[ADMN/GEN]AdminCmd 7.3.5-time, give, tp, repair,kill, warp,weather,afk,OpenInv [1.5.1]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by Dark_Balor, Apr 1, 2011.

  1. Offline


    AdminCmd - Fork of PlgEssentials:
    [​IMG] Website : www.admincmd.com
    [​IMG] Wiki : http://wiki.admincmd.com
    [​IMG] BugTracker : http://bug.admincmd.com
    [​IMG] Downloads : HERE
    [​IMG] GitHub : http://github.com/Belphemur/AdminCmd

    AdminCMD is a powerful plug-in that brings you commands that can give you total management over your server. Featuring the most widely used commands in Bukkit server management such as: inventory management, banishment of bad players, limitation to teleporting, setting spawn and home way points, and much, much more! Blockface approved and rated as one of the best plug-in by server owners.
    Unleash the power of Bukkit!

    For the blog : www.admincmd.com
  2. Offline



    AdminCMD doesn't works for me. For example when I use "/time day" (or another command) it repeats me "/time (day|night|dusk|dawn)<raw>" and nothing changes. Next example: when I use "/god" it repeats me "/god" in the chat and nothing changes again. I don't use Permissions but I'm in the ops.txt file. I disabled all my plugins and left only AdminCmd - didn't work - the same error in log.

    Here is my log from console before loading AdminCmd:
    19.07 22:47:23 [Server] INFO     at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:247)
    19.07 22:47:23 [Server] INFO     at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:306)
    19.07 22:47:23 [Server] INFO     at org.bukkit.plugin.java.PluginClassLoader.findClass(PluginClassLoader.java:24)
    19.07 22:47:23 [Server] INFO     at org.bukkit.plugin.java.PluginClassLoader.findClass(PluginClassLoader.java:36)
    19.07 22:47:23 [Server] INFO     at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:190)
    19.07 22:47:23 [Server] INFO     at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
    19.07 22:47:23 [Server] INFO     at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:202)
    19.07 22:47:23 [Server] INFO Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.bukkit.permissions.PermissionDefault
    19.07 22:47:23 [Server] INFO     at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:422)
    19.07 22:47:23 [Server] INFO     at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:335)
    19.07 22:47:23 [Server] INFO     at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(MinecraftServer.java:148)
    19.07 22:47:23 [Server] INFO     at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(MinecraftServer.java:271)
    19.07 22:47:23 [Server] INFO     at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(MinecraftServer.java:284)
    19.07 22:47:23 [Server] INFO     at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins(CraftServer.java:136)
    19.07 22:47:23 [Server] INFO     at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(CraftServer.java:151)
    19.07 22:47:23 [Server] INFO     at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManager.java:264)
    19.07 22:47:23 [Server] INFO     at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.enablePlugin(JavaPluginLoader.java:857)
    19.07 22:47:23 [Server] INFO     at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin.setEnabled(JavaPlugin.java:126)
    19.07 22:47:23 [Server] INFO     at com.Balor.bukkit.AdminCmd.AdminCmd.onEnable(AdminCmd.java:106)
    19.07 22:47:23 [Server] INFO     at com.Balor.bukkit.AdminCmd.AdminCmd.registerCmds(AdminCmd.java:57)
    19.07 22:47:23 [Server] INFO     at be.Balor.Manager.CommandManager.registerCommand(CommandManager.java:43)
    19.07 22:47:23 [Server] INFO     at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Class.java:308)
    19.07 22:47:23 [Server] INFO     at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Class.java:355)
    19.07 22:47:23 [Server] INFO     at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:513)
    19.07 22:47:23 [Server] INFO     at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.java:27)
    19.07 22:47:23 [Server] INFO     at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.java:39)
    19.07 22:47:23 [Server] INFO     at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
    19.07 22:47:23 [Server] INFO     at be.Balor.Manager.Commands.Time.Day.<init>(Day.java:34)
    19.07 22:47:23 [Server] INFO     at be.Balor.Manager.ACCommands.<init>(ACCommands.java:33)
    19.07 22:47:23 [Server] INFO java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/bukkit/permissions/PermissionDefault
    19.07 22:47:23 [Server] SEVERE Error occurred while enabling AdminCmd v5.3.2 (Is it up to date?): org/bukkit/permissions/PermissionDefault
    19.07 22:47:23 [Server] INFO [AdminCmd] Plugin Enabled. (version 5.3.2)
    I use the newest Bukkit.
    What is wrong? Maybe something with my plugins? I use LWC, MotherNature and DropChest.

