Inactive [ADMN/DEV] PermissionsEx (PEX) v1.19.5 - Tomorrow is Today! [1.4.6-R0.1]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by t3hk0d3, May 21, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Version: 1.19.5


    PermissionsEx (PEX) is a new permissions plugin, based on Permissions ideas and supports all of its features. But PEX is more! It offers different backends, powerful ingame management, fine grained restrictions for world modification.


    Current features
    1. Bukkit Permissions (SuperPerms) compatible.
    2. Several backend support. Currently bundled backends is File (YAML) and SQL (MySQL, SQLite). Also it's possible to add your own.
    3. YAML backend, with new, fully rethinked, config schema. Now all user, groups and their permissions are stored in one file - permission.yml. BTW file name is adjustable too.
    4. SQL backend, most delicious. Currently MySQL and SQLite supported, but other DB (like Postgre) are possible too. PEX deploys the DB scheme (tables and initial data) automatically. This means, that you only need to provide data on how to connect to the db, everything else PEX will handle by itself.
    5. Flexible architecture and API - you can change a lot programmatically.
    6. Compatibility layer with TheYeti's Permissions (2.7.4) (as a separate part of the plugin). In most cases plugins, which use Permissions, will alsowork with PEX also.
    7. Rich chat/console command interface. You can do almost everything ingame. Command list below.
    8. Modifyworld - Embedded restrictions mechanism (we call it "modifyworld"), which provides the possibility to control players abilities, such as destroying/placing blocks, riding carts/boats or even getting spotted by mobs and much more. Disabled by default.
    9. Multigroup inheritance. User, as well as Group, can be member of several groups. And inherit their permissions, options and prefix/suffix.
    10. Permissions based upon Regular Expressions. This mean you can use regular expressions. Example: modifyworld.blocks.(destroy|place).(3|12) - this permission allow place or destroy only sand (12) or dirt (3) blocks. There is still limitation on dot usage in your regexps - dots are escaped by default.
    11. Multiworld permissions. Just don't specify world and permission would work in any world.
    12. Multiworld inheritance. You can inherit different groups in different worlds.
    13. Easy migration from Permissions 2.x. Converter for both YAML and SQL are embedded into PermissionsCompat. Just use simple instruction.
    14. Perfomance friendly. Low-level caching helps alot when you have 100+ online users :)
    15. Promotional/Demotional system. You can assign ranks to groups and promote/demote users to higher/lower ranked group.
    16. World-inheritance - permissions/option of one world can be inherited by another world.
    17. Timed Permissions - you can give user permission only for some amount of time.
    18. Chat Manager - small chat plugin, bundled with PEX. With prefixes/suffiex and colors. Check wiki for more details.


    Basic setup tutorial (Thanks to lycano)

    Nice tutorial made by Bennetman

    Stable version

    Development version (mostly stable) - always lastest dev build.



    Maven Repository

    Join us on #permissionsex, Feel free to ask any related questions.

    Tools !NEW!
    Pex Auto-Setup Tool - MySQL and FlatFile !

    Show Changelog (open)
    Proper intervals for timed commands (both group/permissions management), without pesky seconds calculations (like /pex user t3hk0d3 timed add cool.permission 10days)
    1.4.6 compatibility.

