[ADMN/GEN]AdminCmd 7.3.5-time, give, tp, repair,kill, warp,weather,afk,OpenInv [1.5.1]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by Dark_Balor, Apr 1, 2011.

  1. Offline


    AdminCmd - Fork of PlgEssentials:
    [​IMG] Website : www.admincmd.com
    [​IMG] Wiki : http://wiki.admincmd.com
    [​IMG] BugTracker : http://bug.admincmd.com
    [​IMG] Downloads : HERE
    [​IMG] GitHub : http://github.com/Belphemur/AdminCmd

    AdminCMD is a powerful plug-in that brings you commands that can give you total management over your server. Featuring the most widely used commands in Bukkit server management such as: inventory management, banishment of bad players, limitation to teleporting, setting spawn and home way points, and much, much more! Blockface approved and rated as one of the best plug-in by server owners.
    Unleash the power of Bukkit!

    For the blog : www.admincmd.com
  2. Offline


    Or better yet, auto-afk if someone has been inactive for greater than a configured limit?
    an0x likes this.
  3. Offline


    cool would also that when someojne is afk the other players can go to bed an its day angain brainstroming ;)
  4. Offline


    Is this plugin up to date, because whenever i type in a command it says
    "an internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command"
    on the command console it says "a problem has occurred, is the plugin out of date?"
    Please reply, this plugin sounds good?
  5. Offline


    Add the server.log in code balise, without it I can't help you.
    It's like saying : it's not working, without saying what happen.

    @an0x @nemesis91 : mmmh auto-afk, I see what I can do. For chat command, may be later.
    For the multi-home, well there is a dedicated plugin :)
    For ban etc ... I see what I can do too.
  6. Offline


    [AdminCmd] Plugin Enabled. (version 5.5.6)
    2011-07-26 19:03:33 [SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling AdminCmd v5.5.6 (Is it up to date?): com/google/common/collect/MapMaker
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/google/common/collect/MapMaker
    at com.Balor.bukkit.AdminCmd.ACHelper.<init>(ACHelper.java:42)
    at com.Balor.bukkit.AdminCmd.ACHelper.getInstance(ACHelper.java:77)
    at com.Balor.bukkit.AdminCmd.AdminCmd.onEnable(AdminCmd.java:217)
    at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin.setEnabled(JavaPlugin.java:126)
    at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.enablePlugin(JavaPluginLoader.java:857)
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManager.java:264)
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(CraftServer.java:151)
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins(CraftServer.java:136)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(MinecraftServer.java:284)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(MinecraftServer.java:271)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(MinecraftServer.java:148)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:335)
    at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:422)
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.google.common.collect.MapMaker
    at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
    at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
    at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
    at org.bukkit.plugin.java.PluginClassLoader.findClass(PluginClassLoader.java:36)
    at org.bukkit.plugin.java.PluginClassLoader.findClass(PluginClassLoader.java:24)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(Unknown Source)
  7. Offline


    @pixelated_me : You need the last RB version (1000) to make my plugin work.
    Download and install the last bukkit version.
  8. Offline


    Thanks so Much this plugin has got to be in the top 5 for me, thanks for helping me
  9. Offline


    hmmm. i am adding the permissions to my groups like this:
    - 'bar.foo'
    - 'SpawnX.spawn'
    - 'admincmd.time.*'
    - 'admincmd.tp.sethome'
    - 'admincmd.tp.home'
    - 'admincmd.tp.to'
    - 'admincmd.tp.from'
    - 'admincmd.player.kill'
    - 'admincmd.player.msg'
    - 'admincmd.weather.strike'
    Even with the admin who has '*' the admin cannot use anything with your plugin and just comes up with an internal error message. But all other plugins work fine! i use a mac OS X snow leopard\
    And im unsure what Bukkit version i run. how can i find out? i have an update folder but im pretty sure i have to up-to-date version.
  10. Offline


    Like the other ... I need the server.log to know what happen. Put it with code balise in this thread.
  11. Offline


    The less plugins the better. Minecraft is already an inefficient pile so as you add more plugins with background processes you just add a huge load. My server takes a good beating with MC as taking the bulk load and it is a Corei7 @ 3ghz, 24GB ram, and 2TB of disk space. I run it in RAMdisk to help speed it up though cpu gets slammed bad. I ran a 300-400 player SA-MP server which used 1/4 CPU and memory what MC does. It is NUTS seeing the MC process taking 20% CPU with nobody on the server. This is with a small subset of plugins as well.

    By you adding /home/sethome and /warp functions it allowed me to kill off 3 plugins. Adding MultiHome just adds overlap with your plugin and additional load when all I'm looking for is simple named homes and other easy to code items.
  12. Offline


    Version 5.5.7
    [FEATURE] Auto-afk that can be disabled and configured in the config file
    [FEATURE] Auto-disable command when other plugin have it. (Exemple if you install multi-home, /home command will be disabled)
    [OPTIMIZATION] Recode the way that the plugin deals with commands.
    [FEATURE] Added command Ban to ban a player
    [FEATURE] Added command unBan to unban the player

    About the auto-afk, be careful with it, it's really spending a lot of resources. To be simple, every-time a player move I have to register it (not taking so much resources) but every X second (you can define) the plugin check if the user is inactive. You have to tweak this value. It's the same value used for invisibility check.

