Adding a command without putting CB in the build path and casting to CraftServer

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by hakelimopu, Oct 11, 2012.

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    I have found the following will work to register a command not in my plugin.yml:

    (Note: MyDerivedCommand is a subclass of Command)
    private void hookCommand() {
        if(Bukkit.getServer() instanceof CraftServer){
            CraftServer theServer = (CraftServer)Bukkit.getServer();
            CommandMap theCommandMap = theServer.getCommandMap();
            theCommandMap.register("nameOfCommand", new MyDerivedCommand());
    However, this requires that I put CB itself into the build path... a move that I do not like making if I don't have to.

    So, to the question.

    WITHOUT adding CB to the build path(so that Bukkit itself is the only reference needed), and subsequently casting the server to a CraftServer in order to get to the command map, how can I register a command? Or, is hacking into CB like the above the only way?
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    Ammar Askar

    Hacking/casting down into craftbukkit classes is the only way to do this at the moment, dynamic command registration doesn't exist in the bukkit api as of yet.
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    Why not just add CB to the build path?
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