I would like to request a simple currency plugin much like the core iConomy money part but not with all commands as /money command player amount but with commands like "/money" to see how much you have "/pay player amount" to pay a player and with a lottery that would be "/lottery enter amount" so you would enter a certain amount of money and if you are lucky and depending on the amount you enter you can win money And the last feature would be per 24 hour amounts of money given to players that would default to 75 per 24 hours Thanks for reading this
iConomy could do it all and with a command alias plugin you could make a /pay command. Anyways too many economy systems make it really hard to make plugins that extend the economy.
Well I use "The New Economy" in my server. I like it better because it has areas,shops and banking all in one and you don't need to download 4 different plugins.
I'm going to port TNE as soon as I can. I like that bukkit will be more actively maintained and give me even greater flexibility so hopefully I can bring everything to the table this time and not skimp on any features that people want that I couldn't fully realize with hmod.
@rmb938 I don't think single combined systems work all that great. @Noobaholic I hope someone can just make a single economy system or something. Being fragmented on this will just be problematic in the future.
Well can you give me a reason onto why you don't think its not the great? Just trying to see your point of view because other addons will still be able to work off of it if you code it right.
TNE and iConomy are great but if your making a plugin that needs to use economy features you have to compensate at a code level for both of them. Having a system core system for the money would be awesome.
If you are going use this thread to rant, not to help me, then that is a bit annoying and pointless. All i am looking for is the basic iConomy /money commands with the ability to give a defined amount of moey to each player every 24 hours automatically.
Well, I'm sure someone could cook something up. Also, I'm not ranting or even angry Anything is possible and in the end I customize everything I use at the code level.
lol, its ok, i wouldn't have minded if i had recieved some help but oh well, these things happen --- merged: Jan 2, 2011 8:47 PM --- oh and a core money system built into the actual mod would be pretty cool, as long as it was only the basic commands but with a plugin made by the developers that added the ability to do shops like the main iConomy stuff, that would be pretty cool
Maybe economy plugin developers can use the upcoming plugin inter-communication system in bukkit and develop a standard to manage the basic money.
I posted a sggestion in the actual mod suggestions about what i just said, i think it would be quite a good idea and could maybe be disabled in the mod properties
Just putting in my two cents here but I would like to see the basics of economy built into the core, I know they are trying to keep bukkit light and flexible but just a simple tracking of currency, one or two commands and some plugin hooks. That way TNE and iConomy can work on the same currency, using the same hooks while being still being seperate and without interfering with each other. It would also allow other plugin devs to work with the same currency system without having to have TNE or iComomy dependence and, again, wouldn't inerfere with others.
Rather than building it into the core it would be better to have it as a plugin that gets used by the larger economy plugins.
I'd just like to know if it is possible to make a currency plugin that allows you to automatically give day by day amounts to players.
That would work too. Infact, I think i might just go and make such a thing. That'd be really easy, just something to read the chosen economy file/SQL and add the ammount. Could even make it work if the player wasn't online at the time.
That would be nice, would you be able to do it with the base iConomy /money stuff and then upload it as an iConomy plugin? --- merged: Jan 3, 2011 12:59 PM --- Well not plugin an edit
I supose I could give it a go. Although eventually, once I'm done with the BaseEcon plugin then this time increment one will be a plugin of that.
iConomy already serves the issues brought up here. It is a CORE, the entire reason I made it separate from the other features; It its completely a modular plugin that will allow other plugins to integrate into it without having to code tons of pieces. Economy shouldn't be built into the core of a server it should be stand-alone.