[Adjective]Combat (Tweaks to base 1.7.* Combat)

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Dark_Serpent, Jun 30, 2016.

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    Plugin category: Mechanics

    Suggested name: [Adjective]Combat

    What I want: I would like combat enhancing modifications in the form of a plugin for Minecraft 1.7.10.

    When blocking with a sword, the sound "ANVIL_LAND" will be played along with the effect "flame" around the player (The sound will have a 5 tick delay until it can be played again to avoid over lapping), announcing to the player who blocked:

    "&9&lDamage Blocked: &e$percent"

    While to the player who attacked:

    "&eYour attack was blocked!".

    An attack that is blocked will cause no knock back to the player who blocked, or rather, a small amount (moving velocity of 0.13).

    Edit: It will also do reduced damage, up to 85% of all damage negated, but on each successful block, reducing the damage nullified by 5%, up until 70%, where all subsequent hits will be reduced by 50%. You can reset this by simply stopping to block for a moment. Ceasing blocking for 3 seconds will allow you to block the next attack at full strength.

    When you are hit with an attack that does 5 damage or more, you will begin to bleed.

    A "bleed" effect will play (Accomplished with the block ID 55 "Redstone Wire") with you taking damage consistently every 60 ticks (Akin to being on fire), dealing a heart of damage for twenty seconds, when the effect begins, the chat will comment that "&cYou are bleeding!" once.

    This effect can be stopped by right clicked with a piece of paper. When stopped through waiting or using a piece of paper, the chat will tell you "&aYou have stopped bleeding!".

    Swinging and right clicking will be combated (pun intended) by causing two hearts of damage and announcing "&cYou hit yourself with your own sword!". To cause this, a player must swing his/her sword and block within 30 milliseconds.

    When I'd like it by: Whenever possible! Thank you to anyone who picks this up! :D

    Additional Notes: This plugin must be compatible for 1.7.10!

    EDIT 1: Apparently my first changes didn't save. I re-typed everything out as quickly as possible, so if you saw this as a blank message, my apologies!

    EDIT 2: Made some technical changes.
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2016
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