Solved Achivements

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by CaptainBern, May 5, 2013.

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  1. Hi, I know it will probably not possible because it has never been done before but when I was browsing trough the nms code I found out this:
    package net.minecraft.server;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.List;
    public class AchievementList {
        public static int a;
        public static int b;
        public static int c;
        public static int d;
        public static List e = new ArrayList();
        public static Achievement f = (new Achievement(0, "openInventory", 0, 0, Item.BOOK, (Achievement) null)).a().c();
        public static Achievement g = (new Achievement(1, "mineWood", 2, 1, Block.LOG, f)).c();
        public static Achievement h = (new Achievement(2, "buildWorkBench", 4, -1, Block.WORKBENCH, g)).c();
        public static Achievement i = (new Achievement(3, "buildPickaxe", 4, 2, Item.WOOD_PICKAXE, h)).c();
        public static Achievement j = (new Achievement(4, "buildFurnace", 3, 4, Block.FURNACE, i)).c();
        public static Achievement k = (new Achievement(5, "acquireIron", 1, 4, Item.IRON_INGOT, j)).c();
        public static Achievement l = (new Achievement(6, "buildHoe", 2, -3, Item.WOOD_HOE, h)).c();
        public static Achievement m = (new Achievement(7, "makeBread", -1, -3, Item.BREAD, l)).c();
        public static Achievement n = (new Achievement(8, "bakeCake", 0, -5, Item.CAKE, l)).c();
        public static Achievement o = (new Achievement(9, "buildBetterPickaxe", 6, 2, Item.STONE_PICKAXE, i)).c();
        public static Achievement p = (new Achievement(10, "cookFish", 2, 6, Item.COOKED_FISH, j)).c();
        public static Achievement q = (new Achievement(11, "onARail", 2, 3, Block.RAILS, k)).b().c();
        public static Achievement r = (new Achievement(12, "buildSword", 6, -1, Item.WOOD_SWORD, h)).c();
        public static Achievement s = (new Achievement(13, "killEnemy", 8, -1, Item.BONE, r)).c();
        public static Achievement t = (new Achievement(14, "killCow", 7, -3, Item.LEATHER, r)).c();
        public static Achievement u = (new Achievement(15, "flyPig", 8, -4, Item.SADDLE, t)).b().c();
        public static Achievement v = (new Achievement(16, "snipeSkeleton", 7, 0, Item.BOW, s)).b().c();
        public static Achievement w = (new Achievement(17, "diamonds", -1, 5, Item.DIAMOND, k)).c();
        public static Achievement x = (new Achievement(18, "portal", -1, 7, Block.OBSIDIAN, w)).c();
        public static Achievement y = (new Achievement(19, "ghast", -4, 8, Item.GHAST_TEAR, x)).b().c();
        public static Achievement z = (new Achievement(20, "blazeRod", 0, 9, Item.BLAZE_ROD, x)).c();
        public static Achievement A = (new Achievement(21, "potion", 2, 8, Item.POTION, z)).c();
        public static Achievement B = (new Achievement(22, "theEnd", 3, 10, Item.EYE_OF_ENDER, z)).b().c();
        public static Achievement C = (new Achievement(23, "theEnd2", 4, 13, Block.DRAGON_EGG, B)).b().c();
        public static Achievement D = (new Achievement(24, "enchantments", -4, 4, Block.ENCHANTMENT_TABLE, w)).c();
        public static Achievement E = (new Achievement(25, "overkill", -4, 1, Item.DIAMOND_SWORD, D)).b().c();
        public static Achievement F = (new Achievement(26, "bookcase", -3, 6, Block.BOOKSHELF, D)).c();
        public static void a() {}
        static {
            System.out.println(e.size() + " achievements");
    What my question is: is it possible to add achivements to the game using reflection and adding your own? (Sorry I don't have time to test it)

    Oh nvm, not possible, like I tought..

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 1, 2016
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