    Built for Bukkit 1.4.2-R0.1
    Added inventory permissions (modifyworld.items.put/take.<item>.of.<chest>)
    Added item hold permission (modifyworld.items.hold.<item>)
    Sdded monster egg spawn permission (modifyworld.spawn.<creature>)
    Few other minor fixes
    Modifyworld improvements (configurable messages, now independent from PEX)
    /pex help command
    Minor improvements and bugfixes
    New modifyworld permissions
    Some bugfixes
    Bugfix release
    Bukkit R6 compatible.
    Several bugfixes!
    Permissions now case-insensetive.
    Users logging and cleanup feature.
    Non-inheriting nodes feature.
    Several Bugfixes.
    PermissionsCompat is finally remove from default bundle.
    User/group specific management permissions (
    Fixed some superperms compatibility issues
    Fixed several bugs
    SuperPerms compatbility bridge were rewritten - no lags anymore and now with debug output (now you can view superperms checks).
    Numerous of bugs were fixed (Thanks you guys for reporting them)
    Modifyworld were improved (modifyworld.item.use)
    Compatiblity for 1317+
    Fixed perfomance issues with SuperPerms (if you still experience they try to disable "raw-permissions" in config.yml)
    Fixed issue with prefix inheritance
    Improved Options mechanism.
    Auto saving new users feature, disabled by default.
    SuperPerms bridge improved - more permissions supported by wildcards.
    File backend dumping now fully functional. SQL dumping is still bogus (do not dump world-specific inheritance and prefixes), will be fixed soon.
    Many bugfixes and minor improvements.
    Superperms (BukkitPerms) support
    Multiworld inheritance and prefixes/suffixes
    Groups weighting
    ChatManager, chat plugin which bundled with PEX.
    Modifyworld now separate plugin, but still bundled with PEX.
    API changed slightly, CustomEvents (PermissionsEntityEvent, PermissionsSystemEvent) introduced.
    Many lesser improvements and tons of bugfixes.
    API get slightly improved
    Ranking ladders.
    User/group name case-insensetivity.
    Timed permissions.
    Modifyworld rules are get improved.
    Tons of minor improvements and bugfixes.
    Many bugfixes and improvements.
    MySQL connection stability improved - reconnection mechanism.
    Promotional/Demotional system.
    Perfomance improvement, with new low-level caching system (thx Joy)
    Modifyworld improved.
    Many lesser improvements and bugfixes.
    New p2compat backend, for easy migration from Permissions 2.x to PEX.
    Users/Groups dumping (pex dump <backend> <file>).
    New commands pex promote/demote. Actually this is just aliases for "pex user group set/remove"
    Few bugfixes.
    Players now can be informed about changes (has been added to group, changed permission/option). Disabled by default - set "permissions.informplayers.changes" to "true"
    Config node "permissions.verbose", which responsible for player informing about modifyworld restrictions has been renamed to "permissions.infromplayers.modifyworld".
    Autocomplete has been improved.
    New command "pex config <node> [value]". This command help to manipulate configuration file (config.yml) from console/chat interface.
    Many bugfixes.
    Autocomplete for users (taken from registred users and online users) and groups names.
    New command for user removing (pex user <user> delete)
    Fixed several nasty bugs. Thanks for bugreports!
    Compatibility layer loading order issue fixed. Now most of plugins should work.
    Tested with new CB 803 build.
    Regular expression permissions support.
    Newer permissions now added above (bugfix).
    Several bugfixes.
    Initial public release.
    BRampersad, grid21, MrRazull and 71 others like this.
  2. Have you read the wiki pages on this?

    If so, what is confusing? If it's confusing, it should be fixed up, and that can't be done without knowing what wrong. :)

    I don't see this in the wiki anywhere. Can you post an example (and how it works) so it can be added?

    Wow, who told you this mostly incorrect info?

    Yes, you can't connect to a an earlier server using the 1.0.0 (release) client, but 'cracked'? You seem to have an incorrect idea as to what a 'cracked' client is.

    The Minecraft Version Changer Tool lets you download earlier versions of the jar file (I think it's from mojang's servers) and pick which one you want to start. It's not 'cracked' in any way, shape or form, you still have to have a valid paid account to start the game. I use it myself to play 1.0.0 single player and when I play on my 1.8.1 multiplayer server.

