followed step 2 instructions and all is now working. Though for your own reference for future updates, the plugin is called 'Multiverse-Core', putting a capital V at verse doesn't work. :)
  5. Offline


    if I only want normal players have permission to /twp to certain warp points like /twp build1. But not the others like /twp adminarea.
    Is it possible to do so? something like admincmd.warp.tp.build1
  6. Already working on it:

    It is just that it requires some recoding/converting of the old warp points :/
  7. Offline


    Although I don't understand the reason of recoding/converting, it is really nice to know that you are working on it.
    I have faith in you! Keep going!
  8. Offline


    I have one question...
    How to change admin prefixes so help me please..
    I need it alot so i will be grateful if you answer me fast
  9. That depends on the permissions plugin you are using.
    By default there are no prefixes set in AdminCmd, we just get them from other plugins like mChat, iChat etc...
  10. Offline


    You can use every plugin u want but if you want to use a Permissions plugin and not iChat or mChat or something so do:
    config.yml Example (open)

    #Configuration file of AdminCmd
    #Plugin Version: 6.5.2 (BUILD 08.08.2012 @ 14:14:08)
    #MessageOfTheDay    :    if true, display MOTD on join (Default : true)
    #DisplayNewsOnJoin    :    If true, display the news message on Join (Default : true)
    #DisplayRulesOnJoin    :    If true, display the rules on Join (Default : true)
    #DisplayRulesOnlyOnFirstJoin    :    If true, display the rules ONLY ON FIRST JOIN
    #(override the above parameter DisplayRulesOnJoin) (Default : false)
    #DefaultVulcanPower    :    Default value for Vulcan power (Default : 4.0)
    #DefaultFireBallPower    :    Default value for Fireball power (Default : 1.0)
    #forceOfficialBukkitPerm    :    Only useful when using bridge with SuperPerm,
    #to avoid the use of the bridge. (Default : false)
    #locale    :    Language of messages displayed in the plugin. (Default : en_US)
    #noMessage    :    Disable every message of the plugin (Default : false)
    #autoAfk    :    Activate the autoAfk, meaning the player
    #will be set AFK after the given time (Default : true)
    #afkTimeInSecond    :    Time before setting the player AFK (Default : 60)
    #autoKickAfkPlayer    :    Activate the auto kick AFK people after the given time (Default : false)
    #afkKickInMinutes    :    Time before kicking the AFK player (Default : 3)
    #statusCheckInSec    :    After how many seconds the plugin will check
    #if the player didn't move for the AFK
    #Also used to send update about the Invisible status. (Default : 20)
    #maxHomeByUser    :    How many homes a user can have. 0 = Infinite, max = 150 (Default : 0)
    #maxItemAmount    :    How many Items a user can spawn at once. 0 = Infinite, max = 150 (Default : 0)
    #firstConnectionToSpawnPoint    :    If true and if it's the first time that the player connect,
    #he will be spawn at the spawn point you set (Default : false)
    #resetPowerWhenTpAnotherWorld    :    Fly,God,vulcan, etc ... are power.
    #If true, these power are lost when tp to another world. (Default : true)
    #fakeQuitWhenInvisible    :    Fake quit when you become invisible (Default : true)
    #InvisAndNoPickup    :    Setting this to true, will disable the auto-picking item when invisible (Default : true)
    #fly.DefaultFlyPower    :    Default value for Fly power (Default : 1.75)
    #fly.maxFlyValue    :    Maximum value for the fly commands (Default : 2.0)
    #fly.glideWhenFallingInFlyMode    :    Activate the parachute when falling in fly mode (Default : true)
    #fly.gliding.newYvelocity    :    New velocity to slower the fall (Default : -0.5)
    #fly.gliding.YvelocityCheckToGlide    :    Velocity needed to open the parachute (Default : -0.2)
    #fly.gliding.multiplicator    :    Gliding multiplicator (Default : 0.1)
    #ColoredSign    :    Activate the color sign, using & to select the color. (Default : true)
    #mutedPlayerCantPm    :    Disallow muted player to send private message (Default : false)
    #maxRangeForTpAtSee    :    Max Range in block for the tp at see. (Default : 312)
    #tpRequestActivatedByDefault    :    Mean, when you want to tp to a player or tp the player,
    #he'll receive a request that he can ignore or accept.
    #By setting this option to true,
    #the tp request will be activated by default. (Default : false)
    #tpRequestTimeOutInMinutes    :    How much minute before a tp request become invalid. (Default : 1)
    #verboseLog    :    Disable some "debug" message when launching the plugin
