[ADMN/GEN]AdminCmd 7.3.5-time, give, tp, repair,kill, warp,weather,afk,OpenInv [1.5.1]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by Dark_Balor, Apr 1, 2011.

  1. Offline


    AdminCmd - Fork of PlgEssentials:
    [​IMG] Website : www.admincmd.com
    [​IMG] Wiki : http://wiki.admincmd.com
    [​IMG] BugTracker : http://bug.admincmd.com
    [​IMG] Downloads : HERE
    [​IMG] GitHub : http://github.com/Belphemur/AdminCmd

    AdminCMD is a powerful plug-in that brings you commands that can give you total management over your server. Featuring the most widely used commands in Bukkit server management such as: inventory management, banishment of bad players, limitation to teleporting, setting spawn and home way points, and much, much more! Blockface approved and rated as one of the best plug-in by server owners.
    Unleash the power of Bukkit!

    For the blog : www.admincmd.com
  2. Offline


    It's a permission node you have to put in a Permission Plugin like PermissionsEx. I also made a small (very small) tutorial for permission :
    I bet it will be not enough, you have a whole tutorial on the Github (check their page) of PermissionsEx that explain how to use it.
    For your "problem" it's explained on the wiki, you have to configure the plugin : http://wiki.admincmd.com/doku.php/features:configuration_explanations#configuration_file

    all :
    Maybe the last Dev version before the release of the 6.0 [​IMG] . Then I’ll not update the plugin for some day to have all the feedbacks.
    1. [FEATURE] Added the possibility to edit Sign without deleting them (quite buggy for now because of a Bukkit Change). New node : admincmd.spec.signedit See Issue #123
    2. [BUG FIX] Some bug fix and tweak in the OpenInv functionality.
    3. [BUG FIX] Corrected the color display in /broadcast command. See Issue #89
    4. [BUG FIX] Corrected the Cardinal indication of the /loc command. See Issue #121
  3. Offline


    Dude /fly is FREAKING WEAIRD (No Offence)
    every time i double press it quickly drops me to the ground takes houres till i can acctually fly only in Creative /gm i can fly normally
  4. Which version are you using?
  5. Offline


  6. Then you should try the 6.0-SNAPSHOT. we changed how fly is working when bukkit introduced their fly API.
    Before there was no other way(excluding client modifications) to handle flying server side but the one implemented in 5.12.1 and prior.
  7. Offline


    When updating to the latest snapshot version, it appears that all of the commands I have set as disabled are in fact enabled and some are even prioritised, the '/stop' command for instance. I can't seem to use the standard bukkit /stop command because AdminCmds version has taken priority even though it's in my list of disabled commands.
  8. Offline


  9. Offline


    Can you activate verboselog and send me the server.log ?
    when activated you should see : 2012-05-28 19:02:42 [INFO] [AdminCmd] Command bal_lockdown selected to be disabled in the configuration file.
    for every command disabled.
    Hakarish : Use the dev version.
  10. Offline


    I assume it's the debug.log file? If so, I've attached it here, it appears to be disabling most of the commands I've got set to disabled for just now, but the 'stop' command is not among them that I can see.

    Attached Files:

  11. Offline


    no no I was really speaking about the server.log :) But yeah you can see also the disabled command in the debug.log.
    for the stop command, you just have to remove it from the prioritized commands.
  12. Offline


    Ah sorry, I had done a search for 'verbose' but it didn't find it as I had whole word selected. Got it now, so here is the server log where as you'll see, it tells me 'stop' is disabled, but when I use the 'stop' command at the end, it responds with the AdminCmd stop instead of Bukkit's. It's also not listed in my prioritised commands.

    - time
    - tp
    - clear

    Attached Files:

  13. Offline


    I'm sorry but I don't know why, but I can't see attachment in post, send me it by pm :)
  14. Offline


    Ah, strange. I can't seem to get it to upload to a PM either, but I've uploaded it to my webserver so here's a link.

    Server Log
  15. Offline


    Strange because I put it in disabled command on my test server and it worked ...