    <grumpy old server guy mode on>
    I could go on about how the heck these n00b server "admins" (quotes are on purpose) call running an off-line server a 'cracked' server (wrong in so many ways), and how idiotic they sound, but that's massively off topic. I'm not going to comment further on this as I have proof on my machines that what I stated above is correct.
    <grumpy old server guy mode off>

    Apologies for the way-off topic post, but this is a subject that I think needs to be corrected.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 9, 2018
  3. Offline


    Before you ask, yes I did check that all my text was correct with the online yaml editor. I am using McMyAdmin, so if that is an issue, please let me know, as I can still get my 10 day money back gaurante. I do like using this though, so unless that is the case, please don't tell me to get rid of it.

    So I have been having a HUGE issue with permissions. I have tried many of the various plugins. The Permisions 3x, which is what I had wanted to use, auto disabled its self. I had been on a server with PEX before, so I figured this was the next best bet.

    This plugin does enable its self so that is good. The problem is the following:

    Whenever I am in game, i type "/pex" to make sure it is working. I get the version and everything like i am suppsed to, but I also get under it "An internal error has occured while attempting to perform this command."

    On the console, if I type "/pex", I just get the help list.

    Now, if I try to do any pex command in the game, I get the "An internal error has occured while attempting to perform this command"

    If I try to do any pex command in the console, such as "/pex promote whiskers1234123", I get no text comfirming failure or success.

    This is a very annoying issue and I have spent numerous hours trying to fix this. Please post any fixes as soon as possible. Thanks ahead of time.
  4. Hello, I love your plugin but.....
    Thanks - blue_marble_ball
  5. So your permissions file is formatted correctly for the YAML parser to read it, that's good. Thank you for checking that first as well. YAML is picky, and a large amount of problems that people post about are badly formatted files. :)

    That being said....

    ...this sounds like an error in your permissions file. A permissions file can have a mistake in it that causes PEX to error out and still pass a YAML parser check.

    Case in point, a page or two back, a permissions file passed a YAML check, but still caused PEX to 'freak out'. It turned out that a colon was missing from a single line.

    So, can you put your permissions file up to be looked at? A link to a pastebin page is fine.


    Come on, bukkit hasn't even released a reccomended build for 1.0.0. Why would t3hk0d3 update for something that isn't finished?

    If you really want to try the bleeding edge stuff, hit up the github page for PEX and get a development build. Just keep in mind that if you do this, you are on your own as far as the forum goes.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 9, 2018
  6. Offline


  7. Offline


    here you go

    Attached Files:

  8. Thank you!
    I'm not near my testing setup, so I can't give it a serious go, but I did notice a few things that could be improved or fixed:
    1. Under the options sections, you have build: true/false. I'd remove it unless you have something that uses it. I normally see that in permissions files that were converted from the old permissions 2/3 series. They don't do anything in PEX.
    2. Your admin group has a negation node that removes * and is getting it's permissions via inheritance from the moderator group. Why even have the group?
    3. If you do want the group and are not wanting to add any more permissions it, I'd remove the - -'*' line all together. The permissions: section can be left empty.
    4. Your Default group has guest: true, build: false, and - modifyworld.*. Unless there is a plugin that uses guest, I'd remove it. I know I mentioned the build: part before, but if your intent was to keep the default group from building anything, the modifyworld.* entry is going to allow it and will need to be changed (modifyworld has it's own section in the wiki).
    5. Aaaand, I think I might have found the problem without testing. :) You don't have a group set as the default group. I bet if you look at your server log, PEX is complaining about this and is shutting down. Add default: true to a group (I'm guessing you wanted all new players to be part of the group named default) and try it again. I would almost guarantee that it works.
  9. Offline


    i have two ranks that have all commands and one of the ranks is not working
    Q. can you have two ranks that have all commands ?
    please help !
  10. Offline


