Inactive [ADMIN] Clear Armor || Better Clear Inventory [1.3.2]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by aaomidi, Aug 30, 2012.

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    Better Clear Inventory

    Better /ci from essentials

    General Information

    Well I encountered a problem a few days ago about clearing someones armor with /ci, I found out it isn't possible and after consulting with the Essentials Dev team they did not agree to implement args in /ci so I did it myself (sorry essentials don't slaughter me). This plugin was also a request from Mino on my IRC.
    Commands && Permissions:

    Well the commands are all gonna start with /ci so there they are
    PERM NODE bci.clearself || bci.admin
    /ci -.-.- Clears your Inventory
    /ci -a -.-.- Clears your Armor
    /ci -f -.-.- Clears your own armor and items.
    PERM NODE bci.clearothers|| bci.admin
    /ci <player> -.-.- Clears the target player's Inventory
    /ci -a <player> -.-.- Clears the target player's Armor
    /ci -f <player> -.-.- Clears the target player's armor and items.
    fd.admin is just a permission node that contains both of the perms


    If you get an error with this plugin, there are a number of things you can do to solve it.
    1. Send me a message on BukkitDev. I can't guarantee that I will respond ever so quick, but I will eventually realise that I have a message and read it.
    2. Leave a comment. I definitely don't get notifications for them (or at least I don't see them) so it would be a case of waiting for me to come along to the page to see what people are saying.
    3. In the IRC. I am in a great number of channels on the Esper IRC Network, the main ones being #aaomidi, #DeityHosting, #bukkitdev (sometimes). If you can find me on there, send me a message rather than filling channels with non-channel-relevant information. If I am listed as aaomdi|Alienor on a mobile device, I won't be able to help.
    4. I left this until last because not many people want to do this. Leave a ticket. I have enabled the ticket system (I hope) so that people can report their issues there. There is a format to the tickets I believe, so make sure you fill out the ticket accurately. To make the tickets please use this link For now i am using All Rights Reserved maybe in the future ill make it public domain. and that is a maybe.
    Upcoming Features

    I dunno you tell me.
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    MinopolisMc likes this.
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    I love it :)

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