    #(change it to true only if you have a good reason to do it.) (Default : false)
    #logPrivateMessages    :    Private message send with command /msg are logged in the server.log (Default : true)
    #broadcastServerReload    :    Broadcast a message to every player when reloading the server. (Default : true)
    #help.entryPerPage    :    Number of help entry per page (Default : 9)
    #help.shortenEntries    :    Shorten the help text (Default : false)
    #help.useWordWrap    :    Check the word to do the new line (Default : false)
    #help.wordWrapRight    :    Wrap by the right (Default : false)
    #help.getHelpForAllPlugins    :    If set to true, get the commands of every plugins installed
    #Else only from the folder HelpFiles where you set your help files. (Default : true)
    #superBreakerItem    :    ID of the item used for the SuperBreaker mode (Default : 278)
    #DateAndTime.Format    :    Date/Time format (Default : dd/MM/yy - HH:mm:ss)
    #DateAndTime.GMToffset    :    TimeZone to be displayed, only Use GMT or UTC here (Default : GMT+00:00)
    #useImmunityLvl    :    if you want to use the immunity level explained in the Read Me. (Default : false)
    #defaultImmunityLvl    :    Level assigned by default to an user. (Default : 1)
    #useDisplayName    :    Use the DisplayName of the player when using the player name (Default : true)
    #debug    :    To activate the debug log (debug.log file) (Default : false)
    #globalRespawnSetting    :    To change the global Respawn point
    #Can be : globalSpawn, bed, home, group, none (Default : globalSpawn)
    #checkTeleportLocation    :    When using a Spawn/Home command, the plugin will check
    #if the player didn't moved (Default : false)
    #teleportDelay    :    Delay before teleporting (Spawn/Home) in ticks (20 Ticks = 1 Sec). 0 for no delay. (Default : 0)
    #logAllCmd    :    To log all command in the console and server.log (Default : false)
    #useJoinQuitMsg    :    To activate the change of the Join/Quit message
    #(that can be configured in the locale file) (Default : true)
    #delayBeforeWriteUserFileInSec    :    Delay before writing the user file on the disk (in seconds) (Default : 120)
    #groupNames    :    Will be used in a later version (Default : [default, mod, admin])
    #timeOutScale    :    When using the parameter -t in power commands (god, fly, etc ...)
    #Configure the scale used for the time (here 60 sec).
    #It mean if you type /god -t 5 you will be god for 5 minutes (Default : 60)
    #timeInSecBeforeStop    :    Time before stopping the server when using the AdminCmd command Stop. (Default : 0)
    #tpInDiffWorld    :    Allow users to teleport to other user that are in a different world.
    #If FALSE the player that want to tp to another player that is in an another world will have to have the permission node :
    #admincmd.tp.world.WORLDNAME (where WORLDNAME is the name of the world where the space are replaced by underscore (_) ) (Default : true)
    #armorKitOverride    :    When using an armored kit, if this options is set to true, it will override what the player is wearing to replace it by the armor of the kit. (Default : true)
    #usePSfix    :    Use the prefix and the suffix when displaying names (Default : true)
    #egg.killer.defaultRadiusInBlock    :    When the Killer Egg is used, this radius will be used if no radius is set in the command. (Default : 15)
    #egg.killer.maxRadiusInBlock    :    When the Killer Egg is used, this radius will be the max radius possible for the command. (Default : 30)
    #egg.block.Timeout    :    How much time the new blocks stay (in sec) when using the BlockEgg. Put 0 for never change back. (Default : 5)
    #egg.block.defaultRadiusInBlock    :    Default freeze radius when using the Block (Default : 8)
    #egg.block.maxRadiusInBlock    :    Maximum radius for the BlockEgg (Default : 12)
    #egg.freezer.Timeout    :    How much time the ice stay (in sec) when using the FreezerEgg. Put 0 for never change back. (Default : 5)
    #egg.freezer.defaultRadiusInBlock    :    Default freeze radius when using the FreezerEgg (Default : 8)
    #egg.freezer.maxRadiusInBlock    :    Maximum radius for the FreezergEgg (Default : 12)
    #egg.explosion.defaultRadiusInBlock    :    Default freeze radius when using the ExplosionEgg (Default : 8)
    #egg.explosion.maxRadiusInBlock    :    Maximum radius for the ExplosionEgg (Default : 12)
    #egg.high.Timeout    :    How much time (in sec) the high effect least. (Default : 20)
    #egg.high.defaultRadiusInBlock    :    Default radius when using the HighEgg (Default : 5)
    #egg.high.maxRadiusInBlock    :    Maximum radius for the HighEgg (Default : 12)