    Thanks for the reply. This plugin is necessary for me :)

    PS. Sorry for my bad english cause I'm from poland ;P
  3. Offline


    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.bukkit.permissions.PermissionDefault
    Mean you don't have the last RC the 1000 :) before the 1000 the new version don't works.
  4. Offline


    RC eh? hmm.

    I thought I had everything up to date hmm...

    Or wait, you're saying the new one won't work with this plugin for now? pity. (sorry if I'm confused, tired ><)

  5. Yeah i use Bukkitpermission, how can i set groups and prefixes with it? is it even possible?
  6. Offline


    Thanks for the update! I will try setting this up with PermissionsBukkit and let you know how that works out.
    Edit: This is working perfectly, exactly how I want it to work! Thanks for this great plugin. :)
  7. Offline


    how'd you get it to work? o.o I can't
  8. Offline


    Are you using the official PermissionsBukkit with build 1000 and the latest update of this plugin?
  9. Offline


    I have the latest build of the plugin and the latest craftbukkit, thought this plugin didn't need permissions mod anymore. Guess I'll pick up PermissionsBukkit then.
  10. Offline


    It doesn't as far as I know. It will just default every command to be available to OPs I think. I use PermissionsBukkit just so that I can set commands to only be available to certain groups that I make myself.
  11. Offline


    Ya considering only myself and friends are allowed on my server I don't care about groups so I don't wanna bother with permissions/groups.
  12. I have a question.
    How can I kill or heal a player ??

    "/kill Player1"
    "/heal Player1"
  13. Offline


    Like said @Teacup : if you don't use any permission plugin, all command will check that you are an OP (your name in ops.txt) it's automatically done (thanks the new Perm system \o/)
    And I'm saying that the new version of the plugin ONLY WORKS
    with Bukkit version 1000 (and over).

    It's the plugin you need to set groups and permission node (read all the thread)
    Read the thread ... everything is explained in the first post.
    You have the right command, you just need to have the Permission (or to be an OP) to use them.
  14. I am an op!
    I am the admin!
  15. Offline


  16. Offline


    I tested the plugin on my server, on local too with this Permissions plugin. I don't have any problem.
    Can you look at the log and send me its content ?
  17. Offline


