Admin Inventories

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by russjr08, Feb 3, 2013.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category: Admin Tools

    Suggested name: AdminInv

    What I want: As a server owner, I have to constantly administer users, switch in and out of creative mode, but I like to play in survival mode and if I want to keep my survival inventory, I either have to dump all of my stuff in a chest, or risk carrying it with me and accidently do /clear and poof.

    So what I purpose is almost like NEI's / TMI's save function, I'd like to be able to have multiple inventories and be able to switch them with one simple command.

    Ideas for commands: /switchinv integer or even /switchinv String if a labeling feature was implemented.

    Ideas for permissions: admininv.integer Number of inventories a player can have, if set to 0 they can't use the plugin

    When I'd like it by: As soon as possible.
  2. Offline


    I think MultiInv can do this, have a look.
  3. Offline


    It actually only works with multiple worlds, I've tried it :/
  4. Offline


  5. Offline


    hi @russjro8

    I just finished a plugin that does what your asking for, but with more functions.

    Its named "CreativeControl", I made it because a friend was getting annoyed of all the power creative had and so I came with the solution, it includes:

    -A separate inventory for creative and survival.
    -Configuration so you can set if ops can keep there inventory.

    A look at the config file:

    Valuables is a WIP, Which keep's track of the valuable blocks that where placed with creative, so people using survival can't destroy them and keep the loot, It works, but when you shutdown the server loses track of them (going to be fixed in next version)
    Config is so you can customize more the plugin
    keep_inventory: If set to false when you change to creative your inventory is saved so when you come back to survival you don't have the creative one.
    bedrock_place: Is to enable or disable if players can place bedrock
    bedrock_break: Is to enable or disable if players can destroy bedrock
    can_drop: Is to enable or disable the ability to drop items when your in creative
  6. Offline


    This works great! Thank you so much!
  7. Offline


    Good :),

    As soon as they approve the plugin on I'll PM you the link :)
  8. Offline


    Thank you :D
  9. Offline


    Multiverse Inventories supports having separate inventories per game mode, without the need for more than one world. Set "use_game_mode_profiles" to "true" in the config.yml.

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