    #importBannedPlayersTXT    :    If set to true, this will import any player which does not exist in the banned.yml, afterwards it will be set to false! (Default : false)
    #supBlacklist    :    With this mode, the users that don't have the admincmd.spec.noblacklist can't pickup/drop/use any blacklisted items. (Default : false)
    #editSignRightClick    :    When true, when you right click a sign, you'll be able to edit it. If you delete every lines, the sign will be deleted and droped. (Default : true)
    #logSameIP    :    When set to true all players joining from the same IP will be loged in the console and a message is sent to all players with the permission: admincmd.spec.ipbroadcast (Default : false)
    #nbItemsPerPageInList    :    How many items are displayed per page in banlist/mutelist etc ... (Default : 8)
    #importFrom.essentials    :    If set to true AdminCmd will look for Essential datas the next time the server starts, import them if they exist and deactivate this feature. (Default : true)
    #turnPowersOff    :    If set to true all powers(god etc.) are removed from a player when he leaves the game. (Default : false)
    #deathMessage    :    If set to true a death message will be broadcasted if a player dies. (Default : true)
    #turnCustomDeathMessageOff    :    If set to true only MC default death messages will be displayed. (Default : false)
    #executeCommandsOnNewJoin    :    If set to true, the commands set in the commands.yml section onNewJoin will be executed on the player that join the server for the first time. (Default : false)
    #dataWrapper    :    DON'T TOUCH !
    #How the player data, world data are saved. Possible options : mysql,sqlite,yml. (Default : yml)
    #convertInto    :    By setting this parameter, you tell AdminCmd that it have to convert the data to the new format. Possible format : mysql,sqlite,yml.
    # Mysql need the host,user,database,password to be setIF the DataWrapper is the same as the convertInto NO CONVERSION WILL BE DONE. (Default : sqlite)
    #mysql.host    :    Host to be set if mysql used. (Default : localhost)
    #mysql.user    :    Username to connect to mysql database (Default : root)
    #mysql.password    :    Password to connect to mysql database (Default : toor)
    #mysql.database    :    Database name (Default : minecraft)
    MessageOfTheDay: true
    DisplayNewsOnJoin: true
    DisplayRulesOnJoin: true
    DisplayRulesOnlyOnFirstJoin: false
    DefaultVulcanPower: 4.0
    DefaultFireBallPower: 1.0
    forceOfficialBukkitPerm: false
    locale: en_US
    noMessage: false
    autoAfk: true
    afkTimeInSecond: 60
    autoKickAfkPlayer: false
    afkKickInMinutes: 3
    statusCheckInSec: 20
    maxHomeByUser: 0
    maxItemAmount: 0
    firstConnectionToSpawnPoint: false
    resetPowerWhenTpAnotherWorld: true
    fakeQuitWhenInvisible: true
    InvisAndNoPickup: true
      DefaultFlyPower: 1.75
      maxFlyValue: 2.0
      glideWhenFallingInFlyMode: true
        newYvelocity: -0.5
        YvelocityCheckToGlide: -0.2
        multiplicator: 0.1
    ColoredSign: true
    mutedPlayerCantPm: false
    maxRangeForTpAtSee: 312
    tpRequestActivatedByDefault: false
    tpRequestTimeOutInMinutes: 1
    verboseLog: false
    logPrivateMessages: true
    broadcastServerReload: true
      entryPerPage: 5
      shortenEntries: false
      useWordWrap: false
      wordWrapRight: false
      getHelpForAllPlugins: true
    superBreakerItem: 278
      Format: dd/MM/yy - HH:mm:ss
      GMToffset: GMT+00:00
    useImmunityLvl: false
    defaultImmunityLvl: 1
    useDisplayName: false
    debug: false
    globalRespawnSetting: globalSpawn
    checkTeleportLocation: false
    teleportDelay: 0
    logAllCmd: false
    useJoinQuitMsg: true
    delayBeforeWriteUserFileInSec: 120
    - default
    - mod
    - admin
    timeOutScale: 60
    timeInSecBeforeStop: 0
    tpInDiffWorld: true
    armorKitOverride: true
    usePSfix: true
        defaultRadiusInBlock: 15
        maxRadiusInBlock: 30
        Timeout: 5
        defaultRadiusInBlock: 8
        maxRadiusInBlock: 12
        Timeout: 5
        defaultRadiusInBlock: 8
        maxRadiusInBlock: 12
        defaultRadiusInBlock: 8
        maxRadiusInBlock: 12
        Timeout: 20
        defaultRadiusInBlock: 5
        maxRadiusInBlock: 12
    importBannedPlayersTXT: false
    supBlacklist: false
    editSignRightClick: true
    logSameIP: false
    nbItemsPerPageInList: 8
      essentials: true
    turnPowersOff: false
    deathMessage: true
    turnCustomDeathMessageOff: false
    executeCommandsOnNewJoin: false
    dataWrapper: sqlite
    convertInto: sqlite
      host: localhost
      user: root
      password: toor
      database: minecraft