    EDIT : forgot what I said ... we can't disable the stop command ... because bukkit is configured to let a plugin command override a normal one.
    You should keep stop command, in every case it's better than the original one, since it's kicking everybody with configured message instead of an error.
    khamseen_air likes this.
  16. Offline


    Ah ok, well that's good to know then. I've now configured the delay for it and it does indeed seem better. Thanks for clearing that up for me. :)
  17. Offline


    Is there a way to modify the block breaking speed when using flight in the new DEV build? I love having access to creative flight in survival mode but when you're flying, you break blocks much slower than normal which is a little annoying. Not sure if there is a setting I'm just not seeing or something. :)
  18. Offline


    I didn't even saw that the speed of block break change when in flying mode oO
    Well sorry, nothing is provided to configure it ^^

    Version 6.0

    New Features

    1. [FEATURE] /tpd command. You can use it like this:
      1. /tpd : This will list all worlds you can teleport to if you have the permission admincmd.tp.world.list
      2. /tpd <worldname> : Teleport into the given world. You will be teleported to the spawn (admincmd.tp.world)
      3. /tpd -P <playername> <worldname> : Same as above just it will teleport the given player (admincmd.tp.world.other)
    2. [FEATURE] Added the possibility to ban IP also with the ban command. No new command, just type your IP like : /ban XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX where XXX must be between 0-255. See Issue #63
    3. [FEATURE] Added a Search command to look for player by IP. See Issue #24
    4. [FEATURE] Added a command to remove all (super) powers from a player. /withdraw < -P player>, permission: admincmd.player.withdraw. To use on another player you need to have the withdraw.other node.
      Aliases: wtd, rmp See Issue Issue #64
    5. [FEATURE] Added a Tpall command to teleport all players on the server to a location. See Issue #24
      1. /tpall <worldname> -s : Teleport all players to the given world's spawn
      2. /tpall <worldname> -w <warpname> : Teleport all players to the specified warp
      3. /tpall <worldname> -l <x y z> : Teleport all players to a location with coordinates
      4. /tpall <worldname> -p <playername> : Teleport all players to another player
    6. [FEATURE] Added a Banlist command to list every ban. See Issue #24
    7. [FEATURE] Added a light browser that will crawl every 45-120min a page on the wiki to support the plugin and gave some statistics.
      1. It will be downloaded automatically from the server, nothing to do.
    8. [FEATURE] All files of AdminCmd are now in UTF-8. Old files will be automatically converted when used. See Issue #110
    9. [FEATURE] Added a Mutelist command to list every ban. See Issue #111
    10. [FEATURE] Added new node : admincmd.spec.noloss to avoid losing inventory upon death (need the command nodrop to NOT be disabled). See Issue #109
    11. [FEATURE] Added new command : /unmuteall See Issue #117
    12. [FEATURE] Added new command : /rtxt to reload news.txt,motd.txt, etc … all text files. See Issue #120
    13. [MAJOR FEATURE] Possibility to open inventory of every players with the command /openinv (or /oi) See Issue #122
    14. [FEATURE] Automatically display help for the command when the arguments are not correct.
    15. [FEATURE] Added the possibility to edit Sign without deleting them (quite buggy for now because of a Bukkit Change). New node : admincmd.spec.signedit See Issue #123
    16. [FEATURE] Added logging of players using the same IP to the console, see Issue #79. If a player has the permission admincmd.spec.ipbroadcast he will get a notification in-game. The feature can be turned off in the config.
    17. [FEATURE] BanList and MuteList are now paged. See Issue #127
    18. [FEATURE] Possibility to set parameters for Commands Alias. See Issue #68 - New commands.yml :
    aliases: god: gg: '' gd: '' fly: ofly: -o egg: grenade: -E ExplosionEgg