    I got an error spamming my console when reloading my server:
    2011-11-24 14:14:14 [SEVERE] java.lang.RuntimeException: Permissions manager is not accessable. Is the PermissionsEx plugin enabled?
    2011-11-24 14:14:14 [SEVERE]     at ru.tehkode.permissions.bukkit.PermissionsEx.getPermissionManager(
    2011-11-24 14:14:14 [SEVERE]     at ru.tehkode.permissions.bukkit.PermissionsEx.getUser(
    2011-11-24 14:14:14 [SEVERE]     at ru.tehkode.permissions.bukkit.superperms.PermissiblePEX.performCheck(
    2011-11-24 14:14:14 [SEVERE]     at ru.tehkode.permissions.bukkit.superperms.PermissiblePEX.hasPermission(
    2011-11-24 14:14:14 [SEVERE]     at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.entity.CraftHumanEntity.hasPermission(
    2011-11-24 14:14:14 [SEVERE]     at com.sk89q.bukkit.migration.DinnerPermsResolver.inGroup(
    2011-11-24 14:14:14 [SEVERE]     at com.sk89q.bukkit.migration.PermissionsResolverManager.inGroup(
    2011-11-24 14:14:14 [SEVERE]     at com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.WorldGuardPlugin.inGroup(
    2011-11-24 14:14:14 [SEVERE]     at com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.WorldGuardPlugin.onEnable(
    2011-11-24 14:14:14 [SEVERE]     at
    2011-11-24 14:14:14 [SEVERE]     at
    2011-11-24 14:14:14 [SEVERE]     at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(
    2011-11-24 14:14:14 [SEVERE]     at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(
    2011-11-24 14:14:14 [SEVERE]     at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins(
    2011-11-24 14:14:14 [SEVERE]     at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.reload(
    2011-11-24 14:14:14 [SEVERE]     at org.bukkit.Bukkit.reload(
    2011-11-24 14:14:14 [SEVERE]     at org.bukkit.command.defaults.ReloadCommand.execute(
    2011-11-24 14:14:14 [SEVERE]     at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(
    2011-11-24 14:14:14 [SEVERE]     at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(
    2011-11-24 14:14:14 [SEVERE]     at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(
    2011-11-24 14:14:14 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.b(
    2011-11-24 14:14:14 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(
    2011-11-24 14:14:14 [SEVERE]     at
    2011-11-24 14:14:14 [SEVERE]     at
    2011-11-24 14:14:14 [SEVERE] java.lang.RuntimeException: Permissions manager is not accessable. Is the PermissionsEx plugin enabled?
    2011-11-24 14:14:14 [SEVERE]     at ru.tehkode.permissions.bukkit.PermissionsEx.getPermissionManager(
    2011-11-24 14:14:14 [SEVERE]     at ru.tehkode.permissions.bukkit.PermissionsEx.getUser(
    2011-11-24 14:14:14 [SEVERE]     at ru.tehkode.permissions.bukkit.superperms.PermissiblePEX.performCheck(
    2011-11-24 14:14:14 [SEVERE]     at ru.tehkode.permissions.bukkit.superperms.PermissiblePEX.hasPermission(
    2011-11-24 14:14:14 [SEVERE]     at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.entity.CraftHumanEntity.hasPermission(
    2011-11-24 14:14:14 [SEVERE]     at com.sk89q.bukkit.migration.DinnerPermsResolver.inGroup(
    2011-11-24 14:14:14 [SEVERE]     at com.sk89q.bukkit.migration.PermissionsResolverManager.inGroup(
    2011-11-24 14:14:14 [SEVERE]     at com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.WorldGuardPlugin.inGroup(
    2011-11-24 14:14:14 [SEVERE]     at com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.WorldGuardPlugin.onEnable(
    2011-11-24 14:14:14 [SEVERE]     at
    2011-11-24 14:14:14 [SEVERE]     at
    2011-11-24 14:14:14 [SEVERE]     at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(
    I use the last devcraftbukkit and the last dev version of PermissionsEx ^^
  11. Offline


    stepping over from Perm v3.1.6 to PEX v1..16
    just having a few questions
    mysql or file which one is preferred and if i would choose MySQL will there still be a permissions file which i could edit with my text editor?
    in Permission 3.1.6 a ladder of inheritance like this (group 5 being a new groups inheriting from 1,2,3 and 4)
                - rank1
                - rank2
                - rank3
                - rank4
    was necessary. Is this also the case with PEX or is just one inheritance enough? ie will it filter down to the very first group as long as the inherited group also has an inheritance?

