Inactive [ADMIN] iGrief- Anti-Griefing and Blocks Restriction Plugin [1.3.1]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by DJR1996, Aug 8, 2012.

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    This server plugin lets server owners decide what block they want to block on the server. Servers can block TNT, obsidian, bedrock, fire, lava_buckets, fireballs and you can add other blocks. If a person trys to place a block thats is banned it will let ops know where they tried to place the banned block on the server. The person will not be allowed to place the block if it is set to true in the config if you don't have it set to true people can place those blocks.
    Commands: do /ig <toggle> <nameofblock>

    • igrief.*
    • igrief.bypass : lets you bypass the restrictions
    • igrief.toggle : lets you toggle restrictions
    • igrief.notify : lets you know when a player trys to place a banned block
    • Players can't place the blocks if you have them banned but you can give them the permission node: igrief.bypass and then they can place the banned blocks.
    Intended Use

    The use of this plugin is to block griefers from placing specific blocks in the server like bedrock and lava. The use of the plugin is to stop TNT form exploding and from creepers exploding too.


    In the config that the plugin generates you can change what blocks you want to ban on the server and you can also change these in the game by simply putting /ig toggle tnt, which will toggle if you want it to be true or false. You can change any banned block in the game with the command instead of going to the config.

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