    Bug Fixes

    1. [BUG FIX] Whois on offline player throwing NPE.
    2. [MAJOR BUG FIX] When using the killeregg against a player, the client and the server don't crash anymore.
    3. [BUG FIX] No more exception when doing /i 350:
    4. [BUG FIX] Adjusted to new Heroes API in Heroes v1.4.7
    5. [BUG FIX] Fixed ClassCastException in ACEntityListener, see Ticket Issue #49
    6. [BUG FIX] Correct some minor NPE. See Issue #66
    7. [BUG FIX] The Temp Ban are now correctly loaded from the banned.yml and the player are unbanned when they should be. See Issue #69
    8. [BUG FIX] Fixed names not beeing autocompleted in Ban, Mute and Unmute command, see Issue #78
    9. [BUG FIX] No more disabling command from other plugins when conflict detected and an AdminCmd command is disabled See Issue #104
    10. [BUG FIX] ImmunityLvl and PermissionsEx corrected see this page for more information Permission Plugin Tutorial
    11. [BUG FIX] Corrected bug with /time pause and the redstone, AdminCmd no longer break any redstone circuit.
    12. [BUG FIX] Not need anymore to use //n to make new line in motd/news/etc …
      1. If you edit the file manually (news.txt, etc …) no need to do anything to make new lines, do it as always but pushing Enter key
      2. If you edit with the command /set you must use the \n to put new line.
        Example : This\nIs\na Test
      3. This
      4. is
      5. a Test
    13. [BUG FIX] Added missing locale for kill/food/heal commands.
    14. [MAJOR BUG FIX] Invisibility now WORKS COMPLETELY WITHOUT ANY PROBLEM, Thanks to the Bukkit API.
    15. [BUG FIX] Corrected the color display in /broadcast command. See Issue #89
    16. [BUG FIX] Corrected the Cardinal indication of the /loc command. See Issue #121

    Recent Changes

    1. [ADD] Added Banned in the /whois command.
    2. [CHANGE] Player are now Sorted by group and by alphabetic order in the playerList command.
    3. [CHANGE] AdminCmd is now using the new FlyAPI of bukkit to enable flying upon using /fly the same way as if the player was in creative mode(Just the flying part;))
    4. [RECODE] Recoded the whole BlackList feature for items. Issue #42 & Issue #46
      1. You can now set blacklist item only by having the item in your hand. Just type : /abl -i and the item in your hand will be used. Same for removing from blacklist.
      2. You can blacklist specific items (like colored wools) by giving the id like : /abl -i wools:5. Same for remove from blacklist.
      3. [PERMISSION] The NO BLACKLIST PERMISSION HAS BEEN CHANGED to : admincmd.spec.noblacklist.
    5. [CHANGE] adding 2 new aliases for the search command : look,sh. See Issue #66
    6. [ADD] /spawn now accepts a world name as argument and teleports the player to the spawn of that world, see Issue #73
    7. [UPDATE] Updated the mChatSuite plugin to the last version, meaning AdminCmd will not work with mChatVersion version BEFORE 1.2.5-R3_21 See Issue #113
    8. [CHANGE] News only display ONCE to the player. It will be displayed again to the player if the message has been modified by the command /set -n or when reloaded by the command /rtxt See Issue #120 & Issue #119

    API for developers

    1. [UPDATE] Updated block-list of Blocks which use Data to define them more accurate

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2016
  19. Offline


    I'm sorry, do you mean there isn't any way you can fix that? Or just that there isn't already a way to change it in AdminCmd?
  20. Offline


    Well I think it's possible to change the break speed (I'm quite sure just don't remember which function to use).
    If you really want it, just post a ticket on the bug tracker :)
  21. Offline


    Will do thanks. :)
  22. Offline


    Version 6.0.1

    New Features

    Bug Fixes

    1. [BUG FIX] Double Invisible in /whois command. See Issue #141
    2. [BUG FIX] When tp to another world, and having the creative fly, reactivate it. See Issue #137
    3. [BUG FIX] /loc Player is now checking the node admincmd.player.loc.other. See Issue #144
    4. [MAJOR BUG FIX] Correct incompatibility with PermissionsBukkit See Issue #143

    Recent Changes

    API for developers

    The Bug was to big to be let it like that ... I have to release that version already !
    Hoffnung Stark and khamseen_air like this.
  23. Offline

    Hoffnung Stark

    Hello all, I have one more thing:

    2012-06-04 18:59:16 [SEVERE] Exception in thread "Thread-12"
    2012-06-04 18:59:16 [SEVERE] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: be/Balor/Tools/WebBrowser
    2012-06-04 18:59:16 [SEVERE]    at be.Balor.bukkit.AdminCmd.AdminCmd$7.run(AdminCmd.java:930)
    2012-06-04 18:59:16 [SEVERE]    at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
    2012-06-04 18:59:16 [SEVERE] Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: be.Balor.Tools.WebBrowser
    2012-06-04 18:59:16 [SEVERE]    at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
    2012-06-04 18:59:16 [SEVERE]    at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
    2012-06-04 18:59:16 [SEVERE]    at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
    2012-06-04 18:59:16 [SEVERE]    at org.bukkit.plugin.java.PluginClassLoader.findClass(PluginClassLoader.java:41)
    2012-06-04 18:59:16 [SEVERE]    at org.bukkit.plugin.java.PluginClassLoader.findClass(PluginClassLoader.java:29)
    2012-06-04 18:59:16 [SEVERE]    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    2012-06-04 18:59:16 [SEVERE]    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    2012-06-04 18:59:16 [SEVERE]    ... 2 more
    Can someone explain this please?
  24. Offline


    Stop the server, delete /lib/WebBrowser.jar and /lib/WebBrowser.ja.version, restart the server and everything should be fine :)
    In every case this error is not blocking :)
  25. Offline

    Hoffnung Stark

    Thank you! This plugin is the best administration system I've ever seen! :)
    alexz_ likes this.
  26. Offline


    Hello i have been getting this error
    >17:11:46 [SEVERE] Could not pass event PlayerJoinEvent to AdminCmd
    at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader$1.execute(JavaPluginLoader.java:304)
    at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(RegisteredListener.java:62)
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(SimplePluginManager.java:459)
    at net.minecraft.server.ServerConfigurationManager.c(ServerConfigurationManager.java:132)
    at net.minecraft.server.NetLoginHandler.b(NetLoginHandler.java:129)
    at net.minecraft.server.NetLoginHandler.a(NetLoginHandler.java:94)
    at net.minecraft.server.Packet1Login.handle(SourceFile:68)
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(NetworkManager.java:229)
    at net.minecraft.server.NetLoginHandler.a(NetLoginHandler.java:48)
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(NetworkListenThread.java:61)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(MinecraftServer.java:567)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:459)
    at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:492)
    Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal group reference
    at java.util.regex.Matcher.appendReplacement(Matcher.java:808)
    at java.util.regex.Matcher.replaceFirst(Matcher.java:955)
    at be.Balor.Manager.LocaleManager.recursiveReplaceLocale(LocaleManager.java:259)
    at be.Balor.Manager.LocaleManager.get(LocaleManager.java:174)
    at be.Balor.Tools.Utils.I18n(Utils.java:811)
    at be.Balor.Tools.Utils.sParsedLocale(Utils.java:1209)
    at be.Balor.Listeners.ACPlayerListener.onPlayerJoin(ACPlayerListener.java:203)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:57)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:601)
    at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader$1.execute(JavaPluginLoader.java:302)
    ... 12 more
  27. Offline