    Do this as your config.yml and it works!
    But you can also use a essentials chat and use prefixes there!
    If you not have essentials or something so it import from so get this:
    config.yml example 2 (open)

    #Configuration file of AdminCmd
    #Plugin Version: 6.5.2 (BUILD 08.08.2012 @ 14:14:08)
    #MessageOfTheDay    :    if true, display MOTD on join (Default : true)
    #DisplayNewsOnJoin    :    If true, display the news message on Join (Default : true)
    #DisplayRulesOnJoin    :    If true, display the rules on Join (Default : true)
    #DisplayRulesOnlyOnFirstJoin    :    If true, display the rules ONLY ON FIRST JOIN
    #(override the above parameter DisplayRulesOnJoin) (Default : false)
    #DefaultVulcanPower    :    Default value for Vulcan power (Default : 4.0)
    #DefaultFireBallPower    :    Default value for Fireball power (Default : 1.0)
    #forceOfficialBukkitPerm    :    Only useful when using bridge with SuperPerm,
    #to avoid the use of the bridge. (Default : false)
    #locale    :    Language of messages displayed in the plugin. (Default : en_US)
    #noMessage    :    Disable every message of the plugin (Default : false)
    #autoAfk    :    Activate the autoAfk, meaning the player
    #will be set AFK after the given time (Default : true)
    #afkTimeInSecond    :    Time before setting the player AFK (Default : 60)
    #autoKickAfkPlayer    :    Activate the auto kick AFK people after the given time (Default : false)
    #afkKickInMinutes    :    Time before kicking the AFK player (Default : 3)
    #statusCheckInSec    :    After how many seconds the plugin will check
    #if the player didn't move for the AFK
    #Also used to send update about the Invisible status. (Default : 20)
    #maxHomeByUser    :    How many homes a user can have. 0 = Infinite, max = 150 (Default : 0)
    #maxItemAmount    :    How many Items a user can spawn at once. 0 = Infinite, max = 150 (Default : 0)
    #firstConnectionToSpawnPoint    :    If true and if it's the first time that the player connect,
    #he will be spawn at the spawn point you set (Default : false)
    #resetPowerWhenTpAnotherWorld    :    Fly,God,vulcan, etc ... are power.
    #If true, these power are lost when tp to another world. (Default : true)
    #fakeQuitWhenInvisible    :    Fake quit when you become invisible (Default : true)
    #InvisAndNoPickup    :    Setting this to true, will disable the auto-picking item when invisible (Default : true)
    #fly.DefaultFlyPower    :    Default value for Fly power (Default : 1.75)
    #fly.maxFlyValue    :    Maximum value for the fly commands (Default : 2.0)
    #fly.glideWhenFallingInFlyMode    :    Activate the parachute when falling in fly mode (Default : true)
    #fly.gliding.newYvelocity    :    New velocity to slower the fall (Default : -0.5)
    #fly.gliding.YvelocityCheckToGlide    :    Velocity needed to open the parachute (Default : -0.2)
    #fly.gliding.multiplicator    :    Gliding multiplicator (Default : 0.1)
    #ColoredSign    :    Activate the color sign, using & to select the color. (Default : true)
    #mutedPlayerCantPm    :    Disallow muted player to send private message (Default : false)
    #maxRangeForTpAtSee    :    Max Range in block for the tp at see. (Default : 312)
    #tpRequestActivatedByDefault    :    Mean, when you want to tp to a player or tp the player,
    #he'll receive a request that he can ignore or accept.
    #By setting this option to true,
    #the tp request will be activated by default. (Default : false)
    #tpRequestTimeOutInMinutes    :    How much minute before a tp request become invalid. (Default : 1)
    #verboseLog    :    Disable some "debug" message when launching the plugin
    #(change it to true only if you have a good reason to do it.) (Default : false)
    #logPrivateMessages    :    Private message send with command /msg are logged in the server.log (Default : true)
    #broadcastServerReload    :    Broadcast a message to every player when reloading the server. (Default : true)
    #help.entryPerPage    :    Number of help entry per page (Default : 9)
    #help.shortenEntries    :    Shorten the help text (Default : false)
    #help.useWordWrap    :    Check the word to do the new line (Default : false)
    #help.wordWrapRight    :    Wrap by the right (Default : false)
    #help.getHelpForAllPlugins    :    If set to true, get the commands of every plugins installed
    #Else only from the folder HelpFiles where you set your help files. (Default : true)
    #superBreakerItem    :    ID of the item used for the SuperBreaker mode (Default : 278)
    #DateAndTime.Format    :    Date/Time format (Default : dd/MM/yy - HH:mm:ss)
    #DateAndTime.GMToffset    :    TimeZone to be displayed, only Use GMT or UTC here (Default : GMT+00:00)
    #useImmunityLvl    :    if you want to use the immunity level explained in the Read Me. (Default : false)
    #defaultImmunityLvl    :    Level assigned by default to an user. (Default : 1)
    #useDisplayName    :    Use the DisplayName of the player when using the player name (Default : true)
    #debug    :    To activate the debug log (debug.log file) (Default : false)
    #globalRespawnSetting    :    To change the global Respawn point
    #Can be : globalSpawn, bed, home, group, none (Default : globalSpawn)
    #checkTeleportLocation    :    When using a Spawn/Home command, the plugin will check
    #if the player didn't moved (Default : false)
    #teleportDelay    :    Delay before teleporting (Spawn/Home) in ticks (20 Ticks = 1 Sec). 0 for no delay. (Default : 0)
    #logAllCmd    :    To log all command in the console and server.log (Default : false)
    #useJoinQuitMsg    :    To activate the change of the Join/Quit message
    #(that can be configured in the locale file) (Default : true)
    #delayBeforeWriteUserFileInSec    :    Delay before writing the user file on the disk (in seconds) (Default : 120)
    #groupNames    :    Will be used in a later version (Default : [default, mod, admin])
    #timeOutScale    :    When using the parameter -t in power commands (god, fly, etc ...)
    #Configure the scale used for the time (here 60 sec).
    #It mean if you type /god -t 5 you will be god for 5 minutes (Default : 60)
    #timeInSecBeforeStop    :    Time before stopping the server when using the AdminCmd command Stop. (Default : 0)
    #tpInDiffWorld    :    Allow users to teleport to other user that are in a different world.
    #If FALSE the player that want to tp to another player that is in an another world will have to have the permission node :