    any one?
  12. Offline


    I saw this and figured it may be the solution to my problem. Using weight is difficult because all my groups are not in one system. A user would only ever be able to go into 6 of 24 groups once he choose his first group. I,ll see what i can do though.
  13. Offline


    How do I allow the group 'Admin' to be able to use the /kick /ban commands? Or does this require another plugin?
  14. Offline


    Yes of course you can. You probably have some configuration issues(permission.yml)
  15. Wow, took you long enough to move over from Perm 3.x. ;) (yes, I know, don't fix it if it's not broken. I took the 'it's a dead plugin, better get everything moved before things really start breaking and I have to rush' approach).

    Personal preference as to which backend you use. The SQL backend seems to scale better with large amounts of users (around 150+ I think, I've not done any real testing on this myself).

    And no, there won't be a permissions file to edit, it's all in the DB at that point.
    If I'm understanding your question right, yes.

            - foo
            - bar
            - a
            - dog
            - b
    Unless I'm mistaken (which is possible, I'm far from perfect:)), a user in group c will have the permissions of foo, bar, and dog. group a has foo, group b adds bar, but inherits foo from a, and c adds dog, but inherits the permissions that b has as well.

    You will need to look at the bukkit default commands. has the nodes

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 9, 2018
  16. Offline


    Well yes i kind a got stuck with the "well as long as it works,why not" idea

    Ok I will stick with the file backend then, normaly i try to get everything to move to MySQL (still waiting for towny to get MySQL :) support)

    ok, no more long inherit ladders then, Cool

    I thank you for your more than clear reply
  17. Offline


    I've been using PermissionsEx for a while now and I love it.

    I just have one request...

    Please please please add support for MultiVerse's world names to your ChatManager plugin. In MultiVerse you can set the color and name of each world to something more interesting than the world's actual data file name, and I really miss the ability to have the main world colored one thing and the nether colored another and world_2 colored another, etc. It really makes the server look sharp.

    Thanks for listening to my request :)

    Btw...using your latest dev build on bukkit 1499 and it's working great!
  18. Offline


    having an issue with pressure plate interaction.
            default: true
            prefix: '&6[&1Gast&6]&f '
            - modifyworld.interact.*
            - towny.wild.*
                rank: '900'
            prefix: '&6[&9Speler&6]&f '
            - Gast
            - modifyworld.*
                rank: '800'
    On my server a "Gast"(Guest) class player must do some "yes and no" question like maze with iron doors
    A "Gast" should be able to open iron doors with presure plate but nothing happens.
    If I rank him up to "Speler"(Player) class the door opens.

    Anybody ideas about why "modifyworld.interact.*" and "towny.wild.*" dont work for "Gast".
    I tried using "towny.wild.switch" with no succes.
    I also tried "modifyworld.*" for "Gast" and with that doors do open. But I don't want "Gast" to be able to do anything but open doors.

    Any one with idea's about what is happening and what I am doing wrong?
  19. Offline


    just a idea for anew feature to make servers more secure
    a option to only let admins access to the server from predefined ip addresses
    or maby with a client side mod that lets you get in with a ssh like key
    i beleave this would fix the problem that we face with online mode being set to false
  20. Just wanna say, thank you!
    A very happy user for already a shitload of months :D
  21. Offline


    My cable provider uses random ip distributing (DHCP):oops:
    Why not try Xauth to get some kind of client side confirmation of the the person who logs in to your server :cool:

    better yet set your server to "online mode true" and have online players with official account join
  22. Offline


    has anyone been able to find a fix for the spamming of the console (shortened example follows)
    15:40:35 [SEVERE]       at org.bukkit.permissions.PermissibleBase.hasPermission(
    15:40:35 [SEVERE]       at ru.tehkode.permissions.bukkit.superperms.PermissiblePEX.isPermissionSet(
    *edit: Scratch that it seems VanishNoPacket is the issue not pex.
  23. Offline