    @nemesis91 : Concerning my plugin, now when he detect an another plugin providing the same command, it's automatically deactivate his own command to avoid memory/cpu use. But yeah, when I have the time I'll look what I can do for named home.
  13. Offline


    away from keyboard.
  14. and how can I see a list with all afk players ?
  15. Offline


    Normal playerList, You'll see [AFK] in blue just before there pseudo.
    You can change the [AFK] by whatever you want in the locale file.
  16. Is it possible to add a command to modify the Jump height? I know there are plugins, but they use boots, which i do not like.

    Thx for the constant updates and this awesome plugin!
  17. Offline


    Yes, thanks much for the frequent updates.
  18. Offline


    Hi, Could you set the way to kill the whole mobs that you spawned? like /mobkill all or for kill the specify mob /mobkill Sheep. If you can do that it will me a lot apreciate. And the comand /ban don`t work well, tell that you banned that person but can loggin again.

    Thanks i love your plugin :D
  19. Offline


    @Lathanael : added in todo list
    @christianlej : that strange, I tried my command and It's working. Are you sure you don't have an another ban plugin installed ?
    for the mob kill, I'll see what I can do
  20. Offline


    as i understood it dident say how i could make somewone admin and where should i put please help !
    default: false
    prefix: '&10[ADMIN]&7'
    suffix: ''
    build: true
    maxchests: 2
    - '*'
  21. Offline


  22. Offline


    I havn`t anather plugin with this comand i that just kick player and tell you that your banned as the plugin do write the message in banned.yml but this player can still go in the game. And i have those plugins that don`t damage the functionaly of your plugin: AdminCmd.jar, AntiHack.jar, ColorMe.jar, Lockette.jar, MyHome.jar, SkylandAnimals.jar, AfkKick.jar, AuthMe.jar, EasyFlight.jar, MagicCarpet.jar, OwnBlocks.jar, AntiCreeper.jar, bLift.jar, Mute.jar, SimpleSkylands.jar.

    Thanks the other command that have this is the server /ban, and this really ban the player = don`t let thim log again in server.
  23. Offline


    @nemesis91 @an0x @christianlej @Lathanael
    Version 5.6
    [FEATURE] Mobkill command, to kill the mobs. Kill all the mobs in the player world if no parameter is given.
    [BUG FIX] Some locale that were not correctly used.
    [OPIMIZATION] New color parser patched by @Speedy64
    [BUG FIX] Fix TP when you are invisible.
    [BUG FIX] When you TP to an another world and resetPowerWhenTpAnotherWorld= true, you lose invisibility.
    [CHANGE] When you became invisible, a message saying you left the server is displayed. (Same when you became visible)
    [FEATURE] FLY command, you can set the power of the fly (default 1.75)
    [FEATURE] Multi-Home, no lost of already created home. Listhomes and rmhome added
    [BUG FIX] Ban command works like it does.

    /home                                          admincmd.tp.home
     /sethome                                       admincmd.tp.home
     /rmhome                                        admincmd.tp.home
     /listhomes                                     admincmd.tp.home
    /fly                                           admincmd.player.fly
    Mob Commands :
    Permissions :
    For all Mob Commands :                         admincmd.mob.*
     /mob                                           admincmd.mob.spawn
     /mobkill                                       admincmd.mob.kill
    an0x likes this.
  24. Offline


    Well i read throuigth it all and it dident say Where i should put:as i understood it dident say how i could make somewone admin and where should i put please help !
    default: false
    prefix: '&10[ADMIN]&7'
    suffix: ''
    build: true
    maxchests: 2
    - '*'
    IT just said how to put it and it dident either say How you make poeple Admins -_- Help please
  25. Offline


  26. Offline


    The command Fly doesn't work. If i press Jump and hold it, i'll bunny hop. =) Is there maybe a conflict with another plug? There is no error message in Log, and it response: Fly mod enabled
  27. Offline


    Well I badly explained ... you must hold the Sneaking key ^^ not the jump key. The jump is just to be sure you are in the air.
  28. Offline


    yey that works :) Great! thanks!
  29. Offline


    There is 1 thing that i want to tell, When you fly fast or not that fast and you stop pressing the (SHIFT) key you auto die if you stop presing the shift key in groud, could you set the thing that when you have the /fly mode enabled don`t get any damage. Thanks you doing a great job Dark_Balor.

  30. Offline


  31. Offline


    Example :
                permissions.example: true
            - admin
                permissions.build: false
                permissions.*: true
            - user
                permissions.build: true
                    coolplugin.item: true
            - default
        build: '&cYou do not have permission to build here.'
    It's pretty obvious ...

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