    #admincmd.tp.world.WORLDNAME (where WORLDNAME is the name of the world where the space are replaced by underscore (_) ) (Default : true)
    #armorKitOverride    :    When using an armored kit, if this options is set to true, it will override what the player is wearing to replace it by the armor of the kit. (Default : true)
    #usePSfix    :    Use the prefix and the suffix when displaying names (Default : true)
    #egg.killer.defaultRadiusInBlock    :    When the Killer Egg is used, this radius will be used if no radius is set in the command. (Default : 15)
    #egg.killer.maxRadiusInBlock    :    When the Killer Egg is used, this radius will be the max radius possible for the command. (Default : 30)
    #egg.block.Timeout    :    How much time the new blocks stay (in sec) when using the BlockEgg. Put 0 for never change back. (Default : 5)
    #egg.block.defaultRadiusInBlock    :    Default freeze radius when using the Block (Default : 8)
    #egg.block.maxRadiusInBlock    :    Maximum radius for the BlockEgg (Default : 12)
    #egg.freezer.Timeout    :    How much time the ice stay (in sec) when using the FreezerEgg. Put 0 for never change back. (Default : 5)
    #egg.freezer.defaultRadiusInBlock    :    Default freeze radius when using the FreezerEgg (Default : 8)
    #egg.freezer.maxRadiusInBlock    :    Maximum radius for the FreezergEgg (Default : 12)
    #egg.explosion.defaultRadiusInBlock    :    Default freeze radius when using the ExplosionEgg (Default : 8)
    #egg.explosion.maxRadiusInBlock    :    Maximum radius for the ExplosionEgg (Default : 12)
    #egg.high.Timeout    :    How much time (in sec) the high effect least. (Default : 20)
    #egg.high.defaultRadiusInBlock    :    Default radius when using the HighEgg (Default : 5)
    #egg.high.maxRadiusInBlock    :    Maximum radius for the HighEgg (Default : 12)
    #importBannedPlayersTXT    :    If set to true, this will import any player which does not exist in the banned.yml, afterwards it will be set to false! (Default : false)
    #supBlacklist    :    With this mode, the users that don't have the admincmd.spec.noblacklist can't pickup/drop/use any blacklisted items. (Default : false)
    #editSignRightClick    :    When true, when you right click a sign, you'll be able to edit it. If you delete every lines, the sign will be deleted and droped. (Default : true)
    #logSameIP    :    When set to true all players joining from the same IP will be loged in the console and a message is sent to all players with the permission: admincmd.spec.ipbroadcast (Default : false)
    #nbItemsPerPageInList    :    How many items are displayed per page in banlist/mutelist etc ... (Default : 8)
    #importFrom.essentials    :    If set to true AdminCmd will look for Essential datas the next time the server starts, import them if they exist and deactivate this feature. (Default : true)
    #turnPowersOff    :    If set to true all powers(god etc.) are removed from a player when he leaves the game. (Default : false)
    #deathMessage    :    If set to true a death message will be broadcasted if a player dies. (Default : true)
    #turnCustomDeathMessageOff    :    If set to true only MC default death messages will be displayed. (Default : false)
    #executeCommandsOnNewJoin    :    If set to true, the commands set in the commands.yml section onNewJoin will be executed on the player that join the server for the first time. (Default : false)
    #dataWrapper    :    DON'T TOUCH !
    #How the player data, world data are saved. Possible options : mysql,sqlite,yml. (Default : yml)
    #convertInto    :    By setting this parameter, you tell AdminCmd that it have to convert the data to the new format. Possible format : mysql,sqlite,yml.
    # Mysql need the host,user,database,password to be setIF the DataWrapper is the same as the convertInto NO CONVERSION WILL BE DONE. (Default : sqlite)
    #mysql.host    :    Host to be set if mysql used. (Default : localhost)
    #mysql.user    :    Username to connect to mysql database (Default : root)
    #mysql.password    :    Password to connect to mysql database (Default : toor)
    #mysql.database    :    Database name (Default : minecraft)
    MessageOfTheDay: true
    DisplayNewsOnJoin: true
    DisplayRulesOnJoin: true
    DisplayRulesOnlyOnFirstJoin: false
    DefaultVulcanPower: 4.0
    DefaultFireBallPower: 1.0
    forceOfficialBukkitPerm: false
    locale: en_US
    noMessage: false
    autoAfk: true
    afkTimeInSecond: 60
    autoKickAfkPlayer: false
    afkKickInMinutes: 3
    statusCheckInSec: 20
    maxHomeByUser: 0
    maxItemAmount: 0
    firstConnectionToSpawnPoint: false
    resetPowerWhenTpAnotherWorld: true
    fakeQuitWhenInvisible: true
    InvisAndNoPickup: true
      DefaultFlyPower: 1.75
      maxFlyValue: 2.0
      glideWhenFallingInFlyMode: true
        newYvelocity: -0.5
        YvelocityCheckToGlide: -0.2
        multiplicator: 0.1
    ColoredSign: true
    mutedPlayerCantPm: false
    maxRangeForTpAtSee: 312
    tpRequestActivatedByDefault: false
    tpRequestTimeOutInMinutes: 1
    verboseLog: false
    logPrivateMessages: true
    broadcastServerReload: true
      entryPerPage: 5
      shortenEntries: false
      useWordWrap: false
      wordWrapRight: false
      getHelpForAllPlugins: true
    superBreakerItem: 278
      Format: dd/MM/yy - HH:mm:ss
      GMToffset: GMT+00:00
    useImmunityLvl: false
    defaultImmunityLvl: 1
    useDisplayName: false
    debug: false
    globalRespawnSetting: globalSpawn
    checkTeleportLocation: false
    teleportDelay: 0
    logAllCmd: false
    useJoinQuitMsg: true
    delayBeforeWriteUserFileInSec: 120
    - default
    - mod
    - admin
    timeOutScale: 60
    timeInSecBeforeStop: 0
    tpInDiffWorld: true
    armorKitOverride: true
    usePSfix: true
        defaultRadiusInBlock: 15
        maxRadiusInBlock: 30
        Timeout: 5
        defaultRadiusInBlock: 8
        maxRadiusInBlock: 12
        Timeout: 5
        defaultRadiusInBlock: 8
        maxRadiusInBlock: 12
        defaultRadiusInBlock: 8
        maxRadiusInBlock: 12
        Timeout: 20
        defaultRadiusInBlock: 5
        maxRadiusInBlock: 12
    importBannedPlayersTXT: false
    supBlacklist: false
    editSignRightClick: true
    logSameIP: false
    nbItemsPerPageInList: 8
    turnPowersOff: false
    deathMessage: true
    turnCustomDeathMessageOff: false
    executeCommandsOnNewJoin: false
    dataWrapper: sqlite
    convertInto: sqlite
      host: localhost
      user: root
      password: toor
      database: minecraft

