Add 60 tick delay between sending list of hard coded messages????

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by ice374, Dec 1, 2013.

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    So, I am having trouble thinking up how to make a delay in between sending a user messages, It would be cool if i could just keep calling the task will different string, and it adds those strings to a list of strings to play when it gets to it (after playing all the messages, and all the 30tick breaks before it).
    I CANNOT use Thread.sleep(); , that will stop the whole plugin :/
    Here is the method that I am using, but I am failing pretty hard, and cant think of a way to make it work properly, ALL help is greatly appreciated :)
    publicstaticvoid speakBegin(finalPlayer p){finalint messageNumber =0;String string1 ="Hey, user! this is message 1!";//30 tick breakString string2 ="msg 2";//30 tick breakString string3 ="msg 3";//30 tick breakString string4 ="msg 4";//30 tick breakString string5 ="msg 5";//30 tick breakString string6 ="msg 6";//30 tick breakString string7 ="msg 7";//30 tick breakString string8 ="msg 8";//30 tick breakString string9 ="msg 9";//30 tick breakString string10 ="this is the final message, user!";//30 tick breakfinalint id = plugin.getServer().getScheduler().runTaskTimer(plugin,newRunnable(){publicvoid run(){//Send user string1, then wait 60 ticks and send string2, ect. ect./* * eg: * p.sendMessage(string + messageNumber); * * <-----I dont know how to do this bit so it plays string1, * then wait, add int to messageNumber, * then play string2 because 'string' + messageNumber would equal 'string2' * *///messageNumber++; ?//after string10 is played call "plugin.getScheduler().cancelTasks(plugin);"}//this just waits 20ticks in beginning, then waits 60 tick between messages},20L,60L).getTaskId();}
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    The hell is that giant block of code? Why don't you paste it in as code instead of a giant block of text? It's impossible to read

    Oh and the answer to your question is just to create a repeating task and have it countdown and when it hits 0 have it send another message.
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    oops, copied my question from stackoverflow, apparntly bukkit .org doesnt support that formatting
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    Haha, no problem. Just wondering why you pasted it like that.
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