    Can I see your locale file ?
  28. Offline


    playerNotFound: '§cNo such player: §f%player'
    kitNotFound: '§cNo such kit: §f%kit'
    pluginNotFound: '§cNo such Plugin: §f%plugin'
    worldNotFound: '§cNo such world: §f%world'
    unknownMat: '§cUnknown Material : §f%material'
    onlinePlayers: '§cOnline players: '
    serverReload: §eServer Reloaded.
    changedWorld: §4All your powers have been deactivated because you teleported to an another world
    stillInv: §cYou are still Invisible
    errorNotPerm: §cYou don't have the Permissions to do that §9(%p)
    dropItemOtherPlayer: §c[%sender]§f dropped at your feet §6%amount %material
    dropItemCommandSender: §cDropped §6%amount %material to §f%target
    dropItemYourself: §cDropped §6%amount %material
    giveItemOtherPlayer: §c[%sender]§f send you §6%amount %material
    giveItemCommandSender: §cAdded §6%amount %material to §f%target's inventory
    giveItemYourself: §cAdded §6%amount %material§f to your inventory
    errorHolding: §cYou have to be holding something!
    moreTooMuch: Excedent(s) item(s) (§9%amount§f) have been stored in your inventory
    repairTarget: Your item §c%type§f has been successfully repaired.
    repair: '%player''s item §c%type§f has been successfully repaired.'
    errorRepair: 'You can''t repair this item : §c%type'
    repairAll: All %player's items have been repaired.
    repairAllTarget: All your items have been repaired.
    errorMob: '§cNo such creature: §f%mob'
    spawnMob: §9Spawned §f%nb %mob
    spawnMobOther: §6%player §9spawned §f%nb %mob (s)§9 at your location.
    clear: §cYour inventory has been cleared
    clearTarget: §cInventory of §f%player§c cleared
    fireballDisabled: §4Fireball mode disabled.
    fireballDisabledTarget: §4Fireball mode disabled for %player
    fireballEnabled: §4Fireball mode enabled.
    fireballEnabledTarget: §4Fireball mode enabled for %player
    godDisabled: §3GOD mode disabled.
    godDisabledTarget: §3GOD mode disabled for %player
    godEnabled: §3GOD mode enabled.
    godEnabledTarget: §3GOD mode enabled for %player
    noDropDisabled: §3NO DROP mode disabled.
    noDropDisabledTarget: §3NO DROP mode disabled for %player
    noDropEnabled: §3NO DROP mode enabled.
    noDropEnabledTarget: §3NO DROP mode enabled for %player
    thorDisabled: §3THOR mode disabled.
    thorDisabledTarget: §3THOR mode disabled for %player
    thorEnabled: §3THOR mode enabled.
    thorEnabledTarget: §3THOR mode enabled for %player
    vulcanDisabled: §4VULCAN mode disabled.
    vulcanDisabledTarget: §4VULCAN mode disabled for %player
    vulcanEnabled: §4VULCAN mode enabled.
    vulcanEnabledTarget: §4VULCAN mode enabled for %player
    spymsgDisabled: §3SPYMSG mode disabled.
    spymsgEnabled: §3SPYMSG mode enabled.
    invisibleEnabled: §cYou are now Invisible
    invisibleEnabledTarget: §3INVISIBLE mode enabled for %player
    invisibleDisabled: §aYou are now Visible
    invisibleDisabledTarget: §3INVISIBLE mode disabled for %player
    errorMultiHome: §2Home §c%home§f not set.
    multiHome: §2Teleported§f to your home §3%home.
    setMultiHome: §2Home §3%home§f set.
    rmHome: §cHome §3%home§f removed.
    homeLimit: §cYou have reached your §2home limit
    itemLimit: §cYou have exceeded your §2item limit§c of %limit items per command.
    errorLocation: §cLocation has to be formed by numbers
    addWarp: §aWarpPoint %name§f added.
    rmWarp: §cWarpPoint %name§f removed.
    errorWarp: §4WarpPoint %name not found
    tpWarp: §aTeleported to §f%name
    strike: '%player was striked by Thor'
    tp: Successfully teleported §9%fromPlayer§f to §a%toPlayer
    addBlacklistItem: §aItem (§f%material§a) added to the Black List for i, give and drop.
    addBlacklistBlock: §aBlock (§f%material§a) added to the BlockPlace Black List.
    rmBlacklistItem: §aItem (§f%material§a) removed from the Blacklist.
    rmBlacklistBlock: §aBlock (§f%material§a) removed from the Blacklist.
    inBlacklistItem: §4This item (§f%material§4) is black listed.
    inBlacklistBlock: §4This block (§f%material§4) is black listed.
