Solved Adding Permissions

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by PeterXonwiiXx, Oct 30, 2015.

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  1. im making a Dubble Jump thingie and i now want to add perms to it but doesnt really work great....

    here is the code
  2. @PeterXonwiiXx
    Looking at your code, it seems that you haven't even tried anything yet.
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    } else {
      player.sendmessage("You have no permission!")
    Zombie_Striker likes this.
  4. @N0neoFtheLess where do i have to put that between?

    @Assist yes i did but it gave me the biggest error so i removed it...xD
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    @PeterXonwiiXx So, let me show you an example:
    player.sendMessage("Awe, seems like you can't fly!")
    This is basically what @N0neoFtheLess said but I put the method in
  6. @Binner_Done i get it,imma try now,thanks anyways

    @Assist i tried some thing but nothing works,can you tell me or paste the perm in my pastebin? because doesnt work if i do it :-(

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 31, 2015
  7. @PeterXonwiiXx
    Can you show your current code (with the permission in the code), so we can see what's wrong?
  8. @Assist thats the problem,the permission and nothing is gonna work if i add it,just nothing,it will ignore the fuction of code is on top
  9. @PeterXonwiiXx
    Like I said in my first post, your code here does not have a permission check. I want to see what you've tried so I can try to explain why it doesn't work.
  10. @PeterXonwiiXx
    And what is the problem? What are you trying to achieve (or prevent)? You want to cancel the event if the player does not have the permission and/or their gamemode is creative?
  11. @Assist if the player has creative it will cancel(That works) BUT i also want it cancelled if the player does NOT have permission..and if the player DO have perms then it will just do the fuction.... the event/fuction i made is a dubble jump..... Time and Message are Changeable in the config and that already works ...hope this will explain what it does
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    Is the permission registered in the plugin.yml?
            description: Test.
            default: op
  13. @Assist this works but not 100% i cancel the dubblejump but i now gives the player the ablity to fly.... :/

    nvm,i just fixed the problem,i disabled allowfly to another part of this function and it works 100% now,Thanks that you took the time to help me,,,SOLVED

    @DeJay007 no it isnt but it works fine,maybe i will add it but i never register perms in plugin.yml ;p

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 31, 2015
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