    Adding rank order to all my groups hasn't effected my issue. The prefix is still inherited from the first group listed in /pex user <user> group list. This is on PEX 1.16 CB 1502. Any other ideas?
  24. Offline


    hey I'm having trouble with the plugin. I am sure that I've configured it right, and I have checked the permissions file on the YAML Parser. It gives no errors but the permissions aren't working. When I run bukkit, it says "[INFO] Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it" that is the file in the main bukkit folder. NB: I'm a noob so its probably something simple :p
  25. Offline


    hmmm, so what you're saying is that you've set it all up correctly but everything is not working? xD btw, that [INFO] you get is perfectly normal, everyone gets it. post your permissionsEx config, it will help to find your problem :)
  26. Offline


    Here is my permissions file:
                group: Admins
                - permissions.*
                        - test.*
                        - VIP
                        prefix: '&5[YARR]&f'
                default: true
                - default
                - VIP
                - permission.*
    And here is my config file:
                file: permissions.yml
        backend: file
            parent-nodes: true
            enable: true
            strict-mode: false
        createUserRecords: false
        allowOps: false
        debug: false
        basedir: plugins/PermissionsEx
    Haha told you that I'm a noob :)
  27. This is more a security issue than a permissions issue in my view. There are at least two other plugins that add extra security to a server, off-line or not. One is Authme, another is xAuth. Searching for auth in the plugins list turns up both and potentially more.

    Yep, it's not configured right.

    • The YAML parser checks to make sure the file is formatted right to YAML standards, nothing more. PEX/permissions config is an entirely different thing.
    • Unless you are using multiple worlds with different permissions for each one, you don't need the worlds sections.
    • Saying that 'the permissions are not working' isn't very descriptive and isn't doing much for anyone to try and help you, you need to be more specific and give some examples. That being said, looking at your permissions, I think I see part of the problem:
    • Your default group has a single permission allowed, Then your next group, VIP, inherits the default group permissions but doesn't add anything new (they still only have Admins keeps this single permission (inheritance: VIP) but adds the permissions.* node, and nothing else, which would allow for group members to use nodes that start with permissions (which ever plugin that is).
    • Also, having the same permission node in your player entry is redundant, you already have the permissions.* node just by being in the admin group.

    PEX is doing exactly what you are telling it is allowed.:) I suggest you read the wiki, in particular, the Basic Permissions Setup section, and look into using the debug feature in PEX to find out what node PEX is looking for when a player tries to do something or runs a command.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 9, 2018
  28. Offline


    First of all you have no permissions other than "" you also have yourself set with the nonexistant permissions "permission.*" and "permissions.*"
    Also as a tip you don't NEED to set a world under anything, especially if you're the lead admin in control, you want full control over all worlds (assuming you have more than one). If a world isn't stated, it's serverwide.

    The way you have yourself setup, you'll be in the "Admins" group on any world but "Pandora" where you'll be in the VIP group instead.

    If you only have one world you won't need the "worlds" section in the users, groups, or below them in the seperate section.
  29. Offline


    First of all i was only doing a test so i just randomized everything basically. And thanks for both of your help. I will set it up "correctly" (hopefully haha) and re-post the code. To explain my problem more, is that when i had prefixes on the various groups, they didn't show up in the chat window. Also i tried changing the time and everything and it didn't work, saying that bukkit wouldn't allow me to. I thought that the permissions would allow me to use the default commands without being op? Maybe i need a plugin like Essentials first?
  30. There is your problem.

    Per the output of the debug mode in PEX (pex toggle debug), you want modifyworld.blocks.interact, not modifyworld.interact.

    Speler, having modifyworld.* catches and allows the interaction with the pressure plate block.

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