    okey here is my log,
    2011-07-20 18:55:13 [INFO] Starting minecraft server version Beta 1.7.3
    2011-07-20 18:55:13 [INFO] Loading properties
    2011-07-20 18:55:13 [INFO] Starting Minecraft server on
    2011-07-20 18:55:13 [WARNING] The server will make no attempt to authenticate usernames. Beware.
    2011-07-20 18:55:13 [WARNING] While this makes the game possible to play without internet access, it also opens up the ability for hackers to connect with any username they choose.
    2011-07-20 18:55:13 [WARNING] To change this, set "online-mode" to "true" in the server.settings file.
    2011-07-20 18:55:13 [INFO] This server is running Craftbukkit version git-Bukkit-0.0.0-945-g73697a4-b1000jnks (MC: 1.7.3)
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] While loading World Safe (plugins\worldsafe.jar) found old-data folder: plugins\worldsafe next to the new one: plugins\World Safe
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] [Permissions] (Yeti) was initialized.
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] [Permissions] version [3.1.6] (Yeti)  loaded
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] Preparing level "Runeplace"
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 0 (Seed: -778811581)
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] AutoRepair version 1.92 is enabled
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] Backup v1.4a was sucessfully loaded!
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] bFlight version 0.3 is enabled!
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] [Cleaner] version [1.8] (Mess) loaded
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] [ClearInventory] v0.1 enabled
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] Loading ColoredSigns
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] CommandBook 1.3 enabled.
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] CommandBook: 4 banned name(s) loaded.
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] CommandBook: 1 kit(s) loaded.
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] CommandBook: Permissions plugin detected! Using Permissions plugin for permissions.
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] CraftBookCommon 3.0-alpha2 enabled.
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] CraftBookCommon: Permissions plugin detected! Using Permissions plugin for permissions.
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] CraftBookCircuits 3.0-alpha2 enabled.
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] CraftBookCircuits: Permissions plugin detected! Using Permissions plugin for permissions.
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] CraftBookCircuits: Permissions plugin detected! Using Permissions plugin for permissions.
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] CraftBookMechanisms 3.0-alpha2 enabled.
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] CraftBookMechanisms: Permissions plugin detected! Using Permissions plugin for permissions.
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] 1 cauldron recipe(s) loaded
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] CraftBookVehicles 3.0-alpha2 enabled.
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] CraftBookVehicles: Permissions plugin detected! Using Permissions plugin for permissions.
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] Loading map 'org.dynmap.flat.FlatMap'...
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] Loading map 'org.dynmap.kzedmap.KzedMap'...
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] Loading renderer 'org.dynmap.kzedmap.DefaultTileRenderer'...
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] Loading renderer 'org.dynmap.kzedmap.CaveTileRenderer'...
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] Activated world 'Runeplace' in Dynmap.
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] Loading map 'org.dynmap.flat.FlatMap'...
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] Loading map 'org.dynmap.kzedmap.KzedMap'...
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] Loading renderer 'org.dynmap.kzedmap.DefaultTileRenderer'...
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] Dynmap WebServer started on null:8123
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] [dynmap] version 0.16 is enabled
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] FenceStack version 1.13 loaded.
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] [GiveMeWool] Booting...
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] [GiveMeWool] Permissions system detected!
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] [GiveMeWool] Done!
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] GoKart enabled
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] [iChat] Found Permissions (v3.1.6)
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] iChat (v2.2.3) enabled
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] InfChests: Loading Configuration...
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] InfChests: Count: 2
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] InfChests: Loading Configuration Succes...
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] InfChests: Configuration Loaded!
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] InfChests: Allowed Worlds:
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] InfChests: Mine-Town
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] InfChests: Runeplace
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] InfChests: Registering Events...
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] InfChests version is enabled!
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] [iWarning] Version 0.5 has been enabled!
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] [LazyRoad] : Version 0.5.1 is enabled!
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] [NearestSpawn] Successfully linked with Permissions.
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] [LibertasLoader]ENABLED. 
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] [MagicCarpet] MagicCarpet version 1.5.6 is enabled!
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] [MagicCarpet] Take yourself wonder by wonder, using /magiccarpet or /mc. 
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] [MagicCarpet] Using Permissions.
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] Memory max: 1037959168 bytes
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] Memory total: 1037959168 bytes
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] Remote Toolkit Plugin V0.4b enabled!
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] [Minestairs] version 1.0 is enabled!
    2011-07-20 18:55:14 [INFO] [Minestairs] is using Permissions
    2011-07-20 18:55:15 [INFO] [MYWARP]: 38 warps loaded
    2011-07-20 18:55:15 [INFO] [MYWARP] Permissions enabled using: Permissions v3.1.6
    2011-07-20 18:55:15 [WARNING] [MYWARP] 'Help' isn't detected. No /help support.
    2011-07-20 18:55:15 [INFO] MyWarp 1.10.7 enabled
    2011-07-20 18:55:15 [INFO] NoFire version 1.1 is enabled!
    2011-07-20 18:55:15 [INFO] __________________________________________________________________________________________
    2011-07-20 18:55:15 [INFO] Starting NoMoreRain version 1.01
    2011-07-20 18:55:15 [INFO] Written By HaxtorMoogle
    2011-07-20 18:55:15 [INFO] Using Settings: Default
    2011-07-20 18:55:15 [INFO]  Weather is Disabled
    2011-07-20 18:55:15 [INFO]  Thunder is Disabled
    2011-07-20 18:55:15 [INFO]  Lightning is Disabled.
    2011-07-20 18:55:15 [INFO] __________________________________________________________________________________________
    2011-07-20 18:55:15 [INFO] PlgEssentials version 4.0 is enabled!
    2011-07-20 18:55:15 [INFO] PlgNoHealth version 4.1 is enabled!
    2011-07-20 18:55:15 [INFO] PlgNoHealth version 4.0 is enabled!
    2011-07-20 18:55:15 [INFO] RetroRepair version 1.0 is enabled!
    2011-07-20 18:55:15 [INFO] [SetRank] Booting...
    2011-07-20 18:55:15 [INFO] [SetRank] Permissions system detected!
    2011-07-20 18:55:15 [INFO] [SetRank] Done!
    2011-07-20 18:55:15 [INFO] Stargate v.0.4.1 is enabled.
    2011-07-20 18:55:15 [INFO] [Stargate] Loaded 1 gate layouts
    2011-07-20 18:55:15 [INFO] [Stargate] {Runeplace} No stargates for world 
    2011-07-20 18:55:15 [INFO] [Stargate] Found Permissions (v3.1.6)
    2011-07-20 18:55:15 [INFO] [Tables 0.1] Enabled
    2011-07-20 18:55:15 [INFO] [WolfPound] - Version 0.11 Enabled
    2011-07-20 18:55:15 [INFO] [WolfPound] using Permissions
    2011-07-20 18:55:15 [INFO] WorldEdit 4.3 enabled.
    2011-07-20 18:55:15 [INFO] WorldEdit: Permissions plugin detected! Using Permissions plugin for permissions.
    2011-07-20 18:55:15 [INFO] WorldGuard: Permissions plugin detected! Using Permissions plugin for permissions.
    2011-07-20 18:55:15 [INFO] WorldGuard: (Runeplace) Single session is enforced.
    2011-07-20 18:55:15 [INFO] WorldGuard: (Runeplace) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
    2011-07-20 18:55:15 [INFO] WorldGuard: (Runeplace) Lighters are PERMITTED.
    2011-07-20 18:55:15 [INFO] WorldGuard: (Runeplace) Lava fire is blocked.
    2011-07-20 18:55:15 [INFO] WorldGuard: (Runeplace) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
    2011-07-20 18:55:15 [INFO] WorldGuard: Loaded configuration for world 'Runeplace"
    2011-07-20 18:55:15 [INFO] WorldGuard 5.0-alpha9 enabled.
    2011-07-20 18:55:15 [INFO] WorldSafe: Trying to load worlds whitelist and settings.
    2011-07-20 18:55:15 [INFO] WorldSafe: Done.
    2011-07-20 18:55:15 [INFO] World Safe version 1.5 is enabled!
    2011-07-20 18:55:15 [INFO] [xAuth] Loading player accounts..
    2011-07-20 18:55:15 [INFO] [xAuth] Done! Loaded 27 Accounts!
    2011-07-20 18:55:15 [INFO] [xAuth] v1.2.5 Enabled!
    2011-07-20 18:55:15 [INFO] [AdminCmd] Plugin Enabled. (version 5.3.2)
    2011-07-20 18:55:15 [INFO] [AdminCmd] Successfully linked with Permissions.
    2011-07-20 18:55:15 [INFO] Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it
    2011-07-20 18:55:15 [INFO] Done (0,106s)! For help, type "help" or "?"
  18. Offline