    I just only remove this:
    essentials: true
    Fappy likes this.
  11. Offline


    I used simple prefixes but it didn't work so can you help me and send me config?
    on permissionsbukkit
  12. Offline


    I use not PB(PermissionsBukkit), sorry.
    But I can try but you can use essentials chat!
  13. Offline


    There seems to be a heavy conflict between AdminCMD and the in-game Command Block (id 137), making the block's teleport command stop working.

    Happens on the 1.4.2 Bukkit Beta (#2446) and latest AdminCMD (6.5.2 and 6.5.3). Tested with no other plugins installed.

    I hope this will be fixed in the next stable version since the command block is such a cool thing on servers - and almost useless without its /tp command.

    Thanks for the hard work and this wonderful plugin!
  14. Can you tell me what exactly is happening? I haven't had the chance to test the dev build against 1.4.2 yet.
  15. Offline


    When AdminCMD is installed, the Command Block still works fine, except its teleport command /tp. There is no error message, the command block just don't teleport anything.

    I'm sorry that i cannot give you better technical information. Thanks for looking into this ;)
  16. Offline


    It goes even further with admincmd or was it that?
  17. Offline


  18. Offline


  19. Offline


    Thank you for your work Dark_Balor
  20. Offline


    The admin cmd it isn't work.. doing nothing when I give him a command for admincmd....
    I'am today updated my server to 1.4.6..
    PLS help me!
  21. Offline


    Update AdminCmd to 7.0.0.
    You'll find the download link on the website.
  22. Offline


    Right now I am using AdminCmd 7.0.0. but when I type a command It doesn't carry out. It just write out the chat wall. I seems like I write some kind of message to the other players.
    I used to use the older type of AdminCmd and I know that the command I'd like to use is still avaible. (The command was this: /thor)
    I use this right now: CraftBukkit 1.4.6. R0.2.
    I am looking forward to your answer.
    Please write as soon as it possible because this is really important.
    Kisokos25 (The owner of VPHUN)
  23. Offline


    Did you updated your permission plugin ? I know that PermEX just released a beta version for MC 1.4.6
    I have no problem with the /thor command it works perfectly.

