[ADMN] ClearLag v1.9.1- Clears entities, decreases lag and RAM usage [1.5-R0.1]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by bob7, Mar 15, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Umm, I haven't thought about adding that lol. If you want i will add it to the next release 1.3
  2. Offline


    I'd like to confirm that it doesn't work, with the same error, on a machine that is running Java 6.

    Upon installing Java 7, the error disappears. This is all on ubuntu server.

    I'd guess it to just be a configuration mishap.
  3. Offline


    No i wanted to know for sure before i use the command and then everyone animals are gone
  4. Offline


    Just tried this with 1.2.4-R0.1, it does work but it also clears every picture put on a wall, which of course is not good.
    Is there any way to disable it for some items?
  5. Offline


    Yes currently i'm working on 1.3, which allows you to choose what you want to be removed. Pictures are being removed because believe it or not, they do cause lagg.
  6. Offline


    might want to include both versions of java most servers run 6 not 7 because 7 has some issues with some bukkit addons so might want to make some tweeks because the java 6 you gave is stil not working on my server at all
  7. Offline


    What benefit does this plugin have over the highly configurable 'NoLagg' plugin group? I mean, with NoLaggItemStacker, all i had to do was set the radius and it takes care of the rest.
  8. Offline


    Hello. it is still not working for me. i still get that same error and i have try'd everything you said.
  9. Offline


    Yes i found out the problem, the fix will be included in the 1.3 release.

    ClearLag v1.3 released!
    Fixed java6 incompatibility issue
    Added removal options

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2016
  10. Offline


    bukkit dev download says LaggClear 1.2
  11. Offline


  12. Offline


    seems like the neweset version doesnt remove fireballs =[, I have everything set to true in the config
  13. Offline


    Alright i added it back in, i also added a bunch of other things. Expect the 1.3.1 update to be approved soon!
  14. Offline


  15. Offline


    omg... I dont want it telling me every 5 seconds its delted entities! how do i turn the notification off/down?
  16. Offline


    Before posting FULLY review the config file.
  17. Offline


    This is so cool
  18. Offline


    To bad it didntt generate a config file
  19. Offline


    Reloading/restarting your server will fix that, if your downloading 1.3.1 the .zip should contain the config.
  20. Offline


    does that mean that it will like auto remove the dropped items every 3 min?
  21. Offline


    It depends on what you put down on the config file.
  22. Offline


    cool! i will adfd it right now!
    nice work, i need this on my server
  23. Offline


    This is a very good plugin, and with the automated CLAG command, a countdown would be pretty awesome, so like 3 seconds or so before the command takes place people are given a warning so they don't lose precious things due to not knowing that the entities would be cleared, i don't know how hard that would be to put in, but it would be a VERY nice feature :)
  24. Offline


    helps so much
  25. Offline


    Is it just me wondering, why the latest download 1.3.1 says 1.2 in the console window?
    And furthermore clearlag becomes LaggClear?

  26. Offline


    Can you add a config so that it will run the command every X mins
  27. Offline


  28. Offline


    Lol to be honest i'm not sure how i managed to name it laggclear..
  29. Offline


    Added more config options
    Added Warning message before entity removal
    Confirmed working on 1.2.5-R2
  30. Offline


    By entity, does this include Mobs?

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