[ADMIN/CHAT/MEC/RPG] VariableTriggers v1.2.6- Triggers w/scripts & Dynamic Variables [1.5.1-R0.1]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by LexLaiden, Jun 2, 2012.

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    I'm still debating whether to add @LOOPS to scripts.

    I have wanted to put them in but I am not sure most people would use them wiseley. It is aconsern of mine that some people may unintituanaly create infanite loops and or crate them on purpouse and put to much inside the loops and overload the server.

    I'll take any thoughts on this.
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    It's up to you, but i would use them on my chimneys XD

    ...still hoping for that arg fix on commands XP
  4. Offline


    I think you have to think of the 2 sides of what it means if you add @LOOPs
    1. People who know how to use them will be appreciative and make great use of them
    2. People who dont will mess up their server big time and blame you because they are ignorant, or spam the forums/ticket section with issues that ultimately just end up being their poor scripting and understanding
  5. Offline


    2) Thats part of my hesitation in adding @LOOP
  6. Offline


    cool but complicated :) nice work!
  7. Offline



    It's not realy complicated its just knowing the script commands and syntax
  8. Offline


    I was reading through the documents page and is there a variable so that it only triggers once? I could set it up so that each time it triggers it will count how many times it's triggered and then if it reaches a value have it end the event, but is there something to actually do that with out having to add an else if and a count?

    Also is there a way to remove triggers? If i set a walk trigger and remove the block it can still be triggered, do i have to go into the yml and remove it or what? like if i want something to run once then delete itself, or if i make a mistake and want to delete a trigger basically.
  9. Offline


    1) You use the @IF and $Obj.Vars to have complete control over what happens or does not happen that is the power of VT. Surely your not squemish of adding an @IF test to decide if trigger should run or not?

    2) /vtwalkremove - then click the walk trigger to remove. This will manually remove a walk trigger. Triggers cannot delet them selves but you could do
    @IF b $<this>.hasrun = false
    @SETBOOL $<this>.hasrun true
    // put the rest of your script commands after these lines

    the trigger will run the first time and never run again. If you want it to be player spacific then do
    @IF b $<this>.<playername>hasrun = false
    @SETBOOL $<this>.<playername>hasrun true

    it will only run once for each player
  10. Offline


    Thanks for your help, I'm just learning all of your syntex and didn't wanna write a bunch of things if you already had variables for them. I see that you have sounds also, is there any way for this plugin to retrieve a custom sound? Also is there any way for you to have a permission that allows player to activate commands through VT even if they don't have permissions? (don't want people williy nilly using the commands but if it's controlled that would be really cool). (found it, you think of everything) I'm using this for my adventure map, i'm like 50% done with it but after finding this plugin i'm now 1% done with it because i have to add so much more, the plugin is just amazing. I have one idea now where they walk in a room and all the lights go out and it spawn mobs, or they an be sneaky and get past some skeletons and what not, just a lot of cool features :).

    EDIT- lmao i just realized i could have it so npcs with quests who haven't been talked to can have a golden block exclamation mark following them/over them xDDDD
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  12. Offline


    It was released yesterday an I can't tell you enough of the dangers of using loop inappropriately.
  13. Offline


  14. Offline


    love the plugin ;-)
  15. Offline


    I remember seeing something about using this with citizens plugin but i can't seem to find it now. I'm tryting to track there death and i can't remember where i read it was possible.
  16. Offline


    If you mean track the players death then use PlayerDeath event trigger

    /vtevent PlayerDeath //put a command to do here
    /vtevent PlayerDeath //add more commands

    Whenever a player dies the PlayerDeath trigger is activated and will do whatever @commands you have added to the trigger.

    Here is a link to a script a user posted to track mob deaths and give rewards. It'll give you a start in the right direction. But remember this script example is attached to the EntityDeath event to track mods killed by players You want to use the PlayerDeath event trigger.

    Hope this helps.
  17. Offline


    I believe he meant a citizens death.
  18. Offline


    In that case yes you can interact with NPC's or do something when tthey die. if i remember correctly they are cast as Player so you may be able to use the PlayerDeath if not then possibly the Entity death I havent played around with NPC much. only with the Interact event. (when you left click on an NPC)
    So you'll have to play with it.
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  20. Offline


    Just released a new plugin SocketCraft to allow Web access to server. I plan at some point in the near future to allow direct access to VariableTriggers Object.Variable data through this plugin also.
  21. Offline


    Also ExpLevel. although it was already on the dev site I hadn't put a page here on forum
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    Just uploaded v1.1.8
  23. Offline


    Don't forget that if you can't find a built in script command to do something, then you can always use @CMDOP or @CMDCON to run any /command of ANY other plugin from inside your script.
  24. Offline


    This comming weekend 9/22/2012 I am going to pick two of the features from our vote page and add them to VariableTriggers. I will pick the two with the highest percentage complete. This does not include any that have 100% they will get added regardless. Keep in mind you can change the amount of votes to 1 vote at a time.

  25. Offline


    OK @BREAKLOOP and <var:$obj.var> are the two features that won the percentage vote and are being added now.

    I just did a tutorial on creating a Command trigger

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 26, 2016
  26. Offline


    v1.1.9 has just been uploaded.

    This gives us the @BREAKLOOP and <var:$obj.var> features.
  27. Offline


    Just uploaded v1.2.0
  28. Offline


    Thanks a lot for that great plugin - i totally love it. I'm using it for different purposes yet but still trying to fix another issue with it. I'm trying to use differnt triggers to replace a text on a sign that is used to set properties on a train using TrainCarts (which itself uses signs to control trains).

    Do you see any possibility to do that from variable triggers? Is there any way to replace text on a sign using triggers?
  29. Offline


    You use the Script command @SIGNTEXT to do this. Read the Documentation for script command at

    and all the documentation here http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/variabletriggers/pages/docs/
  30. Offline


    oh i totally missed @SIGNTEXT in the Docs... thanks for hinting :)

    Is there a way to store a blocks location in a $Obj.var? I want to easily store a blocks location for later reference and it would be good if i'd had the choice to click the block with the wand instead of storing the one i'm standing one.

    Any way to debug variable clicks? I used @SETSIGN which basically seems to work but often it doesn't - really strange behaviour. Do i have to enclose Text in brackets, quotes or something?

    edit: is there probably something like a default value for cooldown? I got 3 variableclicks setup to change one signs text depending on where you click. This works once and then doesn't and it seems to work again after a while.

    There's only one action per vc and it looks like this:

        CoolDown: 0
        - '@SIGNTEXT -130,66,179 4 TwinTowers'
        CoolDown: 0
        - '@SIGNTEXT -130,66,179 4 Ausblick 1'
        CoolDown: 0
        - '@SIGNTEXT -130,66,179 4 Ausblick 2'
    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 26, 2016

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