    errorSpawn: §2spawn§f not set for this world.
    spawn: §2Teleported§f to your spawn.
    setSpawn: §2spawn§f set.
    sClear: 'Sky cleared in world :'
    sStorm: 'Storm set for %duration mins in world : '
    sRain: 'Rain set for %duration mins in world : '
    afk: '%player §cis AFK'
    online: '%player §ais Online'
    afkTitle: §9[AFK]§f
    ip: §eIP adress of §f%player - %ip
    ban: '§e%player has been banned, reason: §c%reason'
    unban: §e%player is now unbanned.
    killMob: '§cKilling mobs (§f%type§c) of worlds : §5%worlds'
    killedMobs: '%nbKilled§4 mobs have been killed.'
    flyDisabled: §6FLY mode disabled.
    flyDisabledTarget: §6FLY mode disabled for %player
    flyEnabled: §6FLY mode enabled.
    flyEnabledTarget: §6FLY mode enabled for %player
    npDisabled: §6No Pickup mode disabled.
    npDisabledTarget: §6No Pickup mode disabled for %player
    npEnabled: §6No Pickup mode enabled.
    npEnabledTarget: §6No Pickup mode enabled for %player
    afkKick: You have been kicked because you were AFK
    freezeDisabled: §2You can now move again.
    freezeDisabledTarget: §2Freeze mode disabled for %player
    freezeEnabled: §4You can't move until you are defrozen.
    freezeEnabledTarget: §4Freeze mode enabled for %player
    muteDisabled: §2You can chat again.
    muteDisabledTarget: §2%player is unmuted.
    muteEnabled: §4You can't chat anymore.
    tmpMuteEnabled: §4You can't chat anymore for %minutes minutes.
    muteEnabledTarget: §4%player is muted.
    alreadyMuted: §3This player is already muted. To unmute him use the unmute command.
    notMuted: §3This player is not muted.
    commandMuteDisabled: §2You can use commands again.
    commandMuteDisabledTarget: §2%player can use commands again.
    commandMuteEnabled: §4You can't use commands anymore.
    commandTmpMuteEnabled: §4You can't use commands anymore for %minutes minutes.
    commandMuteEnabledTarget: §4%player is now unable to use commands.
    alreadyCommandMuted: §3This player already can't use commands. To let him use commands again use the unmute command.
    NaN: '%number §4is not a number.'
    mobLimit: '§6Mob limit (%number) set for world : %world'
    mobLimitPerMob: '#mobLimit# §cfor mob %mob'
    mobLimitRemoved: '§aMob limit is removed for world : %world'
    mobLimitRemovedPerMob: '#mobLimitRemoved# §b for mob %mob'
    wFrozen: 'Weather is frozen in world :'
    wUnFrozen: 'Weather can change in world :'
    invTitle: '[INV]'
    roll: '§2[%player] §frolled a §6%face dice : §e%result'
    extinguish: §b%nb blocks§3 have been extinguished.
    pluginReloaded: '§eThis plugin has been reloaded : §f%plugin'
    replaced: §c%nb blocks of §5%mat§3 are now AIR.
    undo: §a%nb blocks §2have been replaced
    nothingToUndo: §5Nothing to undo.
    noRepeat: §4No command to repeat.
    reExec: §eRepeating the last command.
    timeSet: '§6Time set to %type in world : §f%world'
    timeNotSet: §c%type doesn't exist.
    timePaused: '§4Time is paused in §f%world. §2To unpause : /time unpause .'
    moreAll: §bAll your items are now at their max stack size.
    tpRequestTo: §9%player §6wants to teleport to you. §2Type §a/tpt yes §2to accept.
    tpRequestSend: §5You send a Teleport request to §f%player§5 for a teleport §b%tp_type
    tpRequestFrom: §9%player §3wants to teleport you to their location. §2Type §a/tpt yes §2to accept.
    tpRequestOff: §2Tp Request system Disabled.
    tpRequestOn: §4Tp Request system Enabled.
    tpSeeEnabled: §2You Tp at see when you left click.
    tpSeeDisabled: §4TP AT SEE mode disabled.
    elapsedTime: 'Uptime : §e%d day(s) %h:%m:%s'
    kitList: '§6Available Kits : §b%list'
    kitOtherPlayer: '§c[%sender]§f send you the kit : §6%kit'
    kitCommandSender: §cAdded §6%kit to §f%target's inventory
    kitYourself: §cAdded §6%kit§f to your inventory
    tpRequestTimeOut: §cThis tp request has timed out and will not be executed.
    noTpRequest: §aThere is no tp request to execute
    noteAfk: '§4Note: §f%player is AFK at the moment:'
    idleTime: §3Idle for %mins minute(s)
    pluginVersion: '§eVersion of §f%plugin: §a%version'
