Plugin Request About Teleportation

Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by ArtHD, Jan 15, 2016.

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    I want a plugin that dont need /warp command. Instead of /warp pvp I want /pvp, /warp mine I want mine. Just like that hope you help me Thanks :D
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    where I will put that code ?
    can you give me pastebin with that code
    my warps are /warp pvp,shop,mine,vipmine can you change it to /pvp, /shop, /mine, /vipmine because I dont know where I will edit the aliases of warps. Thanks
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2016
  4. Offline


    like he said, download the plugin(not a code) go into the config and put that what he said there.
    oceantheskatr likes this.
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    Download the plugin BetterAlias, and put the contents of the codebox in the config. You can see how it's set up, so you can make the rest yourself.
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