Absolute Food Control

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by IdealIdeas, Mar 16, 2013.

  1. Offline


    What it does:
    - Gives a config list that allows the owner to set how much hunger and health is restored from eating a piece of food. Example, Set steak to heal 2 heart points (1 full heart), and restore 4 hunger points (2 hunger pieces)

    - Allows owner to set a chance that eating a specific food will grant a potion bonus and how long it will last. Example, eating a cookie would have a 10% chance to give 10 seconds of swiftness.

    - Add the ability to set Full Course Combos. When a player eats a specific list of food they will be granted with a Full Course Combo which would slow the rate at which hunger drops for a specific amount of time.
  2. Offline


    Afaik there are no events that fire when a player consumes food.
  3. Offline


    Or there wasn't last time ya' checked ;)


    I'd check out the plugin 'Nom'!
    Zarius and chasechocolate like this.
  4. Offline


    Want?! Can't believe I missed this! How long has it been out?
  5. Offline


    Not long at all! I only noticed it because I saw it floating around in the Twitter feed, the only time I've ever checked it :D
  6. Offline


    Cool, so is my plugin idea possible and does it look interesting to do?
  7. Offline


    Hmm, no word of anything :/
  8. Offline


    MrBluebear3 Cool, I've been keeping an eye out for that event :D


    OtherDrops latest dev build (#57) will have this option and you should be able to do at least two parts of your request, eg:

        - action: eat
          tool: apple
          potioneffect: [speed@200@5, jump@200@5]
        - action: eat
          tool: steak
          damage.attacker: -2  # heals two points (1 heart)

    Can't yet do hunger, but that's planned.
  9. Offline


    Cool, but the food combo bonus is what really makes it all interesting.

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