    Is there any way to remove "GIVING ProErlend ITEM ID 46"?
    It would have been awesome to get it away on my server :)
  19. Offline


    Ya, but I'm pretty sure that I have the bukkit version over 1000 lol and ya.. hmmm
  20. Offline


  21. I can't kill Players or heal.
    I'm op.
    What is false ???
  22. Offline


    What do you see when you try to kill someone ?
    Can I see the server.log ?
  23. Offline


    is it dangerous if I use the /wether clear command? on bukkit 1000# ..
  24. Offline


    No i havent changed anything. I only downloaded youre new plugin and than they diddnt can do anything.
  25. Offline


    Nope :)

    @melvinp : What do you see when someone try to do a command ?
  26. Nothing can I see :(
    What permissons or config must I set in der server data
  27. Offline


    i have a question:
    i want this plugin because it has some really good commands, like /more, but i also want to keep essentials because essentials has some really good commands too like /afk or /rules
    if i have both installed on my server, will the overlapping commands interfere with one another?
  28. Offline


    New Version 5.4 with INVISIBLE COMMAND :)
    If you want to make a donation, just click it :)
    Version 5.4
    [FEATURE] Added Invisible Command.
    [OPTIMIZATION] Some code optimization.

    You can install http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/ad...-0-official-default-groups-plugin-1000.26785/ , read the thread, and then adding the right node :)

    @snowdog713 : only command using the same alias (you can easily change my alias in the plugin.yml in the jar or using the Bukkit Internal Alias System (explained here : http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/recommended-build-928.22810/ )
    After my test I can say that Essential overlap every command of my plugin that have the same alias.
  29. Offline


    If someone is using a command there is nothing to see in the console.

    But i have looked in my Bukkit directory and in the root folder i found this file: permissions.yml and its empty.
    But that file need to be in the Plugin folder right ? and i have looked over there and there are also some files. worldname.yml with users in it and groups/permissions
  30. Offline


    Nop Permissions.yml is generated by bukkit 1000 you don't need to use it :
    Maybe you have updated Permissions ... to the 3.x ? because I did a lot of test, and my plugin works like that :
    1) Look for Permissions Plugins (made by Nijikokun, TheYeti and rcjrrjcr) : http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/admn-dev-permissions-3-1-6-the-plugin-of-tomorrow-935.18430/
    2) If not found, fallback to Bukkit Official Permission System : http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/ad...-0-official-default-groups-plugin-1000.26785/
    3) No Permissions set ? fallback to OP (ops.txt)
  31. Offline


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