Solved add item

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by morha13, Jul 5, 2013.

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    how can i give player potion?
    like stone and grass....

    i have tried that:
    1. ItemStack po = new ItemStack(Material.SPEED);

    thank you!
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    morha13 To give a player a potion you need to have the id and it's data value attached. The ItemStack constructor takes 3 arguments to make it possible: Material, amount, data
    Here is an example of making an ItemStack to spawn a speed potion,
    ItemStack is = new ItemStack(Material.getMaterial(373), 1, (short)8194);
    373 is the id of the water bottle(you can use the enum instead if you want) and 8194 is the data attached for the speed potion(you can look at a id list and see the numbers after the : are 8194 for the speed potion)
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    Thank You!!!
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