    It seems there is no errors... well then do the command you want and give me a screenshot (or more than one) explaining what is happening and what you want to happen.
  24. Offline


    I would like to know if there are any commands or ways to clear a player's information/status (like home) and make him just like he just come this server for the first time?
    I've spent a couple of time in wiki but I cannot find it. There is just a admincmd.db to store all information but I don't know how to remove a specific player's info.
    (Actually, the problem is when my admin left click a block, it blows up. I just him to disable thor mode by /thor but he said he didn't use it. So I want to clear his info to solve this problem)
    Thanks for answering.
  25. Offline


    There isn't ...
    But that's a good feature to add.
  26. Offline


    New Version out 7.1.0
    AdminCmd - 7.1.0 (Released 2013-01-12) [ View Issues ]
    - 0000344: [Bug] Updating the help with the new/modified commands (Balor) - resolved.
    - 0000343: [New Feature] Check and notify Admin on new version. (Antoine Aflalo) - resolved.
    - 0000329: [Bug] The main thread failed to respond after 10 seconds (Antoine Aflalo) - resolved.
    - 0000339: [Bug] The convertor bug when a home of a player is not loaded (Antoine Aflalo) - resolved.
    - 0000338: [Enhancement] Configurable color in help command (Antoine Aflalo) - resolved.
    - 0000326: [Bug] "tpAll" message bug. (Antoine Aflalo) - resolved.
    - 0000327: [Bug] Startup Error (Balor) - resolved.
    - 0000336: [Bug] Newline variable isn't working (Antoine Aflalo) - resolved.
    - 0000337: [Bug] Mistake in config.yml. (Balor) - resolved.
    - 0000322: [Enhancement] Add CARROT_STICK as repairable material (Balor) - resolved.
    - 0000334: [Bug] whenever i do /mobkill i get this error (Balor) - resolved.
    - 0000328: [Bug] The command bal_god args=null throw an Exception (Antoine Aflalo) - resolved.
    - 0000281: [Bug] Error when read/add player to DB (Antoine Aflalo) - resolved.
    - 0000333: [Bug] Error when doing /time pause and /time unpause (Antoine Aflalo) - resolved.
    - 0000335: [Bug] Kickall not using sync task (Antoine Aflalo) - resolved.
    - 0000180: [Bug] admincmd.spec.noloss dosent work 100% (Antoine Aflalo) - resolved.
    - 0000292: [Bug] The command bal_ban [kiwz, 360, ikke, reklamer!] throw an Exception (Antoine Aflalo) - resolved.
    - 0000291: [Bug] UnhandledException (Antoine Aflalo) - resolved.
    - 0000289: [Bug] /spawn "other-world-name" dosent work properly (Antoine Aflalo) - resolved.
    - 0000258: [Bug] /ban reason gets string "You have been banned by xxx" added to it. (Antoine Aflalo) - resolved.
    - 0000324: [Enhancement] If a temp-banned player try to log inn, the time printed to him is wierd :p (Antoine Aflalo) - resolved.
    - 0000321: [Bug] "/difficulty -s [difficulty] [world]" message error (Antoine Aflalo) - resolved.
    - 0000317: [Enhancement] Possibility to kill more than a mob at once (Antoine Aflalo) - resolved.
    - 0000316: [Bug] /unmute doesn't return the right locale when the player selected is not muted (Antoine Aflalo) - resolved.
    - 0000312: [Bug] Problem command /xp (Antoine Aflalo) - resolved.
    - 0000301: [Bug] /info is not working (Antoine Aflalo) - resolved.
    - 0000311: [Enhancement] Adding possibility to check more than one power at a time (Antoine Aflalo) - resolved.
    - 0000310: [Enhancement] add range to /mobkill (Antoine Aflalo) - resolved.
    - 0000309: [Bug] MobKill don't work anymore with Boat/Minecart (Antoine Aflalo) - resolved.
    - 0000308: [Enhancement] Update Metrics (Antoine Aflalo) - resolved.
    - 0000304: [Bug] Time parse error in /ban command (Balor) - resolved.