    emptyList: §cEmpty list or the selected type don't exists.
    telportSuccess: §2You have been successfully teleported.
    noLastLocation: §cYou don't have a last location to tp back
    super_breakerDisabled: §6Super Breaker mode disabled.
    super_breakerDisabledTarget: §6Super Breaker mode disabled for %player
    super_breakerEnabled: §6Super Breaker mode enabled.
    super_breakerEnabledTarget: §6Super Breaker mode enabled for %player
    airForbidden: §4You can't give AIR item.
    playedTime: §3%player §fplayed §b#elapsedTotalTime#
    serverUnlock: §aServer is now UnLocked.
    serverLock: §cServer will be lock in 5 seconds, you'll be kicked if you don't have the Permission to stay.
    eternalDisabled: §4ETERNAL mode disabled.
    eternalDisabledTarget: §4ETERNAL mode disabled for %player
    eternalEnabled: §4ETERNAL mode enabled.
    eternalEnabledTarget: §4ETERNAL mode enabled for %player
    fakeQuitDisabled: §3FakeQuit mode disabled, you are now listed online again.
    fakeQuitDisabledTarget: §3FakeQuit mode disabled for %player
    fakeQuitEnabled: §3FakeQuit mode enabled, you are now not listed online anymore.
    fakeQuitEnabledTarget: §3FakeQuit mode enabled for %player
    noLoginInformation: No login information available
    insufficientLvl: §4You don't have the sufficient lvl to do that.
    gmSwitch: '§aGameMode for §6%player §aswitched to : §f%gamemode'
    kitDelayNotUp: §cYou cannot use that kit for another §f%delay
    days: '%d day(s)'
    elapsedTotalTime: '#days# %h:%m:%s'
    spawnerSetDelay: '§aDelay set to: §6%delay'
    spawnerSetType: '§aCreatureType of the Mob Spawner changed to: §6%type'
    spawnerGetData: §3This Mob Spawner spawns §6%mobs§3 with a delay of §6%delay§3.
    spawnerNaN: §cYour input is not a number!
    addSpawnWarp: §aSpawnpoint for the group §3 %name§a added.
    tpTO: to them.
    tpHERE: to you.
    tpPLAYERSTO: of %target to you.
    tpPLAYERSFROM: you to %target.
    offline: '%player §cis Offline'
    noPlayerToReply: §cYou can't reply to a message if none did send you a private message.
    mustBePlayer: '[AdminCmd] You must be a player to use this command.'
    errorInsufficientArguments: You have to specify a %argument to use this command from the command line.
    setDifficutly: '§3The Difficulty of §6%world§3 has been set to: §6%difficulty'
    getDifficulty: '§3The Difficulty of §6%world§3 is set to: §6%difficulty'
    serverLockMessage: The server is locked!
    errorMoved: §cYou have moved since you issued the %cmdname command, teleportation aborted!
    privateTitle: §c[Private]§f
    privateMessageHeader: '#privateTitle# %sender-%receiver§f: '
    joinMessage: '%name§e joined the game'
    joinMessageFirstTime: '%name§e joined the game §6for the first time!'
    quitMessage: '%name§e left the game'
    presSet: '§ePresentation for§f %player§e set to : §6%pres'
    expAdded: §6%amount §3has been added to your experience.
    expLevelSet: §3Your current level has been set to §6%amount
    expProgressionSet: §3Your current level progression has been set to §6%amount
    expDropped: §3An experience orb has been dropped near your location!
    expTotal: '§3Your total experience is: §6%exp'
    expAddedTarget: §aYou have added§6 %amount §ato %targets total experience.
    expLevelSetTarget: §a%targets level now is:§6 %amount
    expProgressionSetTarget: §aYou have set %targets current progression to §6%amount
    expDroppedTarget: §aYou have dropped an experience orb at %targets location.
    expTotalTarget: '§3%targets total experience is: §6%exp'
    kitOnce: §cThe kit §6%kit§c can be only used once.
    MOTDset: '§eThe new Message Of The Day is : %motd'
    NEWSset: '§eThe News is : %news'
    RulesSet: The new rules are://n%rules
    timeOutPower: §6Time Out of the power %power. §4You lost it.
    timeOutPowerSender: '§4Power §6%power §4disabled for %player: Time expired'
    serverStop: The server is restarting.
    serverWillStop: §c[IMPORTANT] §eThe server will §4RESTART §ein §6%sec seconds.
    diffWorld: §b%player§c is in a different world as §5%to§4 . He can't be tp there.
    paramMissing: §cThis command need the parameter §6-%param .
    eggDontExists: §cThis Egg Type (§6%egg§c) don't exists.
    eggEnabled: §3EGG §6(%egg)§b mode enabled.
    eggNormal: §aEGG return to normality.
    eggNoParamGiven: §cYou need to specify an egg-type for the /egg -E command.
    entityDontExists: §cThe Entity id §6%entity§c don't exists.
    eggCustomError: '§cProblem with the egg §6%egg§c : §e%error'
    itemId: §6%player§7 is holding §a%item§f:§c%data
    eggCmdParam: §cThe parameter §6-E§c is needed to choose the egg.
    eggBlockParam: §cThe parameter §6-b§c is needed to choose the block to use for replacement.
    eggEntityParam: §cThe parameter §6-e§c is needed to choose the entity id to spawn.
    eggMobParam: §cThe parameter §6-m§c is needed to choose the mob to spawn.
    dontExists: §cThe %type §6%value §cdon't exists !
    cantEnchantItem: §cThis item §6%item§c can't be enchanted with §a%enchant
    enchantSuccess: §aYour item §6%item§a is now with §9%enchant§a lvl §d%lvl
    highEggEffect: §aYou are now §6HIGH§a, prepare to see ... the world differently !
    potionEffect: §kmagic§b%player§d had drink the potion§6 %potion !§kmagic
    spymsgTitle: §a[SpyMsg]§f
    spymsgMessageHeader: '#spymsgTitle# %sender-%receiver§f: '
    enchant: enchantment
    potion: potion
    cmd: command
    mat: material
    playerKicked: §6%player §ehas been kicked from the Server, reason:§c %reason
    quitCmdMsg: '§6%player §eleft the game: %reason'
    worldNotLoaded: §cThis World is not loaded :§6 %message
    missingArg: §cYou must provide a %arg as an argument to use the command §b%cmdName
    dimensionTeleport: §aYou were successfully teleported to world %world!
    dimTpList: '§aWorlds which are currently available to teleport to: //n §6%list'
    tpAll: §aYou have been successfully teleported to §6%loc§a by §6%sender
    itemBlAlready: §cThis item §6%item §cis already blacklisted
    blItemSaveProb: §6Can't save the blackList file
    blItemNotBl: §cThis item §6%item§c is not black listed.
    banList: §6%player, §bBanned for :§6 %reason on %date
    inaccurateIp: §cThis IP §6%ip §cis incorrect !
    notBanned: §6No ban found for§c %ban
    powersClearedSender: §aSuccessfully removed all powers from %target!
    powersClearedTarget: §bAll of your active powers have been removed by§6 %sender§b!
    powersCleared: §aYou have successfully removed all your powers!
    muteList: §6%player, §b%msg
    noMutedPlayers: §cThere isn't any muted players.
    unMutedPlayers: §b%nb §aplayers have been unmuted.
    allTxtReloaded: §aAll Text File have been successfully reloaded.
    kill: §ckilled
    feed: §5feeded
    heal: §kaaaa§ahealed§kaaaa
    nState: '§6You have been '
    pNewState: '§6%player have been '
    suicide: §cYou commited suicide.
    broadcast: §e[BROADCAST]§6%message
    unknown: unknown
    ipBroadcast: '§6%player §cjoined from the same IP§6 as %player2§c. The IP is: §b%ip'
    MOTD: '§6Welcome §f%player §6there are currently §4%nb players connected:


    §2You''ve played so far: §b#elapsedTotalTime#

    §2Your last login was: §b%lastlogin'
    MOTDNewUser: '§6Welcome §f%player §6there are currently §4%nb players connected:

    NEWS: §2Remember to register on our forums!
    Rules: "1. No Griefing\n2. No Spoofing \n3. No Hacking\n4. No Advertising \n5. No\
    \ Stealing \n6. No Illegal MODS e.g. Xray\n7. No Scamming\n8. Do not use strong\
    \ language!"
  29. Offline


    for the NEWS replace it by :
    NEWS: '§2Remember to register on our forums!'
    Should resolve the issue.

    If not, delete your news.txt and let AdminCmd recreate it, and ingame with the command /set -n re-put your news message.
  30. Offline


    thanks it worked
  31. Offline



    Hey, rather random but is there a way to set a different spawn location per world? For instance, I would like people in 'world' to spawn at their home, but for people in 'survival' to spawn at the bed they last slept in (since we have access to the home commands disabled in 'survival').

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