    [31 issues]
  27. Offline


    New STABLE VERSION 7.2.0 : http://www.admincmd.com/downloads

    AdminCmd - 7.2.0 (Released 2013-01-22) [ View Issues ]
    - 0000357: [New Feature] add the option to write [playername] in the /search command (Balor) - resolved.
    - 0000296: [Bug] Extremely long loading time (Balor) - resolved.
    - 0000349: [Bug] Java fail (Antoine Aflalo) - resolved.
    - 0000056: [Enhancement] Add durability values to kits (Antoine Aflalo) - resolved.
    - 0000355: [Enhancement] Add Enchantments to kits (Antoine Aflalo) - resolved.
    - 0000352: [Enhancement] Rework how the time freeze for a world works (Antoine Aflalo) - resolved.
    - 0000342: [New Feature] /give or /i for dyed leather armor and enchanted items (Antoine Aflalo) - resolved.
    - 0000351: [Enhancement] Rework enchant command to give more than on enchant at a time (Antoine Aflalo) - resolved.
    - 0000350: [Enhancement] Adding color support to kit (Antoine Aflalo) - resolved.
    - 0000354: [Bug] Impossible to execute command with CommandBlock (Antoine Aflalo) - resolved.
    - 0000353: [Bug] Stopping the SQL Saving task when the SQL wrapper is not used give an error (Antoine Aflalo) - resolved.
    - 0000325: [Bug] Edit sign will fail in some cases (Balor) - resolved.
    - 0000348: [New Feature] playertime command (Antoine Aflalo) - resolved.
    - 0000347: [Enhancement] Optimize SQL Wrapper (Antoine Aflalo) - resolved.
    - 0000293: [Enhancement] Auto-Mysqlreconnect (Balor) - resolved.
  28. Offline


    New Stable version available on the website.

    AdminCmd - 7.3.0 (Released 2013-03-02) [ View Issues ]
    - 0000361: [New Feature] Adding kits ingame f.ex /addkit [NAME] (Balor) - resolved.
    - 0000382: [Bug] Urgent: After some restarts, /home will take everyone to the nether instead of world. (Balor) - resolved.
    - 0000374: [Bug] Weather commands do not work (Balor) - resolved.
    - 0000372: [Enhancement] /mobkill without parameters kills everything (Balor) - resolved.
    - 0000360: [New Feature] Walkspeed, back, send a chat msg for a other player, events (Balor) - resolved.
    - 0000364: [New Feature] send a chat msg/command for a other player (Balor) - resolved.
    - 0000363: [Enhancement] back on other player (Balor) - resolved.
    - 0000365: [Enhancement] Make the AFK throwing event for other plugins (Balor) - resolved.
    - 0000362: [New Feature] Walkspeed (Balor) - resolved.
    - 0000373: [Bug] kickall crash (Balor) - resolved.
    - 0000377: [Bug] Unable to use /home or /back (Balor) - resolved.
    - 0000368: [Enhancement] Add variable %world, %x, %y and %z (Balor) - resolved.
    - 0000358: [Bug] does not work /tp (Balor) - resolved.

    [13 issues]
  29. Offline


    AdminCmd - 7.3.5 (Released 2013-04-06) [ View Issues ]
    - 0000410: [Bug] /tp or /tploc or /twp Command not working with CommandBlocks (Balor) - resolved.
    - 0000413: [Bug] /sethome . (Balor) - resolved.
    - 0000407: [Bug] PerPlayerTime and world time freezing acting strange (Balor) - resolved.
    - 0000408: [Bug] /addblacklist -i (Balor) - resolved.
    - 0000400: [Bug] Crazy Time Stuff (Balor) - resolved.
    - 0000380: [Bug] /openinv bug (Balor) - resolved.
    - 0000387: [Bug] admincmd.spec.ipbroadcast permissions dont work (Balor) - resolved.
    - 0000406: [Bug] Incompatibilities in some feature with other mod of server than CraftBukkit (MPC+ by example) (Balor) - resolved.
    - 0000405: [Bug] OpenInv don't work anymore with 1.5.1 (Balor) - resolved.
    - 0000402: [Bug] A lot of bukkit events not being passed to AdminCMD (Balor) - resolved.
    - 0000399: [Bug] Critical bug + server crash (Balor) - resolved.
    - 0000397: [Bug] Whenever a player joins, sometimes it makes a HUGE lagspike and sends an error to the console. (Balor) - resolved.
    - 0000396: [Bug] Error from Prism caused by AdminCmd on PlayerDeathEvent (Balor) - resolved.
    - 0000388: [Bug] /mobkill all does not kill villagers or golems (Balor) - resolved.
    - 0000395: [Enhancement] Make the default radius of mobkill configurable (Balor) - resolved.
    - 0000394: [Bug] 3-03-17 15:26:54 [SEVERE] Could not pass event PlayerMoveEvent to AdminCmd v7.3.1 (BUILD 10.03.2013 @ 18:28:28) org.bukkit.event (Balor) - resolved.
    - 0000401: [Bug] Users losing some homes when updating to 1.5.1 (Balor) - closed.

    [17 issues]
  30. Offline


    I've been getting an error for the past few days with the AdminCmd on my friend's server. Whenever I use a command it just returns that command in chat instead of performing it. Everyone else on the server sees an error message when that happens.

    Edit: For some weird reason, this behavior stops after i spend a while (an hour or so) on the server and AdminCmd works properly again.
  31. Offline


    I just started hosting my minecraft server, and the /time day/night/number or the /tp doesn't work. It's conflicting with the default bukkit plugins and I don't know how to fix it? the other commands like /day and /tp2p work but only those 2 don't. please help

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